Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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I don't think we need a new thread, but what about a thread for people who have tried dermarolling and it HASN'T worked?

There are a couple of guys like that in here but it's mostly success stories and there's no way it can work as well for everyone who tries it.

Maybe some stories of nothing happening after 3 months of following the study would be interesting.

The problem is, of course, that those with positive results are far more motivate to share them. I wouldn't have bothered coming online to tell you that dermarolling didn't work if I had tried it for 3 months and got no results.

I'm not sure if that's how stuff works on hairloss forums. Actually, the general trend seems to be the opposite here. Of all the hairloss sufferers who are on treatments, mostly the non-responders are the ones who come to post in these forums. The ones who respond well usually doesn't have any need to come here to share their success story (like you) because they just happily move on with their lives.
Of course, I know there are several nice guys posting 100% positive stories about their great response to treatments here, but if you look at the non-responder / good responder ratio, I'd say it's something around 10 to 1. The same applies to proportions of other variables such as insidence of side effects for some treatments. For example, despite several studies have reported that for finasteride, sides occur in less than 10% of subjects, in these forums you will see about 75% of members complaining that they got sides from finasteride. Why? Because the ones who didn't suffer from sides have absolutely no motivation to come here. This sampling bias occurring in forums is responsible for the religious behavior of most active members regarding finasteride, saying it's literally poison and considering the use of it as some kind of heresy
Having said that, there have been more than 4 members here that are close to the 3 month mark and have said they see zero results so far. There is.a guy PMing most of us asking us to fulfill a form to gather data regarding results. Probably he will provide summary statistics when enough people is surveyed and when a certain minimal timeframe is achieved.
And that is exactly what we need. We need to know the proportion.of people who respond, especially in the long term, and if enough data is gathered of members using slightly different regimes, optimal variables for achieving regrowth (such a frequency and needle length) can be somewhat inferred. That's why it's very important that many more members start taking part in this community trial, and that most of them (or us) stick to this for a lot of time.


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Today i did my third session of rolling.

I think my scalp is getting used to this.
This time it hurt much less than before.
Last two session i had tears in my eyes from the pain, now it was much more bearable.

Because of this i could put more pressure into the roller, so i got much more bleeding this time around.
My scalp is also healing much more quickly, the redness subsides after a couple of hours and all i'm left with is a nice, burning sensation on my entire scalp, which feels amazing actually.
Makes my scalp feel alive and like blood is flowing.

I don't know if i'm feeling less pain because i now have hair. I'm actually growing out a buzzcut so i can see the results, if there are any.
Looking for improvement with the shaved head would be much harder.

Not gonna lie, love the blood flow effect after a nice session.


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I'm not sure if that's how stuff works on hairloss forums. Actually, the general trend seems to be the opposite here. Of all the hairloss sufferers who are on treatments, mostly the non-responders are the ones who come to post in these forums. The ones who respond well usually doesn't have any need to come here to share their success story (like you) because they just happily move on with their lives.
Of course, I know there are several nice guys posting 100% positive stories about their great response to treatments here, but if you look at the non-responder / good responder ratio, I'd say it's something around 10 to 1. The same applies to proportions of other variables such as insidence of side effects for some treatments. For example, despite several studies have reported that for finasteride, sides occur in less than 10% of subjects, in these forums you will see about 75% of members complaining that they got sides from finasteride. Why? Because the ones who didn't suffer from sides have absolutely no motivation to come here. This sampling bias occurring in forums is responsible for the religious behavior of most active members regarding finasteride, saying it's literally poison and considering the use of it as some kind of heresy
Having said that, there have been more than 4 members here that are close to the 3 month mark and have said they see zero results so far. There is.a guy PMing most of us asking us to fulfill a form to gather data regarding results. Probably he will provide summary statistics when enough people is surveyed and when a certain minimal timeframe is achieved.
And that is exactly what we need. We need to know the proportion.of people who respond, especially in the long term, and if enough data is gathered of members using slightly different regimes, optimal variables for achieving regrowth (such a frequency and needle length) can be somewhat inferred. That's why it's very important that many more members start taking part in this community trial, and that most of them (or us) stick to this for a lot of time.

Have to agree on side effects been on finasteride minoxidil more than decade only heard about side effects being a major thing when i joined here. also need to know peoples starting point are they slow norward 2s with no results or aggressive norward 7s with no results and are the 2s needling up to their whole 7 area .so many variables its going to be like herding cats
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I'm not sure if that's how stuff works on hairloss forums. Actually, the general trend seems to be the opposite here. Of all the hairloss sufferers who are on treatments, mostly the non-responders are the ones who come to post in these forums. The ones who respond well usually doesn't have any need to come here to share their success story (like you) because they just happily move on with their lives.
Of course, I know there are several nice guys posting 100% positive stories about their great response to treatments here, but if you look at the non-responder / good responder ratio, I'd say it's something around 10 to 1. The same applies to proportions of other variables such as insidence of side effects for some treatments. For example, despite several studies have reported that for finasteride, sides occur in less than 10% of subjects, in these forums you will see about 75% of members complaining that they got sides from finasteride. Why? Because the ones who didn't suffer from sides have absolutely no motivation to come here. This sampling bias occurring in forums is responsible for the religious behavior of most active members regarding finasteride, saying it's literally poison and considering the use of it as some kind of heresy
Having said that, there have been more than 4 members here that are close to the 3 month mark and have said they see zero results so far. There is.a guy PMing most of us asking us to fulfill a form to gather data regarding results. Probably he will provide summary statistics when enough people is surveyed and when a certain minimal timeframe is achieved.
And that is exactly what we need. We need to know the proportion.of people who respond, especially in the long term, and if enough data is gathered of members using slightly different regimes, optimal variables for achieving regrowth (such a frequency and needle length) can be somewhat inferred. That's why it's very important that many more members start taking part in this community trial, and that most of them (or us) stick to this for a lot of time.

I also think that there are many users with a "minimal"evidence of alopecia in that the obsession and insistencemake flowing the negativity with everything and accusingeverything of scam. For example those affected by the type Norwood 1,5-2 alopecia are not usually good companions of fatiguecompared with others like me with alopecia somewhat moreadvanced, since we have more patience in this and we haveseen things fail, summarizing we have more experience andwe have gone through That period.

For example the typical users who are always makingnegative spam in any thread of new possible "cures". Alsothe expectations of these users with less advanced alopeciaor some with advanced alopecia that believe that they willreturn to have the hair of when they were teenagers,influence negativity and therefore they cause other users tolose interest.

I think we should do another thread just to document theprocess with photos etc and only limited to the processitself, without any comment.

Finally, I've been taking dutasteride and finasteride about 3 years and 0secondary.


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I started doing robs scalp massages in Jan 2018 until June. I stopped because it was the first time I saw diffused thinning on top. I didn't notice any shedding, just thinner hair. I started because of my crown. Not saying that it was the massages for 40 minutes a day, but I made the association anyways.
Same to me


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Are you guys touching the head of the pen to your scalp and then switching it on, or switching it on first and then applying it to your head?
I spray my one with 70% alchol just before i start and rev the guts out of it to shake off the liquid before i press it to my head no stop start on the scalp
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I just reviewed my notes on the past 4 sessions.

I want to share these and I ask you guys to tell me which one happened to you. Those who already got good results please chime in.

1. First session with the pen was odd and I didn't know what pressure to put on my scalp and I heard this weird sound on my scalp like crunching.
I started at 1mm because I was a bit worried. Speed was lowest. There was no blood which made be feel like it was a waste of session. But there was two or three spots on my temples. I ended with 2 mm.

2. Second was better but still no blood. I was still concerned about the lack of blood, so I again thought I didn't apply enough pressure. Medium speed.

3. Third session was even better and more strategic. But there was no blood apart from the temples. My scalp felt hot and a bit tingly. The pain is enjoyable now. I miss it on weekdays and I can't wait for the next session. Medium speed

4. The quality went town a bit and it felt like a wasted session. It was all over the place. On some areas the pressure was higher but on others the pressure was weak. Medium speed. Did not feel good about this session at all. I understand it the long game but it felt like it does when you get a small injury and have to take a few days off from the gym.

Since, we are wounding once a week or once every two weeks, I feel like we should approach this strategically. Perfection doesn't exist but a good thorough session is important.

>>> Those who bleed, please share your needle length, your pressure at which you touch your scalp, and the speed of the pen. I also want to know how many times you pass over the same area.

I the first session if I saw blood, only blood points above myhead.. Like 8-9 points of blood. I also started with 1mm until Ireached 1.5 mm in my first session. I think we should notdamage the skin much, because healing can be complicated


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Hey, I started with 1mm without any bleeding. But since I'm up to 1.5 there a some bloodspots. I did my 3rd session now. Usually I use not too much pressure but as much as I need to have the feeling the needles went the whole length in. I use the highest speedrate. Today I experienced that the Dermapen kind of got stuck in my skin and it follows the pen when I lift it. Anyone experiwnced the same thing?... not sure if that's a good oe bad sign...


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Derminator 2 high speed 2mm i built my self up week by week from medium 1.5mm to 2mm high i feel like last weeks 2mm high is my only true session no blood carnage but i felt scalp fucked lol i was going hesitantly as i was concerned about existing healthy hair .


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Thanks for the replies.

Did anyone heal way too early?

I almost all healed 24-36 hours later.
Yea i feel like i could go again by day 4 if thats biologically case i duno? but atlas i wait at least 7 waiting 8 this week as im moving my day of coldsteel


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I just reviewed my notes on the past 4 sessions.

I want to share these and I ask you guys to tell me which one happened to you. Those who already got good results please chime in.

1. First session with the pen was odd and I didn't know what pressure to put on my scalp and I heard this weird sound on my scalp like crunching.
I started at 1mm because I was a bit worried. Speed was lowest. There was no blood which made be feel like it was a waste of session. But there was two or three spots on my temples. I ended with 2 mm.

2. Second was better but still no blood. I was still concerned about the lack of blood, so I again thought I didn't apply enough pressure. Medium speed.

3. Third session was even better and more strategic. But there was no blood apart from the temples. My scalp felt hot and a bit tingly. The pain is enjoyable now. I miss it on weekdays and I can't wait for the next session. Medium speed

4. The quality went town a bit and it felt like a wasted session. It was all over the place. On some areas the pressure was higher but on others the pressure was weak. Medium speed. Did not feel good about this session at all. I understand it the long game but it felt like it does when you get a small injury and have to take a few days off from the gym.

Since, we are wounding once a week or once every two weeks, I feel like we should approach this strategically. Perfection doesn't exist but a good thorough session is important.

>>> Those who bleed, please share your needle length, your pressure at which you touch your scalp, and the speed of the pen. I also want to know how many times you pass over the same area.

I feel like I am wounding more effectively now but it has taken me about 8 sessions to get used to it.

Armando Jose

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I was doing this until I became convinced I was growing small, white hairs on the end of my nose!

Microneedling has completely eliminated any excess oil I had on my forehead, though. Just need to hope my forehead doesn't start growing hair.

Don`t worry ;)


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Yeah I've learned a lot in just 4 sessions too. The 4th one was underwhelming and I started thinking about strategy. Next time I'm going in with a higher speed and a firmer pressure and I'll from one extreme of the scalp to the other extreme to reduce pain. This will allow the areas on the other side a few second rest as I go over them again.

I think it's very important to have a system in place for this. A sort of guidelines to follow that give a flow to the process of needling.

I wish i had the balls to shave my head so can get at it even needling all over. my hair gets in the way so much i would do if i knew it was defo going to work as i will need a shorter hairstyle for easy maintenance access, shaving head would probably be a good protocol for early mass sessions.

Armando Jose

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I would like to share with you guys my experience of using derma roller. I have started about 2 months ago. At the beginning I was using 1mm with 540 needles (cheapest I found) and was gaining hairs. After 4 session Ive noticed thinkening and then after watching some vids on youtube I decided to buy 190 2mm needles version. I was doing 3 sessions with it. After that I found myself that I have lost almost all of the gains during rolling with this roller.
why people change its treatment when it is giving results? 2 mm is the double of 1 mm, can it be tthe reason of the gains lost?

We need to know the proportion.of people who respond, especially in the long term, and if enough data is gathered of members using slightly different regimes, optimal variables for achieving regrowth (such a frequency and needle length) can be somewhat inferred. That's why it's very important that many more members start taking part in this community trial, and that most of them (or us) stick to this for a lot of time.
Good idea

Not gonna lie, love the blood flow effect after a nice session
Thank you for your input but, this paragraph is futile and Inapropiate comment


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This is why I use 2mm length and I will try a firmer pressure in the next session.

I have long hair too and no way I'm buzzing my hair again. I would rather grow it longer and longer to obscure my diffuse hairloss with a f*****g man bun maybe but the only time I will buzz it again is if I get a full head of hair in the future just as a f*** you to hair loss. f*** I'll probably run a 0.5 through my hair just for gags.

You should try more and consistent pressure with a longer length. The Chinese study used 1.5 to 2.5 so 2mm seems to the sweet spot.

yea been doing 2.0 so im at least hiting 1.5 duno if to switch up to the 2.5 in hairy areas .

yea im a hair prisoner i prefer people to take the piss that i have to much hair than buzz it to reality. lol will shave my headbald just because i can if i ever get cured .


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why people change its treatment when it is giving results? 2 mm is the double of 1 mm, can it be tthe reason of the gains lost?
I don't think so, the studies used 2 mm and it did no harm, but I agree. If it gives results, better stick with it.
Thank you for your input but, this paragraph is futile and Inapropiate comment
I don't think he means that he enjoyed bleeding, but how the scalp feels alive after a session. I understand the feeling and I agree.


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The success rates of Minoxidil during long-term follow-up (5 years) tends to be lower than shorter trials with around 20-30% of patients remaining satisfied.[12][13]

The key here has to needling. The thing th

Interesting to note that I'm enjoying the sessions so much more than I used to with the roller. I'm looking forward to next week rather than dread it like I used to. The feeling is a bit different with the pen. It feels like I did a good thing for my scalp rather than feeling like torture.

yea i enjoy it i reckon needles go in and out so fast we cant process it, plus rollers do diagonal wounds as well as straight


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Interesting to note that I'm enjoying the sessions so much more than I used to with the roller. I'm looking forward to next week rather than dread it like I used to. The feeling is a bit different with the pen. It feels like I did a good thing for my scalp rather than feeling like torture.
I'm dying to do my next session. And it's still a week away... What a gaggle of c****.