Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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You have a full head of hair.Why would you try HRT?You are out of you mind.


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If your testicles have shut down will you be using TRT?
If there is a cure for baldness, then most likely yes. My routine will not change in any way, I will still do the injections, only the hormone will change. So a hypothetical protocol in my future might look like testosterone enanthate + antiandrogen
However, I have not believe that there will be a cure.


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But why? I thought you hated androgens, no?
The disadvantages of androgens are their negative effects on the skin and hair. But if you have a good AA, these disadvantages are leveled out to a large extent. At the same time, you retain the advantage of testosterone: a low percentage of fat mass. Considering that we don't have good AA, estradiol is better for me than testosterone.
The only drawback of estradiol for me is the enlargement of my hips. This is a much smaller disadvantage than baldness. Enlargement of the hips is almost imperceptible from the outside, but baldness changes the appearance in a radical and irreversible way. Therefore, my position on HRT is balanced and reasoned. However, that doesn't stop you from calling me a crazy trans, which I am not.
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You made up everything about me. Well, I'm sure you're ugly too. At least I have proof regarding one of you. Although no matter how you look, baldness can miraculously negate all your potential, turning you from an attractive guy into an ugly one...
Proof that you are jealous of my cute and adorable face yep. Thats what the guy responded when u posted my pics. Ur just a butthurt asiancel that needs to be on HRT at an early age in order to keep your hair hahhahaa. Im litteraly on no antiandrogens and my hair is stable. It even thickened back up abit after quitting dutasteride. I never needed any of those damn pills.
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Arousal cant be same. I jerked off once every few days on estrogen haha. Doesnt matter the amount.

Now on just dutasteride im breaking records, 2-6 times a day…
I can go a week without nutting and I dont take anything. xD but yeah Almas is in denial. Also when it comes to his sexuality.


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Libido is significantly less, but when aroused, the erection occurs as before.


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Are you sexually active?
I've always tended to be asexual, but yes, I can and have had sex since I started using HRT. Of course, decreased libido reduces the desire to have sex. I think less about sex, yet I am able to have it while in a relationship. Therefore, I did not encounter any inconvenience in this regard.


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Arousal cant be same. I jerked off once every few days on estrogen haha. Doesnt matter the amount.

Now on just dutasteride im breaking records, 2-6 times a day…
That's not true. The longer you are on HRT, the better is the libido. I have the same libido now than I had pre HRT after 1 year and 6 months, and the function is literally the same. It was that similar that I did a blood test on December 1 to check if my T and DHT level rised but they didn't, it is just that my body learned to run with E2.


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That's not true. The longer you are on HRT, the better is the libido. I have the same libido now than I had pre HRT after 1 year and 6 months, and the function is literally the same. It was that similar that I did a blood test on December 1 to check if my T and DHT level rised but they didn't, it is just that my body learned to run with E2.
U litteraly never needed any of those drugs lol. My hair litteraly got thicker after quitting dutasteride.
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I think a lot of you here don't suffer from depression and passive suicidal ideations. These, for me, are through the roof! I think you don't really know how hairloss can destroy you mentally.. THIS CURSE can really destroy you, especially if it’s hit you early like me and with severity. I just want to highlight the part of mental health once again because all I hear is for sexual sides, etc... YOU SHOULD NEVER BYPASS HOW MUCH THIS CURSE CAN DETERIORATE YOU MENTALLY..


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I think a lot of you here don't suffer from depression and passive suicidal ideations. These, for me, are through the roof! I think you don't really know how hairloss can destroy you mentally.. THIS CURSE can really destroy you, especially if it’s hit you early like me and with severity. I just want to highlight the part of mental health once again because all I hear is for sexual sides, etc... YOU SHOULD NEVER BYPASS HOW MUCH THIS CURSE CAN DETERIORATE YOU MENTALLY..
I've been through this. It was one of the strongest shocks of my life. I can't imagine how I would be able to move on with my life if I hadn't found a way to stop my hair loss. It would have ruined my life. In the face of complete destruction of life, warnings about decreased libido are laughable. This is like a warning that chemotherapy will make you feel weak or lead to temporary baldness. Yes, it's unpleasant, but what is the alternative?
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