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  • thinkin on minoxidil for temples :\
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    Reactions: JaneyElizabeth
    Do you have anything in the temples? Mine lagged my crown for years. I am noticing that first they improve to where it looks diffuse up close but still like recession in front of the mirror in non-close-ups. It's amazing how the hair quality seems juvenile even if it doesn't complete cover the temples. Most people at my age would have sort of grizzly grey hair.
    Estrogen is magic for looks and T, maybe for rock hard pecs but I have sort of hard pecs.

    Goddess bless and keep you and your precious locks.
    I had my first EV injection on 13/07/2021
    3 months 12.5 CPA sings of hypoandrogenism
    No significant weight gain despite moderate breast development and noticably more fat.
    Probably lost some muscle mass
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