Recent content by teeth_of_lions

  1. T

    Hairline lowering,to reduce large forehead ( obviously off putting )

    To lower it an inch is insane, but perhaps if you're maintaining well on meds and your genetics aren't too agressive you could lower maybe half an inch, max. Though I'm just speculating, don't know what (legit) surgeons would say.
  2. T

    I started finasteride today

    I am on finasteride for 4 weeks today, and I immediately had disrupted sleep as well. It´s slowly improving, so hang in there.
  3. T

    Shedding on spironolactone, dutasteride, minoxidil- question-

    Wow, that is a heavy regime. What Norwood are you?
  4. T

    How many of you are white and bald out of the posters here?

    Agreed wholeheartedly. Hair systems can be perfectly fine (sometimes temporary) solutions. I still don't get why guys who just had a transplant don't just wear a system for a while. Maybe I am making a fallacy but I just don't see any reason why.
  5. T

    Finasteride and sleep

    Good to read your sleep is improving, and thanks, I will be patient and keeping my fingers crossed. Yeah I have no difficulty falling asleep either it's just the interruptions. But reading you guys' posts I guess it's all just a matter of being patient.
  6. T

    Finasteride and sleep

    2 months after you quit or resumed it? I have no anxiety issues whatsoever and falling asleep isn't the problem for me, it's just that I constantly wake up after every 2 hours.
  7. T

    Finasteride and sleep

    I am not 100% sure if this sleep thing is a finasteride side effect or just plain messing up my sleep from partying too hard last weekend, maybe a combination of both. It seems like a real side effect though, and I guess only time will tell. It's hard to draw the line between what really is a...
  8. T

    Finasteride and sleep

    Thank you, please keep me updated and good luck to you as well. You were on finasteride for over 13 years? What made you quit?
  9. T

    Every other day dosing

    What side effects did you have? I have been dosing EOD and have had no side effects except a disrupted sleep pattern.
  10. T

    Finasteride and sleep

    So it's been more than a week now that I have been trying finasteride (0.5 mg EOD) and everything is going fantastic but.... my sleep cycle seems to be very interrupted and I wake up after about 1 or 2 hours of sleep albeit falling in sleep again quickly thereafter. Has anybody had this...
  11. T

    Starting out with dutasteride?

    Thank you all for the replies. Yeah, I guess I am being way too hasty so I will start out with finasteride. @David, I have tried pretty much every topical there is. Salicylic acid was very effective in the beginning but wore off unfortunately. The thing is, topicals don't fight the root cause of acne...
  12. T

    Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!

    It's like you had an amazingly succesful hair transplant, but with natural density. Incredible, very happy for you.
  13. T

    Starting out with dutasteride?

    Well thank you, but I wonder if you read my post at all. I do know that 'should I start dutasteride before finasteride?' initially sounds like a stupid question but just bear with me on the theory I provided.
  14. T

    Starting out with dutasteride?

    So now that I have decided to try out an anti-androgen within the next few weeks I have been wondering if in my case it would be wise to start out with dutasteride. Why? I do not have very aggressive hair loss, only a receding (albeit slowly, for now) hairline. Norwood 2.5. However, I have oily skin...