Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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CPA is not good....
My hair was thinner during cpa threatment

The best way is in my case only E2 gel and P4 sublingally+iodine and selen for thyreoid gland support...only thats it

My hair is growing much longer and have more density now and i am healthy....
but cpa and finasteride helped you to regain ur thin vertex back right?? or am i wrong??


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Definitely. I continue.
I've gone from NW3 to NW2 only on finasteride but I will consider all options, including RU.

You are the only one I see recently that mentioned HRT and you're at NW0, which is the aspirational goal, but I saw your post about your side effects and feminization, how you said HRT "disfigured your body and face" and it seems like a last resort option, I'm not sure what your dosages are, but you speak as if the changes are irreversible. I would worry that might cause identity issues if I ever went down that route.

I understand you moved on @Almas_NW0 and am pleased you got what you wanted, but what was your routine/journey up to this point?
That is what I wanted to know, if it's not too private.


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I've gone from NW3 to NW2 only on finasteride but I will consider all options, including RU.

You are the only one I see recently that mentioned HRT and you're at NW0, which is the aspirational goal, but I saw your post about your side effects and feminization, how you said HRT "disfigured your body and face" and it seems like a last resort option, I'm not sure what your dosages are, but you speak as if the changes are irreversible. I would worry that might cause identity issues if I ever went down that route.

I understand you moved on @Almas_NW0 and am pleased you got what you wanted, but what was your routine/journey up to this point?
That is what I wanted to know, if it's not too private.
My face has become better, no problems with identification.
I take 10 mg estradiol enanthate once every 2 weeks. + Bicalutamide 50 mg/3 times a week to reduce oily skin.

The only unpleasant side effect of HRT is an increase in fat mass on the thighs, but this is not critical and is a small price to pay for hair.
How old are you? Do you use Min?

I'm working on creating my own thread that will include my full story, all my views, and answers to questions that newbies might have.


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How to take progesterone, tablets or injectable?
Beware of progesterone because sometimes it might work in reverse and increase DHT through the Backdoor pathways. If you are happen to be such a case, for example. There are some posts on Dr. Powers subreddit mentioning this, etc.


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My face has become better, no problems with identification.
I take 10 mg estradiol enanthate once every 2 weeks. + Bicalutamide 50 mg/3 times a week to reduce oily skin.

While you were away, I briefly switched from estradiol cypoinate to estradiol enanthate based on an unfortunate 4chan recommendation and it completely fucked my sh*t up. Skin went to sh*t, hair shedding and thinning like crazy, face reverting back to pre-HRT status (unfavorable).

Now, being a couple months back on cypionate, I am still battling with these problems somewhat, but my hair looks way better/thicker, shedding slowed, skin is clearing up, more confident in face. Not suggesting that you should personally change your regimen, but my experiment in particular made it clear to me that cypionate is superior.

I am glad to hear that you haven't stopped E or tried introducing testosterone and that you are getting more confident with your hair.


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While you were away, I briefly switched from estradiol cypoinate to estradiol enanthate based on an unfortunate 4chan recommendation and it completely fucked my sh*t up. Skin went to sh*t, hair shedding and thinning like crazy, face reverting back to pre-HRT status (unfavorable).

Now, being a couple months back on cypionate, I am still battling with these problems somewhat, but my hair looks way better/thicker, shedding slowed, skin is clearing up, more confident in face. Not suggesting that you should personally change your regimen, but my experiment in particular made it clear to me that cypionate is superior.

I am glad to hear that you haven't stopped E or tried introducing testosterone and that you are getting more confident with your hair.
Have you had your levels tested? I think it doesn't matter what form of E you take as long as your levels are fine.


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Im on hrt for 10 month now, but was using min before and continue, is it safe to drop min and dont lose gains?


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no finasteride or dutasteride since the last time we spoke??Do you use them?? will you ever use them again?? Thanks in advance hair god mike

Only E2 Gel under a foil and P4 capsule each evening sublingually.
Sometimes 1mg DHEA cream. Minoxidil oral or topical. Some Vitamins capsule....

My DHT is 80 pg/ml
T is 230 pg/ml
E2 249 pg/ml
P4 19 ng/ml

No hairloss. No thinning. Nothing.

Hairline seems NW0 round or undefined...

But i had a forehead recontouring type 3 during a ffs with a small strip was removed from my forehead skin.. before hairline Starts.


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Only E2 Gel under a foil and P4 capsule each evening sublingually.
Sometimes 1mg DHEA cream. Minoxidil oral or topical. Some Vitamins capsule....

My DHT is 80 pg/ml
T is 230 pg/ml
E2 249 pg/ml
P4 19 ng/ml

No hairloss. No thinning. Nothing.

Hairline seems NW0 round or undefined...

But i had a forehead recontouring type 3 during a ffs with a small strip was removed from my forehead skin.. before hairline Starts.

You are very lucky. I have even lower DHT same T and higher e2 and my hair is still miniaturizing.