Tsuji Riken Hair Primordiums - Final 20 Questions


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First of all, you must considere that Tsuji treatment will not be available for vast majority of people in the first decade. Only rich and celebrities will be on the list. This technique over time will be refined and perfected to the point where most physicians can perform without any problems, but it will take a decade or two.


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This technique over time will be refined and perfected to the point where most physicians can perform without any problems, but it will take a decade or two

Yeah, maybe three, four decades... even five


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First of all, you must considere that Tsuji treatment will not be available for vast majority of people in the first decade. Only rich and celebrities will be on the list. This technique over time will be refined and perfected to the point where most physicians can perform without any problems, but it will take a decade or two.

If this is true then its very sad :(


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there is a big electronics company working on commercialization right?
Plus they are Japanese , the most efficient race in the world.
If this works it will be available soon enough I think.


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It is not true. Don't worry about that.
Couple of doctors did first heart transplant 50-60 years ago, but good part of doctors still can’t perform heart transplants. It is not easy like we think. And we don’t know if Tsuji/Riken will sell his technique to other doctors and clinics all over the world.


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It is not true. Don't worry about that.

Thanks bro. I am currently a student and I have work my *** off for this and I am ready to do it. I just hope this doesn't go into celebrity kind of money else I will have sit and rub my bald head (hopefully won't get there) until they release it for common people with average to high income people.


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First of all, you must considere that Tsuji treatment will not be available for vast majority of people in the first decade. Only rich and celebrities will be on the list. This technique over time will be refined and perfected to the point where most physicians can perform without any problems, but it will take a decade or two.

think of a string of assumptions (not to say bs) and deliver them as an elaborated truth. nice style, but still just bs.


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Thanks bro. I am currently a student and I have work my *** off for this and I am ready to do it. I just hope this doesn't go into celebrity kind of money else I will have sit and rub my bald head (hopefully won't get there) until they release it for common people with average to high income people.
Imagine all the angry baldies rioting at Rikens front door. It won't happen.


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guys let's start working our asses off so that we can go to Japan and get this done.
The pain is almost over for us.


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If none of Histogen, Replicel,Tsuji,Brotzu or JAK stuff work I am joining sly bald guys forum :) :)


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First of all, you must considere that Tsuji treatment will not be available for vast majority of people in the first decade. Only rich and celebrities will be on the list. This technique over time will be refined and perfected to the point where most physicians can perform without any problems, but it will take a decade or two.

Why do people like you make comments like this? I mean honestly what grounds do you make this statement on?


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Why do people like you make comments like this? I mean honestly what grounds do you make this statement on?
I guess some people are just afraid to be happy


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yes this is a joke. The guy is probably Nw9 or something so very sad inside.
No. If he was a NW9, then he would be extra - happy that in ten years he could go back to NW1 at whatever cost.
I have a feeling, on the contrary, that those who think the wait is too long (without knowing how long they should wait) don't really know what it means to suffer from baldness. Otherwise they would be happy to even live just one year of their remaining life without this curse. YMMV based on your age.

Hangin'on Hair

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How much do you estimate this procedure would cost?
I think it's gonna be very, very expensive.
There's probably gonna be a lot of people going into bankruptcy to get this done.
Next, you're going to see a lot of former baldies living in cardboard boxes.


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Why do people like you make comments like this? I mean honestly what grounds do you make this statement on?

As I have said, hair transplant shills. I can't think of anyone who wants this to fail. All NW1~NW7 baldies would be extremely excited about this news. So who will have a loss if Histogen, Replicel and Tsuji succeed in regrowing at least 2~3 norwood? hair transplant surgeon. If you go to another hair loss forum Bxx you will have an idea of how many hair transplant shill in our hair loss forums.


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You guys, despite what God you believe in, lets just have everyone say a prayer to Tsuji tonight and in that prayer be super thankful. I mean it. Lets guide the energy of the universe towards the solution of this unbearable curse.