4 days after i unintentionally quit finasteride


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Come on man. Finasteride is not hurting your bowels. It might even help you pee, if you had a too large prostate.
As for losing weight, come on. Are you even tracking macros? I gained loads of muscle and fat on a bulk and got below 10% bf easily by tracking my macros. In the course of 2 and a half months I lost 22lbs mostly in fat by using common bodybuilding knowledge, like maintaining strength as much as possible and keeping protein intake relatively high whilst being in a caloric deficit of around 500kcal a day.

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Regarding your constipation, your diet most likely needs some more fiber and you need to drink more water.

By the way, no one loses 5lbs fat in two days. You are losing a lot of water weight in the first stages of weight loss. 5lbs of fat loss is very roughly around 20000 kcal deficit calories needed. That is not possible in two days unless you ran like multiple marathons.

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Just saw you mentioned water weight. So take my last comment with The grain of salt. :)

Good luck

g.i joey

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man, its 4 days im off and i havent increased my fibre intake yet it is alot easier for me to go to the bathroom (#2) after 4 months of being on finasteride, and i never really had trouble peeing. I think i have to drop 10-20 pounds to put myself at a healthier weight to get back on finasteride. I hope maybe i could stay off for a month or 2 without ruining my nw2.5. I know for a fact i will be getting back on finasteride but i wanna do everything i could to alleviate those sides i was suffering from, going through a whole work/school day bloated and constipated is really annoying and frustrating. I AM NOT imagining these things, ive tried finasteride multiple times and i know what was psychological and what wasnt at this point. these are 2 minor side effects that i think can be handled by me taking abreak from finasteride and getting on at a more comfortable place when my diet and weight is a little more in check. i just really dont wanna see everything i worked for go to **** in 1 month on my head.

Agustin Araujo

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g.i joey,

I think you might be suffering from one or multiple health issues? Or if it's all coming from Finasteride with what you've described, it seems like the drug has lowered the quality of your life quite a bit! Perhaps you should be getting checked by your doctor at least once a month to know if everything is alright. I agree with eenrak that Finasteride is not hurting your bowels. Again, you should be getting checked by your doctor to know if everything's alright.

Take care!

g.i joey

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I got a check up about 5 months ago and everything was in check. What I'm suffering from is high levels of estrogen which I think losing weight might help in my situation, my hormone levels came bak at 39pg/ml where reference Is 20-30pg/ml so I do believe this is the problem. Everything besides that seems fine I did a physical checkup and blood tests so I don't believe I have any other underlying health conditions, also cobsidering the fact that 4 days ogf the drug alleviated all these symptoms. Thanks for your input though

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After doing some extensive research online I've come to realize I'm not alone and finasteride causes many others th same constipation problems. Which also made me realize that the fact I'm not burning as much weight as I used to be able to is due to water retention and that frequency of releasing my bowels. What a dumb fkn side effect holy ****


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I got a check up about 5 months ago and everything was in check. What I'm suffering from is high levels of estrogen which I think losing weight might help in my situation, my hormone levels came bak at 39pg/ml where reference Is 20-30pg/ml so I do believe this is the problem. Everything besides that seems fine I did a physical checkup and blood tests so I don't believe I have any other underlying health conditions, also cobsidering the fact that 4 days ogf the drug alleviated all these symptoms. Thanks for your input though

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After doing some extensive research online I've come to realize I'm not alone and finasteride causes many others th same constipation problems. Which also made me realize that the fact I'm not burning as much weight as I used to be able to is due to water retention and that frequency of releasing my bowels. What a dumb fkn side effect holy ****
The only way you can know for sure is have someone else administer your medication by putting it in some food and not telling you whether it is really finasteride or just a placebo. Then you will know for sure.

g.i joey

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LOL, House i really wish that would be possible. That gave me a flashback to when i was in highschool and i refused to take adderall (with no a-d-d tests involved, my doctor believed the sole reason to my hyperactive behaviour getting me in trouble at school was a-d-d) my mother used to spread my adderall into my toast with peanut butter in the morning cause i used to spit them out before going to school if she just gave me the pill. Surprisingly a couple months in i realized i wasnt feeling like my self despite *thinking* i was off the drug so i confronted her and she admitted it.

No, but really. I know for a fact that i am not suffering from an unrelated health condition because my first attempt on finasteride almost exactly a year ago was similar and i STILL had constipation problems and i went through the whole works of medical checkups when i had originally got a little gynecomastia which i resolved. I also got tests done following my remission of gyno. What i am trying to do now is achieve a certain weight and a certain diet which will help keep my estrogen lower for me. What i am asking of you guys is reassurance that 1 month off finasteride wont be the end of my hairline lol. Also, id love for people to chime in on what worked for them if they suffered these problems. I have to say though this 4 month attempt on finasteride has been one of the best ever in terms of side effects and such, these are minor but they really do effect my quality of life as augustin said. No sexual sides, no cognitive side effects but i really want to get this whole bowel thing in order. BTW, the dump that i just took after the gym is unlike any ive seen in months, no joke. the sad part is i brought this up with my brother the other day, who has been on finasteride for years now and he agrees that finasteride made his dumps smaller. He is quite lean though so i dont think it effects him like someone my size (6 ft, 220 pounds) and someone who eats like i do.


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Exercise, loads of water, and fiber is the only thing that will help with you constipation. "Forgetting" to take a dump also causes constipation. Just try to add some more veggies, drink a galon of water a day and exercise to get your bowels going. Then force yourself to sit on the toilet at a specific time every day.

1 month wont do much to your hair. People get back to where they should be at by 6 months of getting off finasteride. But come on. There is no scientific correlation between finasteride and constipation.


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its all in ur head brah finasteride doesnt cause side effects brah

But seriously. Don't stress about taking a month off finasteride, its not going to make much of a difference. I would think about getting bloodwork done, especially while you're off finasteride, talk to your doctor and maybe ask for a test including lipid, liver ASTs, minerals, CRP, renals etc.

g.i joey

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its all in ur head brah finasteride doesnt cause side effects brah

But seriously. Don't stress about taking a month off finasteride, its not going to make much of a difference. I would think about getting bloodwork done, especially while you're off finasteride, talk to your doctor and maybe ask for a test including lipid, liver ASTs, minerals, CRP, renals etc.

No matter how humble and realistic i try to be showing a clear correlation people will STILL try to tell me that what im experiencing has nothing to do with propecia. I dont have problems when im off the drug, but when im on it i do. and STILL people will tell me its not finasteride. Its not a life devastating side effect but id still like to clear this up. One thing i hate about taking a break from finasteride is my face gets a pimple here and there, finasteride has kept my face smooth these past 4 months. Anyways i appreciate all the advice i got. Im really pissed that my doctor never called me to follow up on my estradiol levels, there wasnt even a reference range on the sheet i had to call another doctor myself for the information. I need to get my estradiol down to a minimum of 30pg/ml, while mine is 39pg/ml which is a little higher than reference range for my age group. I guess being overweight and in addition with that 15% spike in estradiol when you take finasteride really took its toll on me. Im still feeling blessed that i have no serious sides or sexual sides but id love to sort this all out and continue on finasteride.


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DHT levels take a long time to return to normal after discontinuing use of a 5-ar inhibitor. I doubt that side-effects from Finasteride would disappear after just four days of stopping the medication, let alone that significant changes would be noticed after just two days. As a previous poster said, you'd need to not know whether you'd been taking finasteride or not (like a double-blind experiment) in order to reliably determine whether there is a real difference.