Medical Phobia

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Hey Guys! Hope everyone is doin well with their regimens and stuff.
Ok, had my first visit with a Dermatologist today to talk about Proscar instead of Propecia which I am currenty taking.
She is worried about my Thyroid? cause she felt my neck and something was wrong...she didnt get too into it....but she wanted me to have blood work right then and there, Before she gave me a prescription for proscar.
She said the thyroid could contribute to hair loss (?)
But, anyways .... I was traumatized by a needle when I was a kid ....and I still have this HUGE fear with them. I couldnt go through the blood work, but gave her a week so I can calm down and think it over.
So, what is this thyroid thing she is concerned with? Is she just wanting to go through my overall health? or does it contribute to hair loss? She wants me to ask my dad and mom about any hereditary cholesterol levels (being high, etc.) ......ANy input would be great and very appreciative. Thanks.
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well..... I found this online.....


A common cause of hair loss is low thyroid. The thyroid gland produces hormones that help spark our metabolism and keep our body temperature normal.

If our body temperature drops even slightly below what it should be, many chemical reactions in the body either stop or slow down. Among these chemical reactions are those involved with hair growth and health. Hair loss is a major symptom of low thyroid.
The new thyroid protocol that I have been developing has been very successful in restoring thyroid function. Unfortunately, in some cases, thyroid hormone medication is needed. Even if this is the case, the thyroid protocol assists the body in using the hormone medication. In many cases, without taking the thyroid protocol, the medication works very poorly. This is because the body is lacking important nutrients that naturally work with the hormone to help it carry out its actions. "

How good would it be if this was causing my hairloss, and that I could stop it.
Im not that lucky whatsoever...but I still need to get blood taken. ARRGGH
makes me feel like a little b**ch to cry about.......