NW3 at 25 - Just started the fight with hair transplant and Propecia (pics inside)


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Hi everybody.
Being grateful for all the resources online I want to contribute by posting and updating my story - no matter how it goes.

I am currently a Norwood 3 with some diffuse thinning all over the top. Always had a very high hairline and wore my hair down, which is why I never paid much attention to the fact that I was receding at the temples. The hair on the top of my had has also started getting thinner so it seems like I am sensitive over the whole top of my head and could be facing a bold future.

I've been researching and reading for ages as most of us do when we realize we are in a loosing battle and need to identify the enemy. Looking back, I guess I have always been balding slowly. Extremely slowly. Never feel like I have ever shedded a hair in my life, and still to this day can ever pull out hair when I try. However, my hair loss has taken on the all to familiar pattern of male pattern baldness. Because of lacking family history I never realized what I was up against before lately. I am really grateful for the information that has been available online and I am making this thread to give back, and to let you know my history and how it goes.

Looking back, this has been the reason why my hair early on became so hard to style - slightly receded temples at age 19, but generally thick hair and lots of it. At age 23 it started becoming more evident to me that my hair was a bit ****, and a few comments made me realize that its actually really not as thick as before.

At age 24
, knowing that the medication is a life long commitment and still being half in denial (dont understand how), I was still waiting for irrefutable evidence that my hair was indeed thinning. All the whining about these dreaded sexual side effects also caused me to hold of for a while longer, until I read the studies and compared it to for example the medication I take for ADD, and realized that there isn't to much difference and that in any case it will go away when I stop the medicine. Please don't tell me about the ever lasting side effects some people have gotten, I have a bigger chance of getting in a car accident tomorrow. The fact that like 2% of the placebo group also reported sexual side effects says quite a bit about the nature of this problem. I say this in hopes that somebody else reading wont spend as much time delaying a decision while loosing the battle against male pattern baldness.

Btw, has anybody done a study on the correlation between going bald and sexual dysfunction? I think there would be quite a high correlation there as well.

I had a free gene test done before I turned 25 in the clinic where I would eventually have my hair transplant, it was called something like "5 gene test". Basically I had the gene that makes my hair sensitive to DHT. I had low cortisol levels, which I found a surprise because the last few years had been rough for different reasons. Despite having the gene, my testosterone was not very high (medium) and the rate at which it was converted to DHT was apparently in medium range as well, which was supposed to mitigate the speed of which DHT would destroy my follicles and my life. It also showed me amounts of minerals, heavy metals, calcium, etc, that were of the charts and made me think that something is seriously wrong. I spent a lot of time googling this, but basically, mineral tests of hair is still "fringe science". According to the hair test I am high on chromium. And my calcium levels in comparison to some other things were very off the charts. Back in my North European home country I had a blood check of vitamins and found out I was low on vitamin D, which regulated calcium to some degree. Apart from that I dont know how to interpret the rest of the findings, and the doctors at the clinic didn't mention that part of the result. It was more like an additional thing for my own use. I will take away sensitive information and post the whole thing here.

At age 25 I smartened up and started taking propecia. Have taken it for 50 days now and not noticed any side effects at all. Started using minoxidil spray lately as well and was surprised how easy it is to apply, and now that I have come to terms with the fact that I have male pattern baldness, doing that routine every morning and evening is no problem is as easy as applying skin cream or brushing my teeth really.

I also attacked it full on with a FUE Hair Transplant, 3000 grafts, for which I payed 2500$, to fill in the temples. I would of done it earlier but my life was bit of a mess, but now I'm in school again and get my student grant. I live in an Asian country and was scared about the quality of the hair transplant. However, after visiting several times I felt and do feel quite secure that they are in fact extremely professional. The thing that bothered me the most though, was that they did not recommend medicine like finasteride to battle hair loss because of the sexual SE and said that if the loss continued I still had plenty of donor hair to do a few more operations so there was no chance I would go bald in the near future. They did honestly tell me that if my hair was all sensitive and I was destined to go bold, that no amount of hair transplants could save me, but they meant that its more important to look good while your young and still being able to reproduce. I am not sure if their motives were capitalistic or indeed part of their culture, which is very anti chemical types of medicine.

Apart from that my hair transplant experience was great.
Their locale was huge, professional, had lots of people visiting and nurses walking around. Maybe about 10-15 different rooms, not sure what they were all used for. Many posters of people with complete top hair loss getting very decent coverage.
They were part of 8 such facilities nationally, and some kind of partnership with cutting edge American experts or facilities in the states, apparently. The whole procedure took about 8 hours. I was the only patient that day. The doctor who drew my hair line, in a much more suitable manner, than the first nurse had done, was very comforting and professional. He, accompanied by 1-3 nurses, did the whole procedure of extracting the follicles, with some kind of machine. They didn't offer my any pain medication or sleep medicine afterwards, but I of course had local anesthesia. I was gonna get some valium so that I could relax better but never got around to it.
I also had signed a form giving some kind of guarantee that there would be a 90% success rate - not knowing or investigating what would happen if that wasn't the case. When they were done extracting, they took them out and counted them in front of me. I think it was to show that I am getting what I am paying for. At that time when I was able to sit up and looked around there was the one surgeon and about 4 nurses in the room. I felt quite well taken care of, which was good, cause I was alone in a country that still is kind of foreign and doing this in language that isn't my native tongue. One of the nurses put them back in after having some food, and this was the most boring part, lying down for another extended period of time - but I'm not exactly going to complain.

After the procedure I was again given some food, a spray, things for my head, advice on how to manage and what to do the next days, a hair transplant manual. I was scared about washing my hair so chose to go back and do it there, which they offered for free the first two weeks after the procedure. They do some weird thing there where it looks like they inject Chinese medicine stuff in to peoples scalp with some kind of high tech tool as part of a general hair care program, which I tried once for free at my first visit to do the gene test. It felt rather nice. But nothing I signed up for though.

I am very happy I didn't shave my hair! Because, it was red about 1 month after the procedure and would of been so noticeable. I have very white skin. Since I didn't shave my hair, I could easily let the donor area get covered by the hair above, and let the temples be covered by hair like I usually do. Now, 10 days short of the two month mark, the redness has mostly dissipated, all though a little remains. I've been waiting for the new hair to fall out like I heard it almost always does. What is weird though, is that 10 days short of the 2 month mark, and most of the hair is still there and growing! There are some areas where a little more seems to have fallen off, and I got now idea if this is 98% of the hairs of it actually only is 70% percent, and the rest have fallen off. I only started using minoxidil spray about a week ago by the way; 20 days short of the 2 month mark.

From my reading online, I thought this was very unormal? The nurse at the clinic who has been following up with me every week by phone said that in any case, its not a bad thing. They said maybe being a foreigner my body reacts a bit differently..

Recovery took about a week,
before I felt like I could wash my hair normally, and do most things normally again.

To sum up;
Hair Condition: NW3 with some diffuse thinning all over the top. Not sure if its just hairs thinner or loss as well. Through the magnifying thing at the hospital it was easy to see the hairs were a lot thinner and in bad condition and I took lots of magnified pictures so that I can compare them later. Those pics are not in here yet. Naturally high hairline.
hair transplant + 50 days (3000 grafts to fill in temples, not lowering hair line)
Propecia + 50 days
Minoxidil + 7 days
Ket. Shampoo 3-5 days a week.

Noticeable effects: None so far. My hair has never shedded or fell out so it would be impossible to assess whether or not its even halted anything.
Noticeable side effects: Some itchiness on my scalp, nothing else. Still horny and dick still works fine. Strattera ****ed with my libido way more than propecia.

To answer some question upfront and save time

Q: Why would I do a hair transplant at age of 25 before even knowing if finasteride works for me?
A: Because, finasteride works to hault hair loss in most people, and because even if the worst case scenario happened and it didn't - and all I got was a few years of having decent hair (more with a few additional transplants) - I would be facing a bald future anyway and would be happy with the gained time before I, in the end, shaved my head completely.

I'm not going to sit around and think about anymore.
That said though, my hair loss if of the extremely slow type but persistent type, so I think in any case I would have quite a few more years left.

Q: Arent you scared of the side effects of finasteride?
A: No. I'm more scared of the side effects of going bald will have on my self confidence and libido to be honest - and so far, I feel like I could just as well been taking sugar pills. Still so horny that it gets in the way of what I should be doing some times.

Q: How do you feel about taking finasteride and/or applying minoxidil the rest of your life?
A: No, I actually kind of enjoy the routine to be honest! Because it feels like I am being proactive and it takes so little time anyway, and personally I don't mind the oily effect it has on my hair. The bottle is also little and fits in my toilet bag when I only bring one. I can easily apply it after showering doing my morning routine, and there is nothing about it which would be obvious to any girl or partner if you wanted to hide it. At least in my experience.

Q: Do you regret not starting earlier?
A: Yes.

Q: What would you advice other people considering finasteride or minoxidil?
A: Don't wait! You can always try for 2 months and if you really feel you are having persistent side effects at that point, then consider quitting. All though, if they aren't getting in way of your life, I'd continue, because there is an even bigger chance that after a year they will be completely gone. Consider the fact that a large percentage of the placebo group in finasteride trials also reported sexual dysfunction.

That's it I guess. I hope my information can be of help, and welcome comments, critique, and questions.

Kind regards,


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Here are the rest of the pictures and the gene test.


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And that's it. I'm hoping some of this information, especially about the gene test, might be of interest. I haven't seen anyone post them before. Please let me know if I forgot to censure some information or something like that. Apart from that I will be updating this thread as time goes by. Might not always be able to respond quickly to questions, but will try my best.


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Very similar situation, had longer hair, wore it down, didn't pay enough attention to thinning an recession, in pseudo denial or distracted, regret not starting finasteride sooner. Never heard of this gene test, if I have kids, I'll definitely have them tested...


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Well that's good. How long time did it take before you noticed results? I am only on month 2 soon so can't say I've noticed much of anything yet.


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Considering going for a full-on trial of Dustasteride after a while unless I see some amazing regrowth (not hopefull) and if I don't see any side effects on propecia (don't think I will since I haven't yet) by the way. I don't really need to hear too much critique about the obvious possible side effects to it. I will, and all ready am, monitor my libido(frequency of masturbation/sex and strengt of erection) mood, and actual results as well as other factors throughout if I do.


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5 Month update

Transplanted Hair
The hair transplant hair in the temples is continuing to grow. Picture included. I think only about 20% of the grafts underwent shock loss, most of them actually just continued growing since they were planted which I am still a bit puzzled about since I haven't heard about that happen before. The transplanted hair is a little less dense, however somewhat thicker. I wonder how the final result will be, and if it will be much different from what is now. I never expected original coverage though, so with that in mind I am very satisfied by the result.

I kind of got a shock when I first stopped and looked in the mirror and I realized, after all these years since I was 18+ of having horribly receded temples, my face is now framed with a naturally high hair line (always had it, and never looked very good with my hair back anyway, which is why I always had it forward and still do. Also the reason I didn't really pay attention to receding)

I cant wait for the hair to grow to the length of my other hair, which should just be a few months

Other hair loss/regrowth
I have been on minoxidil and finasteride since I had the hair transplant. Maybe a month later for the minoxidil. Had one week break from minoxidil between supplies once. Apart from that always twice a day, except for maybe once or twice a week where I only make it once.

Good news is, I see new hairs sprouting up all over the top of my head!! I wasn't sure in the beginning if they might just hair on a different cycle and vary of taking it as a sign of anything. However, now there are 2-3 CM hairs sprouting out all over the top my head and it seems like it must be what is called regrowth. When I part my hair and hold it down on both sides (my hair is very long. Cut it my self. Dont wanna go to a hair dresser right now lol), you can see quite a lot of hair of about 2 or 3cm standing straight up, despite many also being pulled down by the parted hair, and also its quite densely packed. All though very hard to see from my phone camera.

This is making me really excited about whats to come! So I've been quite happy these days to be honest.

Regimen (Original Regimen)
Finasteride 1MG generic per day for 5 months.
Minxodil spray twice a day for 4 months
. Usually 2 days a week I only manage to apply it once.
Side effects: The penis head has been a bit extra sensitive a few times. Semen a bit watery a few times. Both passed quite quickly. Apart from that no other side effects to report. No loss of libido or hard time getting an erection.

Opinion: I fear that for many people this is something thats in their head. I had problems getting an erection when I was younger because of being nervous or thinking about having a hard time, performance anxiety. Considering how powerful placebo v**** can be, similarly taking a pill reported to affect erection and in addition reading the overexagurated nonsense that so many are touting here, I wouldn't give a low estimate on how many are actually psychological. I guess that is confirmed by trials too though, where as the placebo group had a 2% something incident of erectile dysfunction compared to a slightly higher 3.6% or something.

I can not for the life of me understand how people would be so afraid of trying something because of a 1.6% chance of experiencing bypassing erectile problem. For most people their body adapts. If it hasn't, you quit the drug, and then it does.

The side effects of untreated hair loss definitely include but are not limited to sexual function, self confidence, and so many aspects of your life, that can in turn have a bad effect on your health.

I would really urge anyone I cared about that suffered because of hair loss to try out FDA approved interventions in FDA approved dosages. If someone reads this and makes a decision to start before its to late that would be great. I certainly wish I started a few years ago.

New Regimen (Now the part that I dont recommend others to do)
minoxidil Spray 3-4 times a day
Dustasteride 0.5 every second day

I substituted dustasteride for finasteride when I ran out two weeks and hadn't got paid yet. (Personal finances took a hit from my 2500 usd hair transplant, hehe, but damn it was worth it).
After not experiencing any negative side effects I titrated slowly up to the current dose of 0.5 every second day and staying stable on that.

I do not worry that I am using the strongest product first, because I'm not sure I agree with the general conception that meds loose effect over time and therefore hair loss resumes. I've read a lot of studies and I haven't read anywhere that the meds actually loose their effect or block less DHT the longer you are on them.

Therefor I'm more inclined to think that the reason meds loose their effect in some people is because the hair, all though staying healthy for a longer period of time, still in the end gives in to the effect of DHT on the follicles.
I also think its logical to assume that maintaining is a lot easier than regrowing - and regrowing becomes harder or impossible with time (with current technology at least).

Considering those two facts I would rather adapt a aggressive approach for maximum regrowth, and then assess.

I acknowledge there increase in risk of side effects or adverse effects, but frankly the risk of long-term adverse side effects after discontinuation is so minimal that for the potential benefit I am very happy to take it. Compared to other risky activities I do on a frequent basis like drinking alcohol every weekend or living in one of the worlds most polluted cities, where as the detrimental effects on health isn't a "side effect"per say, but a expected consequence and risk many people seem fine with taking.


From what I have read so far, it seems that systemic absorption of minoxidil is not a big problem with increased application of minoxidil.

The effect of application site and frequency on the systemic absorption of topical minoxidil was studied in 52 normal men. Subjects received 1 ml 3% minoxidil solution applied four, six, or eight times daily to the scalp or two, four, six, or eight times daily to the chest for 14 days. Serum and urine were collected and analyzed for minoxidil. No systemic minoxidil accumulation occurred from increasing application frequency to the scalp...Systemic minoxidil accumulation resulting from frequent application is unlikely. The initial dose probably saturates the skin for a period of time longer than the dosing intervals examined.

The study was on 3%. I am using 5%. Being the dare devil I am, I will take the risk and and assume that:
1. 3-4 applications of 5% will not cause systemic absorption if a much higher frequency of 3% did not.
2. Since I will be tapering down after achieving or failing to achieve wanted effects, this extremely unlikely risk of trace systemic absorption during a very short time windows makes the risk of long term adverse side effect extremely unlikely.

What about the risk?
Is there any benefit from more frequent application?

As far as I know there haven't been any studies done on it, but please share some or any other information on it if anyone knows.

According to what I've read minoxidil has a half life of 4.5 hours. That would leave us with a good 15 hours per day where minoxidil is having 50% or less than its potential effect. Then add to that some imperfect application and absorption, it begs the question whether more frequent application could enhance results? Unless there have been done any studies on dose-response correlation we will be left to educated assumptions or guesses and anecdotal evidence.

Since I personally have assessed the risk to be well worth the possible benefits, and because I find minoxidil a ridiculously small effort to apply and neither very expensive, I'll definitely try it as a phase.
To answer any questions or concerns that I have thought about in advance, these are some thoughts I made about it.

1. Even if minoxidil was superior with frequent application, the product is generic now and its unlikely anyone would want to pay for a FDA trial only to improve increased benefit.
2. Even if minoxidil has improved benefit, the benefit or effect will probably be inversely exponential or decreasing per application.
3. DHT blockers have better effect at higher dosages. minoxidil can be used at a much higher dosage with minimal apparent increase in risk. Depending on the mechanims of minoxidil and how well we understand it, maybe minoxidil would follow the same dose response curve. It would be smart to read in to that more.

Ive tried to express my thoughts as clearly as possible so to avoid numerous necessary posts back and forward, and because I don't really want to get advice or warnings that are not based on facts or at least some logic - or that express things I've already mentioned.

Any other feedback, criticism, discussion on the topic I am very interested in hearing though!

- - - Updated - - -


Most of the reason I post here is to contribute, because it was a great source of information for me. Here are the pics. Quality is not that great, the new hairs appear quite a bit more and dense in reality, very interested in seeing whats in store.


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My Regimen
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Thank you for the post. You have almost identical loss to me. No shave FUE and for such an insanely low price...and the result looks really good so far. Would be awesome to have a hair transplant and be able to hide it completely, since I wear my hair covering my temples anyway. Will be interested for the final result.


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Hi Dench57

Thanks for the reply and hope you have gotten on the finasteride and minoxidil already. I am very happy to say that I am seeing some what seems like very dense regrowth on the top of my head!! :) :) :) Its not that dense in the front of my hair line where the hair is in better shape, but quite dense from the middle all down past my crown. If I part my quite long hair, I can literally see a rather densely packed new hair, and not just peach fuzz, of about 3-4 cm in the crown and surrounding areas. This seemed to be prior or about around the time I started the dustasteride, so likely the finasteride + minoxidil was working already.

I cant say its not made my feel so much happier lately, seeing that the treatments are effective and that the hair transplant seems successful. I mean, its been a few years of doubt, double guessing, denial and thinking I need total confirmation before I start treatment (even though it should of been obvious). The hair in my temples already is making a little cosmetic difference at 4-6 cm now as my temples dont that easily shine through, but the real difference will become apparent in some months when the length catches up with my hair style.

I got a lot of information on this forums, as well as a lot of fear mongering of course, but I really hope that other people in similar situations might find my posts useful.

About the hair transplant
I did have to shave a patch at the back of my head where they extracted the hair, however I could cover it over with the hair above. My horrible haircuts over the years have always been semi successful attempts at covering over my temples, which has been getting harder and harder to pull somewhat naturally. I never really paid attention to the fact that my hair was thinning all over the top the past years, since the receding hair line at the temples started super early (17-18 yrs old) I always been used to hiding it and never even suspected male pattern baldness. Anyway, because of this hiding the temples afterwards wasn't really a problem. It probably wasn't a pretty hair cut though, but somewhat doable. It was winter and I could use a hat a lot of the time too though, because a sudden draft or air could make for an embarrassing incident.

On the positive side; the transplant was extremely professional. Offices were huge. Several consultation rooms. Surgeons trained overseas. There were 2-3 people in addition to the surgeon working with him in the operating room. Process took all day. They counted the hair strands for me after extraction to show how me they harvested the amount they charged me for. Didn't get any painkillers. Didn't drive me home, had to get a taxi my self. Got very close follow up with weekly phone calls the first while and with free washing at their offices but I never ended up using it. I covered my head and the white after-surgery hat with a hoodie getting back to my apt. since I live around many people I know, and then spent the next two days barely leaving my apt, until the grafts wouldnt be sensitive to falling out and I could gently wash and "style" my hair. A week later most pain resided, but the redness in the temples didn't reside properly before 2 months later. Also, I spent about two months waiting for the hair to fall out after transplant, but it never did. Instead it continued growing and has ever since. It puzzled me, but at least It shouldn't be a bad sign.

Had them take some close of pictures of my hair with a magnifying imaging device of sorts to compare with later. Look forward to seeing if the individual strands look different or denser.

Still no side effects from the dustasteride that I introduced a while ago, except some slightly watery (I think) seamen the first week. Libido unaffected. Generally my mood feels better, I'm more calm, and my two year persisting insomnia is better to the point where I manage to fall asleep al naturell. This is probably due to other things then the finasteride or dus though.


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Second post (update to what i posted yesterday)

After getting home today from work I had a session where I as objectively as possible compared the situation now with before, because I really don't want to get jump to conclusions or read in to some regrowth too much. After all it may be possible to experience some regrowth with out it having any significant cosmetic effect.

However, after taking the effort to check my vertex in the brightest possible lighting on a sunny day with the lights on in the same spot I checked before, I can conclusively report that the vertex actually has thickened up. As well the hair across the whole top of my head looks a bit thicker. The coin size scalp that would reveal its self at the vertex doesn't show anymore, and the scalp that would be somewhat visible when I played with the hair on the top of my head is somewhat less visible.

There are still very densely packed new hairs around the back of my head starting from the vertex area to which turns in to only very sparse hair in the front of the hairline (not temples).
After all, I have been taking it for a 5 or so months give or take now so I guess this would really be the time to start expecting som results.

What might this bode for the future? Is such regrowth common happen but then not persist or not improve going from 5 months til 24 months?

I am cautiously optimistic and crossing my fingers that there might be considerable gains to be made.

At least considering that in addition the hair transplant hair is just a few months away from making a real difference now, and the new hair sprouting up and growing definitely looks like terminal hair at 3-4 cm now.

After already putting 2-3 difficult years behind me (not due to hair, but the lack of confidence from hair loss has taken its toll and I can see it in my behaviour ) Maybe this could finally be the start of some good years. I really hope so.

If anyone has any questions about anything feel free to ask. I posted here because I want to return some to a place that has been a great source of information for me.

- - - Updated - - -

Update 3 (same day as the last post): I can not see any thickening of the existing hair though. I really wish they would thicken up a bit, like the hair on the sides and on the back. Is that something that happens?


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Its correct that I had none side effects from propecia, but I already started Dustasteride as mentioned earlier. Still not experiencing any side effects, except a passing sensititive feeling in one testicle and also watery seamen from time to time. With regards to the minoxidil too, it's the best thing. It's so easy to just apply once every morning and every evening as a ritual. It feels so good now to know I am fighting this **** and that its working! All though It took a year or two of being in denial, after acknowledging the fact that I am having male pattern baldness, this little ritual every morning and night, and pill every day, are ****ing awesome.

I'm not the type to sit around on the fence and wait for nature to play out, so as far as risk of side effects go; its a matter of what is important to you and risk/benefit assessment. Do you eat a western diet or bad food often and do you know the huge increase of cardiac problems you have as a result? Do you maybe even expose your self to passive smoke or smoke cigarettes, and do that knowing there is not a single benefit to derive from that behaviour? Do you often drive above the speed limit? Now compare that to a pill, which carries an incredibly low risk of -significant- side effects, an astronomically non existant risk lasting side effects if you quite it, and has a huge chance of growing back or keeping your hair! Considering that loosing your hair in its self comes with psychological side effects that affect life span or mental health or "sosioeconomic status", and that keeping it will make you feel happy and well (if you like me, are bothered by it - if not). Are you really gonna not give that a try?! :)

Rhetorical question at the end there. Not aimed at you but to explain my way of thinking. Critique welcomed.

0.5 Dustasteride x 2 days, going steady.
minoxidil - applied 1-5 times daily , going steady. Usually try to aim for 3 times, but am on the move now and some days are completely without. When I get back to normal routine I will definitely keep it in the higher range.
Keto - Once a week, picking it up to twice or three time a week now. Forgot about it completely, amidst the positive results I've been having and being travelling.

Experiencing very dense regrowth starting from behind my hair line (about the length of 3 or 4 fingers width in) and it gets extremely dense towards the crown! Its like a forrest growing underneath the scattered thinner hair. A bit hard to show in the picture, but made some decent attempts that I saved for comparison and could upload. Hair Transplant hair is growing really well and finally grew to the length that I decided to cut it and align it, instead of just cutting the longer old hair shorter with scizzors while the new hair grew underneath, doing the usual covering of temples and lack of density as usual.

FINALLY, the effects have come in to place and my hair is better than it has ever been since i was 17. I have a normal-high hairline, and my hair is thickening up generally, growing back where I had lost ground. I'm so happy! :)

If anyone reads this and is considering attacking the problem, I would only adivice you to go ahead. I am so happy I am finally fighting this ****, and even if (and i dont believe this), it only gave me 5 more years, I would be extremely happy for those years. There is no scaring underneath. I can still go bald should that really be my destiny. However, be keeping the follicles happy and healthy now, I dont think that is in the near future.


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hello friends my name is alan and back in 2008 i started working on a formula called zx42 ,, it took me 6000 hours of research ,,3.5 years of testing and 18 formulas to get it right , i will not explain the science behind our product line ,, i feel its no ones concern and my ip knowledge ,, after all i worked to hard just to let someone have the keys ,, it all started when i was losing my own hair , i was a norwood 4.a , i tried everything and after about five years of snakeoil ,, i created zx42 for myself ,, it was an accident to create a company , but after giving it away for the first year i knew i was on to something great ,, now we started of of you tube , and in the year 2013 we were attacked by a company from turkey ,, they were upset for blocking them on all of our videos on you tube ,, they kept trying to promote there products on our channels ,, any way they put me on the fake ripoff report and many other places etc etc , we came to terms after a while and we agreed to got separate ways and stop the slander ,, we can say one thing . we are the only company we know of that has an a rating on the bbb report ,, no one can say we pay them because we are not bbb members ,, we also have a 4.4 star rating on amazon as well and growing .. we had one 1 star rating from an amazon employee because we refused to send him free product ,, he has been fired for over a year now ..we have zx42 extreme and a more powerful version called shockwave , we are now in 97 countries around the world . we would like you to visit amazon or zx42solutions on the net , you will be very pleased , our videos are mom and pop type ,, we just want to be normal unlike fake infomercials ,, if you do not like this message please do not be mean , the world is full of bad people we are here to help,, you can email us on our site if you have any questions ,, ZX42 IS THE REAL DEAL ,, thank you for your time


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Hi everybody.
Being grateful for all the resources online I want to contribute by posting and updating my story - no matter how it goes.

I am currently a Norwood 3 with some diffuse thinning all over the top. Always had a very high hairline and wore my hair down, which is why I never paid much attention to the fact that I was receding at the temples. The hair on the top of my had has also started getting thinner so it seems like I am sensitive over the whole top of my head and could be facing a bold future.

I've been researching and reading for ages as most of us do when we realize we are in a loosing battle and need to identify the enemy. Looking back, I guess I have always been balding slowly. Extremely slowly. Never feel like I have ever shedded a hair in my life, and still to this day can ever pull out hair when I try. However, my hair loss has taken on the all to familiar pattern of male pattern baldness. Because of lacking family history I never realized what I was up against before lately. I am really grateful for the information that has been available online and I am making this thread to give back, and to let you know my history and how it goes.

Looking back, this has been the reason why my hair early on became so hard to style - slightly receded temples at age 19, but generally thick hair and lots of it. At age 23 it started becoming more evident to me that my hair was a bit ****, and a few comments made me realize that its actually really not as thick as before.

At age 24
, knowing that the medication is a life long commitment and still being half in denial (dont understand how), I was still waiting for irrefutable evidence that my hair was indeed thinning. All the whining about these dreaded sexual side effects also caused me to hold of for a while longer, until I read the studies and compared it to for example the medication I take for ADD, and realized that there isn't to much difference and that in any case it will go away when I stop the medicine. Please don't tell me about the ever lasting side effects some people have gotten, I have a bigger chance of getting in a car accident tomorrow. The fact that like 2% of the placebo group also reported sexual side effects says quite a bit about the nature of this problem. I say this in hopes that somebody else reading wont spend as much time delaying a decision while loosing the battle against male pattern baldness.

Btw, has anybody done a study on the correlation between going bald and sexual dysfunction? I think there would be quite a high correlation there as well.

I had a free gene test done before I turned 25 in the clinic where I would eventually have my hair transplant, it was called something like "5 gene test". Basically I had the gene that makes my hair sensitive to DHT. I had low cortisol levels, which I found a surprise because the last few years had been rough for different reasons. Despite having the gene, my testosterone was not very high (medium) and the rate at which it was converted to DHT was apparently in medium range as well, which was supposed to mitigate the speed of which DHT would destroy my follicles and my life. It also showed me amounts of minerals, heavy metals, calcium, etc, that were of the charts and made me think that something is seriously wrong. I spent a lot of time googling this, but basically, mineral tests of hair is still "fringe science". According to the hair test I am high on chromium. And my calcium levels in comparison to some other things were very off the charts. Back in my North European home country I had a blood check of vitamins and found out I was low on vitamin D, which regulated calcium to some degree. Apart from that I dont know how to interpret the rest of the findings, and the doctors at the clinic didn't mention that part of the result. It was more like an additional thing for my own use. I will take away sensitive information and post the whole thing here.

At age 25 I smartened up and started taking propecia. Have taken it for 50 days now and not noticed any side effects at all. Started using minoxidil spray lately as well and was surprised how easy it is to apply, and now that I have come to terms with the fact that I have male pattern baldness, doing that routine every morning and evening is no problem is as easy as applying skin cream or brushing my teeth really.

I also attacked it full on with a FUE Hair Transplant, 3000 grafts, for which I payed 2500$, to fill in the temples. I would of done it earlier but my life was bit of a mess, but now I'm in school again and get my student grant. I live in an Asian country and was scared about the quality of the hair transplant. However, after visiting several times I felt and do feel quite secure that they are in fact extremely professional. The thing that bothered me the most though, was that they did not recommend medicine like finasteride to battle hair loss because of the sexual SE and said that if the loss continued I still had plenty of donor hair to do a few more operations so there was no chance I would go bald in the near future. They did honestly tell me that if my hair was all sensitive and I was destined to go bold, that no amount of hair transplants could save me, but they meant that its more important to look good while your young and still being able to reproduce. I am not sure if their motives were capitalistic or indeed part of their culture, which is very anti chemical types of medicine.

Apart from that my hair transplant experience was great.
Their locale was huge, professional, had lots of people visiting and nurses walking around. Maybe about 10-15 different rooms, not sure what they were all used for. Many posters of people with complete top hair loss getting very decent coverage.
They were part of 8 such facilities nationally, and some kind of partnership with cutting edge American experts or facilities in the states, apparently. The whole procedure took about 8 hours. I was the only patient that day. The doctor who drew my hair line, in a much more suitable manner, than the first nurse had done, was very comforting and professional. He, accompanied by 1-3 nurses, did the whole procedure of extracting the follicles, with some kind of machine. They didn't offer my any pain medication or sleep medicine afterwards, but I of course had local anesthesia. I was gonna get some valium so that I could relax better but never got around to it.
I also had signed a form giving some kind of guarantee that there would be a 90% success rate - not knowing or investigating what would happen if that wasn't the case. When they were done extracting, they took them out and counted them in front of me. I think it was to show that I am getting what I am paying for. At that time when I was able to sit up and looked around there was the one surgeon and about 4 nurses in the room. I felt quite well taken care of, which was good, cause I was alone in a country that still is kind of foreign and doing this in language that isn't my native tongue. One of the nurses put them back in after having some food, and this was the most boring part, lying down for another extended period of time - but I'm not exactly going to complain.

After the procedure I was again given some food, a spray, things for my head, advice on how to manage and what to do the next days, a hair transplant manual. I was scared about washing my hair so chose to go back and do it there, which they offered for free the first two weeks after the procedure. They do some weird thing there where it looks like they inject Chinese medicine stuff in to peoples scalp with some kind of high tech tool as part of a general hair care program, which I tried once for free at my first visit to do the gene test. It felt rather nice. But nothing I signed up for though.

I am very happy I didn't shave my hair! Because, it was red about 1 month after the procedure and would of been so noticeable. I have very white skin. Since I didn't shave my hair, I could easily let the donor area get covered by the hair above, and let the temples be covered by hair like I usually do. Now, 10 days short of the two month mark, the redness has mostly dissipated, all though a little remains. I've been waiting for the new hair to fall out like I heard it almost always does. What is weird though, is that 10 days short of the 2 month mark, and most of the hair is still there and growing! There are some areas where a little more seems to have fallen off, and I got now idea if this is 98% of the hairs of it actually only is 70% percent, and the rest have fallen off. I only started using minoxidil spray about a week ago by the way; 20 days short of the 2 month mark.

From my reading online, I thought this was very unormal? The nurse at the clinic who has been following up with me every week by phone said that in any case, its not a bad thing. They said maybe being a foreigner my body reacts a bit differently..

Recovery took about a week,
before I felt like I could wash my hair normally, and do most things normally again.

To sum up;
Hair Condition: NW3 with some diffuse thinning all over the top. Not sure if its just hairs thinner or loss as well. Through the magnifying thing at the hospital it was easy to see the hairs were a lot thinner and in bad condition and I took lots of magnified pictures so that I can compare them later. Those pics are not in here yet. Naturally high hairline.
hair transplant + 50 days (3000 grafts to fill in temples, not lowering hair line)
Propecia + 50 days
Minoxidil + 7 days
Ket. Shampoo 3-5 days a week.

Noticeable effects: None so far. My hair has never shedded or fell out so it would be impossible to assess whether or not its even halted anything.
Noticeable side effects: Some itchiness on my scalp, nothing else. Still horny and dick still works fine. Strattera ****ed with my libido way more than propecia.

To answer some question upfront and save time

Q: Why would I do a hair transplant at age of 25 before even knowing if finasteride works for me?
A: Because, finasteride works to hault hair loss in most people, and because even if the worst case scenario happened and it didn't - and all I got was a few years of having decent hair (more with a few additional transplants) - I would be facing a bald future anyway and would be happy with the gained time before I, in the end, shaved my head completely.

I'm not going to sit around and think about anymore.
That said though, my hair loss if of the extremely slow type but persistent type, so I think in any case I would have quite a few more years left.

Q: Arent you scared of the side effects of finasteride?
A: No. I'm more scared of the side effects of going bald will have on my self confidence and libido to be honest - and so far, I feel like I could just as well been taking sugar pills. Still so horny that it gets in the way of what I should be doing some times.

Q: How do you feel about taking finasteride and/or applying minoxidil the rest of your life?
A: No, I actually kind of enjoy the routine to be honest! Because it feels like I am being proactive and it takes so little time anyway, and personally I don't mind the oily effect it has on my hair. The bottle is also little and fits in my toilet bag when I only bring one. I can easily apply it after showering doing my morning routine, and there is nothing about it which would be obvious to any girl or partner if you wanted to hide it. At least in my experience.

Q: Do you regret not starting earlier?
A: Yes.

Q: What would you advice other people considering finasteride or minoxidil?
A: Don't wait! You can always try for 2 months and if you really feel you are having persistent side effects at that point, then consider quitting. All though, if they aren't getting in way of your life, I'd continue, because there is an even bigger chance that after a year they will be completely gone. Consider the fact that a large percentage of the placebo group in finasteride trials also reported sexual dysfunction.

That's it I guess. I hope my information can be of help, and welcome comments, critique, and questions.

Kind regards,

As far as getting a transplant at the same time you start treatments, couldn't there potentially be like, an "overlap" of growing follicles, if you respond well to treatments, and they regrow your native hair in the same area your transplanted hair is?


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Kj6, I wondered and actually waited for a while because of that exact question. Never found the answer for it.

It certainly is possible to regrow temple hair. If new transplant hair will kill old follicles I dont know. They do hair transplants on patchy areas of hair so there should at least be a way of avoiding that in those kind of situations.

However, temple regrowth is more the exception than the rule it still seems - all though, it might be smart to give dustasteride and minoxidil a try first. In case you do and could save the money.

I do notice a difference in thickness from my hair transplant hair and normal hair. Not really cosmetically visible, but I can feel it with my fingers. I think its a little less dense, but each strand is a little more thick. I notice a slight different feel with my fingers through the temples and the hairline.


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These days are some happiest in a long time.

For every hair cut I have now, its like I'm jumping 3 years back in time. Even though the transplant hair hasn't caught up to the length of the other hair yet - its at 2/3 of the length now after the second post op hair cut - but Its like a completely different world. My first hair cut after the transplant was something I dreaded. Let the temples grow for ages under my messy unneat hair. When I finally got to the hair salon and got it trimmed, I felt such a huge relief seeing what the difference it was making, but after the second post op hair cut now last week, I feel like my hair is better then it has been since i was 18. (Mind you my temples receeded super early, and top of the head very slowly thinned over many many years)

The regiment has helped dense up the hair quite a bit, however, I do realize now, that even though there were hair spurting up everywhere, and they have really helped make it quite a bit denser, it's not going to revert it with lots of years. I'd say a few years max. Considering my very slow thinning over many years its not going to be a super dramatic change, but it really does help.

And and applying minoxidil is to easy for me not to just do it the rest of my life.
No sides from the dustateride. Tried going a week or two off, but noticed no difference at all. Take 1 per second day still.

It just feels so great not to have to worry about this stuff all the time anymore and actually fight it. The transplant was needed and the best decision of my life, even if I needed to kill the follicles later due to alopecia not responding to medicines. But medicine is responding well now. There are no scares so all that is lost is money, but as for what is gained, I feel like I got my youth back. I don't feel stupid all the time going to any event that requires formal dressing and still looking like a hobo on my head. I can wear my hair in ways i couldnt even 4-5 years ago, despite the fact that i might be a bit thinner on the top now then i was then, the temples make all the difference. I can actually style my hair...

there doesnt seem to be a huge lot of interest or activity here so my updating and picture adding is somewhat slack as well, but had some time to kill so thought id give a little update anyway.

Oh, one thing i noticed though, and put down to the hair being short and thick compared to the rest, is that the hair transplant hair is somewhat thick (as expected) but also very frizzy-curly. I will google and see if that is something that will change when the length gets longer and the weight keeps it a bit straighter or something.

michel sapin

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hey man , do you massage your minoxidil orjust let it soak on your scalp ? You didnt get hypertrichosis of the body or face with such an amont of minoxidil ? Did you get puffy nipples form duta ? thx.