Topical Finasteride - User Experiences


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Hello guys!
I am 24 years old about nw2 and i would like to try topical finasteride.I would dump some powder in minoxidil solution.Anything else i could add to minoxidil to enhance the results?
Thanks for ur time

I’ve thought about maybe adding RU or CB or PGE2 but idk how any of them would react and/or interfere with each other


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Just started with 0.1% finasteride in 5% minoxidil today. There was nothing on the bottle to indicate how many “pumps” from the foam applicator to use, so I just did three quarter-sized dollops around my hairline and crown.

I’d also like to point out that some people have said 0.1% is the equivalent of 1mg oral. This is not true. Most literature would suggest that at most 30% of the solution will be absorbed systemically, which comes out to 0.3mg orally. But with the tendency of finasteride to accumulate over time, it doesn’t really matter anyways.

I’m planning on starting with three times a week, will update you guys if I get any sides. FWIW I got sides on 0.25mg ED oral finasteride
Where did you buy it from?


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Essengen F's formula is 0.2% finasteride in only 0.5 ml solution. I need at least 2 ml to cover all thinning areas. If I were to use 2 ml of solution would that mean I'd be overdosing with finasteride?


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I'm planning to microdose topical finasteride
Already ordered my finasteride from sigma yesterday. Will be here Monday
Currently researching vehicles right now
Will post a thread shortly examining liposome based dermal delivery vehicle


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Anyone would like to report their experiences with topical finasteride? I used it for about 6 months, around 4-5 month mark i had ball ache probably from going systemic, at the time i didn't realise. I later realised when i stopped it and started oral too. Got decent results but it DOES go system as my T was elevated and then T went even higher on stopping it and DHT went very high.


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I apply 1 ml of the 2.5% finasteride gel (with 2% minoxidil) but I am wondering if it is a huge dose, since 1 ml contains 25 mg of finasteride. Do you know how much of it is absorbed/is equivalent to oral's dose?
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problem is, when we say topical, we say alot of different things.
since the effects (and the sides effects ) are dose dipendent on a flat line around 0,5%, and since minoxidil carriers somehow raise the absorbtion of fina, i would suggest to try the topical version without minoxidil, at 0,005% like the only study that wasnt selling the product (before mercks launched propecia)


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I apply 1 ml of the 2.5% finasteride gel (with 2% minoxidil) but I am wondering if it is a huge dose, since 1 ml contains 25 mg of finasteride. Do you know how much of it is absorbed/is equivalent to oral's dose?

That’s high as I use 0.1% which is 1mg!


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The fact that I have lower estrogen levels after quitting oral finasteride is placebo too ? Damn, the power of ones mind is truly astonishing.
did you get immuno assay? i have extensive experience in getting blood work done and if it was in fact an immuno assay than this is just a meme because it is unreliable as f***. as far as sexual hormones go i have see fluctations from day to day wirhout being on drugs by 25-30% so if you dont get it tested multiple times like they do in studies its completely worthless in my opiniom


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Here a study on Morr-F (0.1% finasteride / 5% minoxidil) including maximum steady-state plasma concentrations:

They compare it against finasteride oral (1mg) and state:

The steady state maximum Finasteride concentration was 0.6 ng/mL and exposure Finasteride was found to be 6.3 ng.h/mL. The pharmacokinetic studies with oral Finasteride (1 mg/day) resulted in maximum Finasteride plasma concentration of 9.2 ng/mL and 53 Thus, the Finasteride concentration observed were found about ten-fold lower compared to Finasteride administered orally at similar dose. This was expected as systemic exposure after topical administration is generally lower compared to oral. However, topical administration of Finasteride have indicated no significant statistical differences in the number of terminal hairs, total hair count, and size of alopecia area compared to oral Finasteride after 6 months.

For me the question is really what dose to select based on efficiency vs side-effects. Oral finasteride 0.5mg ED gave me depression that built up slowly over time. I think you hit the saturation point sooner or later. With lower dose it just takes more time. And the plasma concentration of finasteride is not really the problem, it's the steap dose response.

I think I'm going to start with 0.005% finasteride as there is a study that claimed no side-effects over 16! months:
interesting how this result is completely different than newer studies we have both in terms of systemic impact and impact on hair loss. these scientists are so f*****g incompwtent


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Topical Finasteride or Dutasteride, I been using compound Topical Finasteride since 2010 as oral tablets gave me side effects. I now use MAA compound pharmacy, see below the thread I created for forum members and you can compound the Topical Finasteride at a lower dosage. When you purchase 3 bottles they will give you 10% discount for forum members.

See here:

Topical Finasteride

Topical Dutasteride


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its so sad that people either seem to be selljng this sh*t or they have incomplete experiences. again that it goes systemic is not up for debate, the debate is whether a 150(!!) fold less peak plasam level concentration has an impact on severety of side effects.

this is still not worked out and the consens is up for debate, it seems like 1/3rd say sides on oral no sides on topical, 1/3rd say less intense sides on topical and 1/3rd says no difference. i read posts from people who take 0.001% topical finasteride and say they get sides although this should most definitely be a homeopathic dosage. i also read a post about a guy that say 0.0008%(3 zeros) topical dutasteride lowered his serum dht by 60!% others say theirs is unaltered at 0.1%

this is what is most promising for the research section. working with drugs we have. ithink in the future there will be now androgenic treatment that can outcompetr finasteride. to outcompete finasteride you have to outcompete dht if you have an anti androgen receptor antagonist you need massive doses or very high affinity shich most do not provide so a 5AR inhibitor will always add major benefit. thus even at small dosages, even if it achieves just 20-30% scalp inhibition this is a huge win and a lot less topical RU or kintor or CB you have to apply to compete.

i think it will be all abojt carriers and there have been some very promising stufies done on nano carriers however due to this dopey industry, very likely nothing will hit the market. sadly these carriers cannot be made at home but i suppose if one can order the high end research chemicals from china that are of unknown efficacy and safety, it should be possible to find a company oversees or in the US that is supportive in making sucb a custom vehicle and compounding in with finasteride. here in europe in cannot even get legit liposomal finasteride as most of it from online sellers is not actual legit liposomal finasteride.

the studies are also kind of bs, either too short of a test time or ridiculous design with 0.2ml 2.5% applied with some weird applicator in instead of 1ml of a 0.5% solution(probably bc the result would have been too dissappinting)

if half the thought that went into stem cell therapies went into researching ways to localize the effect of finasteride and alter its pharmacodynamics in a desireable way we would be in much better shape


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I have been using topical finasteride at the equivalent of .5mg/day for the last 2 years.

Shedding has reduced a lot but I do get the odd cycle of 1-2 weeks every few months where I shed more. Absolutely no side effects which is amazing, as I got severe side effects previously on oral finasteride.

My hair has largely remained unchanged. I did not regain any hair back.


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I have been using topical finasteride at the equivalent of .5mg/day for the last 2 years.

Shedding has reduced a lot but I do get the odd cycle of 1-2 weeks every few months where I shed more. Absolutely no side effects which is amazing, as I got severe side effects previously on oral finasteride.

My hair has largely remained unchanged. I did not regain any hair back.
what sides did you have on oral?


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ive seen many reports like this but many the opposite way qs well. as for myself i will try wns get comprehensible blood work to understand how it affects my free T and estradiol which have been significantly lowered and increased respectively


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I used .01% formulation of topical finasteride from Murray apothecary from 11/20 to 8/21 but had to stop because my schwanz felt like cold, numb bologna in my hand. It ramped up slowly over time, but the sides were undeniable. I switched to micro-needling, RU and minoxidil only. My libido came charging back in about 6 weeks. Not sure how effective this new regimen is yet. The finasteride worked on my hair (obviously since the sides come from killing DHT, which is killing the hair) but it just wasn't worth it.

I am hopeful for Kintor's Pyrilutamide topical. Got in on a group buy last week. Should be receiving in February.