JayMan's weight journal.


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two women I see daily both lost a lot of weight in the last two months. Both look better with their clothes on. I saw them in a bikini, and they have a lot folds and sagging skin. That's what happens when they starve it off. I hope you look trim and cut, Jayman, and that you have enough muscle left to kick your metabolism up.

My 32 inch pants are falling off now, but I'm not going to buy new pants until the end of the summer, after I get my abs and muscles and everythign where I want them. I have not lost weight, though, so I think I just lost fat. My obliques are so cut and big, but my abs don't show much unless I flex. I hope they did not shrink since I was not doing enough exercise. I'll build them back up soon, though.


docj077 said:
JayMan said:
docj077 said:
JayMan said:
aplunk, 23 pounds

Well done, sir.


well, thank the ephedrine

The toughest part will be keeping it off. Get your diet and exercise plan in order if it isn't already. You're going to need it.

yeah, i'm having trouble. i keep going up 2 or 3 pounds on the scale after a couple days of eating normal calories, even when i try to increase them gradually. i guess i need to increase them even slower, say 50 calories a day till i'm at 1800-2000 again? i'm eating about 800 cals a day now because i tried going from 700 to 1000 then 1300 over 2 days and i gained 3 pounds.


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800 cals a day I'm suprised you have the energy to type! A toddler would be eating more than that, thats 40% of a womans RDA. :eek:


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jayman, just drop the ephedra and do some real exercise in the gym. Even if your base metabolism is zero (not possible), you can burn 800 calories per day in the gym. This is not adding up.

badasshairday III

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You natural metabolism is too slow now Jayman. You put your body in starvation mode and its extremely efficient to take up all the food energy it can get when you eat normally. The only way to keep your weight down is to build muscle because muscle is metabolic by nature.


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no it is not. working your muscles out is metabolic by nature. the muscles themself do not raise base metabolism much.


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dude, i just read this post....why would u want to weigh between 135-145 pounds? thats wierd. u would be a tiny man at 135lbs 5 foot 9 inches. ur hairloss would look worse. what u need to do is turn that 185lbs into muscle. u will lose weight along the way, putting u at 175 pounds of solid muscle, and u would feel better about ur hairloss. i graduated highschool at 135lbs, i am 5'10. i hated being that small, i am now 22 and 160lbs and feel great. majority of weight i have put on is lean muscle mass and i have no gut, just a six pack. try it, it makes u feel alot better.

badasshairday III

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collegechemistrystudent said:
no it is not. working your muscles out is metabolic by nature. the muscles themself do not raise base metabolism much.

Wrong brother. I'll send you a study with a chart that proves that the more lean body mass you have per kg of body weight increases your total energy expenditure. Its a study from an endocrinologist from UCSF.

Also how do you think those guys that are pro body builders eat 6000 calories a day. The amount of exercise they do does not lead to them burning the 6000 calories. It is that their muscles are just metabolically expensive. I don't know about you but when I go through periods when I stop working out for a long time I start eating less and maintain my weight but once I start working out again I build muscle and eat a lot more without getting fat.


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badasshairday III said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
no it is not. working your muscles out is metabolic by nature. the muscles themself do not raise base metabolism much.

Wrong brother. I'll send you a study with a chart that proves that the more lean body mass you have per kg of body weight increases your total energy expenditure. Its a study from an endocrinologist from UCSF.

Also how do you think those guys that are pro body builders eat 6000 calories a day. The amount of exercise they do does not lead to them burning the 6000 calories. It is that their muscles are just metabolically expensive. I don't know about you but when I go through periods when I stop working out for a long time I start eating less and maintain my weight but once I start working out again I build muscle and eat a lot more without getting fat.

that only shows that the activity burns more calories.

Anyway, a female coworker of mine lost about 20 pounds in a month. she was thin for 2 weeks. then she gained it all back in less than 2 weeks. I think she starved it off, her metabolism dropped, and she could not keep the wait off. She wanted to eat normal again, and it just went to fat with her low metabolism. She should have burned it off.


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800 calories per day is pretty damn low. I tried that approach one time, lost a bunch of weight, and proceeded to pile it back on over the course of a couple months.

This time my strategy is a bit different. I'm not eating any less. I've simply cut out all fast food, junk food, and Cokes. Also walking a bit. That's it. I've deviated once at a little kid's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Been on it for less than 3 weeks and I've lost almost 10 lbs. Instead of a bag of Doritos I grab pretzels. Instead of a Snickers I eat an apple. As a junk food addict it's been tough but nowhere as tough at trying to maintain less than 1000 calories/day.


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how big did you say your arms were? 13 inches? Or 14? If they are only 13, I can understand you wanting to gain weight. But if they are 14, I think you should stay at 160. 160 is my goal, and I'm 5'8.

I'm actually 5'7.5, but I have a bad hunch back, so I think I have as much spine as someone who is 5'8. My legs are as long as the legs of most guys who are 6'2.

hair today gone tomorrow

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collegechemistrystudent said:
how big did you say your arms were? 13 inches? Or 14? If they are only 13, I can understand you wanting to gain weight. But if they are 14, I think you should stay at 160. 160 is my goal, and I'm 5'8.

I'm actually 5'7.5, but I have a bad hunch back, so I think I have as much spine as someone who is 5'8. My legs are as long as the legs of most guys who are 6'2.

my arms are 14.5 inches unpumped....and i still think im small....my chest is 40.5 inches....

I want to weigh 170 at around 8% bodyfat...my arms would prob be right around 15inches then.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
that only shows that the activity burns more calories.

It shows both. Lifting weights increases your metabolism for a period of, I believe, 24 hours which burns calories. Plus, the increased muscle mass also sucks up more calories since every pound of muscle you put on requires an extra 50 calories per day to maintain that muscle.


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hairwegoagain said:
800 calories per day is pretty d*** low. I tried that approach one time, lost a bunch of weight, and proceeded to pile it back on over the course of a couple months.

This time my strategy is a bit different. I'm not eating any less. I've simply cut out all fast food, junk food, and Cokes. Also walking a bit. That's it. I've deviated once at a little kid's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Been on it for less than 3 weeks and I've lost almost 10 lbs. Instead of a bag of Doritos I grab pretzels. Instead of a Snickers I eat an apple. As a junk food addict it's been tough but nowhere as tough at trying to maintain less than 1000 calories/day.

That's brilliant. I follow the same routine-- especially snacking on low sodium pretzels and apples. They help maintain your weight loss gains. Drinking only water and black coffee has really helped curb my appetite as well.

Still, my roommate eats like crap, and I'll indulge once every few months in NYC pizza and beer.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
collegechemistrystudent said:

lol what do you want pics off...a measuring tape around my arms...im not gonna brag about 14.5 inch arms as i think that is small...

I dont even have pics on my hair on this site.

why would I need to see a measuring tape? I just want to see what 14.5 inch arms look like. Maybe your tastes are different from mine, or maybe I don't know what big arms would look like. Not like I go around measuring the guys at my gym.

Most of the guys at my gym are about my size, or a big bigger. So I think 13-14 inches. Only 1/3 are bigger than that, but not by a lot. I think some of the biggest guys in there are 16 inches. Maybe one 17 incher. I don't want to be as big as him.

I looked at a pic of a really big, but good looking guy. I measured the pic. I measured the distance from his wrist to his shoulder bone, and from the front to the back of his upper arm. 4 to 1 ratio. I measured my arm: 24 inches. So to have his proportions, my arm would have to be 6 inches thick. I meaured it, and it was about 4.5 inches thick. So he is 1/3 bigger than me, or about 4 inches bigger, so 16-17 inches. I would not want to go bigger than that. I think I'll just aim for 15.