Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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My pen cartridges around the needles are getting clogged up with died skin . Anyone no the best way to clean the needles ?


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I use the dropper on my head in rows then spread it around with the dropper. If I'm not satisfied with the spread of it, I will use my fingers to rub it in more.

Rubbing on a tissue filled all over with microscars looks like a dumb idea to me, way to get an infection. Why not just wait 24 hours? that's what studies did anyway.


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Think about it, your hair cant grow thicker while its there. It needs to shed, each time gets pushed out by another hair, the hair new hair is thicker.

In the almost two months ive started rolling, im about to enter my 3rd shed cycle. Each time the shedding ends, ive noticed my hair thicker than baseline. Before rolling, my shedding cycle would last for about 3 months, and then a decrease in shedding for about 2 weeks before starting up again in terms of shedding. Aftter each cycle, my hair would looks worse. It is simply now working in reverse.

That being said, i do now question the theory of fibrosis build up and blood vessel loss , resulting in hair loss. Two reasons for this. 1) the ones responding, are seeing results within 2-3 months, i dont think thats enough time to break down fibrosis and create blood vessels to regrow hair. 2) the fibrosis theory doesnt really explain varying patterns of hairloss and speeds of hairloss, which can vary even within a person.

Warning: broscience ahead.

Another theory for male pattern baldness is that it is an autoimmune disease. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that results in patch hairloss. Perhaps male pattern baldness is just another form of this. Thats possibly where needling comes into play, it resets the computer. This is basically how autoimmune diseases are treated, medicine supresses the immune system, symptoms subside and often times if the symptoms are dormant for a long enough time, you can get off the medicine because the immmune system resets and reprograms itself not to attack healthy cells. Needling could be creating a similar reaction here.

The best results we have are with dutasteride/finasteride. I believe avoiding that androgenic stuff is on the scalp is still the main way to go about things. Micronedling just helps with the WNT triggering thing. Im not sure about fibrosis theory. The way it explains the horseshoe pattern it quite fitting, but perhaps it's all a delusion.


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I have the same pen (numberguy also has this one) and I don't have any problem with it.
Where can you buy the cartridges for this pen and how much are they?

Idk why but mine doesn't glide as much as it should, it's like there is some sort of resistance? Maybe i need to not fully press down on my scalp with it.
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Norwood Recovery

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1.5 mm seems to get plenty of blood spots after about 5-10 min going all over my scalp. I’m 4 sessions in and still not ready to go up in length. I guess everyone has different skin thicknesses


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So, people, I'm back to share my experience. I've been dermarolling from End of August 2018 + minoxidil. I also added dutasteride instead of finasteride.

My hair loss is worse than ever. Middle of the scalp is literally bald. My hairline is shittier week by week.

I've been doing 'Somebody's method', dermarolling with 1.5mg every day. Insane inflammation on the scalp, it literally hurts if I touch it.

I will try 1.5mg Dr. Pen once a week and drop dermarolling every day. I'm afraid of another shed.

Don't know what to do to be honest. Probably will try to add some RU on CB in the mix and oral minoxidil. I don't know.

Keep rolling.

Somebody doesn't say 1.5mm daily, he says he uses a 1.5mm dermaroller daily (for some dumb reason) but he just scratches the surface a bit so to speak, he doesn't go nails deep with 1.5mm daily because that is insanity, you are supposed to do it 2 times a month.


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@Spanishboy97 Yes I have. I almost pulled a trigger for hair transplant two years ago but cancelled procedure. I might do it this year though, I am still doing my research. I am bit worried about my donor which might not be strong enough for long term plan if I choose to go for hair transplant route.

@ComeBackTemples I shampoo with Nizoral typically once a week. I tend to keep it on my head for at least 5 minutes if not longer. It depends on how inflammated my scalp feels. I use nizoral cream every time I feel even a bit of DHT itch or inflammation - usually in my mid-scalp and hairline where I also apply cream. I just let it absorb and do not wash it away at all.

I trialled nizoral cream 5 months ago and applied it every other day for two months. At least it reduced inflammation substantially and made my hair look quite dark and healthy. I probably need to hop on same cycle again if I could pull off same results again.

I think you are a good candidate for a transplant. You will never get your temples back any other way at this point, there's no hairs left it's just a flat surface


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@Spanishboy97 Yes I have. I almost pulled a trigger for hair transplant two years ago but cancelled procedure. I might do it this year though, I am still doing my research. I am bit worried about my donor which might not be strong enough for long term plan if I choose to go for hair transplant route.

@ComeBackTemples I shampoo with Nizoral typically once a week. I tend to keep it on my head for at least 5 minutes if not longer. It depends on how inflammated my scalp feels. I use nizoral cream every time I feel even a bit of DHT itch or inflammation - usually in my mid-scalp and hairline where I also apply cream. I just let it absorb and do not wash it away at all.

I trialled nizoral cream 5 months ago and applied it every other day for two months. At least it reduced inflammation substantially and made my hair look quite dark and healthy. I probably need to hop on same cycle again if I could pull off same results again.

I think you are a good candidate for a transplant. You will never get your temples back any other way at this point, there's no hairs left it's just a flat surface


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It's honestly not that bad and not nearly as bad as it appears after a session (although im not going quite as hard as the user you are referring to). It heals QUICK. A rinse with cold water and 48 hours later and it's rather unnoticeable. Even leading up to the 48 hours the scalp just appears a bit red, perhaps not even much noticeable unless you draw attention to it.

This is why i usually do the session Friday night or Saturday. By Monday, when it's time to work again it's unnoticeable. And I'm doing my regimen with a 0 guard buzzcut.

From my experience minoxidil daily is more unsightly due to the immense flaking.

That just implies you have no life and stay home all weekend. What's the point? Also those guys are asking for an infection, that looks nasty.

Btw, the guy on that thread that got some massive regrowth apparently has lost all his gains:




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That just implies you have no life and stay home all weekend. What's the point? Also those guys are asking for an infection, that looks nasty.

Btw, the guy on that thread that got some massive regrowth apparently has lost all his gains:

View attachment 113518


There are tradeoffs to everything. I don't mind taking a weekend to wound hard if it means eventually getting growth long term. If i wound hard the following weekend i will needle in accordance to the indian study (mild redness) so nothing will be noticeable and I can go out. Also, I wound hard bi weekly because i believe 7 days is not enough time for recovery.

I can promise needling is working for me. Im starting to wound harder like the picture you linked. I share your concerns regarding infection, but i take pretty strong measurea to disinfect and stay safe. It is unusual that guy lost his gains. Perhaps it's a shed or they didn't go terminal. This is all trial and error but I'm getting good results. I'm pushing to achieve greater results by increasing intensity bi weekly.


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@ryan r - his topical contains dutasteride as well, FWIW

He has to explain where the f*** did he get topical dutasteride from for starters. Topical dutasteride is known to not work due the molecular weight of the dutasteride being too big to penetrate. Perhaps it's mostly the dutasteride that managed to penetrate throught the scars? dutasteride as a life of 4 weeks. @Hakandogan explain.


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He has to explain where the f*** did he get topical dutasteride from for starters. Topical dutasteride is known to not work due the molecular weight of the dutasteride being too big to penetrate. Perhaps it's mostly the dutasteride that managed to penetrate throught the scars? dutasteride as a life of 4 weeks. @Hakandogan explain.

He probably wont explain..
I get the feeling that its all BS..


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Any people with long term experience of just rolling and minoxidil? How long can gains be expected to be kept?


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I still cannot fathom why everytime someone gets results some posters feel the need to call them out. Why would people come to a hairloss forum to lie about results? It makes no sense.

Any people with long term experience of just rolling and minoxidil? How long can gains be expected to be kept?

It depends really. In a couple of studies they kept the new hair completely after stopping everything for months after. . Also 2young said he kept his gains for years. It remains to be seen though long term.

I think guys like chen and numberguy have been needling long term now. They are seeing consistent regrowth, albeit its a process. We really don't know at this point. Have to see down the road.


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Any people with long term experience of just rolling and minoxidil? How long can gains be expected to be kept?

12 to 36 months ... I can't prove it but it's just logical. You cannot expect to keep your hair when you just use a fertilizer + enhancer without attacking the cause of the hair loss (dht, pgd2, or something else). I tried to explain it but people still want to believe it will work, because they want to believe.


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4 months in zero progress. In fact ive not seen any credible progress in this entire thread apart from one guy who lost all his gains as mentioned earlier.
OP did the troll job of the century and we all fell for it.