Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Hair is getting worse despite of HRT. No matter how long I've been on it my hair just get more miniaturized every month. There is nothing you can do If you are unlucky enough...

So you became a freak of nature and still didn’t get your hair back? Hahaha

what an ugly loser


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This forum has been hijacked by faggots promising hairs if you become hideous like them.

It’s sickening.


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So you became a freak of nature and still didn’t get your hair back? Hahaha

what an ugly loser
was gonna like your reply, then i saw your f***** *** cant even take a full dose of finasteride, pathetic pussy f***** you are
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was gonna like your reply, then i saw your f***** *** cant even take a full dose of finasteride, pathetic pussy f***** you are

I don’t want to be liked by freaks of nature. You can’t procreate you can’t attract a female

what are you


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I don’t want to be liked by freaks of nature. You can’t procreate you can’t attract a female

what are you
you clearly have never even tried the sh*t so please stop clogging up our resource with your pointless rambling

one of the funniest things to me is how trans oriented spaces are full of complainers saying that estradiol does next to nothing to reduce masculinity, and then you come here and the narrative is totally opposite.

i've been taking it for a year and i have never been more confident in myself. my face and hair look great most days. i went from being absolutely confused with sexuality and gender to being completely comfortable as a straight man.

posting in this thread about anything besides estradiol to cure hair loss is a complete waste of everyone's time, especially since it's such a niche topic with so much promise, and so much to discuss!
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Hi all. Although this thread has turned into a sad sight, but I still want to tell my story of the fight against baldness. So it all started like everyone else with min + finasteride, and there is no result. After I found this forum, I switched to a regimen of 200 - 150 mg of cyproterone, 2.5 mg of dutasteride, about 6 mg of estrogen in tablets, also added 50 mg of bicalutomide for about 10 months. No result showed up. hair as dropped out periods (spring and autumn) and fall out. The situation on the head during this period also worsened. As for the side effects, everything is standard: gynecomastia, sexual dysfunction, lack of libido, gained a little weight, lost muscle mass. I haven't taken anything for about a month now. Erection and libido fully recovered. In the future, I plan to completely turn off cipro, mix estradiol tablets with gel (because I can’t buy injections), increase bicalutomide, and add myoxidil. I can't buy Ru because I live in Russia. I don't really believe in getting rid of baldness, but for now I'll try to continue.


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I haven't taken anything for about a month now. Erection and libido fully recovered.
Bad idea
mix estradiol tablets with gel (because I can’t buy injections), increase bicalutomide
I just don't think it's enough. I don't have experience with bica so it may or may not help, but injections just work so much better compared to the gel and pills. And like user Almas has complained about in previous pages, it's still not a completely satisfying solution. So I'd definitely try to get the injections at all cost if I were you if you're going through the trouble of this (I am and have 0 regrets/reservations).


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Плохая идея

Я просто не думаю, что этого достаточно. У меня нет опыта с бика, так что это может или не может помочь, но инъекции работают намного лучше по сравнению с гелем и таблетками. И, как пользователь Almas жаловался на предыдущих страницах, это все еще не совсем удовлетворительное решение. Так что я бы определенно попытался сделать инъекции любой ценой на вашем месте, если бы вы столкнулись с проблемой этого ( У меня есть 0 сожалений / резервирования ).
Что лучше для энантата или валерата волос? или нет разницы. Я делаю инъекцию в течение почти 6 месяцев и видел только бесполезный пух, который не вырос. Я скоро закажу новую инъекцию, но я не знаю, какую из них лучше выбрать?


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Why accept something that doesn't work? Baldness continues as it did before.
the problem with estradiol is that the only otonoko store that sells estradiol doesn't ship to my country because of the war. I did not find more options, although I looked through all the possible options, it seems to me. If there are people in this thread who can help, please write


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Why accept something that doesn't work? Baldness continues as it did before.
the problem with estradiol is that the only otonoko store that sells estradiol doesn't ship to my country because of the war. I did not find more options, although I looked through all the possible options, it seems to me. If there are people in this thread who can help, please write
There are more websites that sells injections. AstroVials, Girlpotion and I think Lena came back to work 1 month ago. You can ask lena on this mail: Lena@lena.kiev.ua
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There are more websites that sells injections. AstroVials, Girlpotion and I think Lena came back to work 1 month ago. You can ask lena on this mail: Lena@lena.kiev.ua
why do you think that Lena has returned, someone has already acquired something?. give me her website.
This enemy from above, he is Russian, no one will sell him anything, especially Lena.


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did you grow anything? How old are you? I took AA and E 8 mg tablets for about a year, my hair did not fall out and did not grow, I connected oral liquid min, after five days a sypak began. then I switched to injections, after 2 months I tried the liquid min again, there was no rash and something began to germinate faster, but there was no visible effect. now I take AA, Een once every 5 days and liquid min 10 drop a day in the morning and in the evening, about 20 mg. When can I expect visible results?

Get my hair back

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I don't recommend buying from Lena, I don't know what the f*** she's mixing in there. She might sell her own piss out of racial animosity. I've talked to that f*****g tranny, she's dangerous to deal with. If you're talking about injections, I advise you to buy only legal drugs.


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I don't recommend buying from Lena, I don't know what the f*** she's mixing in there. She might sell her own piss out of racial animosity. I've talked to that f*****g tranny, she's dangerous to deal with. If you're talking about injections, I advise you to buy only legal drugs.
all sellers can pour urine. what kind of legal injections are you talking about, where to buy them?


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did you grow anything? How old are you? I took AA and E 8 mg tablets for about a year, my hair did not fall out and did not grow, I connected oral liquid min, after five days a sypak began. then I switched to injections, after 2 months I tried the liquid min again, there was no rash and something began to germinate faster, but there was no visible effect. now I take AA, Een once every 5 days and liquid min 10 drop a day in the morning and in the evening, about 20 mg. When can I expect visible results?
I am 23 and I recovered some hair few months ago with my regimen but after covid + lot of anxiety, I am losing everything again....

About results, you should see some regrowth in the month 2-3.


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what do you think, what if you inject more estrogen than it should be what will happen? here was rdin bald trans elizabeth, and he was like writing that the more estradiol, the more hair.
I tried this and it only lead to worse results, because if you dont take progesterone you create an hormonal imbalance called 'estrogen dominance' and one of the side effects is hair loss.