Recent content by eenrak

  1. eenrak

    Hairdressers Tell Me I Have A Double Crown, Opinions Please

    It looks like you just have two whirls next to each other. Looks like you have thick hair. If you are thinning, finasteride and minoxidil has worked great for me and others
  2. eenrak - Strange Packaging

    It's fine, the real labelling is under the aroma therapy labelling. It works exactly like Rogaine, I made the switch long ago, without any change.
  3. eenrak

    My Story - 17 years old.

    There are some drugs that will cure alopecia, but they can be harsh for some people. Just in case you didn't know.
  4. eenrak

    My story - 24 years old

    Some people have no reaction to minoxidil. If that is the case for you, only finasteride is doing something, which means that it would take longer for you to see a change. Did you not notice any new hair perhaps like unwanted hair on your forehead? That was a clear indicator for me that minoxidil was working.
  5. eenrak

    Does finasteride decrease muscle mass??

    The people who claim that they gain fat and blame finasteride also don't no basic body building concepts such as cutting and bulking. If you only gain fat on your bulk, you likely had a too high calorie intake and probably didn't progressively overload your workouts. I mean, dht can be used for building...
  6. eenrak

    Still receding...?

    Depends. For some, it does not stop, it slows it down. For others, like me, I experienced regrowth at month 2 which accelerated at month 4 and ended perhaps in month 18.
  7. eenrak

    Why things take so long?

    Sorry to derail the thread a bit, but I have noticed that you often claim to be a hard-gainer. I believe that some people find it, to some degree, harder than others to gain weight, but also believe that any man can pack on some muscle. If you don't want to, fine, but let me tell you that you...
  8. eenrak

    17 year old with worst hairloss you've ever seen

    Finasteride didn't change my body hair at all. Still getting more damn hair on my body. Anyways, don't worry about facial hair. It will all come back to what it was supposed to if it had an effect if you quit. You are probably allergic to the vehicle in liquid minoxidil. It can be harsh on the...
  9. eenrak

    Applying Minoxidil to the 'notch' above sidebuns

    Minoxidil works anywhere. Even on you arms. Jd_uk, they only tested it in the crown but it works basically anywhere if you have follicles and if you in general respond to it.
  10. eenrak

    Video of my hair - nicefella's story

    Hair looks very solid. Very minor thinning in the temples, but it looks thick everywhere else. Perhaps you can use minoxidil just on the temples, if you really want regrowth, but you don't really need it.
  11. eenrak

    I think I had moderate improvement in ~5 months [pics]

    Now would be a really good time to add minoxidil. You might see an extreme change. Raz (from this forum) saw a little regrowth with finasteride alone, and after adding minoxidil it just exploded.
  12. eenrak

    A word of warning for those considering a treatment break.

    Thanks for the warning. I would really have liked to see some pictures.
  13. eenrak

    Hyperandrogenism reaction to finasteride?

    Asking such a question in this forum does not make sense. To this post will attract the people who think finasteride destroyed their hair and the ones who know finasteride to work, will mostly not reply. Look at the studies. Check if there are cases of that happening. The answer is certainly not going to come...
  14. eenrak

    4 days after i unintentionally quit finasteride

    Exercise, loads of water, and fiber is the only thing that will help with you constipation. "Forgetting" to take a dump also causes constipation. Just try to add some more veggies, drink a galon of water a day and exercise to get your bowels going. Then force yourself to sit on the toilet at a...
  15. eenrak

    4 days after i unintentionally quit finasteride

    Come on man. Finasteride is not hurting your bowels. It might even help you pee, if you had a too large prostate. As for losing weight, come on. Are you even tracking macros? I gained loads of muscle and fat on a bulk and got below 10% bf easily by tracking my macros. In the course of 2 and a...