How many here started to loose their hair before 25?


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Noticed it at 22 last year. 23 now. Would be stoked to maintain as long as I can.
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I Started noticing hairloss at 21-22 ....And to be PERFECTLY f*****g HONEST, NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE Should start losing their hair before 50!!! Its a complete nightmare for kids, YES kids, (some even on this forum) to start losing it while still in highschool!
f*****g Bullshit is what it is .... sorry for the language, Im in the middle of a


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At sixteen (I turned 20 in November), as did three(!) more who were in my class back then. I don't know if they had realized that themselves that early 'though. Two of them are more or less bald by now, and the last one has a worse hairline than me but better overall thickness.


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My hair was very thick when i was 20 i started shaving it down to a grade 1 (fashion reasons). When i finished study at 22 i tried to grow it back but it never has. Im now 23 and my hairloss is quite bad on top.


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I noticed at 21. It may have started earlier I don't know. I'm currently 22 and am in between a NW2 and NW3 but am leaning towards NW3 atm.

As for in increase in people suffering from male pattern baldness earlier in life. I wouldent even go near that claim. that's such a hard question. It's possible but i would think hard evidence is needed before we form a lynch mob and string up the chicken farmer.


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got my first comment when I was 17, but I got a massive loss at 23-24. I havent lost much since (even though I wasnt using anything) and my hairline has been around the same location since high school. I'm 27 and didnt think i'd have as much hair as I do now the way that things were going

not me!

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I was 18 when I noticed so I probably actually started thinning at 17 or even 16. By the time I was 20 I was a NW3 and by the time I was 25 I was a NW4. A nightmare...nothing short of.

Red Rose

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GeorgeCantStandya said:
I Started noticing hairloss at 21-22 ....And to be PERFECTLY f*****g HONEST, NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE Should start losing their hair before 50!!! Its a complete nightmare for kids, YES kids, (some even on this forum) to start losing it while still in highschool!
f*****g Bullshit is what it is .... sorry for the language, Im in the middle of a

Nah, its character building. The're going to be facing a lot more sh*t later on it life than hair loss believe me. A LOT MORE. I think the older people get, the more they are able to cope because they develop a greater degree of perspective and really when you think about it hair loss is the best of many evils.

Fallout Boy

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What red rose!?!? NO hairloss sucks *** and will always suck *** ... theres absolutely nothing good at all about hairloss .. especially at a young age .. when people say it is a nightmare .. it is an understatement ..

thats like all of your friends dying and me telling you .. "its ok it builds character and makes you stronger !! just go make some new friends and you'll be fine!!!" see my point??

Hairloss is up there with one of the worst things someone could be put through ... IMO

Red Rose

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fallout boy said:
Hairloss is up there with one of the worst things someone could be put through ... IMO

You will one day be very very embarrassed that you ever said this, trust me.


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Red Rose said:
You will one day be very very embarrassed that you ever said this, trust me.
Truth. Hairloss sucks the big one,. but ultimatly it is purely cosmetic. Some worse things that could happen,. hmm,. cancer? paralysis? death of a loved one? I'd say hairloss is pretty mild by comparision.

I accepted my loss at 27. I probably started losing it about 24.

Fallout Boy

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like in reality ofcourse i know there is worse things then hairloss , death of loved one , cancer , blindness , having your legs bitten off by a shark, being buried alive!! i mean thats obvious .. im just saying that is SUCKS ALOT to lose your hair ..

i honestly think that it would have been easier for me if i had started losing my hair at a later age instead of at 17!!


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fallout boy said:
like in reality ofcourse i know there is worse things then hairloss , death of loved one , cancer , blindness , having your legs bitten off by a shark, being buried alive!! i mean thats obvious .. im just saying that is SUCKS ALOT to lose your hair ..

i honestly think that it would have been easier for me if i had started losing my hair at a later age instead of at 17!!

be thankful man.. i started to worry about this sh*t since i was 13.

noticeable thinning/hair falling out at age 15.

im 17 now and just got dermatch... have to get better at applying it though.

ahh i really hope this thinning/hair falling out is just temporary.

Fallout Boy

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how would you be sufforing from male pattern baldness at 13 ??? and we are only 2 years difference in age . . although i would kill for my hair loss to have started just 2 years later!! i wish i didnt have to be put through this hell while still in college !

sorry for the complaints by the way haha
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Red Rose said:
GeorgeCantStandya said:
I Started noticing hairloss at 21-22 ....And to be PERFECTLY f*****g HONEST, NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE Should start losing their hair before 50!!! Its a complete nightmare for kids, YES kids, (some even on this forum) to start losing it while still in highschool!
f*****g Bullshit is what it is .... sorry for the language, Im in the middle of a

Nah, its character building. The're going to be facing a lot more sh*t later on it life than hair loss believe me. A LOT MORE. I think the older people get, the more they are able to cope because they develop a greater degree of perspective and really when you think about it hair loss is the best of many evils.

Are you f*****g serious? Character building??? So, balding is supposed to get me ready for all the sh*t I will go through later on in life? Thats bullshit, man. I know there could be worse things, such as losing a limb, struggling through cancer, losing a loved one,... but it hasnt "built character" for me. If anything it has made me feel less good about myself and older. Some people in here take it WORSE! You sound like balding is a good, necessary life living opportunity or a f*****g privilege.
Bottom Line: its doesnt build character....more like destroy it. If my mother died tomorrow I wouldnt feel less worse cause of my hair problem setting me up for other sh*t that will happen,... infact I would feel WORSE cause I lost one thing (my mom) and Losing another (my hair)


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^^^ its give and take. I agree it does build a lot of character and makes you a stronger person because you have to deal with this stuff that not a lot of other people have to deal with. But I agree with you it also takes away from your character. It did for mine. Before I started losing my hair I was really outgoing and I was very comfortable talking infront of groups of people but now I am not as comfortable. You are both right in my opinion.

I started thinning at 15.

not me!

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fallout boy said:
Hairloss is up there with one of the worst things someone could be put through ... IMO

Think about that statement the next time you volunteer at a Special Needs event. ...or the next time you visit a pediatric ward in the hospital. ...or the next time you visit a Veteran's hospital. ...or the next time you visit a burn ward.