Recent content by Jtay151

  1. J

    Anyone Had Success Without Finasteride?

    My hair starting thinning at the temples a bit when I was 22. I ignored it by shaving my head constantly but now I’m 24 and as my hair grows out I noticed the entire front section is thinning. Just order minoxidil and Nizarol which will be my first attempt to save my hair. I could get on finasteride...
  2. J

    Is This Bald Spot Diffuse Thinning?

    I’m 24 and started notices my hairline slightly thinning at the temples. I kept shaving my head because i like the look but i also hated seeing this. A year later, i still shave my head but a couple weeks after my hair starts growing in i now notice the whole front of the hairline looking...
  3. J

    Thoughts On minoxidil/nizoral + Topical Dht Blocker?

    im 23 and noticed my hairline thinning at temples 18 months ago. At first I thought I was crazy but over this time I r kept a close eye on it and am 100% sure my entire hairline is thinning. It's working it's way into a similar pattern as Lebron James but it's still in it's early stages. I...
  4. J

    Is This Diffuse Thinning? I'm Only 23

    Here it is brushed back. You can see it's losing density. If I start the min/finasteride combo within a month, would I have a good chance of stopping the hairloss. Not worried too much about regaining any hair cause I haven't lost much. I just want to keep it
  5. J

    Is This Diffuse Thinning? I'm Only 23

    My derm actually did recommend it but I've been putting it off. I'm gonna pick some up tomorrow though. Do I want to apply it to the entire top of my head or just the frontal hairline? Should I wait to start finasteride or start it asap?
  6. J

    6 Months finasteride And Minoxidil - Progress So Far

    That's amazing man! I still got my hairline and crown so I'm in the early stages. Haven't started finasteride\min yet cause I'm nervous of sides but I think I'm gonna finally start before my hair gets worse. Congrats on the success
  7. J

    Is This Diffuse Thinning? I'm Only 23

    Noticed my hairline started to slight reseed at the temples about a year ago. Been watching it since then I'm thinking the entire front of my hair is thinning out. Similar to how Lebron James's did. I think.. There's history of baldness on my moms side and not my dads. No one has gone bald this...
  8. J

    Early Diffuse Thinning Or Too Late?

    I'm 23 years old and started noticing thinning in the temple area March 2016. I've been keeping a close eye on in for the past year and have definitely noticed slow progression in the thinning. My hairline is still completely fine but as of recently I've noticed I can see my scalp at the very...
  9. J

    How Bad Is My Hairline Thinning? Too Late?

    I started wearing it short because I felt like it was more noticeable when it was longer on the top. In this picture my hair is buzzed down with a 3 guard. When I buzz it down to a 1, which is usually do, you can't tell. But as soon as it grows into a two it becomes noticeable. To me at least...
  10. J

    How Bad Is My Hairline Thinning? Too Late?

    im 23 years and started noticing thinning at temples about 12 months ago. Now I believe it is attacking the front of my hairline. I've been putting off getting on finasteride and min now I'm really considering it. Could get the prescriptions by next week. I was just nervous about the side...
  11. J

    Starting Finasteride This Week. Should I Add Minoxl?

    So I finally seen a derm and she confirmed my hair was receeding at the temples. Back in July, When I would shave my hair down to a 1, you couldn't tell at all. Now in November, the recession is obvious even at a one. The derm recommend minoxl but said 1mg finasteride was a good option but there's the...
  12. J

    Thinking Of Starting finasteride. Need Some Advise

    There's nothing noticeable in the front of the hairline but in bright light I think there is some diffuse thinning in the front. I still have a full head of hair so if anything the male pattern baldness is in an extremely early stage. Haven't heard anything about it not working well in your 20s though
  13. J

    Thinking Of Starting finasteride. Need Some Advise

    Appreciate the reply. I'll find out if it's male pattern baldness tomorrow at the derm and I'll go from there. Taking finasteride would probably help me sleep better at night since there's a good chance I'm stopping my hairloss in its tracks and a low chance for sexual sides. Are there any other sides besides that...
  14. J

    Thinking Of Starting finasteride. Need Some Advise

    It's not actually thinning on the sides, that's just what the curls on the sides look like sometimes. The thinning is on the temples. See at the corner where the hairline goes inward? That used to just go straight across. Yeah I'll find out tomorrow what the Doctor says
  15. J

    Is Finasteride Basically The Only Option?

    For sure. My dad suggested I do minoxidil to gain my temples back. They are only thinned about the radius of a quarter so it's not completely bald there. I would definitely consider a hair transplant in a couple years if meds don't work. That practice only seems to get better every year. I mean...