Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Atleast I said first go on ssri and get therapy if you are that much depressed about hairloss, then make up your mind when you thinking straight. My depression made me go on HRT because I was sucidial and it was big mistake in the long run.
Almas doesnt even have proof of his hairloss and is promoting e2 more than janey
Yes baldness made me depressed as well, I tried SSRIs but got worse side effects than finasteride and fluoxetine started my gyno problems, but they are a good way of treating issues caused by hair loss. Finasteride stabilised my hair but never grew a sing hair back on my head, so I am looking at stronger treatments to get regrowth, but I need to get my gyno under control.

I had a good period of about 6 months when I first started finasteride where I didn't use this forum and I felt like my BDD got better but now I'm back. I've been lurking on this thread for a while and now pro hrt posts have got too annoying to ignore, this forum is an echo chamber sometimes


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Yes baldness made me depressed as well, I tried SSRIs but got worse side effects than finasteride and fluoxetine started my gyno problems, but they are a good way of treating issues caused by hair loss. Finasteride stabilised my hair but never grew a sing hair back on my head, so I am looking at stronger treatments to get regrowth, but I need to get my gyno under control.

I had a good period of about 6 months when I first started finasteride where I didn't use this forum and I felt like my BDD got better but now I'm back. I've been lurking on this thread for a while and now pro hrt posts have got too annoying to ignore, this forum is an echo chamber sometimes
I can tell you from experience BDD does not go away. You will always have it but you can learn how to suppress it. Group therapy in my opinion along with self help and self talk is the best way to deal with it. This forum really helped me alot. Thanks guys!


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That's a good quality, maybe I was wrong about you. I'll show you the evidence in private messages when I have time. Or I will create my own thread, where I will put them.
If you don't want your thread hijacked you would be better off showing me in a PM. I have nothing against you but I think you might have a few enemies here who might sabotage your thread but I could be wrong. Although I actually think @dani500 secretly likes you. :) And I know @losingbattle88 definitely does. :)


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I never cared about how I looked, because my baldness was never such that it could be noticed by anyone other than me. However, it would have become such if I had not been able to stop it. And this has nothing to do with BDD, because the latter implies either a fictional or greatly overestimated flaw, and baldness really worsens the appearance, besides, many simply do not want to part with what they have always had.
BDD is often mentioned here without understanding what it is. If you have acne on your face and baldness, and you want to look better, you are not a mentally ill person, but a sensible person.
It became obvious to me that if I did not stop the baldness, I would become bald. And the further it goes, the harder it will be to restore it. Hair plays a huge role in my image, as in many other cases, so I could not lose it. It's simple, and you should not attribute mental disorders.


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Although I actually think @dani500 secretly likes you

If he confesses his love to me, let me know.


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. If you have acne on your face and baldness, and you want to look better, you are not a mentally ill person, but a sensible person.
It became obvious to me that if I did not stop the baldness, I would become bald. And the further it goes, the harder it will be to restore it. Hair plays a huge role in my image, as in many other cases, so I could not lose it. It's simple, and you should not attribute mental disorders.
Yes, and obviously the only sane way for a man to counteract these cosmetic defects is by castrating yourself thru hrt, destroying your muscle mass, changing your penile function / fertility, growing boobs and getting fat redistribution.
Wanting to treat hair loss and acne is sane, becoming a woman for it is not


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I never cared about how I looked, because my baldness was never such that it could be noticed by anyone other than me. However, it would have become such if I had not been able to stop it. And this has nothing to do with BDD, because the latter implies either a fictional or greatly overestimated flaw, and baldness really worsens the appearance, besides, many simply do not want to part with what they have always had.
BDD is often mentioned here without understanding what it is. If you have acne on your face and baldness, and you want to look better, you are not a mentally ill person, but a sensible person.
It became obvious to me that if I did not stop the baldness, I would become bald. And the further it goes, the harder it will be to restore it. Hair plays a huge role in my image, as in many other cases, so I could not lose it. It's simple, and you should not attribute mental disorders.
BDD is actually a type of OCD type behavior that involves a body part. It's not necessarily imaginary despite the way it may be defined on the internet. In a nutshell it is something you obsess about but it's a minor case but you make it out to be major( which is where the imaginary part comes into play). If you check your hair every second of the day and it becomes a ritual that is BDD. And if you believe it's so bad that you cannot leave the house, that is BDD. And it's how you treat your problem that matters too. If you over treat it with methods beyond the norm, I would call that an obsessive behavior hence BDD. And once you fix one problem and find another, that is BDD. Treating a NW1 with dutasteride is overkill and that would be considered a BDD type behavior. Once a gain a minor problem that is real but treated like a major problem with always in search of something better to treat it and looking for the holy grail when it doesn't even exist. I am not talking about just improving your looks by getting nose job when you actually have a big nose. It goes way beyond that. How many days can you go where you can skip your treatments?
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Yes, and obviously the only sane way for a man to counteract these cosmetic defects is by castrating yourself thru hrt, destroying your muscle mass, changing your penile function / fertility, growing boobs and getting fat redistribution.
Wanting to treat hair loss and acne is sane, becoming a woman for it is not
You know, a year and a half ago I would have said the same thing. ;)
But the moment came when I had to choose between HRT and baldness. I chose the first one and have no regrets. And no one is the judge of what is best for me, except myself.


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Could not said it better myself, I have BDD by that description and its true. Zoloft is BDD med and I dont check my hair AT ALL on it.
And ironically people with BDD always tend to be very good looking. So consider that a complement if you have BDD.


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You know, a year and a half ago I would have said the same thing. ;)
But the moment came when I had to choose between HRT and baldness. I chose the first one and have no regrets. And no one is the judge of what is best for me, except myself.
Genuinely I don't care whether you take hrt or not, if it makes you happy then that's fine.

But I have a problem with you promoting it as the only cure to aggressive baldness. I'm sure some teens balding will look at this thread and feel hopeless when you are suggesting that the only way to cure their hair loss is they HRT which is just untrue, anti androgens will work for 98% of men. Downplaying what HRT does to the body is dangerous.

Also suggesting the sane thing to do in response to balding is HRT is suggestive of mental illness in itself

Mr. Slap Head

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Genuinely I don't care whether you take hrt or not, if it makes you happy then that's fine.

But I have a problem with you promoting it as the only cure to aggressive baldness. I'm sure some teens balding will look at this thread and feel hopeless when you are suggesting that the only way to cure their hair loss is they HRT which is just untrue, anti androgens will work for 98% of men. Downplaying what HRT does to the body is dangerous.

Also suggesting the sane thing to do in response to balding is HRT is suggestive of mental illness in itself
Exactly. Some people do great on a 5ARI and minoxidil alone. Then there’s oral minoxidil and topical antiandrogens. Some people jump straight into HRT when they have other options that could potentially work without the sides of oral AAs and E2 administration


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Another person who thinks that baldness should only be treated at 3+ stages?
In this case, I always say: I hope that you will treat cancer according to the same principle.
Here is his photo. Any baldness, even Norwood 0, needs treatment. The sooner the better.
View attachment 174744
Are you sure that is not just fine hair with natural low density? When your hair is long like that it will separate and part and show scalp. That does not translate to diffuse thinning. My hair has been that way all my life and I am not bald. When it's cut short, it looks way thicker no scalp showing.


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Genuinely I don't care whether you take hrt or not, if it makes you happy then that's fine.

But I have a problem with you promoting it as the only cure to aggressive baldness. I'm sure some teens balding will look at this thread and feel hopeless when you are suggesting that the only way to cure their hair loss is they HRT which is just untrue, anti androgens will work for 98% of men. Downplaying what HRT does to the body is dangerous.

Also suggesting the sane thing to do in response to balding is HRT is suggestive of mental illness in itself
98% is a bogus number. Ye Will work to slow it down but not stop it dead in its Tracks.