Hairloss At 21 Years Old...what To Do?


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An example of someone with a good transplant at 22 who ten years later is "fucked" somehow despite having another 5000 grafts in the bank.
Dude you're in some serious denial huh. It doesn't mathematical exist to be able to get the appearance of a full head of hair from the donor. I'm not doing the research for you. 5,000 grafts is around 12000 single hairs... how don't you get that. Use your brain man don't listen to the guy selling you the product. Why don't any hair transplant doctors with extensive hairloss have hair transplants themselves. And if they do get one they get it when they're middle aged. Damn dude you foooked up.


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You probably don't have enough money for a transplant you poor thing. You're trying to cope by convincing yourself that transplant is shitty, but it's all cope. You would 100% do a transplant if you got the chance.
Lmao your immaturity is showing.


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You probably don't have enough money for a transplant you poor thing. You're trying to cope by convincing yourself that transplant is shitty, but it's all cope. You would 100% do a transplant if you got the chance.

Are you a special kind of dumb?

If transplants were 100% guaranteed to restore a perfectly satisfying head of hair, everyone would save up the $ to do it. But they don't and not everyone wants to go through that surgery, blood, hideousness in the process. If you want to, all power to ya. But not everyone sees that as the best option.

Also, hair transplants don't actually give you any more hair, they just redistribute the hair you currently have.


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Only Jason Statham looks decent, Vin not that much, the rest are inferior.

"Inferior." Haha. Bet they have no problem with relationships and don't have to spend their time on a forum every day.


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"Inferior." Haha. Bet they have no problem with relationships and don't have to spend their time on a forum every day.
It's because they have money and status, they would be nobody without them.


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>Your immaturity is showing

>Made fun of me for having no friends and for being a virgin 10 mins ago.
Those are insults... yes. But your thought process that any working adult over the age of 25 in a first world country doesn't get a hair transplant because they can't afford it is immature.


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My goal in life isn't to get everyone to think I'm attractive or agree that my head looks ideal.

My goal in life is to be successful and do something good for the world. The only reason I came here was to see if there were any other options out there beyond what I've already explored, and to get more info on the recent "cure developments."

What I got instead was a war zone of ridiculous losers who take their hate out on others instead of spreading love and kindness. Sad. And I'm honestly far more confident in my bald head now than when I first posted this, seeing how people just want to drag others down with them. Not gonna happen to me.


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Those are insults... yes. But your thought process that any working adult over the age of 25 in a first world country doesn't get a hair transplant because they can't afford it is immature.
There are people who suffer from retrograde alopecia and cant do a transplant, there are people who are too late to be saved, there are people who don't have enough money, there are people who can't find a good surgeon to trust.


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Try to get a transplant.
You're talking about the minority. The majority don't get them because they're not retarded. A doctor could be the best hair transplant surgeon on the planet and tell me I'll have a full head of hair with a hair transplant and I still wouldn't get one because I have a brain and can do simple math. There isn't a single balding celebrity that fixed his situation with a hair transplant. Out of all those balding celebrities do you think they can't afford one either? You just said "they're either too far gone" yet you just told someone with advanced balding to get a hair transplant.


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You're talking about the minority. The majority don't get them because they're not retarded. A doctor could be the best hair transplant surgeon on the planet and tell me I'll have a full head of hair with a hair transplant and I still wouldn't get one because I have a brain and can do simple math. There isn't a single balding celebrity that fixed his situation with a hair transplant. Out of all those balding celebrities do you think they can't afford one either? You just said "they're either too far gone" yet you just told someone with advanced balding to get a hair transplant.
@WhitePolarBear .. I'm tired of talking to you, so i'm going to mention a user who did a successful transplant before. He will be able to educate you better than me.


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@WhitePolarBear .. I'm tired of talking to you, so i'm going to mention a user who did a successful transplant before. He will be able to educate you better than me.
Lol you need to call big brother huh? he's going to look like a science experiment too. I looked at his page. Another young hair transplant on a highly aggressive pattern lol. Tell him to hmu in 10 years.


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Look, I don't think all hair transplants go bad. I'm sure there are people out there that are satisfied with their results and their hair looks good. But I'm saying I don't think a hair transplant is the best option for everyone by default.

Honestly, I'm looking at some of these FUE hair transplant videos and some of these guys I actually think their new hair looks weird and think they would look absolutely fine with just a shaved head.

Spend a bunch of money to go through a lot of blood and scarring just to have some hair on your head? I understand why many people do it, but it's definitely not the best option for everyone. Hence why it's not "THE CURE."