Update From The God Himself - Dr. Takashi Tsuji


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Everyone forgets that they are ready to partner with other companies, they said it once again in their last news post, within the last lines.

My only concern is, why's it that companies and firms resist to partner with Riken/Dr. Takashi Tsuji's lab. Only time will tell, probably.

Edit: Sorry, I correct myself, it's not on the last lines, but on the fourth page in the last paragraph:

"RIKEN is soliciting donations from the general public and companies, and is also seeking a wide range of partner companies."
Again, really don't think this would be difficult if they were being reasonable with terms. It's the ask for donations along side this that is very suspicious.


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Again, really don't think this would be difficult if they were being reasonable with terms. It's the ask for donations along side this that is very suspicious.
I agree on this one. It's really weird asking for donations, especially when you marked via reporters back then 2020 as the year where hair loss is a thing of the past lol and now working with beauty companies as a side project on a minoxidil+

It is indeed suspicious. Hope we will see/hear something more the next years, fingers crossed!

Super Metroid

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I think that it's not as easy as it is said to just transplant 120,000 follicles onto someone's head lol. Not ethical imo

Just look at Stemson Therapeutics. A proper economic structure is needed for such things. Beforehand, they had Organ Technologies. I remember that he said COVID had some effect on O.T. for closing shop.
Even a nw7 doesn't need 120.000 follicles. The balding area is, say, 250 cm2 (apologies if you don't use the metric system) and let's assume a density of 100 grafts per cm2. That is still 25.000 hair grafts.

But the point was that if you can show legit results, you don't need a marketing campaign anymore as the results speak for themselves.

Still the questions remains what they expect a partner to contribute


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I just want to say that I was talking about full blown and severe baldness and not everyone has the same amout of hair follicles on the scalp, it depends on the type of the hair. But 100 grafts per cm^2 are obviously not enough to say you're 'cured', especially not for caucasians, maybe for asians having a different hair type.

Super Metroid

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I just want to say that I was talking about full blown and severe baldness and not everyone has the same amout of hair follicles on the scalp, it depends on the type of the hair. But 100 grafts per cm^2 are obviously not enough to say you're 'cured', especially not for caucasians, maybe for asians having a different hair type.

Just a quick check. William Rassman, one of the most revered surgeons, says that the Caucasian head typically has 50.000 grafts.

You only want to replace those in the balding zone, so that means 25.000 or so. And 100 grafts (not hairs) is a fantastic density, even for Caucasians.
Not necessarily here to debate this stuff though. I just wanted to react to the enthusiasm around Tsuji while there are some obvious red flags staring us in the face.

ok, so then completely bald people may have better hair than their original was>?
Don't get caught up in the exact numbers I am giving.

Super Metroid

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I agree on this one. It's really weird asking for donations, especially when you marked via reporters back then 2020 as the year where hair loss is a thing of the past lol and now working with beauty companies as a side project on a minoxidil+

It is indeed suspicious. Hope we will see/hear something more the next years, fingers crossed!

I even forgot about that side project thing. Though wanting to see it differently, I don't see Tsuji / RIKEN are moving like they really have something.


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Lol @ a bunch of westerners trying to figure out what makes sense in Japan. That country is like no other, it's a whole different world.

Like I said in the other thread, would you invest in a company that is developing a product to sell for 250k when another company is developing the same product but with a more streamlined manufacturing, and planning to sell it for ~50k?


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Anybody who thinks they are going to do the same number of hairs for whites as they do for Asians isn't thinking it through. They can do more than 124, but that is the optimal density for their home market.


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Lol @ a bunch of westerners trying to figure out what makes sense in Japan. That country is like no other, it's a whole different world.

Like I said in the other thread, would you invest in a company that is developing a product to sell for 250k when another company is developing the same product but with a more streamlined manufacturing, and planning to sell it for ~50k?
Yes. That price point was completely arbitrary and 2 companies in a new untapped market, both of who haven't started human trials is nothing. Other diseases have dozens of pre-clinical & clinical players in the same field and new start ups with patented IP still attract new investors.

I do know that Japan is like a completely different planet (I lived there for two months), but this seems like it has more to do with a dysfunctional org structure & process rather then just being in a country with different business practices and culture.


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Anybody who thinks they are going to do the same number of hairs for whites as they do for Asians isn't thinking it through. They can do more than 124, but that is the optimal density for their home market.
That was what I was reffering to, they even said they can change the density while doing the procedure, adjustments! It's just incredible!!

Thanks Peg. !

Super Metroid

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Lol @ a bunch of westerners trying to figure out what makes sense in Japan. That country is like no other, it's a whole different world.

Like I said in the other thread, would you invest in a company that is developing a product to sell for 250k when another company is developing the same product but with a more streamlined manufacturing, and planning to sell it for ~50k?
Where do we get the $250k price tag for the Tsuji-procedure from? Still from those unconformed statements that an unknown blogger made 2 years ago?


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Yes. That price point was completely arbitrary and 2 companies in a new untapped market, both of who haven't started human trials is nothing. Other diseases have dozens of pre-clinical & clinical players in the same field and new start ups with patented IP still attract new investors.
How many of those times is company A planning to charge 5 times for the same thing as company B? The numbers aren't coming out of thin air, Tsuji's tech is more time-consuming and expensive than Stemson's, but the end result will be the same if is Stemson is right. That's a problem, but I still think he'll get the money. He may have just not received an offer he likes. It could be he doesn't want to give up anything, and no one is going to invest 4 million dollars in a startup for 10% interest.
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Tsuji's tech is more time-consuming and expensive than Stemson's, but the end result will be the same if is Stemson is right
Honestly, I can't really find ANYTHING where Stemson says they want to achieve occipital-like follicles, meanwhile RIKEN does so, they even made a whole paragraph backing that up in the newest post.

Super Metroid

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Yes, and I'm sick of people accusing him of lying. That's cope
I personally require a better source for such information, in this case, RIKEN or Tsuji himself. To base your claim on a nonconformed statement of a random blogger is naive in my opinion.


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I personally require a better source for such information, in this case, RIKEN or Tsuji himself. To base your claim on a nonconformed statement of a random blogger is naive in my opinion.

I'm basing my claim on the fact that Tsuji's technology is more complex than Tsuji's, requiring a more expensive culture process and more time. Also, I've never known a Japanese person to be a liar, and certainly not to tell such a bald-faced lie as this. 100% Tsuji gave him that estimate, but that doesn't mean they haven't made some improvements in the meantime that will allow them to bring the cost down somewhat. Regardless they will never be as cheap as Stemson.


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Honestly, I can't really find ANYTHING where Stemson says they want to achieve occipital-like follicles, meanwhile RIKEN does so, they even made a whole paragraph backing that up in the newest post.
Alexey said they would offer free top ups. He's not doing that if they expect the hairs to be androgen sensitive.


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Alexey said they would offer free top ups. He's not doing that if they expect the hairs to be androgen sensitive.
You mean, if they would INDEED be androgen sensitive, they have to do top ups everytime now and then (ie. a span of 2-10 years), what would be very costly for 'em and then again not 'allowing' them to make such a statement; "free of charge top-up's".


Sorry for my bad expression, I suck at doing so, especially as I am not a native speaker. Hope you do understand!


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ok, but we dont what does it mean....free top ups because of cloned hair will fall out with time, or our original hair will fall out
I don't know how they would tell the difference. About 80% of Tsuji's grafts survived, I don't think that had anything to do with androgens. 124*.8=99.2 hairs which puts them at normal density for a Japanese person. I would imagine that they'd initially go a little higher than normal density for other races too to offset the 20% that will be lost. Stemson will probably do the same. The way it sounds like to me is that they want to charge a flat rate to everyone that would cover a full head of hair. If you are NW7 you get all the hairs in your first session, if you're not then you come back in as you need them.

You mean, if they would INDEED be androgen sensitive, they have to do top ups everytime now and then (ie. a span of 2-10 years), what would be very costly for 'em and then again not 'allowing' them to make such a statement; "free of charge top-up's".


Sorry for my bad expression, I suck at doing so, especially as I am not a native speaker. Hope you do understand!

What I mean is that the transplanted hairs will not be androgen sensitive otherwise doing free top ups could become very costly for them due to having to replace them every few years. If the transplanted hairs are permanent then they would only have to do ~30k grafts maximum over your lifetime if all of your natural hairs turned vellus. If the transplanted hairs are not permanent then there is no limit to the number of grafts that they would have to do, which would make free top-ups unfeasible.