Goingat20, here is the RU plan


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CCS you are awfully quite. What's going on? have the people from RU contacted you?


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I emailed them earlier today, and told them someone who ordered after I did got his already, and asked if customs got it.


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Newbaldy84 said:
CCS you are awfully quite.

He's quite WHAT? :)



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Owense replied to me. Here is what he said:

"Sorry, but we have checked that the parcel had been arrived to you already on 28-Oct., please urgently confirm.


With regards."

I never got a slip saying I had a package to pick up. I guess I'll go ask the people in the apartment office and call the post office. Maybe one of those places has it.


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damm i been counting on RU as my hair looks like crap lately...


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The RU arrived. It has been in my apartment office for a week. Either the postal person did not put a note in my mail box or one of my roommates got it. At least it was not hot. The office sent me an email to come get it.

It was packed every well. Lots of tape around the box, and a plastic bag taped around part of it. The inside was packed with paper. I did not open it all the way. I just opened the box and took out the paper wad which must have the bottle inside, and put it inside two zip lock bags and put that in the freezer. I was told in one of the earlier emails that it came in two 5g bags. Inconvenient.

I'm thinking we should just use ethanol, propylene glycol, and maybe some DMSO 5%. I ordered 1 oz bottles which may be here in a week.

I think it would be easier if Goingat20 paid by paypal and everyone in the states mailed me a check.

I'm flexible and can mail everyone their 2g with separate liquid, or separately send four 30 day supplies pre-mixed, or three 40 days supplies pre-mixed, at 3.33% good for 0.5mL (15-20mL) per day. Just tell me which you prefer. I't would be easier for me to just send the powder so I don't have to worry about it any more, but I have to store some anyway until I sell the rest.

Just for comparison, a 60oz bottle of 5% minoxidil has 3g of minoxidil, and gives you 2mL per day instead of 0.5mL per day. Your 2g is being stretched 4 months.

Shipping each time will be $5. I'll charge a dollar for liquid and $2 for mixing it. The 2g is $390/5 = $78. Since I don't want to get stuck with the full cost if anyone changes their mind, you need to pay $86 up front. That works out to 21.50 per month if you get the powder all at once, or $5 per month if I ship 15mL every month.

My 1oz bottles will probably arrive in a week, if the shipping is normal. Each of you can decide if you want to send the money now, after I get the bottles, or after the first person gets his RU.


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I sent everyone PM's, so please check your mail. Some of you have full mail boxes.

To anyone else reading this thread, I still have 4g up for sale.

As much as I'd like to test it on myself, 0.5mL probably won't do a lot for me and I'd rather just let these guys tell me how it goes while I use spironolactone, which is 1/10th the price. I use 2% spironolactone, homemade, 2.5mL, once a day after a shower. It is about $7 per month, but probably not nearly as strong as RU. But I'm not getting side effects from dutasteride like goingat20 and others are. I hope my male pattern baldness is not as aggressive as theirs, but I will find out if my hair does not improve on my new regimen.


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OK, goingat20 said he wants to buy the remaining 4g later after he uses up his first 4 months.

I'm going to disappear from these boards for 2 days since I have a test on friday. I'll talk to everyone about RU on Friday afternoon.


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I just had a read through one of Bryans post on RU
"topical RU58841 was more effective in stumptailed macaques than even huge oral doses of finasteride, and the RU was applied only once or twice a day. So even though nobody can say definitively just how long RU hangs around in the hair follicle, how long androgen receptors remain blocked, etc., it's evidently PLENTY long enough to have a beneficial effect on hair follicles"


That gives me HOPE...


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yeah, maybe spironolactone is not anymore effective above a certain dose because of vehicle issues, or because it blocks all receptors, and the excess leaves and is metabolised, and spironolactone that is bonded breaks off soon and is metabolised soon, while the RU just stays bonded longer.

Also, supposedly AR blockers have no androgen properties, but what if some do give weak androgen signals, and others estrogen signals, and some none? Maybe RU gives a better signal than what spironolactone gives.

But that is interesting that topical RU outperformed oral finasteride. I wonder if it stronger than dutasteride. I just wish I know what concentrations are optimal and how effective lower doses are, and if every other day is enough. Yeah, and what vehicle is best. I really think guys who got bad results did not keep theirs fresh enough. Keep your vials in the fridge.


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When you talk about PPG... is that Polypropylene glycol? The same that is used for car antifreeze liquid? (well also sometimes they used Ethylene glycol for that...)

And If that... could anyone confirm me that Polypropylene glycol is the same that Mono Polypropylene glycol?. I have access to tons of Mono Polypropylene glycol but do not know is the same substance...

Thanks :lol:


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no, we are using propylene glycol. People should say pg, not ppg.

hairhaircomeagain says he wants his 2g again. I'll still sell the final 2g to goingat20.


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Hey ccs
When will you start the shipment...? Got money ready just forward your paypal details


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I'm still waiting on the 1oz bottles I ordered. Yeah, I know I should have ordered them sooner. I ordered them from http://www.mountainroseherbs.com about a week ago, so it should not be much longer. I ordered at least 15, so I could cover all your future shipments.


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furiousleader said:
pst me your paypal info cc let me know how this works out ..im actually debating going with ru or stick with spironolactone http://www.genhair.com/store/product_in ... 8276e65878 which last longer in term of period and price wise....

I've already found buyers for the 10g. Hairhaircomeagain, mgm and newbaldy84. goingat20 is getting two 2g over several months.

I'm not going to buy any more. I just want to sell what I have and be done with this. If these four get great results, I might buy 10g for myself, but I don't like fronting money and then waiting several months before I can sell something and recoup my losses.


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no, the bottles did not arrive today. I'll ask the office if they arrived this weekend, since I was gone.