Where would you be without hairloss?


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Oh I forgot about that one, in fact there is, and it's gynecomastia. But it's only when you go to beach or the swimming pool.

Hair loss is waaay worse than gynecomastia. WAY WORSE. It (gyno) can be resolved by surgery and go back to looking completely normal, while people with hair loss will never get a full head of hair even if they are candidates for a hair transplant.


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Hair loss is amputation. Kind of.

What about a disease that puts you at the bottom of society, a disease that makes it 10x harder for you to get a romantic partner?

HIV is way more manageable nowadays, and the most important thing. People with AIDS don't have "AIDS" stamped on their foreheads.

So no, I'm still not convinced there is anything worse than hair loss.

Oh I forgot about that one, in fact there is, and it's gynecomastia. But it's only when you go to beach or the swimming pool.

Being bald is playing life on expert difficulty. Being bald, short +++ is playing life on legendary difficulty.

It is almost impossible to make an attractive person without hair...


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HIV/AIDS is pretty bad. You will probably never get a romantic partner with that either cos no one wants to get infected.
Actually heard something ridiculous the other day. My family friend, their 8 yr old son got some damage in one of his legs so he is walking with a slight limp. (they are not even 100% sure it is permanent) He can still run, do sports, perfectly healthy otherwise. The doctor tells his parents that they are lucky (in a way) that it happened so early and not during his teens because he would probably become suicidal. Like WTF?? Compare that to baldness, a far more obvious disfigurement !!


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You could lie. And use condoms, your partners would not even get infected then.

I heard in some places failure to disclose HIV status is grounds for civil or even criminal charges. Though I'm guessing only women would be awarded damages in this situation. If a man got an STD from a woman and tried to sue he would probably just be viewed as the sick bastard that had sex with a sick girl.


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Yeah for the casual encounter that would be fine. But I mean for long term relationships- like a girl will know something's up if you refuse to take off your rubber during a BJ

Wolf Pack

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So it's entirely coincidental that people who do not wear hats prior to losing their hair are wearing hats after chemo makes them bald?

male pattern baldness hair loss is different to hair loss from chemo. male pattern baldness is mostly slow and hence guys eventually come to "accept" their condition and hence shave their heads, stop wearing hats etc. Cancer patients lose all their hair in a short timespan and even though in many cases the loss is temporary, the experience is traumatic enough that they want to hide their new shiny scalps. And yes this is regardless of the fact that for some of them they are going to die anyway.

In my country we even have National Bandanna day where a charity sells bandannas and people wear them in support of cancer patients. Cancer patients wear bandannas not to hide their cancer condition but their grotesque hair loss condition. Someone even linked an article on here a couple weeks ago about some scalp cooling treatment to prevent people from losing their hair during chemo. Like I said, if hair loss is supposedly unimportant to those dying of cancer, why would they do this? Surely, they have more pressing issues to worry about?

And I never said that hair loss was the worst medical condition. But under the age of 35 there dosen't seem to be much that we would prefer to avoid. Of course the exceptions are terminal illnesses, aids, amputation?

It's not coincidental that they don't wear hats, I am saying there a lot of other things they do too as well. They even have treatment for depression and no, shiny dome is not the focal point of it. So it's not just about hair loss as is being made out on this forum. That's why I refuse to single it out like they do in movies at times, it makes a fairy tale story for sure, but it's not reality. I never said hair loss is not important to someone with cancer, just all the singling I had an issue with. Fitness is also important to someone with cancer, so is sex. And? Unless they are literally at death's door/depressed, people with cancer are no different to you and I. I remember talking to one girl and she would often tell me her favourite books and what she is reading. Is it a surprise she is reading or goes to buy clothes? Not to me.

male pattern baldness is different to cancer hair loss because it doesn't come back, it's actually worse. I know cancer patients that have taken selfies with bald heads and shared it on social media. Some see it as cool. It grows back usually and not all chemo causes hair loss.

I am glad you agree it's not the worse condition. I didn't mean to single you out. For sure baldness is repulsive, psychologically damaging in youth for some.

The bandana day you mention is nothing more than a quick gimmick to get many to take part. It's because people think cancer = hair loss. It's like Movember for prostate cancer, quick to identify it's a male issue.

No one wears hats in the UK for balding thankfully. Shave it top option, followed by transplant and only a few % used treatment. Comb overs was above hat too. In fact, even most people may have recession but rarely do you see Norwood 7 generally let alone young people.

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Hair loss is amputation. Kind of.

What about a disease that puts you at the bottom of society, a disease that makes it 10x harder for you to get a romantic partner?

HIV is way more manageable nowadays, and the most important thing. People with AIDS don't have "AIDS" stamped on their foreheads.

So no, I'm still not convinced there is anything worse than hair loss.

Oh I forgot about that one, in fact there is, and it's gynecomastia. But it's only when you go to beach or the swimming pool.

HIV is very manageable now unlike the 80s. But may have implications in terms of getting a partner, your job too. Plus you have to be regularly screened for your CD4 count and all kinds of meds. So it's manageable but a hassle. Some may say hair loss doesn't damage your physical health so less of an issue.

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Yeah for the casual encounter that would be fine. But I mean for long term relationships- like a girl will know something's up if you refuse to take off your rubber during a BJ

Mainly transmitted through vaginal/a*** sex. Very unlikely from oral, but yes you would still wear a rubber for oral. That's a death sentence in itself.


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I would not be here but I will probably find some other issues, even if it's not physical, i wasn't overconfident before hairloss.

Also as much as I hate hairloss, it doesn't compare to cancer or aids, it's not always treated with success, I have a relative who died from bone cancer in just one year after it was diagnosed.

My problem with hairloss is that people consider you as some narcissic ***hole if you try to do something about it, and just pretend hair is nothing.


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I would definitely live a life completely different to now, if I was privileged enough to never experience hair loss. I would still be in school, enjoy life with friends and my (ex) boyfriend, have a part time job etc. Basically I would be someone, unlike now where I am a nobody who spends her days on a hair loss forum. It's just so sad how my life has changed for the worse, all because of hair loss. I feel like I had the potential to go far in life before hair loss, while now it feels like time has completely stopped.

This echoes nearly every one of my sentiments.


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my issue was always my professional side before REAL hair loss. I was always mad that I was working so much harder than everyone else I knew (or saw) so young just to get by. Youre talking 2 jobs, one full and one part, plus school fit in between and any side job I could grab for some spending money and to pay off school.
Then I figured when I got out of school and got my "good" (by society's terms) job I was clean and free, until then thats when my thinning got bad. I didnt even get a couple good years in between. So you would like to think you would be complaining about something else, you probably would but in the end would it be justified. I mean for me it was a difference of expectations towards my efforts. Im a single guy who has a good job and investments. I get pissed because where I Live we pay for every dead beat baby machine, welfare case, person with mental issues, and dead beat dad, plus Id say 80% of the classes of people who decide they dont need to work. Im prime taxable income to the state. I am pissed because I expect since I made good decisions and worked hard that I will get to enjoy my life but nope, I have to pay for these biches who want to get knocked up by drug dealers and have 14 kids. I say let your kids rot and eat ramen. I expect my money.... I get none.
I work out A LOT and take a lot of pride in my appearance. It frustrates me to no end that this one aspect that I have even LESS control of than hiding my money from the goverment wrecks that for me. My expectation for effort is to look good and have a good looking partner. My results are a relationship Im currently (still, we had a HUGE blowout this past week tho) stepping out of with a fat women with psychotic issues, and no hair. You know what she said to me while we were arguing.
"at least I dont stay in a relationship with someone because theyre bald"
So basically she says Im bald, couldnt find someone else and have decided to just stay there. Hitting a women means nothing to me, if it was still the 50's Id smack that hoe that she was property.
I tell her we need to sell the house and move on but she refuses.

There is always SOMETHING to complain about because life in not perfect, it will never be perfect. Im sure Brad Pit complains, but its probably more about his latest bout of genital warts from his 4'somes with hot models. I simply would like some decent results for my efforts. I DONT think you CAN complain if you have not put in the effort.

All in all Id be in the same boat tho honestly, just with the ability to SAFELY run my hands through my hair when still frustrated with my life


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swingline, a bit of off-topic:

A different perspective on taxation can be gotten when you look across the Atlantic. Taxation in Scandinavian countries is the highest in the whole civilized world. Yet, they have the highest HDI (human development index) and also highest life satisfaction values. Why is that? Because it makes everybody in society a bit more equal and acknowledges the fact that your personal riches could not be accumulated without the other members of society, who directly (e.g., customers/clients/buyers) or indirectly (again through taxation, as university education is free in most Northern and Western European countries; by contributing towards the economy through labor and consumption; etc.) contribute to your success and position in life. Your professional situation and material wealth is not only your own doing (nor is mine, btw) but depends on a lot of factors, like the economy in your region, of your country, investment possibilities, the company you work in, your supervisors, and many more things.
In the US, you have some of the lowest income taxes in the whole developed world. Yet, inequality is also higher than in almost any other developed country (I think the US are ranked among the top 5 countries in inequality globally).

Where am I getting with this?
I am from one of these families you would prefer not to give your money to because you think it's unfair.
But just through redistribution of tax money, I was able to make something out of my life (i.e. finish a master's degree paid for by tax money and get a good career). The financial means of my family and myself weren't even remotely enough to pay for that. And I am not the only one who was only able to only get higher education because of taxes supporting me. The basic assumption the state tries to fulfill in the North-Western European countries is that everybody should have the same chances in life, regardless of their family background. (This also often doesn't work in practice, but it's still better than not trying to achieve it IMO)

Now, I am also paying the maximum tax rate. And though most US Americans might call me crazy for it, and even though I would of course like to have some more money for myself, I know that it's only just and fair: I'm giving back what I received before when I really needed it, and I know that although there are people exploiting the system and living off others' pockets, there are also many who truly profit and then can give back again. It's what keeps societies and their productivity going, by minimizing personal risks and thus keeping the climate for innovation, personal educational, professional development in a healthy state.

Just to give a different perspective of the whole tax matter from the situation of a North-West European.


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swingline, a bit of off-topic:

A different perspective on taxation can be gotten when you look across the Atlantic. Taxation in Scandinavian countries is the highest in the whole civilized world. Yet, they have the highest HDI (human development index) and also highest life satisfaction values. Why is that? Because it makes everybody in society a bit more equal and acknowledges the fact that your personal riches could not be accumulated without the other members of society, who directly (e.g., customers/clients/buyers) or indirectly (again through taxation, as university education is free in most Northern and Western European countries; by contributing towards the economy through labor and consumption; etc.) contribute to your success and position in life. Your professional situation and material wealth is not only your own doing (nor is mine, btw) but depends on a lot of factors, like the economy in your region, of your country, investment possibilities, the company you work in, your supervisors, and many more things.
In the US, you have some of the lowest income taxes in the whole developed world. Yet, inequality is also higher than in almost any other developed country (I think the US are ranked among the top 5 countries in inequality globally).

Where am I getting with this?
I am from one of these families you would prefer not to give your money to because you think it's unfair.
But just through redistribution of tax money, I was able to make something out of my life (i.e. finish a master's degree paid for by tax money and get a good career). The financial means of my family and myself weren't even remotely enough to pay for that. And I am not the only one who was only able to only get higher education because of taxes supporting me. The basic assumption the state tries to fulfill in the North-Western European countries is that everybody should have the same chances in life, regardless of their family background. (This also often doesn't work in practice, but it's still better than not trying to achieve it IMO)

Now, I am also paying the maximum tax rate. And though most US Americans might call me crazy for it, and even though I would of course like to have some more money for myself, I know that it's only just and fair: I'm giving back what I received before when I really needed it, and I know that although there are people exploiting the system and living off others' pockets, there are also many who truly profit and then can give back again. It's what keeps societies and their productivity going, by minimizing personal risks and thus keeping the climate for innovation, personal educational, professional development in a healthy state.

Just to give a different perspective of the whole tax matter from the situation of a North-West European.


Sorry the US is a system now where the welfare simply are content with the lowest common denominations and teach their kids "hey if you get pregnant you don't have to work either"

I grew up PISS POOR! The countries with higher Indexes and Happiness ratings ALSO usually grant universal healthcare, free higher education, and all around better lifestyles. Most have actually smaller cities that function more internally than globally. Everyone HAS to work. You are paying a high tax but you have the luxury of knowing there arent as many dead beats because you can simply say "that Steve is a deadbeat"

Here in this great nation we are now taught NOT to point the finger and blame Steve for being a lazy dip schit. Its not Steves fault, he was raised in a poor family with no dad and seven brothers and sisters. Fawk Steve. Steve needs to get out and work. We have also gotten this established POV where menial jobs are beneath us. So Steve has no desire to go to school or put effort into anything but thinks he should be a CEO of Citibank.
Im going racial here for a moment
A professional black girl I used to work with ONLY dated white guys. When I asked her why she said "because black guys never have educations or jobs, they NEVER have a job, theyre always working on something".

"Working on something", what i that,
"Yeah Im starting my own company.... some day.

But out of the racial aspect this is a general mentality most lower class people have now because if you TRY to point out their lack of ambition YOU ARE THE BAD GUY! YOU are the bad guy??????

Im tired of seeing all thse low lives sucking the system dry and wanting more. I was white.... I got NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO financial aid until I flat out lied on my forms. I had my good Spanish friend in the Financial aid office tell me to my face "if you were a minority I could have gotten you something".

I WORKED. I shoudl get to out right pick and choose EVERY cent that goes into tax distribution and every person who has not worked in a year.... boom, find a shanty town.

Its fine saying "hey it helped me" But YOU are the exception NOT the rule. If everyone had your outlook and put in effort then Id say OK, but in reality I have tenants on welfare. Had many of them, worked in housing with people who used welfare. They have ZERO desire to work, most deliberately LOSE their jobs so they can get more welfare. Sorry the liberal everybody eats ideology HAS to go now in the USA.

If you want to continue this then make a topic in the miscellaneous section of off topic
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Sorry the US is a system now where the welfare simply are content with the lowest common denominations and teach their kids "hey if you get pregnant you don't have to work either"

I grew up PISS POOR! The countries with higher Indexes and Happiness ratings ALSO usually grant universal healthcare, free higher education, and all around better lifestyles. Most have actually smaller cities that function more internally than globally. Everyone HAS to work. You are paying a high tax but you have the luxury of knowing there arent as many dead beats because you can simply say "that Steve is a deadbeat"

Here in this great nation we are now taught NOT to point the finger and blame Steve for being a lazy dip schit. Its not Steves fault, he was raised in a poor family with no dad and seven brothers and sisters. Fawk Steve. Steve needs to get out and work. We have also gotten this established POV where menial jobs are beneath us. So Steve has no desire to go to school or put effort into anything but thinks he should be a CEO of Citibank.
Im going racial here for a moment
A professional black girl I used to work with ONLY dated white guys. When I asked her why she said "because black guys never have educations or jobs, they NEVER have a job, theyre always working on something".

"Working on something", what i that,
"Yeah Im starting my own company.... some day.

But out of the racial aspect this is a general mentality most lower class people have now because if you TRY to point out their lack of ambition YOU ARE THE BAD GUY! YOU are the bad guy??????

Im tired of seeing all thse low lives sucking the system dry and wanting more. I was white.... I got NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO financial aid until I flat out lied on my forms. I had my good Spanish friend in the Financial aid office tell me to my face "if you were a minority I could have gotten you something".

I WORKED. I shoudl get to out right pick and choose EVERY cent that goes into tax distribution and every person who has not worked in a year.... boom, find a shanty town.

Its fine saying "hey it helped me" But YOU are the exception NOT the rule. If everyone had your outlook and put in effort then Id say OK, but in reality I have tenants on welfare. Had many of them, worked in housing with people who used welfare. They have ZERO desire to work, most deliberately LOSE their jobs so they can get more welfare. Sorry the liberal everybody eats ideology HAS to go now in the USA.

If you want to continue this then make a topic in the miscellaneous section of off topic

You have really got in for Steve, whats the poor guy done to you!


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Benjt, about .00001% of our people in the US on the dole show the good sense that you do. They have no interest in bettering themselves like you did. To them, it's all "gibs". Gibs me this and gibs me that:)


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You have really got in for Steve, whats the poor guy done to you!

Hes a lazy SOB whos got a slammin head of hair

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Wow I never imagined United States became a communist country :D

borderline almost it would seem.

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Benjt, about .00001% of our people in the US on the dole show the good sense that you do. They have no interest in bettering themselves like you did. To them, it's all "gibs". Gibs me this and gibs me that:)

This is the truth and for someone like myself who worked hard and had no kids I would like to enjoy the fruits of my labor NOT watch a Gibby walk through a store stuffing a carraige full of soda and chips on MY DIME.

Either way if this wants to keep going lets please move it to another section.


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The gubmint betta gib me my food stamps lol.
What's wrong with Steve getting some love from the gubmint lmao.
Keep the posts coming, I find them interesting.


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lol swingline. you would HELL HATE living in the south . . . . .

ofc i'm sure you already know about how many dependents there are here but back in high school i remember a guy BRAGGING, yes BRAGGING about how he knew people who lived completely off the government . . . . .

there's a LOT of scum here. honestly i think the south should have split off in the civil war and became its own nation . . . . so it could have ran itself into the ground earlier and stop dragging the rest of america down

the only things it has contributed are music (which was way in the past with blues and such) and athletes. other than that this place is an utter ****ing **** hole lol.


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lol swingline. you would HELL HATE living in the south . . . . .

ofc i'm sure you already know about how many dependents there are here but back in high school i remember a guy BRAGGING, yes BRAGGING about how he knew people who lived completely off the government . . . . .

there's a LOT of scum here. honestly i think the south should have split off in the civil war and became its own nation . . . . so it could have ran itself into the ground earlier and stop dragging the rest of america down

the only things it has contributed are music (which was way in the past with blues and such) and athletes. other than that this place is an utter ****ing **** hole lol.
Damn! Im Southern, brother! Hush yo mouf!:)


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Damn! Im Southern, brother! Hush yo mouf!:)
lol me too. born in louisiana, moved to texas, and then to north carolina at 10. i can still see the huge flaws this primitive places has though

theres good places here to be fair though, but those places often have lots of immigrants and northerners, like raleigh and other cities

what state do you live in vepr?