Recent content by Leon S Habsburg

  1. Leon S Habsburg

    Give your opinion about the ladies

    I'd probably saw off all their heads and c*m in to their dead necks
  2. Leon S Habsburg

    Dating Advice

    You know snakes are deaf, i think they feel the vibrations.
  3. Leon S Habsburg


    Halloween ideas, Micheal Myers Jason Vorhees hockey mask A zombie Micheal Jackson ala thriller period a ghostbuster Rocky horror show The Devil slipknot mask.. vampire A hangman Cant think of any more
  4. Leon S Habsburg

    What's the first thing you'd do if you got all it back???

    mmm if i got all my hair back i'd get a perm, put some lipstick on and change my name to Laura. :gay:
  5. Leon S Habsburg

    bad hair transplant at THE HOSPITAL GROUP ENGLAND

    Makes you angry just thinking about it. I would be tempting to book another consultation with hospital group, but go with a gun and knee cap these bastards, no one deserves to be a cripple quite like these scum, who no doubt sleep like babies! I read on another board that the op is getting a...
  6. Leon S Habsburg

    Staring down strangers...

    That's not you in your avatar is it?
  7. Leon S Habsburg

    what would you do if you had my hair?

    You're missing the first and most logical option: Carry on with the big 3, maybe add copper peptides. If you quit chances are you will lose all you have and be as bald as your brother. finasteride does not wear off, it continues to slow down male pattern baldness. It may have stopped it for 10 years, but now your male pattern baldness has...
  8. Leon S Habsburg

    Suggestions for haircut? (photos)

    Also when you buzz head get some sun on it and it not so white. You are a good looking man, but not maximising your potential.
  9. Leon S Habsburg

    Suggestions for haircut? (photos)

    I agree with everyone here. By rocking that hairstyle you look older than you should. If it makes it easier for you, then do what you say, grade3/4 on top. Personally by losing some flab round your jawline it will stick out more and give your face a slimmer look. Ideally in future, lose weight...
  10. Leon S Habsburg

    the big 3: why i'm screwed

    I can attest to this! Since i've hit my 30s I have more interest from women than in my 20s when I had hair, although I was stressing about losing it and was far to self concious to capitalise on the opportunities I did get, but I make up for lost time :) Women in 30s normally also come out of...
  11. Leon S Habsburg

    Balding and a girlfriend

    I used to think that but have been corrected that it is indeed a fallacy. It can come from both sides. I can not back that up with evidence but i am packing 10 inches, how about that?
  12. Leon S Habsburg

    I hate life

    Apparently he had very bad halitosis, which will kill your chances with woman more than hairloss would, FACT!
  13. Leon S Habsburg

    Hair Transplant and Facial Laser Within Six Days

    Yep Shipiro is excellent Doctor, Ron and Paul....I was going to use Ron, or Hasson and Wong, but decided against a H/T in the end due to not taking propecia and having to go in debt. I can't see there being a problem with the laser surgery as the lidocaine that is used in hair transplant's will have left your...
  14. Leon S Habsburg

    People that have actually tried Maxogain-RX...

    Never heard of it, so just done a search and found a listing on ebay. Yes if it has minoxidil in it should work for most, but most people would just use minoxidil as it's cheap...results take around 4 months yes. ... 1c0bfba4c9 The pictures they use are...
  15. Leon S Habsburg

    Hair Transplant and Facial Laser Within Six Days

    What Doctor you using, better be a good en or your new me will look butchered...have you done your due diligence?