Recent content by Chris87

  1. C

    Propecia Persistence Program

    I, and many other people on this forum take generic 1 mg finasteride, which I buy online from It is WAAYYYYY cheaper than brand name, and is totally legit (it is made by a large international pharmaceutical company). I usually buy 2 months supply at a time for $40. If i were to...
  2. C

    EMERGENCY need finasteride in Los Angeles. Could anyone help?

    Ok so I have a bit of an emergency situation maybe someone can help. I get my finasteride from inhousepharmacy. I havent had a problem with them before. Well I ordered a new batch a few weeks ago and thought I'd have it before I ran out of my current. Usually with inhouse it has only taken...
  3. C

    Is finasteride GUARANTEED to shrink your genitals and give you ED eventually? (Daily Mail)

    No. If finasteride was guaranteed to shrink your genitals, I'm pretty sure no guy would ever even consider taking it. "Finasteride, guaranteed to shrink your penis" isn't the best selling slogan You've been on it for a few months now with no'll most likely be fine
  4. C

    Seasonal use of finasteride

    Never heard of anyone doing thoughts would be it wouldn't work too well. It takes at least 6 months for a lot of people to start seeing results from you'd be stopping right when its supposed to be kicking in..and i'd venture to guess that over the 6 months you weren't taking it...
  5. C

    finasteride side effect concern

    Some guys have ball pain on and off, i'd say its probably nothing to think about.
  6. C

    New to forum, not to hairloss, HELP!

    Hey Jen Sorry to hear about your situation. Sucks for all of us, especially the women. I think you should check out if you haven't already. They are a reputable site, with their own active forum. Of course you're welcome to post here, but I know as a...
  7. C

    Experienced sides on finasteride....should I try again?

    Well..the question of "is its safe" is really hard to answer. The answer I guess is, maybe. People react differently to different things. I can't tell how someone will react to something just because I reacted a certain way. All I know is...when I took .5mg per day the first time (without...
  8. C

    In your personal opinion, what's the BEST success story?

    I'd put my vote in for Peabody. He went from having very obvious hair loss to pretty much being a NW1 with no detectable hairloss....and he's ridiculously jacked
  9. C

    4 Months in with Propecia

    if you can borrow a laser comb and try it go ahead...but DO NOT BUY ONE When i first started losing my hair I spent $500 on a hairmax laser comb. I was like 22 at the time and VERY BROKE. I had to make 3 payments on it to pay it off. It did absolutely nothing and was a complete pain in the...
  10. C

    does being overweight increase dht?

    I've actually heard that being overweight can increase estrogen and decrease testosterone. Don't know if that is true though
  11. C

    Natural DHT inhibitors that don't cause sexual sides

    I believe you're talking about spironolactone right? And yes, people have gotten side effects from using topical spironolactone. Even with topicals there is a chance for systemic absorption and side effects
  12. C

    Natural DHT inhibitors that don't cause sexual sides

    Well...the people who get sexual side effects from DHT inhibitors are getting them from the lack of matter what you take to get rid of it, you're going to get sexual side effects if you're prone to them and you lower your DHT. So the short answer there are no DHT...
  13. C


    Oh..ya mean its not reasonable to try to stop jerking off for the rest of your life? ya dont say! :jackit: :smack: :)
  14. C

    .5mg finasteride eod?

    I started finasteride for the first time a year ago at .5mg/day..had sides..quit after a month About 3 months ago I started taking .25mg every other day ..had sides but not as bad before..the sides went away within 2 or 3 weeks. I bumped up to .25mg every day. Had no problem with sides..stayed on...
  15. C

    Quitting Propecia After 9 Years

    So you had side effects for the entire 9 years you were on it? Were you aware that you had the side effects the whole time?