Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I just found this stuff in another hair loss site in a comment, the credit goes to GuestIT

"Guys there is an italian well known doctor, Giovanni Brotzu, that has created a lotion that should definitely stop the hair from falling out and recovery atleast 5 years of hairloss .Since i’m not an expert in dermatology , i will leave here the link of two interviews ( unfortunately in italian so you have to use google translate) . Anyway this product will be available in the late 2016 but unfortunately there are not any before-after pictures yet. I know there is a lot of skepticism on these new products, but the fact that this doctor is very trusted made me optimist about that. His father was a famous italian doctor and politician. Finally sorry for my english and good luck you all.

PS: the first link is a 2016 interview, the second is a late 2015 one."

I don't speak Italian, used google translate, so there might be mistakes. To sum up, Dr. Brotzu is a vascular surgeon and he approaches hairloss from the circulatory pathway. He has been studying hair loss and formulating his lotion for six years. The main ingredients seem to be Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (DGLA) and equol in a cationic liposome carrier system.

DGLA is supposed to cause angiogenesis and it acts as a precursor of PGE1 while equol should bind to the DHT and stop it's action.

What do you think? Is it a possible better treatment or just an other snake oil? The fact that it is a cosmetic and the lack of pictures of results make me sceptical.

*edit* Mr robot brought to my attention a third component of the lotion:

Norwood One

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[h=4]2) Are you considering something as an alternative to PGE1?[/h]We're investigating the use of the precursor of PGE1, at last to understand, although having the same capacity, generates more benefits.
The first component of the lotion containing Cationic Liposomes carrying PGE1 was considered a drug. Therefore it would require a long and costly trial. Various companies surveyed thought that the trial would be too expensive and did not want to go to the various stages of product testing.
We checked if the biochemical precursor of PGE1, the Gamma-Linolenic Acid-Dihomo (DGLA) had the same effect. The DGLA transported into the skin by Cationic liposomes had the same capacity, with the advantage that the lotion ceased to be a drug that required complex experiments and permissions.


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Glad they got around the regulations, but if your stuff works you should demonstrate that it does.
Sorry, not taking anybody on their word and whether or not their father was a politician.
If anything, that's a bad sign.

John McClane

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I'm italian and follow an italian forum on hair loss.
There is some excitement about this lotion because:
1) The fact that it can grow hair is an accidental discovery: the lotion was invented for diabete, it is rubbed on the arms to prevent them from being amputated. They noticed that it grew body hair and tested it to see if it worked also for hair.
2) The doctor behind this lotion is famous and very respected in his field (which is not hair loss but more severe diseases).
3) They will sell it as a cosmetic within the next 12 months, so it isn't years away.
Doctor. Brotzu said it was tested in the last 6 years on 100 patients with Androgenetic Alopecia and also in patients with Alopecia Areata, seems the lotion works for both pathologies but had better results for Androgenetic Alopecia.
It works better in young guys and women and the requisite for working is that the bulb is still active, so if you are slick bald this lotion won't work good for you.
From what I read in the interviews the Doctor is pretty confident about this lotion, hope everything he said is true.


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My Regimen
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I'm italian and follow an italian forum on hair loss.
There is some excitement about this lotion because:
1) The fact that it can grow hair is an accidental discovery: the lotion was invented for diabete, it is rubbed on the arms to prevent them from being amputated. They noticed that it grew body hair and tested it to see if it worked also for hair.
2) The doctor behind this lotion is famous and very respected in his field (which is not hair loss but more severe diseases).
3) They will sell it as a cosmetic within the next 12 months, so it isn't years away.
Doctor. Brotzu said it was tested in the last 6 years on 100 patients with Androgenetic Alopecia and also in patients with Alopecia Areata, seems the lotion works for both pathologies but had better results for Androgenetic Alopecia.
It works better in young guys and women and the requisite for working is that the bulb is still active, so if you are slick bald this lotion won't work good for you.
From what I read in the interviews the Doctor is pretty confident about this lotion, hope everything he said is true.

In regards to #2 don't underestimate that many people use their credentials/achievements to exert authority over layman people. And many people fall for that.

Does he have any data that he can deliver? Some study perhaps or some pictures?



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This is what every Androgenetic Alopecia sufferer dreams of, a treatment out of the blue that works. The premise sounds good to me, if it thickened what I have then I would be set but this is well beyond wishful thinking.


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"Tested 100 patients in the last six years in Androgenetic Alopecia and AA cases"

Any before and after pictures? All that time and all those patients!


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This is the important part, I think Group 1 used the stuff that the product is based on, let's hope it has became even better since. I know, small sample, no pictures...

Group 1: 10 (6 male, 4 female) patients treated for 120 days with 1 ml/day of Lotion A to be applied on a well defined area of the scalp;

On day 7 : both group 1 and group 2 experience a reduction of hair loss, defined "substantial" by patients of group 1 and "modest" by those of group 2. Group 3 feels hair as more robust. Groups 4 and 5 do not report any variation;
On day 20: in group 1 all the patients have stopped losing hair and report the presence of a substantial fuzz. In group 2 hair loss has stopped in 6 patients and fuzz, where present, is more modest (in terms of number/cm [SUP]2 [/SUP]) . Group 3 reports an aesthetic improvement related to hair brightness. Group 4 reports a minimal reduction in hair loss. Group 5 does not report any variation;
On day 45: in group 1, fuzz has grown markedly stronger and takes the colour and consistency of natural hair. In group 2, as expected, all the patients have stopped losing hair, but only some of them report a certain degree of regrowth, fuzz is very weak and not completely coloured yet. Group 3 reports disappearance of split ends. Group 4 reports arrested hair loss in all the subjects and, in some of them, presence of weak fuzz. Group 5 does not report any variation;
On day 90: in group 1 all the patients report total disappearance of hair reduction areas that have been replaced by robust and shiny hair. In group 2 hair reduction is still visible, even if areas are all covered with thick fuzz. Group 3 confirms a general hair improvement. Groups 4 and 5 do not record variations from the previous evaluation;
On day 120: group 1 confirms results already seen at day 90. Group 2 continues improvement, even if in some patients of male gender the fuzz has not got the characteristics of strength and colour typical of hair yet. Group 3 confirms results previously obtained. Groups 4 and 5 do not record variations from the previous evaluation .



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well, according to one interview it is said to hit the markets in the second quarter of 2016.


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Will prescription will be needed?

No, prescription won't be needed. And the product should replace finasteride and minoxidil and it should cause shedding. I guess if he says something like that he s pretty confident that it works well!

The doctor also says that they will provide further photographic documentation soon. I will try to get further informations

Anyway no cheering without pictures guys, keep the expectation normal