Why do women dislike bald guys/old guys?


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Same here DannyBoyy, I won't comment on any subject I can't relate with properly. Like you've stated in your posts before which I've been well aware of for a longtime before then, dissing happens in life. Like how you stated about having short relatives, you think things will be fine for them but obviously can't say how someone who is short feels. The same principle applies to hair loss, those who never experience it think those who do and have it will be fine with it but have no idea what it's really like. We are all human and make mistakes. Arguments can really be useless since they tend to not go anywhere. I do still worry about my hair loss, but not as much as I used to, but it's probably because my hair's not falling out anymore and regrowth keeps coming in.

Anyhow, I'm done with all of what previously happened here before. Take care of yourself DannyBoyy, peace. :heart:

Exactly im glad someone gets it, im sure Recede did aswell, take care.

- - - Updated - - -

I truly believe that DannyBoyy is here trying to help people, but I understand the point that zircon is making. I could be wrong here, but I believe the majority of the guys on this forum are in their 20's and 30's. What is important to the majority in that age group? From the comments that I have read here over the years: dating attractive women/marrying an attractive woman and being able to establish a successful career. So I think it is important to answer the questions of employment and virginity if you are going to preach that "it doesn't matter" and to "just look the other way". Guys should know what following these bits of advice will get them. DannyBoyy has every right to his privacy and we have to respect his decision not to answer these questions. With that being said, I would say some of his credibility is lost by not being upfront about his situation.

Keep fighting the good fight though DannyBoyy. There is a place for you on this forum.

I respect everyone here i truely do, i can see where Zircon was coming from, i should of said it but i explained why i didnt, but like i said the "dont worry" stems from my worry WITH hairloss, and you all know by now what that was at this point, my hairloss worry wasnt anything to do with girls or jobs like i said for pages and pages it was to do with people judging me, remember that, so when i would be going "dont care what people think" what do you think im getting at? and when i say "dont worry?" to you in this thread what started all this of lol, think about it, go back to where this silly argument started, then put my reason (the reason i repeated over and over) and put my reason next to it, when ever i posted in a thread about girls etc, i would reply with what i could relate with or something what was just obvious, you all wanted to know something about me i dont even go on about here, or pretend i had any expert knowlege about (even though i do have some work experience), anyway im just glad the argument has finished lol.


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One of my female friend once joke about Hairloss..
I knew she is very good girl..
and she is honest with me always..

So just lied..i dont care..
she asked me why ?..

So i just lied..i have found a girl who love me..

She was so damn shocked to know this she spended atleast two hours stalking my facebook profile to know that girl..

i told her she is in one of community page..
she searched and looked about 500 members and bringing up the names but she brought the names who didnot have profile pic..

I just asked her why u brought only names that do not have profile pic.
she was brutaly honest and told me that she felt that a good looking might not select me..

I felt bad but feel proud to have friend like her..

then i told her that i just joked about having a girl...
she said she was so happy for me to know that i found someone.

I rejected two girls for a crush..
now her husband posted pic of there marriage and i am hurted deep down the heart,crying.
thinking to deactivate facebook account..


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Yes, this was the point I was trying to make. I see from my reputation comments that a lot of people agree with me too. I'm sorry if I got overly aggressive towards the end because it was really getting tedious to keep on asking the same question and getting an evasive paragraph in response. I realize now that talking to DB is kind of like talking to an ELIZA-ish chat bot. He'll just keep responding until you stop.

But I do agree though, in the competition of viewpoints here there is a place for his. I have never denied that to the best of my knowledge and if I have it was done in error.

Edit: Having slept on it, I feel the exchange between me and DannyBoyy was needless and not at all representative of the kind of quality I seek to have in my posting. This is partly due to DannyBoyy being very persistent in wanting to have the last word in and simultaneously avoiding the question by offering excuses saying it shouldn't matter et.c., when a simple "yes/no" or "I refuse to answer that" would have ended the conversation then and there. Like I said, it's almost like talking to a chat bot at times. Mods you can ban me for saying that but I stand by it. However, over the exchange, particularly from page 15 onwards my responses started devolving into petty insults and non-sequiturs that honestly reflect very poorly on me. I'll leave them where they are and they are preserved in the quotes nevertheless, but I will state for the record that I disassociate from much of the content and that it's not at all the type of posting I aspire to. Some of the statements I made were just logically flawed, like "if you are a virgin you cannot help young men cope with balding".

My original point, which I fear has been watered down in this endless tit-for-tat, was that advice is not made in a vacuum, and that the circumstances of the advice giver and advice receiver do matter to those evaluating it. For example, imagine you are going to a gym and you have two people actively wanting to give you workout advice. One is an obese man, the other is a fit guy with a six pack and decent-sized guns. Which do you listen to? There isn't a simple answer to this (maybe you yourself are obese and therefore the fit guy's advice is not that applicable in your situation), but you probably picked up from this that their level of fitness gives you very useful context in which to judge the merits of their arguments.

For this reason, when you actively proselytize and preach a certain mindset or type of life advice, giving an honest account of your circumstances is absolutely vital. It gives people context to judge how relevant and applicable the advice is to their lives. With life quality everyone is different and there is no right or wrong. Certainly, a fulfilling life can be had for an individual without sex, material riches or even social interaction. However, it also follows from this that these things can be absolutely necessary for another to attain the same state of fulfillment. This should be respected and honest disclosure is part of showing that respect.

Where context matters a lot, intention by comparison matters very little. Even the most well-meant of advice can turn out seriously damaging depending on the circumstances. This is a tragic lesson from my origin story, which I outlined in another thread. Throughout my early years, my support system (family and therapists) kept lazily dispensing simple common sense advice of the "just be yourself" and "think positive" type even though this advice was clearly not helpful, arguably even harmful to me. I guess this is part of why I feel so strongly about this topic: I know all too well unfortunately that advice is often followed, and that it can have serious consequences. It's why I always try to couch my recommendations in very careful language.

I understood why you did what you did, everyone from the second page into this convo know let alone the last page, but again, and as you "slept on it" and realised is silly to think cause im whatever i cant have an opinion, i tried to stop the convo to no avail many times, its kinda of obvious what my situation was in all honesty, and my long paragraphs was me trying to prove that it shouldnt matter, but obviously to some extent, and to some agree you FINALLY admitting that, all i was trying to get you to understand, but you went on and on to try and make me say something what was obvious the first page into this convo, i wouldnt mind but i never went on about my sex life for said reasons and what not, i told you what i was even though it was obvious to stop the stupid convo,some people understood my point without pestering, one of the guys i helped commented in this very thread.

As recede said im no "sex guru", i always talked to be best of my knowlege and wouldnt talk about things i know nothing about, hence why you never see me bring up such convos, again it was obvious what i was. Maybe at times i "stook my nose in" but come on, even people here can only pretty much say i say on the lines of "dont worry" etc, end of the day you all wanted proof what i was so when i talk about said subject, you could take my comment seriously enough, again i understand that and respect that, "dont worry" i may say, "i dont give a damn what people think" i may say, its true you shouldnt worry or care what people think, and i say this from caring for along time about what people thought of me, not as some guy trying to be like in your gym example, Agustin tried to explain this along with Recede so many pages ago.

The last thing i wanna do is disguide someone, trust me, again we understand your point i never disagreed with your point. I felt like if i said i was a virgin people would just use it against me, even in convos where im not on about sex related stuff, why i never said, but as you said "Some of the statements I made were just logically flawed, if you are a virgin you cannot help young men cope with balding", im glad you admitted this, cause this what all my point was lol. I will stop going on like a broken record, i will look at my convos from now on to see if do anything like in your GYM comment, but i cant stress enough it was never my intention all i wanted was to try and help, nothing more.


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Yes, this was the point I was trying to make. I see from my reputation comments that a lot of people agree with me too. I'm sorry if I got overly aggressive towards the end because it was really getting tedious to keep on asking the same question and getting an evasive paragraph in response. I realize now that talking to DB is kind of like talking to an ELIZA-ish chat bot. He'll just keep responding until you stop.

But I do agree though, in the competition of viewpoints here there is a place for his. I have never denied that to the best of my knowledge and if I have it was done in error.

Edit: Having slept on it, I feel the exchange between me and DannyBoyy was needless and not at all representative of the kind of quality I seek to have in my posting. This is partly due to DannyBoyy being very persistent in wanting to have the last word in and simultaneously avoiding the question by offering excuses saying it shouldn't matter et.c., when a simple "yes/no" or "I refuse to answer that" would have ended the conversation then and there. Like I said, it's almost like talking to a chat bot at times. Mods you can ban me for saying that but I stand by it. However, over the exchange, particularly from page 15 onwards my responses started devolving into petty insults and non-sequiturs that honestly reflect very poorly on me. I'll leave them where they are and they are preserved in the quotes nevertheless, but I will state for the record that I disassociate from much of the content and that it's not at all the type of posting I aspire to. Some of the statements I made were just logically flawed, like "if you are a virgin you cannot help young men cope with balding".

My original point, which I fear has been watered down in this endless tit-for-tat, was that advice is not made in a vacuum, and that the circumstances of the advice giver and advice receiver do matter to those evaluating it. For example, imagine you are going to a gym and you have two people actively wanting to give you workout advice. One is an obese man, the other is a fit guy with a six pack and decent-sized guns. Which do you listen to? There isn't a simple answer to this (maybe you yourself are obese and therefore the fit guy's advice is not that applicable in your situation), but you probably picked up from this that their level of fitness gives you very useful context in which to judge the merits of their arguments.

For this reason, when you actively proselytize and preach a certain mindset or type of life advice, giving an honest account of your circumstances is absolutely vital. It gives people context to judge how relevant and applicable the advice is to their lives. With life quality everyone is different and there is no right or wrong. Certainly, a fulfilling life can be had for an individual without sex, material riches or even social interaction. However, it also follows from this that these things can be absolutely necessary for another to attain the same state of fulfillment. This should be respected and honest disclosure is part of showing that respect.

Where context matters a lot, intention by comparison matters very little. Even the most well-meant of advice can turn out seriously damaging depending on the circumstances. This is a tragic lesson from my origin story, which I outlined in another thread. Throughout my early years, my support system (family and therapists) kept lazily dispensing simple common sense advice of the "just be yourself" and "think positive" type even though this advice was clearly not helpful, arguably even harmful to me. I guess this is part of why I feel so strongly about this topic: I know all too well unfortunately that advice is often followed, and that it can have serious consequences. It's why I always try to couch my recommendations in very careful language.

Damn, that was superbly written :salut:

What is your background zircon? Do you write professionally?


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I tried to stop the conversation on multiple occasions as well. And I must say, if your intent was to stop it, you weren't doing it in a particularly efficient manner. To me you seemed stuck to your MO which is, essentially, to reply with stream-of-consciousness posts until the other party gives up. Your replies are frankly quite hard to understand a lot of times, and don't give an obvious "out" so I can exit the thread. Instead, they always seem to leave one or more loose threads or stated points that I will not be able to tie up. This way you "win" by default. It may or may not be intended on your part but that is the effect.

You then claim, as far as I understand, that you have never offered advice actively like the people I mentioned in my gym example. Here I disagree with you, and Exhibit #1 is in your signature: you are upfront about identifying yourself as a former sufferer here to help the suffering, by which you mean people who worry over hair loss and its effects on their life. You do this mainly by sharing the things you learned through overcoming the effects of bullying in your school years. Your takeaway from this experience is that by worrying about what other people think of you you will always be unhappy since people always find something to criticize, whether it's baldness, weight or anything else. Instead, you should accept your life as it is and feel content with the things you have. I think I have given fair representation of your viewpoint here, let me know if I have not.

In addition to sharing this viewpoint in threads, you also actively engage and confront viewpoints that are opposite to yours and offer competing explanations for why things happen. This more than anything makes your viewpoint fair game for criticisms and questions about your life circumstances, even if you are not specifically phrasing it in the form of personal advice. What you may not realize is that what you are effectively telling people to do, to not worry and accept their lives, represents a very specific set of tradeoffs that many people will not be willing to make if properly outlined to them. For example, a person following your advice could live with being severely overweight and block out negative feedback about their physique from the outside world because why should they care about the dissers? Alternatively, they could actively slim down and create an attractive physique leading to vastly better reactions from everyone. The choices are not mutually exclusive, but close to it. And one may be right and the other may be wrong depending on the person's specific circumstances.

When i say dont listen to dissers all im saying is to not let it get to you dude, you are looking way to much into it, obviously if you are obese and unhealthy fix it things like that, but in this thread i was on about people dissing your bald head, again school examples, i had it over and over, i finally ignored it, we cant help being bald.

I tried to stop hence when i would say "goodbye and peace" or vice versa look back trust me, i honestly stopped when i said i would, but then i see what you would say i felt annoyed that you wasnt trying understand my point so i would carry on.

"You then claim, as far as I understand, that you have never offered advice actively like the people I mentioned in my gym example. Here I disagree with you, and Exhibit #1 is in your signature: you are upfront about identifying yourself as a former sufferer here to help the suffering, by which you mean people who worry over hair loss and its effects on their life. You do this mainly by sharing the things you learned through overcoming the effects of bullying in your school years. Your takeaway from this experience is that by worrying about what other people think of you you will always be unhappy since people always find something to criticize, whether it's baldness, weight or anything else. Instead, you should accept your life as it is and feel content with the things you have. I think I have given fair representation of your viewpoint here, let me know if I have not." the biggest point here is you got my view point here, its all i wanted to know that you knew, im glad i finally do, i never meant to make any GYM like statements, from this day forward i will try not to, but my intent was never to do so, just to help and so on and so on, if you not happy about being obese or whatever then change it, i thought this was obvious, but i will try to make my points more clear from now on.

That is in my signature to also stop people going "why you here if you dont care about hairloss" since i say it dont bother me anymore.

edit: (this was made after Zircons next reply). i meant you got my view point to a point, obviously i tell people if they wanna lose weight do so, if they wanna new job do so, when i say be happy ignore dissing you should, its not nice to be called a bald freak, or fat freak, but obviously if you wanna lose weight or whatever do so i made it clear in other threads.


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I feel that we have finally reached some kind of shared understanding here, so I will end by acknowledging the validity of your perspective if it wasn't already clear from my previous post that I do. Also, I will say that I commend you for having kept so calm during our exchange even when you were at the receiving end of some quite nasty and unnecessary insults on my part. I hope things work out for you.

I knew you meant no harm with those insults and deep down you was trying to help, if anything it made me wanna do things in life even more then i do so, i didnt wanna say i was a virgin for reasons i explained i wish i did to stop all this mess, i can only hope through out it all you and others got what i meant (you finally did as you say), i wont go on we both made our points as you say, i have learned some stuff for my future posts, you take care also, peace.


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My Regimen
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Thanks for being supportive and caring of your son...you going through it has probably given more insight and empathy over it too.

I am trying finasteride very soon, hesitated for a long time because I was worried about sides.

Luckily, my son didn't have sides. I hope you don't either and that it, at the very least, slows down things for you. I think just maintaining is a win.


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I may not be working it dont mean i have no work experience or i gave up, i may not had sex, but it dont mean i havent had some experiences in the things i mentioned here (it can just be opinions at times though), i have never mentioned my sex experience or anything of the sort, or made out i was some expert on the topic in general...ever...just going by what i have seen, and just stating the obvious nothing more thats all, i get what Zircon etc was saying, but you need to understand my viewpoint aswell (Zircon said he could see my viewpoint).

My life wont be this way forever just remember that. I cant explain this enough i just cant, like i said to Zircon, in future posts i be more aware with the intentions. All this because i never said what i was (it was obvious though why else wasnt i saying yes to the question?), next time i will say straight away, i didnt wanna say what i was i admit (hence the so many pages) but i explained my reasons .

"Just remain positive, looks don't matter! Degrees don't matter! Other people's judgement don't matter! You are perfect the way you are, there's no need to fix your situation or to strive for improvement!"

I never said degrees dont matter, or not to strive for improvement, i dont think anyone is "perfect" we have our faults, obviously looks works to a degree (common sense), you should remain positive but obviously you cant always. Stop twisting things please, damn i really DO need to put my intentions in comments more, if you wont a transplant then do it, want to fix your "man boobs" do it etc etc etc i cant STOP you and never tried to, i just tried to help the best i can, its your life at the end of the day.

People dont like my posts and dont find them helpful thats fine, some have though, just stop twisting my meanings, i explained them now, i feel silly now after all that and rightly so thanks to my long responses, i feel like noone was getting my point even though i obviously got what you were all saying, but me and Zircon have resolved it lol, end off.


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I think what Larry David, a successful bald guy, says here is a relevant reply to the people who say that having a sex life doesn't matter, especially the ending:


Bad news for me.
Explains my depressed state since my early 20s. That's when the protective wall of hope for a better future started cracking.

Very good video Fred.

Norwood One

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I think Larry David is wrong. Even sex gets boring after a while.

The ultimate goal is to find purpose. It doesn't have to be a job or making money. If you don't believe in afterlife, your purpose should be to contribute something to the world before you depart. Make some discovery or impact for which you will be remembered.


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Damn, that was superbly written :salut:

What is your background zircon? Do you write professionally?
Very impressive writing. I think you and Hook definitely have great talent when it comes to writing. Stop wasting your time here and get out there and make some money with your gift. I think what Danny failed to mention is he uses this place as therapy to try to enhance his life by trying to post "positive affirmations" even if they may not seem to mean much for some people. I think he is well aware that many will find his some of his posts useless or pointless for whatever reasons but I do give the guy and "A" for effort.

Some of the discussion on here lately have gone so off track that I almost forget that this place was a support forum. But that is not an issue for me because I know how to filter thru "garbage" and find certain posts that stand out like the one zircon wrote above. I am impressed with the fact that he realized how much he was "out of character" when the bantering of virginity and education was in question. A guy of your caliber should never have to reduce himself to something so trivial because if you read between the lines, you will know why Danny never answered the questions directly. Most virgins don't like to expose their personal secret because of fear of rejection or fear of giving ammunition to future squabbles.

Fred, it was funny how you mentioned how women want a man to treat them like a princess and be nice to them. I was listening to Howard Stern and Tan Mom was saying the exact thing as she was complaining about her present husband. And she is well into her mid 40's so you are spot on. I think most women live the dream to have a "fairy tale" prince charming come sweep them away and live happily ever after. But even it does happen, then why does it almost always end in divorce eventually? The best answer I can give you is because to a certain extent we are ALL selfish. It's human nature. I think the women or men who file for divorce finally realize either they or their spouse can never make it work if they are selfish the majority of time. And those that stay in bad marriages are too afraid to be independent. And your generation, with social media, is the biggest joke of all. I really feel sorry for all you guys who have to find mates in this "new" generation as its has become nothing more than "shopping online" for bride.

My suggestion is to go "back to basics" and meet people at events that interests you where no one knows who you are and you know nothing about them. I think your chances of success will be at least slightly higher than using social media to find your mate. However, if you are just looking for sex, then stick with social media. Some of you guys on here seem very impressive thru your posts. I am sure if you are like that in real life you are going impress alot of women of your peers. And if you don't, its their loss. I can tell you from experience that Fred does have alot of merit to what he says about women but I find if you use them for their intelligence instead of their body, you will learn to appreciate them so much more and realize that they are just as insecure as you are. And unfortunately, alot of them have been scorned by a tall, handsome, NW1 who is more in love with himself than anyone else. And I think sometimes, even if they have been scorned, they will still go back for some more heartache( or in some cases revenge) and still reject you for another tall handsome NW1. Why? Because they don't know how to value themselves or anyone else.

Fred, I know you fear your future self might be losing some more hair, but don't ever forget your self worth. If a girl never appreciates it, then its their loss not yours. You make some good points about women but when they get older their values will change. Some may call it "settling" but I call it learning to "value" others. I rather soar with "eagles" then hang around with a bunch of chickens. Don't let anyone dump garbage into your treasure chest.


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Very impressive writing. I think you and Hook definitely have great talent when it comes to writing. Stop wasting your time here and get out there and make some money with your gift. I think what Danny failed to mention is he uses this place as therapy to try to enhance his life by trying to post "positive affirmations" even if they may not seem to mean much for some people. I think he is well aware that many will find his some of his posts useless or pointless for whatever reasons but I do give the guy and "A" for effort.

Some of the discussion on here lately have gone so off track that I almost forget that this place was a support forum. But that is not an issue for me because I know how to filter thru "garbage" and find certain posts that stand out like the one zircon wrote above. I am impressed with the fact that he realized how much he was "out of character" when the bantering of virginity and education was in question. A guy of your caliber should never have to reduce himself to something so trivial because if you read between the lines, you will know why Danny never answered the questions directly. Most virgins don't like to expose their personal secret because of fear of rejection or fear of giving ammunition to future squabbles.

Fred, it was funny how you mentioned how women want a man to treat them like a princess and be nice to them. I was listening to Howard Stern and Tan Mom was saying the exact thing as she was complaining about her present husband. And she is well into her mid 40's so you are spot on. I think most women live the dream to have a "fairy tale" prince charming come sweep them away and live happily ever after. But even it does happen, then why does it almost always end in divorce eventually? The best answer I can give you is because to a certain extent we are ALL selfish. It's human nature. I think the women or men who file for divorce finally realize either they or their spouse can never make it work if they are selfish the majority of time. And those that stay in bad marriages are too afraid to be independent. And your generation, with social media, is the biggest joke of all. I really feel sorry for all you guys who have to find mates in this "new" generation as its has become nothing more than "shopping online" for bride.

My suggestion is to go "back to basics" and meet people at events that interests you where no one knows who you are and you know nothing about them. I think your chances of success will be at least slightly higher than using social media to find your mate. However, if you are just looking for sex, then stick with social media. Some of you guys on here seem very impressive thru your posts. I am sure if you are like that in real life you are going impress alot of women of your peers. And if you don't, its their loss. I can tell you from experience that Fred does have alot of merit to what he says about women but I find if you use them for their intelligence instead of their body, you will learn to appreciate them so much more and realize that they are just as insure as you are. And unfortunately, alot of them have been scorned by a tall, handsome, NW1 who is more in love with himself than anyone else. And I think sometimes, even if they have been scorned, they will still go back for some more heartache( or in some cases revenge) and still reject you for another tall handsome NW1. Why? Because they don't know how to value themselves or anyone else.

Fred, I know you fear your future self might be losing some more hair, but don't ever forget your self worth. If a girl never appreciates it, then its their loss not yours. You make some good points about women but when they get older their values will change. Some may call it "settling" but I call it learning to "value" others. I rather soar with "eagles" then hang around with a bunch of chickens. Don't let anyone dump garbage into your treasure chest.

Thanks for that input Doctor, i wouldnt say i use this for anything in my life i just try to help in the best way that i can, i didnt bring my virginty up for the reason you said though, not cause of rejection, but for not wanting it brought up in future "scrabbles" as you say, i havent in the past since i started here brought up anything sexual experience wise and theres one obvious reason for that, the things i usually say is what i think is common sense when talking anything about girls etc (like me saying there is girls what like bald guys etc things like that), i admit though theres times there really wasnt any need to say anything, i thought me not saying anything for pages, and me not saying yes (why wouldnt i if i had sex?) was just enough evidence, but apparently not i had to say it, i hinted and i hinted at both not wanting to say it, and the fact i was one, in the end i even came out and pretty much said i didnt want to say, and i have a right not to. It was very obvious from the get go, even back to when i was first asked in another thread.

I wouldnt talk about something i wouldnt know much about (like my example of being short pages back), or something what wasnt obvious, when talking about things sexual related for very obvious reasons, its silly to think cause i am a virgin i cant have input, or cant help in hairloss in anyway, which was a point i was trying to make aswell, Zircon even admitted to that after everything, i understand Zircon point im not stupid but still my point stands, Im sure my points here is pointless to some fair enough, but it has helped people like recede and agustin and some who have long gone, But its done and dusted now that whole debate lol.


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Thanks for that input Doctor, i wouldnt say i use this for anything in my life i just try to help in the best way that i can, i didnt bring my virginty up for the reason you said though, not cause of rejection, but for not wanting it brought up in future "scrabbles" as you say, i havent in the past since i started here brought up anything sexual experience wise and theres one obvious reason for that, the things i usually say is what i think is common sense when talking anything about girls etc (like me saying there is girls what like bald guys etc things like that), i admit though theres times there really wasnt any need to say anything, i thought me not saying anything for pages, and me not saying yes (why wouldnt i if i had sex?) was just enough evidence, but apparently not i had to say it, i hinted and i hinted at both not wanting to say it, and the fact i was one. It was very obvious. I wouldnt talk about something i wouldnt know much about (like my short example pages back), or something what wasnt obvious, its silly to think cause i am a virgin i cant have input, or cant help in hairloss in anyway, which was a point i was trying to make aswell, Zircon even admitted to that after everything, But its done and dusted now.
If this place is not a form of positive therapy for you, then why are you here? You say that you don't use this for anything in your life? This forum is a part of your life. You have spent many hours on here posting so I find it hard to believe this place is "useless" for you. As far as your virginity, its nothing to be ashamed about. You obviously have not been mentally ready for that or have found the right person to give that to. And it should never stop you from "helping" people on here from whatever perspective you are trying to use but I think your denial of using this place for some type of "therapy" is interesting. What do you get out of helping people on here? I can tell you its definitely therapy for me and not only that but a great learning experience of how the younger generation works.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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I admire you so much DoctorHouse, your posts are always so amazing. Ranging from hair loss to real life situations, you always speak from experience. :bravo:


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If this place is not a form of positive therapy for you, then why are you here? You say that you don't use this for anything in your life? This forum is a part of your life. You have spent many hours on here posting so I find it hard to believe this place is "useless" for you. As far as your virginity, its nothing to be ashamed about. You obviously have not been mentally ready for that or have found the right person to give that to. And it should never stop you from "helping" people on here from whatever perspective you are trying to use but I think your denial of using this place for some type of "therapy" is interesting. What do you get out of helping people on here? I can tell you its definitely therapy for me and not only that but a great learning experience of how the younger generation works.

It just makes me happy knowing i helped someone, i do it in other forums (like OCD, depression, things i can relate to, but this one the most) even though its not many i helped, i do admit i am here alot but it isnt for therapy honestly. If it is therapy i never meant it to be lol, i wouldnt use a place like this for therapy to be honest, even though you and some others do make cool points and give good advice, the many hours here is usually in the night, and i just pop in through out the day.


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It just makes me happy knowing i helped someone, i do it in other forums (like OCD, depression, things i can relate to, but this one the most) even though its not many i helped, i do admit i am here alot but it isnt for therapy honestly. If it is therapy i never meant it to be lol.
OK, Danny fair enough. If you don't think therapy has something to do with actions that make you feel happy or positive then we don't have to call it that. I think your definition of therapy and mine might be different. What is your definition of therapy? Just so you know, food, music, nature,writing your thoughts, reading, and the sound of the ocean can be a form of therapy or "therapeutic". You don't need to be an expert to express your thoughts. Anytime, I get a green star, I get happy, don't you Danny?


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OK, Danny fair enough. If you don't think therapy has something to do with actions that make you feel happy or positive then we don't have to call it that. I think your definition of therapy and mine might be different. What is your definition of therapy? Just so you know, food, music, nature,writing your thoughts, reading, and the sound of the ocean can be a form of therapy or "therapeutic". You don't need to be an expert to express your thoughts. Anytime, I get a green star, I get happy, don't you Danny?

Yeah i get what you mean and i know that lol, but yes i was thinking of therapy in a different way, i thought you meant i came here to look for things to make me happy, like getting advice things like that, thats all i meant, thats what came to mind when you mentioned therapy to me, its what i thought you thought i got "therapy" of here, but sure i get "therapy" from other things, like drawing its relaxing, need to start again actually its been some time.


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I admire you so much DoctorHouse, your posts are always so amazing. Ranging from hair loss to real life situations, you always speak from experience. :bravo:
And guess who I think is really truly spectacular and amazing? YOU, Agustin. You are someone I can put into my treasure chest as you have alot of value here. You have always "brightened" up this forum for me. And I admire you so much as you still are able to "soldier" on in life even with some "curves" life threw your way.

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Yeah i get what you mean and i know that lol, but yes i was thinking of therapy in a different way, i thought you meant i came here to look for things to make me happy, like getting advice things like that, thats all i meant, thats what came to mind when you mentioned therapy to me, but obviously sure i get "therapy" from other things, like drawing its relaxing.
Danny, since we are be honest at this moment, are you sure you don't need glasses. You do realize the difference between a period(.) and a comma(,)? Can you see the difference on your keyboard?:)


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And guess who I think is really truly spectacular and amazing? YOU, Agustin. You are someone I can put into my treasure chest as you have alot of value here. You have always "brightened" up this forum for me. And I admire you so much as you still are able to "soldier" on in life even with some "curves" life threw your way.

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Danny, since we are be honest at this moment, are you sure you don't need glasses. You do realize the difference between a period(.) and a comma(,)? Can you see the difference on your keyboard?:)

*Nods head*. My grammar has never been the best here Doctor lol we all know that by now. I think i done enough damage around these parts (i never meant to but you got my point quickly, if only others did pages back oh well) im finally feeling sleepy (its 1:55am) goodnight.


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*Nods head*. My grammar has never been the best here Doctor lol we all know that by now. I think i done enough damage around these parts (i never meant to but you got my point quickly, if only others did pages back oh well) im finally feeling sleepy (its 1:55am) goodnight.
I guess I know how to "read between the lines" better than some.