Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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I don't recommend buying from Lena, I don't know what the f*** she's mixing in there. She might sell her own piss out of racial animosity. I've talked to that f*****g tranny, she's dangerous to deal with. If you're talking about injections, I advise you to buy only legal drugs.
Used her EV injections for a year. I regularly tested hormone levels and checked for STDs as i'm paranoid. Nothing out of the ordinary. She's also very helpful on reddit reaching out to people who wish to make their own estrogen.


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I recommend to use at least 4-5mg per day sublingual. This is how I used to do before injections.

I am using 1mg at 11 AM, 0.5mg at 3 PM, 1mg at 5:30 PM and 1.5mg at 22 PM. It is important that last dosage is more than a mg because it needs to last several hours.

I'll prob change to 5mg which would be much better. The split would be: 1mg 11 AM, 0.5 mg 3 PM, 1 mg 6 PM, 1 mg 10 PM and 1.5mg at 2 AM. As you can see the next dose is way closer than with 4 mg.


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Что лучше для энантата или валерата волос? или нет разницы. Я делаю инъекцию в течение почти 6 месяцев и видел только бесполезный пух, который не вырос. Я скоро закажу новую инъекцию, но я не знаю, какую из них лучше выбрать?
Idk honestly. I switched from cypionate to enanthate 2 months ago but i feel like i should switch back. i am shedding like a b**ch. i did shed this badly this time last year when i was a couple months into taking estrogel and it stopped but this sh*t sucks. my skin is also a bit worse than when i was using cypionate so i might have to try and switch back. i have no experience with valerate


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Idk honestly. I switched from cypionate to enanthate 2 months ago but i feel like i should switch back. i am shedding like a b**ch. i did shed this badly this time last year when i was a couple months into taking estrogel and it stopped but this sh*t sucks. my skin is also a bit worse than when i was using cypionate so i might have to try and switch back. i have no experience with valerate
I also having bad experience with Enanthate. Had better skin on sublingual pill than on Enanthate. Idk what is going on with that ester.


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ИДК честно. Я перешел с ципионата на энантат 2 месяца назад, но чувствую, что должен вернуться назад. я теряю как б ** ч. я сильно потерял это на этот раз в прошлом году, когда я пару месяцев принимал эстрогель, и это прекратилось, но это отстой. моя кожа также немного хуже, чем когда я использовал ципионат, поэтому мне, возможно, придется попытаться переключиться назад. у меня нет опыта с валератому

Idk honestly. I switched from cypionate to enanthate 2 months ago but i feel like i should switch back. i am shedding like a b**ch. i did shed this badly this time last year when i was a couple months into taking estrogel and it stopped but this sh*t sucks. my skin is also a bit worse than when i was using cypionate so i might have to try and switch back. i have no experience with valerate
i have enanthate and valera, i will alternate taking them.


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i've decided to switch back to cypionate and a few days after injection my face feels so much less inflamed. will update this thread regularly on this particular issue because i'm devastated that i spent the last 2 months backsliding after a 4chan idiot convinced me enanthate is objectively the best ester.


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i've decided to switch back to cypionate and a few days after injection my face feels so much less inflamed. will update this thread regularly on this particular issue because i'm devastated that i spent the last 2 months backsliding after a 4chan idiot convinced me enanthate is objectively the best ester.
Yeah update pls, Enanthate is not giving me very good results honestly.


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i've decided to switch back to cypionate and a few days after injection my face feels so much less inflamed. will update this thread regularly on this particular issue because i'm devastated that i spent the last 2 months backsliding after a 4chan idiot convinced me enanthate is objectively the best ester.
where do you inject the drug


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Used her EV injections for a year. I regularly tested hormone levels and checked for STDs as i'm paranoid. Nothing out of the ordinary. She's also very helpful on reddit reaching out to people who wish to make their own estrogen.
how many ml of EE do you use and how often?


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how much oral minoxidil can be taken per day maximum mg to keep the hooves from falling? I now take 10 drops in the morning and 10 in the evening, about 20 mg.


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The shedding progresses to some extent but hair looks better and fuller, I feel shorter hairs growing in again, skin cleared, etc. I feel fully comfortable saying cypionate>enanthate by far, with enanthate basically being snake oil (at least for the way I reacted to it)

It's a bittersweet feeling to see how well it works because on the one hand, it's great to see me turning into the person I want to be before my eyes, but why am I so brutally allergic to testosterone? Seriously any amount of testosterone is just going to make me disgusting and I am dependent on this drug now forever to feel confidence? Wild stuff

I'll try to post pictures on the 1 month of switching back to cypionate