Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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less than 24 hours and I suspect we have close to 200 posts - we'll likely get close to 900 pages at this rate. Like the enthusiasm, not liking all the posts to read through before I read something that's an actual update.


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I have few questions:

1. Why do we expect the release date annoucement on April 14th? Is there any solid reason to believe that it will happen that day?

2. What is the science behind this lotion? Why do we think it will work? Can someone post links to some medical studies or something?

3. How would it be possible to get this product released on the market as soon as this year without the thorough medical trials that usually take many many years?


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Ok. You’re correct in that it is a private company. But you’re also retarded in thinking private companies don’t have investors and use their own funds. Private just means they don’t trade on public exchanges like nasdaq etc. They still have investors that they give equity interest to in exchange for funds for their research.. just lol.

Fidia Holdings S.P.A. completely owns the privately owned company Fidia Pharm. That's where all their money comes from.

And here are the three share holders for the PRIVATE investment company Fidia Holdings S.P.A.
fidia sp.gif

They fact they already decided to run a study and purchase the rights and patent of the lotion shows they aren't looking for money.
The parent holding company where all their money comes from had already decided to invest in the production of the lotion.

By the way, Fabrizio Arengi Bentivoglio, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fidia Holdings, has held several positions at some of the most important pharmaceutical multinationals in the United States including Hoffmann-La Roche, where he worked in finance, Pfizer, where he was responsible for business development, and Bristol-Myers Squibb where he held the position of marketing director.
Here's his linkedin showing his in depth experience in the pharma business
Again, this is the man in charge of the investing company, in charge of Fidia Pharm.

So no, the company is not looking for investors, the cash was already provided from the very beginning. And the lotion seems to be in extremely knowledgeable hands.


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It’s not about investing for production. It would be funds for further research. We don’t even know if the research is concluded.

They claim finasteride + min but without sides. What more is left to do? Release that sh*t.


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It’s not about investing for production. It would be funds for further research. We don’t even know if the research is concluded.
We are basing the idea the research is concluded on the fact that @beps63 posted on another, italian forum the abstract for the 60 person study.
We already have confirmation this is what Brotzu is talking about on the 14th.
@TravisB we are expecting a release date because both Brotzus said the company would market the product once the scientific trials were done


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So you’re basing it off someone who claims to be brotzu’s son or a subjext. That’s your concrete evidence? Sounds legit bruv. And you realize fidia holding company was created to handle fidias stocks. That’s it. If you want to invest you can. Please educate yourself more, as you get too excited.

How can you invest if it's not publicly traded?
You would have to be an investor for Fidia Holding, which is still PRIVATELY FUNDED.

What is a 'Holding Company'

A holding company is a parent corporation, limited liability company or limited partnership that owns enough voting stock in another company to control its policies and management. A holding company exists for the sole purpose of controlling another company, which might also be a corporation, limited partnership or limited liability company, rather than for the purpose of producing its own goods or services.

I'm actually just interested in learning about this, if I'm wrong I want to know


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They created that holding company to handle fidias shares outside the company. Fidia holding company holds all the equity in funds and distributes company equity through PRIVATE trade. Nothing more nothing less. They still seek investors to fund their research, public or not.
Hmm ok. I tried to find out more about the 3 shareholders for Fidia Holdings but I couldn't. The majority shareholder is related to the chairman Antonio though.
Yes I don't know everything about it.
I think we can be optimistic in seeing his work history though :D


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I have few questions:

1. Why do we expect the release date annoucement on April 14th? Is there any solid reason to believe that it will happen that day?

2. What is the science behind this lotion? Why do we think it will work? Can someone post links to some medical studies or something?

3. How would it be possible to get this product released on the market as soon as this year without the thorough medical trials that usually take many many years?

1. The man who discovered/invented the lotion said that commersialization of the lotion will commence after the trials have been completed. Fidia has an announcement on their website saying that commersialization will take place by 2018

2 . Reduction of DHT. Shows promising results for persons under 30 and who are at the early stages of balding. Trial results shall be published on the 14th. This lotion halts the progression of hairloss in all forms of Areata (Hair loss) for men and women. His son stated that the effects are Finasteride combined with Minoxidil, without side effects.

3 . The trials have been going on for years, and they even fixed various stability issues.


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The point is that the shareholders don’t mean anything. The board makes the decisions. They just own equity. My point being, they’re probably going to the conference to prove they’re actually making progress and hopefully gain some investors. It makes no sense to go to this conference if they have a fully functional product that is ready for sale. That is the FACT.
The biggest shareholder is also chairman of the board, as far as I can ascertain from their shareholder pie chart.
I really don’t think a pharmacy with over 600 patents is desperate for investors. I think this study being presented is part of a marketing plan as well actually understanding the efficacy of the lotion since this would be the first study with the Sequol stabilized formula.
And I don’t know about the cosmetic laws in italy or elsewhere, maybe a study was important in being able to release to market.


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The point is that the shareholders don’t mean anything. The board makes the decisions. They just own equity. My point being, they’re probably going to the conference to prove they’re actually making progress and hopefully gain some investors. It makes no sense to go to this conference if they have a fully functional product that is ready for sale. That is the FACT.
What do you mean share holder don’t mean anything? Especially share holder who owns 60% of the company definitely does mean something to a company. Also about the attending conference, what do you think will help to sell the product, just a commercial saying “this product work! Look at the before and after pictures!!” Or “this product work we even presented at the biggest and most respective hair loss conference in Itay! Look at the before and after pics!!”


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Just thinking out loud here, but beps and brotzus recent leaks I suspect aren't leaks, but rather fidia and they know this sh*t works and so they are getting the free publicity out there a few days before the event. This hyping is intentional.

Btw I typed fidia with my phone and it auto corrected to "God is", it does it over and over. Could fidia be God's divine intervention?


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What do you mean share holder don’t mean anything? Especially share holder who owns 60% of the company definitely does mean something to a company. Also about the attending conference, what do you think will help to sell the product, just a commercial saying “this product work! Look at the before and after pictures!!” Or “this product work we even presented at the biggest and most respective hair loss conference in Itay! Look at the before and after pics!!”


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Just thinking out loud here, but beps and brotzus recent leaks I suspect aren't leaks, but rather fidia and they know this sh*t works and so they are getting the free publicity out there a few days before the event. This hyping is intentional.

Btw I typed fidia with my phone and it auto corrected to "God is", it does it over and over. Could fidia be God's divine intervention?
That's unfounded speculation.


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Just thinking out loud here, but beps and brotzus recent leaks I suspect aren't leaks, but rather fidia and they know this sh*t works and so they are getting the free publicity out there a few days before the event. This hyping is intentional.

Btw I typed fidia with my phone and it auto corrected to "God is", it does it over and over. Could fidia be God's divine intervention?
What are their recent leaks?. Honestly this thread is more of a sh*t show than ever and i havent been able to find what they "released" over the last 25-30 new pages.
Did either say something that has everyone losing their minds?


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God defends bald people.
2 Kings 2:23-2:25

Elijah sends two mother bears to maul 42 youths for making fun of his bald head.
Hollowed be his name

23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria.

f*****g LOL. The Bible is insane.