Hairloss At 21 Years Old...what To Do?


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You could try dutasteride 0.5 every day or at least 3 times per week + dermarolling every 2 weeks + minoxidil 15% ED for at least 2 years.


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8/10 girlfriend ? I get it now. You're a chad who won the genetic lottery and had an easy life from the beginning. I've never ever had a girlfriend and never will. How many years have you spent in loneliness ? Probably none, you were accepted from the beginning. I suffered from loneliness for a great deal of time. I mean complete loneliness, not even talking to another human being for months. Hair loss isn't my only genetic disadvantage, i have around 15+ flaws, most are unsolvable (you can check my thread in which i listed them). I've been depressed since i was 14, saw days worse than hell, was bullied my entire childhood in ways you can't even imagine. You expect me after all of this to not be a negative douchebag ? You're just a pathetic moron who does nothing but judges anyone with bad luck. Just like 95% of people. Humans are pathetic, weak, ignorant, delusional that they make me sick. I'm not saying this to earn your fake sympathy because you mean nothing to me. I'm simply bitter, hateful, angry because how unfair my life is, so if you want to judge me on the internet, keep judging, idgaf. However, if you were in front of me right now, i would probably take out some of my anger on you because of it.
Thanks for sharing how so much worse your life is than everyone elses! Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe you got bullied because you are a cynical, pessimestic little man who has made no effort in life? I get the depression part, i have depression too and i am on two different types of medication to help deal with it but never have i acted out in the ways you have. Stop making people feel bad just because you dont see any hope for yourself. I recommend you see a therapist, you have some issues that you need to sort out.


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Thanks for sharing how so much worse your life is than everyone elses! Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe you got bullied because you are a cynical, pessimestic little man who has made no effort in life? I get the depression part, i have depression too and i am on two different types of medication to help deal with it but never have i acted out in the ways you have. Stop making people feel bad just because you dont see any hope for yourself. I recommend you see a therapist, you have some issues that you need to sort out.
I was 10 years old or something, i was a kid, i wasn't pessimestic or depressed.


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Claims to have accepted baldness years ago but still has more than 800 posts on a hair loss forum in the past five months..

Stay copin'
lmfao 90% of my posts are arguing against hair transplants, look how many dislikes I have. Nice try though peon. Have a seat.


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You used 3000 grafts at a diffused Norwood 3 and have 5000 left when you're destine to be a Norwood 6/7... f*****g yikes dude. Looks like your wearing a helmet. Use less topikks. That amount of loss at your age, and getting a hair transplant? Your Doctor should be on trial. And let me let u in on a fact. You're a goon I've seen your pics. "6+/10" lol you've never smashed above a 7 with or without hair.

The only thing is, I'd be a bit afraid of getting a transplant at that age because it looks like he's headed for a high norwood. His back is grown out which, naturally, hides any potential donor depletion better. An additional 5000 grafts and the donor may look quite sparse.

But if he's happy about his new hairline then why hate on the man. With finasteride he can probably hold it for a long time, in particular during his 20s, 30s where it's probably most important.

A guy who got 2500 grafts on a Norwood 5 has about 30% coverage, if that. That's why he complained. He bought into the hype without using his own brain. Looking balding forever with a hair transplant is infinitely worse than being clean bald.

I don't agree that looking balding is worse. Some hair, still, is better than being slick bald. If you were slick bald you would probably praying to be able to do a combover.

Thanks for sharing how so much worse your life is than everyone elses! Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe you got bullied because you are a cynical, pessimestic little man who has made no effort in life? I get the depression part, i have depression too and i am on two different types of medication to help deal with it but never have i acted out in the ways you have. Stop making people feel bad just because you dont see any hope for yourself. I recommend you see a therapist, you have some issues that you need to sort out.

This guy is a NW1.5 at worst...just ignore him.


My Regimen
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The only thing is, I'd be a bit afraid of getting a transplant at that age because it looks like he's headed for a high norwood. His back is grown out which, naturally, hides any potential donor depletion better. An additional 5000 grafts and the donor may look quite sparse.

But if he's happy about his new hairline then why hate on the man. With finasteride he can probably hold it for a long time, in particular during his 20s, 30s where it's probably most important.

I don't agree that looking balding is worse. Some hair, still, is better than being slick bald. If you were slick bald you would probably praying to be able to do a combover.

This guy is a NW1.5 at worst...just ignore him.
Some hair does look better when you're in your late 30s minimum, like about to be 40. Any younger and you're the balding kid with an uncertain future unless you shave. And as far as hair transplants go, a thin hair transplant covering 30% of the scalp doesn't look like a naturally thinning adult. So once you thin enough to where you're below 40% coverage all over, you look ridiculous and it's obvious to everyone something's going on up there (as in you got something done). In cases of normal thinning, you have thin hair follicles, close together, giving that soft thin look, which is natural. Transplanted hairs are thick because they're from your donor, they're just implanted farther apart to cover more area = never will look natural in a high Norwood. All these kids getting hair transplant under the age of 40 with high norwoods are going to HATE their life later. Yes 20s and 30s are a good time to be attractive, but by 40 you still care about how you look, and you still appear "young". The problem is these kids will have obvious hair transplants at that age. Me personally, I think thin hair is one thing, but unnatural looking is a completely other thing. If it doesn't look natural then what's the point. That's why most hair transplant docs don't get them. They are f*****g scam artists. They should be banned from the profession imo.


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Some hair does look better when you're in your late 30s minimum, like about to be 40. Any younger and you're the balding kid with an uncertain future unless you shave. And as far as hair transplants go, a thin hair transplant covering 30% of the scalp doesn't look like a naturally thinning adult. So once you thin enough to where you're below 40% coverage all over, you look ridiculous and it's obvious to everyone something's going on up there (as in you got something done). In cases of normal thinning, you have thin hair follicles, close together, giving that soft thin look, which is natural. Transplanted hairs are thick because they're from your donor, they're just implanted farther apart to cover more area = never will look natural in a high Norwood. All these kids getting hair transplant under the age of 40 with high norwoods are going to HATE their life later. Yes 20s and 30s are a good time to be attractive, but by 40 you still care about how you look, and you still appear "young". The problem is these kids will have obvious hair transplants at that age. Me personally, I think thin hair is one thing, but unnatural looking is a completely other thing. If it doesn't look natural then what's the point. That's why most hair transplant docs don't get them. They are f*****g scam artists. They should be banned from the profession imo.

I agree bro. I'm headed for a high norwood myself but I'm trying to hold it off with the big 3 as best I can. I wouldn't really consider a transplant until I hit slick baldness, because, in my opinion, people generally perceive you as either the bald or not bald guy category. Once you hit slick bald it's a whole different ballgame.

That's why maybe with smp that's the best option, it'll fill in the spaces between the transplant, but the hairs will still give it some 3d illusory effects if you buzz it all the way.

Keep in mind, at my lowest point (been on big 3 for 10 months), I turned on the bathroom lights and there were spaces everywhere all over the top. Hairline was (is) disintegrating. Clear NW5/6 pattern. So I'm not some NW2 here blowing smoke up people's asses.


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You know you're a loser in real life when you adopt catchy phrases from a hairloss forum, and use them continuously lol

You know you are a loser in real life when you come to a hair loss forum being like "I don't care about hair loss" and telling people who have tried to better their situation that they are fucked for life.


My Regimen
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You know you are a loser in real life when you come to a hair loss forum being like "I don't care about hair loss" and telling people who have tried to better their situation that they are fucked for life.
I never said I didn't care about hairloss, I thought that went without saying, we are on a hairloss forum... the point is to tell people before they do it, which I did, and he did it anyway. Do you want to take that seat now?


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I never said I didn't care about hairloss, I thought that went without saying, we are on a hairloss forum... the point is to tell people before they do it, which I did, and he did it anyway. Do you want to take that seat now?

Nah, no interest at joining you at the "Slowly waiting for NW7" table.


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I agree bro. I'm headed for a high norwood myself but I'm trying to hold it off with the big 3 as best I can. I wouldn't really consider a transplant until I hit slick baldness, because, in my opinion, people generally perceive you as either the bald or not bald guy category. Once you hit slick bald it's a whole different ballgame.

That's why maybe with smp that's the best option, it'll fill in the spaces between the transplant, but the hairs will still give it some 3d illusory effects if you buzz it all the way.

Keep in mind, at my lowest point (been on big 3 for 10 months), I turned on the bathroom lights and there were spaces everywhere all over the top. Hairline was (is) disintegrating. Clear NW5/6 pattern. So I'm not some NW2 here blowing smoke up people's asses.
If you reach your final pattern then get a hair transplant mixed with smp I personally think that can work. The hair transplant gives some texture while the smp gives the illusion. I would focus on the front with the hair transplant and smp the back mixed with light coverage. The point is wait til you know the end game so you can use your grafts accordingly. You see these nw3s using almost half their grafts on the hairline... yikes


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If you reach your final pattern then get a hair transplant mixed with smp I personally think that can work. The hair transplant gives some texture while the smp gives the illusion. I would focus on the front with the hair transplant and smp the back mixed with light coverage. The point is wait til you know the end game so you can use your grafts accordingly. You see these nw3s using almost half their grafts on the hairline... yikes

Yup I agree.


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Joe rogan got a hair transplant when he was younger, now he bics his head...................... butttt don't hair transplants work? But finasteride but 80% but lol stfu


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Hi Nahte42

My degree of hairloss is not dissimilar to yours. I wear a system now, which I got 5 years ago, and I am really happy with it. I know that you are not enthusiastic about taking the system route, but you should keep an open mind about it. The technology has improved immensely in the last 10 years and now it is a far better solution than most people are aware of (which is actually a good thing for those of us who wear but don't choose to be public about it) - I have talked to quite a few guys like me who were forced into systems for lack of any other option, and have been surprised at how well it works for them. For about $800 a year and about 1 hour a week you can basically have your hair back. OK it's a prosthetic, but no one will be able to tell by looking at it or even by casually feeling it. For the other 167 hours in the week you can pretty much forget you are wearing a system. If you feel like investigating this possibility, even if only to rule it out, feel free to PM me.

Leaving that aside, my sincere advice to you is to forget meds and transplants. There is absolutely no way you (or I) could get an acceptable result using those methods. The choice for us is a system, a tattoo (maybe) or making the best of the bald look.

All the best with whatever route you take.


My Regimen
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Hi Nahte42

My degree of hairloss is not dissimilar to yours. I wear a system now, which I got 5 years ago, and I am really happy with it. I know that you are not enthusiastic about taking the system route, but you should keep an open mind about it. The technology has improved immensely in the last 10 years and now it is a far better solution than most people are aware of (which is actually a good thing for those of us who wear but don't choose to be public about it) - I have talked to quite a few guys like me who were forced into systems for lack of any other option, and have been surprised at how well it works for them. For about $800 a year and about 1 hour a week you can basically have your hair back. OK it's a prosthetic, but no one will be able to tell by looking at it or even by casually feeling it. For the other 167 hours in the week you can pretty much forget you are wearing a system. If you feel like investigating this possibility, even if only to rule it out, feel free to PM me.

Leaving that aside, my sincere advice to you is to forget meds and transplants. There is absolutely no way you (or I) could get an acceptable result using those methods. The choice for us is a system, a tattoo (maybe) or making the best of the bald look.

All the best with whatever route you take.
I am just wondering, is it possible to wear a system without shaving top of the head. I am still Norwood 1 with some diffusion and mild hairline recession, I am using pretty hard meds for regrowth. Is it a good decision to use hair systems while on treatment, or it would damage hair that is regrowing? Thanks.


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Fine lace systems have to be applied to bare scalp. If there is still hair growing underneath it would be visible through the lace mesh, and that would destroy the illusion that the system hair is growing out of your scalp. But if you are only NW1 it would be crazy to wear a full system anyway. You could get a narrow strip system just to lower your hairline to its unreceded position and/or to fill in your recession. That way, you wouldn't have to shave any growing hair. I have seen that work very well a few times.

A system as such won't damage hair regrowth, but any pulling on the newly-growing hair would. You can still wear a system, but you would need to be careful to fully release the adhesive with alcohol solvent before removing the system, and not to pull it off if the adhesive is still holding tight. That is just a matter of being patient and careful.


My Regimen
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I think this is a sensible post actually. What you say about donor hairs being thick coupled with sparse coverage looking unnatural. I've seen videos and honestly it looks sickly and pube like. Especially for under 40s as you highlight, it looks like plugs or a cactus. Imagine someone in their 20s with this. Natural hair thinning is different, it's thin miniaturising hair.

Where you're wrong though and you need to have an open mind is concerning finasteride/dutasteride. These are mighty effective when taken early and coupled with transplants (having at least an average donor), the individual will look perfectly natural even if thin in some areas. finasteride and dutasteride have shown in clinical trials there ability to hold the fort so to speak for decades. Ultra sensitive areas can be filled in with transplants. There will be some unlucky guys who are too aggressive for finasteride to help, but these are in the minority.

Transplants without finasteride are a dangerous game and what you say truly applies, especially for those destined for high norwoods. Anyone who is heading for a high Norwood and doesn't take finasteride, is not a true transplant candidate unless they have exceptional donor. Hell, even my surgeon said to me do you take finasteride? And I am in my early 30s with only frontal loss and lots of donor.

Deep down lots of surgeons hate finasteride because it renders their job useless apart from hairline work. finasteride seems to be able to hold the rest of the hair in most people in their prime years or at least minimise the grafts needed.

People do need to do their independent research and/or rely on someone with good knowledge. Some SMP clinics b1tch about medication and transplants: usual horror stories - limp dick, scars from surgery, over harvesting and deliberately overplay it to make money. Wig clinics too.
Agreed. I've been on finasteride for 7 years, I just don't think it works for 80% of people at completely halting hairloss for decades. If your hairloss is too aggressive, it will still slow it down than if you didn't take it, but you'll lose your hair regardless.