Recent content by GeorgeCantStandya

  1. G


    We already have tails! Well... to be more honest, in the earliest stages of development we grow tails but they dont last. I forgot where they go, or if they just die off before we are born. But some (extremely rare) people have been born with tails. Not prominent huge dog like tails...but...
  2. G


    I saw on TV in the dentists office some kind of science show about how us as a human race should be continually evolving, even now....physically. The scientists lecturing were saying how in the future (for reasons that I wasnt paying attention to at that moment) that humans will no longer need...
  3. G

    Follow Me -Green tea shampoo is excellent

    Ive been thinking that for days ... but always seem to forget to post the thought.... Well.... I am going to Thailand for 3 months, next Ill be sure to pick up a bottle, and if its good,...2 0r 3...
  4. G

    Medical Phobia

    well..... I found this online..... "LOW THYROID A common cause of hair loss is low thyroid. The thyroid gland produces hormones that help spark our metabolism and keep our body temperature normal. If our body temperature drops even slightly below what it should be, many chemical...
  5. G

    Medical Phobia

    Hey Guys! Hope everyone is doin well with their regimens and stuff. Ok, had my first visit with a Dermatologist today to talk about Proscar instead of Propecia which I am currenty taking. She is worried about my Thyroid? cause she felt my neck and something was wrong...she didnt get too into...
  6. G

    Religion and Balding?

    Religion, music, sex.......anything except passing by a mirror or looking at the floor of your bathroom will help you cope with balding.
  7. G


    Damn, that was good man. Summed it up pretty damn well to me.
  8. G

    How many here started to loose their hair before 25?

    Sorry Red Rose. I havent reached "BALDING ENLIGHTENMENT" yet like you appear to have. My apologies.
  9. G

    Starting Propecia tomorrow

    Why tomorrow? Pop it now, man !!!
  10. G

    How many here started to loose their hair before 25?

    Are you f*****g serious? Character building??? So, balding is supposed to get me ready for all the sh*t I will go through later on in life? Thats bullshit, man. I know there could be worse things, such as losing a limb, struggling through cancer, losing a loved one,... but it hasnt "built...
  11. G

    How many here started to loose their hair before 25?

    I Started noticing hairloss at 21-22 ....And to be PERFECTLY f*****g HONEST, NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE Should start losing their hair before 50!!! Its a complete nightmare for kids, YES kids, (some even on this forum) to start losing it while still in highschool! f*****g Bullshit is what it is...
  12. G

    Any views on Centrum multivitamin?

    Thanks man! I will buy some centrum over the weekend. The MV I was taking was the One a Days,... for some reason I still cant fathom I had problems with it 2 years ago, gave it away, then bought the One A DAy MAXIMUMS .... big mistake......