Very Impressive Dermarolling And Minxodil Results - From Tressless


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Bro the literal best responder didn't get results for a whole year
Are you referring to PrettyFly? Yeah, he's a great responder, but I wouldn't go that far to say he's the best one. I believe both 2young and Chen are slightly above PrettyFly. Numberman is up there close as well.


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Are you referring to PrettyFly? Yeah, he's a great responder, but I wouldn't go that far to say he's the best one. I believe both 2young and Chen are slightly above PrettyFly. Numberman is up there close as well.
Either way he went from slick NW6-7 to hair on most of his head


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2 months is pretty early... especially if you experience a shed. Then you're below baseline and trying to catch up to your 'starting' point for a couple months before you can make some real progress against your 'day 1'...
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I use hairspray and Toppik-like fibers, and no issues to report (yet anyway - only 2 weeks in). How do people who are reliant on Toppik use manage for the day or so after needling though? Literally don’t leave the house or wear a hat? No easy if you live with others/have work or social life commitments...
I use a small amount on the crown right away with no issues


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Next month I will start microneedling, along with finasteride (next month will be 1 year results). My question is what should I pick up along with a needling machine (considering Dermanator)? How many times do you needle. I see some say every 8 days, some every two weeks.

Thanks guys.


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@Night - Welcome. Frequency is a bit of an unknown. I would say everyone can be a bit different in terms of healing and that will dictate what frequency you will want to needle at. As for me:

- Day 1-3 after a 1.5 to 2.0mm session my scalp feels tender. Best comparison is your skin after a sunburn. It will also be red for the first couple days for me.
- Day 4-10ish ... that skin will peel/flake. Scalp generally feels 'ready' for another session by Day 7, but my skin typically is still flaking past a week.

So ... I am needling every 10'ish days. I've done 7, I've done 17 in between. Healing is a big part of the game too in my opinion.

All that said... Chen walked in here growing hair on slick bald areas, and he does light roiling TWICE a day! That goes against the grain of people emulating the Chinese (every 2 weeks) or Indian (every week) studies.

I'd aim to do your first couple sessions a week a part... just pay attention to your healing afterwards and go with what feels right.


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Thanks, highly appreciated.

My other question is a disinfectant? Needed or nah?


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Many people just shower/shampoo beforehand. I use 70% isopropyl wipes on my scalp before needling. Similar to what a nurse would use before a needle. I have short hair though... not gonna work if you have long hair.


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It feels like most people with great results saw them already after 2 months. So it feels like that if you need more than 2 months you won't get results. I hope that it's still to early and we will see some great late responders soon...

You’re an idiot

ryan r

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Guys. The reason why the Indian study worked so well is because they used betadine during and after. This is important and being missed by many.

Google "iodine hair growth"
Yeah but how can you get that stuff on your hair when you don't have a buzzcut or bald spots, is it liquid like minoxidil?

Ludachris Batbak

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@Focused - I believe the nano is a very dense collection of needles, yes? I believe the majority are using 12 needles here. The Follica device FWIW is going to be using 13 needles. I believe @Ludachris Batbak tried 36 needle cartridges for awhile but decided it was not better than 12 - though don't recall the reason. More easily gets caught in hair? More painful?

36 ---> less painful but loosing more hairs while treatment and loosing way more hairs some days after...this was my experience.


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You’re an idiot
Why? This kind of rude answer are totally unnecessary and puts you in the same page of the dicks who come here to mock this treatment like ThatGuy.

The man was just expressing what he seems to think. Please re read his post and note how he says "it seems". He's not claiming anything as if he's the one with the absolute truth.
Please people, I know it's nice to be optimist about this treatment, but for God's sake, it's important to be tolerant to opposite opinions and stop the fanatic and child -like behavioir of insulting everyone who thinks differently, especially when someone clearly posts a personal tentative conclusion, rather than making a bold claim in an arrogant manner.


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What a bizarre corner of the world this is. It is weird enough we're wounding our scalps with micro needles. To have a 'soup nazi-esque' sitcom story alongside it is even weirder.

It is too bad - it seems like they have a good device based on those using it. So... the moral of the story is "Buyer Beware". @Bill_Russo - might be wise to put a bit of a warning on the FAQ Thread next to the Derminator links as a word of warning, RE: Autism/Customer Service and to tread carefully.

The good news is there are competitive solutions out there. @74775446 used one of the cheapest pens around and saw great success! I bet he really regrets getting all those "micro tears" though, you know... with all that luxurious hair he has now. ;)
Damn... By the looks of it I might've dodged a bullet after all. Well, I did even if they weren't autistic; can't afford a €15 cartridge.
I didn't have a problem when I asked them however. I usually am very polite tho, so that might be why?
It's done! Thanks for the heads up.
I'm finally needling tomorrow. I also have half a year worth of cartridges, so no more hassle. Thanks to @LowHairLine for that. Can't wait!


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Something interesting occurred yesterday. I was looking through some old pics taken by friends years ago. The first pic was taken in the Summer of 2014. My hair was in good shape. The second one was from Spring of 2015. My hair was noticeably thicker and much darker. I had begun dermarolling (1.5 mm roller every 3 weeks) in the Spring of 2014. I believe my other treatments were constant. This leads me to believe that dermarollling works but it takes time.


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Hey guys. It’s been like close to s month since I last posted I think. Haven’t really been checking up on anything here.

Anyway, still applying min 1x daily and have missed nights here and there, I’d say i miss like 2 nights per week on average just from forgetting to do it and then its too late at night and I’m tired lol

Anyway, have been using the Derminator at 1.75mm every other week and been using a 1mm dermaroller on the off weeks.

I’m posting from my phone so not going to go look for all my befores right now. I’m sure most of you know what my head looked like back toward the end lf Nov. 2018 when I started... things were looking pretty grim lol

Anyway I just took these update pics on my phone right now for you guys. Enjoy. I’m at around 3 months and 1 week of treatment.
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Hey guys. It’s been like close to s month since I last posted I think. Haven’t really been checking up on anything here.

Anyway, still applying min 1x daily and have missed nights here and there, I’d say i miss like 2 nights per week on average just from forgetting to do it and then its too late at night and I’m tired lol

Anyway, have been using the Derminator at 1.75mm every other week and been using a 1mm dermaroller on the off weeks.

I’m posting from my phone so not going to go look for all my befores right now. I’m sure most of you know what my head looked like back toward the end lf Nov. 2018 when I started... things were looking pretty grim lol

Anyway I just took these update pics on my phone right now for you guys. Enjoy. I’m at around 3 months and 1 week of treatment.

Crown seen from the side:
View attachment 114611

View attachment 114612
Crown from above:
View attachment 114615

Left side:View attachment 114613

Right side:
View attachment 114614

Wow. The results are incredible.


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Why? This kind of rude answer are totally unnecessary and puts you in the same page of the dicks who come here to mock this treatment like ThatGuy.

The man was just expressing what he seems to think. Please re read his post and note how he says "it seems". He's not claiming anything as if he's the one with the absolute truth.
Please people, I know it's nice to be optimist about this treatment, but for God's sake, it's important to be tolerant to opposite opinions and stop the fanatic and child -like behavioir of insulting everyone who thinks differently, especially when someone clearly posts a personal tentative conclusion, rather than making a bold claim in an arrogant manner.

You’re welcome to your opinion.

My perspective is that what people “think” isn’t particularly helpful in a forum of people participating in a group clinical trial.

My perspective is that his opinion isn’t fact. My opinion is that he’s one person making a statement that could be misread as a “truth” when it is actually not.

He made a declarative statement without any proof without linking to any other community posts. That’s just him feeling upset and ranting. Again.

The ONLY possibly truth in his post is that it’s not working for him in that period of time.

The dicks in this forum from my perspective are people that:
- make declarative statements without evidence
- people that crush the HOPE of others
- people that let people like that get away with their behaviour

So you can think I’m a dick for whatever reason you like but it’s not because I’m being “optimistic”.

I am four months into derminating and I’m honestly not sure if it’s working yet or not. But I’m nothing like thatguy. Fak him and fak freedom of speech!
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Hey guys. It’s been like close to s month since I last posted I think. Haven’t really been checking up on anything here.

Anyway, still applying min 1x daily and have missed nights here and there, I’d say i miss like 2 nights per week on average just from forgetting to do it and then its too late at night and I’m tired lol

Anyway, have been using the Derminator at 1.75mm every other week and been using a 1mm dermaroller on the off weeks.

I’m posting from my phone so not going to go look for all my befores right now. I’m sure most of you know what my head looked like back toward the end lf Nov. 2018 when I started... things were looking pretty grim lol

Anyway I just took these update pics on my phone right now for you guys. Enjoy. I’m at around 3 months and 1 week of treatment.

Crown seen from the side:
View attachment 114611

View attachment 114612
Crown from above:
View attachment 114615

Left side:View attachment 114613

Right side:
View attachment 114614

I don’t suppose you can do us a favour and add the “grim” pic to your comment?