Photoshop Thursdays - Celebrity Bald Off


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Point taken, but I am comparing him with the hair he had (even when he was NW1 (third pic)), but he never had and never will have that hair you photoshopped lol. Even if HM comes out, he still would not be able to have that.

Anyway, 99.9% of people look better with hair than bald. Only a few can look as good when bald as when they had hair (Africans excluded, they look way too cool with a bald head). No need to argue about that.

Zidane is one the few, which in my opinion, looks as good with a bald head as when he had hair.


Zidane is a legend, one of the best footballers ever. And he was rocking the bald spot with no shame in his prime. Crazy how his hairline has hanged on through all the years.


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Zidane is a legend, one of the best footballers ever. And he was rocking the bald spot with no shame in his prime. Crazy how his hairline has hanged on through all the years.

Definitely, but I saw a photo of him of a few years ago where he grew out his hair. His donor seemed very thin (maybe a bad photo). His hairline that's still there is one of the biggest mysteries in the male pattern baldness universe. He is just very fortunate to look good even when bald. Other white men are less fortunate.

Take Arjen Robben, just look how even thin hair can make a difference for some men. Imo, he looks much better with hair, albeit thin.



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Hmmm, to be fair, the 'bald' pic you've posted of him here isn't really bald - he's still got a passable (for the buzzcut) amount of hair up there. That said, I agree he looks better with the long hair, though the NW1 buzzcut might look better if it wasn't an 'under a bright light' shot. Thanks for doing the photos; hard to believe a hairline (even w buzzcut) can make a guy look so different - they could almost be alien people :)
Statham has had hair in a few movies such as London. He looks very different from the usual bald with stubble look.


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The movie was made in 2005, that would make him around 37.
Privileged in comparison to most of us.

Hair loss is unpredictable. I have a neighbor who was a NW0-1 his entire life until he hit 58, and now he has an aggressive NW5 diffuse in the course span of 3 years.


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Privileged in comparison to most of us.

Hair loss is unpredictable. I have a neighbor who was a NW0-1 his entire life until he hit 58, and now he has an aggressive NW5 diffuse in the course span of 3 years.
He was pretty f*****g bald at 37, he's wearing a piece in the movie. I just shared it to show the difference.
That's crazy with your neighbor, very rare to see guys losing their hair super fast at an old age.


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The only man I can think of who lost his hair after the age of 50 AND went (close to) full blown NW5 is Don Ameche. In the picture below, he's 54 (!!!) years old and still a thick NW1.


Only when he was close to being 80 years old, he looked like this



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Seeing all these photoshops (amazing job, btw) makes me wish I was bold enough to shave my head and just try a hair system on and take some pics/check myself out in the mirror. Must be wild to see the difference when it's undetectable. I wonder if you can somehow do it w/o shaving your head - I guess you can always get an actual wig for shits and giggles lol.


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holy f*****g crap. i'm a big fan of christian bale. he was great in equilibrium, batman, and american psycho. he does have a lot of charisma and unfortunately a lot of it comes from his looks. equilibrium and batman is quite believable because of how hot he is. in American psycho he works his hotness to be the creepily perfect guy ha.

jesus f*****g hell. i honestly didnt recognize him for a couple of seconds here though. he couldnt be an action star or a perfect psycho type looking like that. his career would never have taken off


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Patrick Stewart with hair. It's not that bald people can't be beautiful, it's that they are beautiful in spite of being bald.
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this actually would have hurt his career considering he always played old wise leader guy :p. but i'm sure with hair he would have found the same niche, he would just be wise leader guy without the old part (like magneto)


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The only man I can think of who lost his hair after the age of 50 AND went (close to) full blown NW5 is Don Ameche. In the picture below, he's 54 (!!!) years old and still a thick NW1.


Only when he was close to being 80 years old, he looked like this

He died of prostate cancer. He must have not had a routine PSA. They say if you get prostate cancer later in life its less aggressive so he may have had it at a younger age and did not know it. However, he does prove there is no age when you can be sure your Norwood level will not progress. I have seen a few 80 plus men with NW1s and I can't believe how lucky they are to be immune to hair loss. Ronald Reagan of course is our classic example and no gray hair either. Definitely a model of elite hair genetics.


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He died of prostate cancer. He must have not had a routine PSA. They say if you get prostate cancer later in life its less aggressive so he may have had it at a younger age and did not know it. However, he does prove there is no age when you can be sure your Norwood level will not progress. I have seen a few 80 plus men with NW1s and I can't believe how lucky they are to be immune to hair loss. Ronald Reagan of course is our classic example and no gray hair either. Definitely a model of elite hair genetics.

This dude is 85 years old, saw him on television, seems to be a Dutch politician (or was a politician).


Mirin those elite hair genetics.


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This dude is 85 years old, saw him on television, seems to be a Dutch politician (or was a politician).


Mirin those elite hair genetics.

My grandfather on my mother's side had this exact hair (probably even better) until he passed away at 87 years old. Yet I've been diffuse thinning/receding since 16 - go figure lol.