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I agre with "beaner"
You guys should understand, this discussion will get nowhere.
If you think Nanominox or Spectral-DNC is better, good for you. Use whatever you want!


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Dashtoronto said:
Beaner, if you think about it...they're ALL nameless, faceless entities. Do you shake the hands of the guys that sell you Spectral DNC-L - Divine Skin or DS laboratories,..

No, but I know that it is manufactured by a fairly well know company that still exists, that I can order it from dozens of sources and not have to worry about actually receiving the product, that Spectral DNC is still going to be in existence 6 months from now, and that my money isn't in the hands of a guy named "Johny". I could go on.

My point is why doesn't anyone question the validity of Sinere but will question DS Labs?

It doesn't make sense.


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Yeah, sinere is a joke of a company, but its stuff does work.

To be fair when i buy a minoxidil, i look at the vehicle, and hope that the quaity of min is good. all that other stuff doesnt interest me. copper peptides etc etc.

the drying time of 10mins is a massive thing, MASSIVE. you cannot possibly not be impressed by that.

Mens Rea

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i agree beaner sinere are a bit of a joke unfortunately

but their product is ingenuis and that's not in dispute. we know because we're tried it and we can vouch that it is "what it says on the tin" so to speak. its exceptional, it really is. I quite minoxidil because it just wasnt practical to put on my scalp every night but now with nano its really no problem at all

i wish so much that this masterful product could be inherited by a stable company. Right now its future is definately under threat and i hate that, but this isn't anything to do with the product itself.

I infact mailed sinere to enquire about the potential for any deal where i could supply the UK with it - either via licence or by some other arrangement. They never replied. Such a shame.

Mens Rea

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zephyr31 said:
Yeah, sinere is a joke of a company, but its stuff does work.

To be fair when i buy a minoxidil, i look at the vehicle, and hope that the quaity of min is good. all that other stuff doesnt interest me. copper peptides etc etc.

the drying time of 10mins is a massive thing, MASSIVE. you cannot possibly not be impressed by that.

It really is

anyone who disputes it really hasnt had the chance to enjoy the freedom it brings. putting all those other minoxidil topicals on your head every night for hte rest of you life is an utter chore but putting nano on is like simply applying water say 30minutes before your shower. As easy as taking the finasteride tablet.


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Colin297 said:
zephyr31 said:
Yeah, sinere is a joke of a company, but its stuff does work.

To be fair when i buy a minoxidil, i look at the vehicle, and hope that the quaity of min is good. all that other stuff doesnt interest me. copper peptides etc etc.

the drying time of 10mins is a massive thing, MASSIVE. you cannot possibly not be impressed by that.

It really is

anyone who disputes it really hasnt had the chance to enjoy the freedom it brings. putting all those other minoxidil topicals on your head every night for hte rest of you life is an utter chore but putting nano on is like simply applying water say 30minutes before your shower. As easy as taking the finasteride tablet.

Its not the ease of application I care about. I honestly don't mind letting it sit on my head for the entire night, every night. I'd willingly take on that commitment. There's the other side of the coin that makes the sinere nanominox product such a big deal.

Its the 5% minoxidil sulfate that's another BIG FACTOR about the product.

Honestly, spectral DNC only contains 5% minoxidil. It doesn't contain minoxidil sulfate.

I agree with wesleyBelgium, as he says,

"dont be tricked... if its not on there info or site , its not real."

The other BIG DEAL about nanominox is:

"the sulfate version of minoxidil is only the active stuff in minoxidil that is concentrated...

best way to show the illustration of the difference between :

regular 5% minoxidil = 1 glas of beer
minoxidil sulfate 4% = 1 glas of vodka

try to think of the alcohol in the beer and vodka as the active ingredient of minoxidil...

sinds minoxidil sulfate is 14x more potent then regular minoxidil."

Meaning that minoxidil sulfate is 14x more potent than anything out there, even than 15% minoxidil.

When I was using this stuff, i noticed NO HAIRS were falling out. This is really strong, good stuff that actually worked. Now, that I don't have a supplier of minoxidil sulfate, I'm worried I'll lose my gains, even while regularly applying the 15% minoxidil, even if it takes so long to apply.


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you just repeated EXACTLY what wesleyBelgium said
lol. You guys are kinda working for sinere? or Dashtoronto just doesn't have self opinion? LoL
at least this!

by the way, there is not studies showing that minoxidil in nanominox is completely absorbed by the scalp in these 30 minutes and that it will bring effect.


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for a guy called believe u sure dont trust ppl.

We have done nothing but slag this joke of a company for the last 10 pages. they are quite possibly the worst company i have ever dealt with, they have zero customer care, it can take months to get your order, and the product is pink :gay: lol.

sinere are out of business as has clearly been shown in the posts before, so they would be pretty dumb to push you to buy the products.

BUT, like we have said its a superb product, quite clearly one of the best out there.

Iv got a great social life, when im going out before i shower i put this stuff on my head, 15 mins laters i have a shower, style my hair then go out. If i dont use nano, i need to put it on my hair when i get in at like 5am, drunk, which i would forget, thats even if i do get home, normally ill spend the night at my girls. therefor missing an application.

i dont understand why some of you just dont get it. its the perfect minoxidil.

ryan r

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Why are they out of buisiness?

Mens Rea

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^ apparently sinere are just a bunch of phd students who created an awesome product but didn't had the interest level to carry it further

they never pushed the product, they are committing themselves to their phd's apparently. i wouldn't bet against them coming back into it donw the line though given its potential


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Colin297 said:
^ apparently sinere are just a bunch of phd students who created an awesome product but didn't had the interest level to carry it further

they never pushed the product, they are committing themselves to their phd's apparently. i wouldn't bet against them coming back into it donw the line though given its potential

Considering the lack of input, updates or feedback they so generously kept us updated with on a very regular basis [sarcasm levels rising] and considering their most recent attempt at keeping us completely and fully informed of their status and future plans regarding making the products available in the near or anytime in the future [sarcasm levels off the scale]. Them coming back with the product or line of products could be in 5 years or worse, 10 years or even worse...never.

Considering how they so eagerly and generously kept us informed and in the loop.

Don't get your hopes up, gentlemen.


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Anyone know what subjects they are doing their PHDs?

If Nanominox-FS is still going to be sold, I can't understand why normal Nanominox won't be available.


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5920715 said:
Anyone know what subjects they are doing their PHDs?

If Nanominox-FS is still going to be sold, I can't understand why normal Nanominox won't be available.

They dont have the money to support a whole manufacturing line of so many products. So they probably took out a loan from the bank that can only support one product line, which is Nanominox-FS (which is probably the best selling line) and shut down all the other product lines...

in the hopes of generating enough profit to pay off their school and support the other line of products to be manufactured/mass produced and sold........

...depending how well the Nanominox-FS sells on the market.

that could be a long way down the road, tho...

Then again, these are a bunch of PHD students. They could suddenly get jobs in some lab(s) or with companies and suddenly give up the whole business venture due to no time with suddenly finding themselves having full time jobs and other lab projects.

so, don't get your hopes up.

Mens Rea

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^ i think you missed the seeming current position in that it appears the production has already shifted and this Jonny guy from Italy has taken over this one line.

Im not sure on the details as is nobody though.

who konws what ramifications this has for the future of the product - i definately do worry i must say.


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Colin297 said:
^ i think you missed the seeming current position in that it appears the production has already shifted and this Jonny guy from Italy has taken over this one line.

Im not sure on the details as is nobody though.

who konws what ramifications this has for the future of the product - i definately do worry i must say.

Just got an e-mail from the guy.. I think you can still order the normal Nanominox..

Just write an e-mail to the dude. if you guys are in doubt about the discontinuation of the products, the availability of every kind of the nanominox.. He answer really fast...

Mens Rea

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he already told me -ms was discontinued

when you say ordinary nano do u mean -ms or just the normal one? because the normal one isn't even sulfate is it?


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just got my delivery of 4 bottles of MS, yay.

any idea why it says sinere in england?.

since iv used a full bottle of nano my hair seems to be growing great again, its like the 2 months of 15% set me back a little, now that im back on nano iv got regrowth, oh well the 5 bottles i have left should last a year, lets see how it goes up to that.

how do u guys apply it?, lots of minoxidil says just to leave it on scalp, i dont like massaging too much as alot gets taken into my hair and is obviously never absorbed.

Also i dont have it in the fridge anymore as the bottle says room temp, but now i have 5 bottles i want to store it, seems fridge would be a idea?..

the one mail i got back from sinere about storing, they said that it keeps for 18 months, when i asked about if it should be in a fridge they never replied, shock horror eh:).


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I just picked up my two bottles of FMS. It´s been less than two weeks since I ordered so that was an all-time record shipment!

what sucks is that Sinere won´t mislabel or put a lower value on the package... sO I have to pay customs tax every time.. 20 euros today,,,

Mens Rea

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^maybe jonny will be prepared to help you there in future

like you guys i just got min 2 bottles of -ms too i ordered 31st Nov, so thats gotta be a record!!

wish i had a fridge full of this stuff to last me a lifetime!


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one of the very few mails i got from sinere said it only keeps for 18months, so thats why i have only got 5