Hairloss At 21 Years Old...what To Do?


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I think it's funny how the human brain perceives hair on top of the head (with shaved sides) be attractive but a shaved top with the donut ring to be unattractive. You think about it, it's just hair being a few inches in a different spot. And we treat it like life revolves around those few inches. Maybe it does.

But it's a human mental construction. Nature doesn't care. Money doesn't care.


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I don't get why guys think Jason Statham is this glimmer of hope. He looks hypermasculine and its great for an action movie hero but its not by itself inherently attractive. His broodiness isn't mysterious it's just grumpy lol. I think they get tricked by the illusion of his badass characters, but really he looks mean and kind of violent? I'm scared he would hit me!

These are better examples of guys in movies/tv that went bald but don't look bad actually :

Mark Strong View attachment 65349

Corey Stoll View attachment 65350

Yosef Herzog View attachment 65351

See, I personally don't think they look quite as good as Statham, the Rock, etc. I guess that just proves everyone finds different things good looking and there is no universal thing that makes someone attractive.

There are lots of guys will full heads of hair who are hideous and never get any female attraction ever. So this whole placing it ALL on the hair thing is getting out of hand.


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See, I personally don't think they look quite as good as Statham, the Rock, etc. I guess that just proves everyone finds different things good looking and there is no universal thing that makes someone attractive.

There are lots of guys will full heads of hair who are hideous and never get any female attraction ever. So this whole placing it ALL on the hair thing is getting out of hand.
Exactly. My advice to you is shave it and leave this site because it will suck you in. It's full of depressed people the feed of each other's depression. It's really unhealthy. They act like hair is the number one most important thing in life, but it's not. A full head fat ugly dude still gets no attention with a full head. Most need aren't attractive to begin with so hair is what they cling to to express their suffering


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Exactly. My advice to you is shave it and leave this site because it will suck you in. It's full of depressed people the feed of each other's depression. It's really unhealthy. They act like hair is the number one most important thing in life, but it's not. A full head fat ugly dude still gets no attention with a full head. Most need aren't attractive to begin with so hair is what they cling to to express their suffering

That's likely exactly what I'll do. Thanks for all your genuine help...I appreciate it. It must get frustrating to be in an atmosphere like this after a while...kudos to you. Maybe by the time I'm 40 there will be a true cure.


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That's likely exactly what I'll do. Thanks for all your genuine help...I appreciate it. It must get frustrating to be in an atmosphere like this after a while...kudos to you. Maybe by the time I'm 40 there will be a true cure.
I went ham when I first opened an account now I rarely visit. I feel like once we're all 40 with kids we won't really care as much to be honest. I'm 27 and started losing at 18 but accepted it was happening around your age and I can tell you once you're in your late 20s your going to notice a lot of your friends also experiencing hair loss and you care way less. I have to admit when I was 21 I thought my life was over. Life goes on.


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I went ham when I first opened an account now I rarely visit. I feel like once we're all 40 with kids we won't really care as much to be honest. I'm 27 and started losing at 18 but accepted it was happening around your age and I can tell you once you're in your late 20s your going to notice a lot of your friends also experiencing hair loss and you care way less. I have to admit when I was 21 I thought my life was over. Life goes on.

Yeah that's what I feel sometimes too. And yep, it's true that I probably care about it more now than I ever will, because this is when we want to look the best; as we get older it's not as important. It sucks but oh well.


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Yeah that's what I feel sometimes too. And yep, it's true that I probably care about it more now than I ever will, because this is when we want to look the best; as we get older it's not as important. It sucks but oh well.
Think about it this way, the girl you end up with knows what the final product looks like vs marrying a dude that goes from a full head wedding day to bald in 5 years and she leave him because she can't take the look lol


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Think about it this way, the girl you end up with knows what the final product looks like vs marrying a dude that goes from a full head wedding day to bald in 5 years and she leave him because she can't take the look lol

My only true GF ever didn't have a big issue with my balding, and that was when I let my sides grow too long and it didn't look right. Didn't work out for us but occasionally she still compliments me so, guess I can't be too worried about this anymore. I have to pay my university thousands of dollars just to study and learn. That deserves more attention I think haha


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@JeanLucBB Upload a pic of your hair. No insults from me, don't be scared. If you're a total expert in this stuff, share your experience too.


Post 5.5 months


Donor after 3000 grafts



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My goal in life isn't to get everyone to think I'm attractive or agree that my head looks ideal.

My goal in life is to be successful and do something good for the world. The only reason I came here was to see if there were any other options out there beyond what I've already explored, and to get more info on the recent "cure developments."

What I got instead was a war zone of ridiculous losers who take their hate out on others instead of spreading love and kindness. Sad. And I'm honestly far more confident in my bald head now than when I first posted this, seeing how people just want to drag others down with them. Not gonna happen to me.

The standard of women that want to have sex with you will on average drop 3 points. You will symbolize disease, sickness and decay to the average person. If you can deal with that and the in-congruence of losing your hair at your age, then more power to you but just telling you how it is.

Not sure if you're a virgin, but you obviously have no sex life judging by your posts so calling me the loser is laughable.

"My face and head are not good looking and it has hurt my social life and my luck with girls. "

I'd rather get 2 transplants in a decade, stay on finasteride and f*** 6+/10 whenever I feel like it than have baldness at 21 which is at the level of serious disfigurement and no sex life. I did suggest hairpiece or SMP as you would look substantially better and your post makes it pretty clear baldness is having a negative impact on your life, so if you want to reject the advice and pretend you're fine, then go ahead. You will be fine, but you will live a lower standard of life.


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Well this just turned in to brotzu lotion 2.0. Well man if you're now confident being bald there is no reason for you to be here anymore, this is a forum where people want to treat this sh*t and are feeling very insecure about it. As for cures, except for Tsuji there is nothing in the foreseeable future, just some treatments that may work or not. I believe you can be attractive even with a bald head, I admit that i hate it with all my guts, but if you can be happy like that i'm glad for you, it's a big achievement.


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Well this just turned in to brotzu lotion 2.0. Well man if you're now confident being bald there is no reason for you to be here anymore, this is a forum where people want to treat this sh*t and are feeling very insecure about it. As for cures, except for Tsuji there is nothing in the foreseeable future, just some treatments that may work or not. I believe you can be attractive even with a bald head, I admit that i hate it with all my guts, but if you can be happy like that i'm glad for you, it's a big achievement.

I'm not in the know with future treatments, is there any expectation of pricing for Tsuji? Why is everyone so bullish on Tsuji but nothing else? Is it essentially just cloning hairs which will then be transplanted?


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I'm not in the know with future treatments, is there any expectation of pricing for Tsuji? Why is everyone so bullish on Tsuji but nothing else? Is it essentially just cloning hairs which will then be transplanted?
More or less, yes, that's it. Well because an infinite donor in the hands of a good surgeon is basically a cure, no more drugs, rollers or other sh*t. There is no info on the price but people speculate that it will be quite high, again there is no real evidence in those claims.


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You used 3000 grafts at a diffused Norwood 3 and have 5000 left when you're destine to be a Norwood 6/7... f*****g yikes dude. Looks like your wearing a helmet. Use less topikks. That amount of loss at your age, and getting a hair transplant? Your Doctor should be on trial. And let me let u in on a fact. You're a goon I've seen your pics. "6+/10" lol you've never smashed above a 7 with or without hair.


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He's not using any toppik.

He's pretty much sporting a full head of hair.

Even if he ends up being a NW6, he'll still have enjoyed a normal head of hair (a full head of hair actually) in his youth, which is invaluable really, as you can never buy it back.

I don't get this "but what if you end up NW6 at the age of 35?!"

And let's not even talk about you insulting his appearance.

You've always been an extremely bitter guy and you also went after my pictures and FUE procedure.

"Not worth it" as you say. Well, some people just don't want to remain slick NW5's in their 20's.

The solution might not be perfect but it's infinitely better than just doing nothing and letting your bald head shine.

Some people don't get that I guess, there was this guy who recently had 2500 grafts on his NW5 and complained because it was a little see-through when grown out, incapable of remembering where he came from.

We should all show some gratitude towards the solutions that are available to us in this day and age.
lol theres a difference between being bitter, and being here trying to deter people away from making the worst decision of their lives. There isn't a single high Norwood bald person on this planet that looks good with a hair transplant in natural light. Look around. Notice how dark his pic is? Get a grip man stop advocating for something that's destroying people, u can take part in steering this kid into surgery live with that. And "at 35" you still look young. You haven't passed by that middle age look yet. You're 100% still going to care what you look like. It's better to be balding than look like the hair transplant guy 100%. If hair transplant worked... WHY WOULDNT I GET ONE AT A thick Norwood 2/2.5 at 27????? I'm trying to help ppl here. I told this kid, DONT GET ONE. Now he's fucked I would literally put my life on it.


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He's not using any toppik.

He's pretty much sporting a full head of hair.

Even if he ends up being a NW6, he'll still have enjoyed a normal head of hair (a full head of hair actually) in his youth, which is invaluable really, as you can never buy it back.

I don't get this "but what if you end up NW6 at the age of 35?!"

And let's not even talk about you insulting his appearance.

You've always been an extremely bitter guy and you also went after my pictures and FUE procedure.

"Not worth it" as you say. Well, some people just don't want to remain slick NW5's in their 20's.

The solution might not be perfect but it's infinitely better than just doing nothing and letting your bald head shine.

Some people don't get that I guess, there was this guy who recently had 2500 grafts on his NW5 and complained because it was a little see-through when grown out, incapable of remembering where he came from.

We should all show some gratitude towards the solutions that are available to us in this day and age.
A guy who got 2500 grafts on a Norwood 5 has about 30% coverage, if that. That's why he complained. He bought into the hype without using his own brain. Looking balding forever with a hair transplant is infinitely worse than being clean bald.


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A guy who got 2500 grafts on a Norwood 5 has about 30% coverage, if that. That's why he complained. He bought into the hype without using his own brain. Looking balding forever with a hair transplant is infinitely worse than being clean bald.

Your argument essentially amounts to "it isn't perfect, therefore don't bother". Comparing the progress in only 6 months, it's blatantly obvious to anyone that the results are substantially better than preop. The fact is that people get full coverage on a Norwood 5 with a bit of thinning for under 7000 grafts on a regular basis. Chances are I'm not running out of grafts, and the fact is multiple studies including independent show a decade long efficacy with finasteride for 80% of users as maintenance, and the only reason they don't show more is because the studies haven't run longer than 10 years.

Not everyone is going to be a guitarist in a famous band, have the perfect body, or run a multimillion dollar company, doesn't mean you shouldn't bother learning guitar, going to the gym or managing your finances properly.


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I went ham when I first opened an account now I rarely visit. I feel like once we're all 40 with kids we won't really care as much to be honest. I'm 27 and started losing at 18 but accepted it was happening around your age and I can tell you once you're in your late 20s your going to notice a lot of your friends also experiencing hair loss and you care way less. I have to admit when I was 21 I thought my life was over. Life goes on.

Claims to have accepted baldness years ago but still has more than 800 posts on a hair loss forum in the past five months..

Stay copin'


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@JeanLucBB got a hair transplant and he's fine.

I got one almost 4 years ago as a 24 year old NW5, and I'm fine.

I'll even get another one at the beginning of January.

It has improved my appearance and my life tremendously and there's no denying it.

Now what? Are you going to pile in and try to sound even more dramatic?

I don't think it's true at all.

There's a world of difference between sporting a slightly thin NW2.5 and being slick bald, and being automatically categorized as 'the bald guy'.

If I was a slightly thinning NW3 with facial traits that don't go well with the bald look, I'd combover the sh*t out of my hair before I'd shave it all off, no matter how "clean" it would look.

Clean bald = clone.

Something tells me you're not even close to being bald.

Anyway, let's agree to disagree on that, shall we.
So you got one at 24. You're getting one again at 29 so clearly you're progressing. What about when you run out of grafts? Didn't read anyone else's comments as they all want to be coddled with reassurance and can't face reality. If your cool with having subpar thin hair then hair transplant is for u. Polar bear at least u understand it won't look normal or thick. Others like jean don't get that. If he was unhappy with a nw3 that's thin why would he be happy with a thin hair transplant. Lmao y'all are hilarious