Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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You're going to have to split the difference between biclutamide or some antiandrogen and adding topical estrogen, obviously.

But once more, I'm using bi-est now and I'm not seeing any side effects really except I'm not extremely f*****g lean regardless of what I do which I don't give two shits about. I've had absolutely no gyno whatsoever with bi-est, not even a little, so yeah bring it, I want to push my tolerance of estrogen and reducing testosterone to the limit.

You need estrogen to re-start hair growth and reverse miniaturization.

I'm also so completely tired of having to go on an extreme skin care regimen to prevent acne from getting out of control, anyone who thinks there isn't a productive middle ground where you're regrowing and improving your hair and skin and not going fully female are in my opinion either already defeated or extremely lacking in confidence in their abilities or body to change things in a more favorable way.

I wasn't able to grow a beard until I was 30 and even then, it wasn't great, I can't stand shaving every day anyhow.
If you have a mastctomy, you can use estrogen and not experience breast growth even on strong protocols. Side effects - skin improvement, reduced sebum secretion. Doesn't sound like negative effects, right? I don't know, maybe I should add estrogen. I'm afraid, but I'll think about it


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Fertility isn't the problem. The problem is that too strong regimens lead to breast growth, redistribution of body fat, muscle loss and other dramatic changes. This can cause body dysmorphic disorder. Change dysmorphophobia due to baldness to dysmorphophobia due to body changes - dubious exchange
Almas, the breast thing happens either way. It is pretty random. Mine still are getting bigger which is probably why I pass so easily even without my wig. I post clothed pics of the breast growth from time to time and I did tonight. I am one in one hundred or less but I have very large breasts and I think it is because I unwittiingly mimicked cis-female puberty to an E.

But starting off on low-dose estrogen is the best protocol to mimic puberty. I have tried and tried. You have to feminize, at least some for this to work is my developing opinion.


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If you have a mastctomy, you can use estrogen and not experience breast growth even on strong protocols. Side effects - skin improvement, reduced sebum secretion. Doesn't sound like negative effects, right? I don't know, maybe I should add estrogen. I'm afraid, but I'll think about it

All I can tell you is I'm now using a topical estrogen/estriol combination although not a strong one, and I also used estriol and I didn't have a damn bit of side effects from either.

Check out this page on bica, women have used it to recover hair density with only 25mg and the medication was well tolerated at lower doses. The standard dose for what it is primarily prescribed for is 50mg.

The problem with people is doctors just overdose patients, finasteride does not need to be blasted every day of the month, it stays in the skin up to a month after it's ingested.

Bica itself is not the solution, and yeah I can see the trepidation you may have if you are wanting to have kids, but otherwise, f*** it, using exogenous testosterone is way more harmful to your endocrine system than using some estrogen. Testosterone use actively breaks your HPT, estrogen is a non-essential hormone for men.


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Almas, the breast thing happens either way. It is pretty random. Mine still are getting bigger which is probably why I pass so easily even without my wig. But starting off on low-dose estrogen is the best protocol to mimic puberty. I have tried and tried. You have to feminize, at least some for this to work is my developing opinion.

Yeah but you used a fuckton and you openly talked about rubbing it on your taint or something, so I don't believe it's necessarily an inevitability.


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Yeah but you used a fuckton and you openly talked about rubbing it on your taint or something, so I don't believe it's necessarily an inevitability.
I don't know what that means but I have mostly applied to my hair but I am using pregnancy levels still. I could not wait this out any longer because I am going back to my old life as a finished product. I gave it my all with the low-dose theory but like @bridgburn, I ended up flooding my system with E2. I post his protocols all of the time. He was swimming in estrogen and using all three AA's.

I mean I have mirrors. Just like @bridegeburn, I am more attractive this way, male or female. You pays yer money; you takes yer chances. But yeah, in a sense, @bridegburn and I are cheating and we have a huge advantage through the flooding option which is what feminizes so much above the neck. Breasts grow with tiny amounts of estrogen but hair and facial feminization is much harder to achieve and comes later. I now embrace what I once feared. Goddess bless and I am very thankful and I not stopping blogging or anything. I just wish the low-dose thing had panned out better. I am a data point. There's a reason why cis-guys can't do what I am doing without enduring the estrogen psychological ambient for six to 12 months. Chemically, you have to put yourself in a state where you will think like a female and yes, it is different.
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He was also horseshoe bald in his 20s however, like I said, if you did not have those issues when you were young in your late teens and 20s, all you're doing is setting back your hormonal clock.


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He was also horseshoe bald in his 20s however, like I said, if you did not have those issues when you were young in your late teens and 20s, all you're doing is setting back your hormonal clock.
Well. I don't expect you to remember my life history but I had a noticeable incipient bald spot that I noticed on my 20 birthday. I was on minoxidil the day it came out and the same for finasteride. Why do you think that I tout them so much. They saved my life and I was very fortunate to not have been born even five years earlier or I would be a horseshoe.

Now, I have posted my before pics and yeah, compared to most of you had no cause to complain but eh dermatitis and all of that but I probably just wanted to be female and so did he. I was a horseshoe for several months and posted three pics of my bald head yesterday so I have paid my dues. Plus to even things out, remember my hairline as Jane is either perfect or I stay in the wig. You can just improve a lot and be fine. I had to find a way to be perfect. So, yeah, I am coming back from horseshoe baldness the last 18 months and you have seen what I have regrown so far. Some people never recover from sheds so I still think my story is an interesting one and a viable path for some to find happiness but mostly I just want folks not to suffer the pain and stigma.
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I used not only spironolactone in the treatment of hair, but also progesterone.Progesterone also UPS the protein of the liver in research on women.Progesterone helps restore the female cycle of hormone production.In the first phase, they produce estradiol from day 1-14,and in the second phase, from day 14-28, they produce estradiol with progesterone.These two components raise the liver protein thereby regulating the amount of androgens in the blood.If a woman gets problems with the cycle, there is a violation of the second phase of the cycle of progesterone production, then she gets hirsutism,alopecia of the scalp, weight.


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Which means that both you and bridgeburn require an amount of estrogen commensurate to the level of harm testosterone had done to your hair and at the relative magnitude for your age.

I had a luxurious head of hair right up until I was about 25, and then something happened, and then something -really- happened, as in life trauma and a lot of stress around 26-27 and I lost a lot of hair. But I also gained it back to the levels that I was at in my 20s.

So, the amount of estrogen I will require to offset whatever is going on, and the level of androgen inhibition I will require to get me back to a state of hair density that I want won't require measures as drastic.

Like I said, for me at least, it's all about dialing back the clock. I couldn't even grow a f*****g moustache at age 24, but I also was not fat nor did I have gyno. That itself gives me a hormonal composite that I need to emulate.


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I used not only spironolactone in the treatment of hair, but also progesterone.Progesterone also UPS the protein of the liver in research on women.Progesterone helps restore the female cycle of hormone production.In the first phase, they produce estradiol from day 1-14,and in the second phase, from day 14-28, they produce estradiol with progesterone.These two components raise the liver protein thereby regulating the amount of androgens in the blood.If a woman gets problems with the cycle, there is a violation of the second phase of the cycle of progesterone production, then she gets hirsutism,alopecia of the scalp, weight.

The only problem with that is progesterone is antagonistic to estrogen, and women produce estrogen in quantities by default, if you do not have adequate estrogen levels to promote hair growth, progesterone is just going to f*** that up.

So for men, and I say this with having experience taking progesterone topically and orally, they should emphasize using estrogen, as that is what will help them the most.


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I used not only spironolactone in the treatment of hair, but also progesterone.Progesterone also UPS the protein of the liver in research on women.Progesterone helps restore the female cycle of hormone production.In the first phase, they produce estradiol from day 1-14,and in the second phase, from day 14-28, they produce estradiol with progesterone.These two components raise the liver protein thereby regulating the amount of androgens in the blood.If a woman gets problems with the cycle, there is a violation of the second phase of the cycle of progesterone production, then she gets hirsutism,alopecia of the scalp, weight.
I am doing a ten-day progesterone cycle of 300 mg Prometrium orally. I just copied @bridegburn. Someone just pm'ed me and she is doing ten days a month of progesterone and she is cis. That's what I mean by usable protocols. My hope was to find a protocol that minimizes breast growth and I guess I need to move on to studying Serms as a solution for that. But, and this is a big butt, my breasts have started growing from the P4 and my nipples are growing again so I have ended up proving the opposite of what I set out to in 2013. I am a failure in that aspect.


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Imo, if you don't have enough estrogen (as I am in such a place currently), there is zero point in using progesterone, for whatever testosterone you lose, estrogen must pick up the slack. Let us know what your results are, but honestly I think progesterone is a red herring for the most part.

If you're looking to reduce gyno as a man, definitely do not rely on progesterone, that sh*t straight up gave me gyno and I was on a "male dose" prescribed by my doctor. He at first was skeptical that it was the progesterone, but I was like "either way I'm going to stop taking it".

It also did nothing for my hair.


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If you want to reduce your gyno then you can use calcium d-glucarate, but realize that what it does is binds hormones to itself and then allows it to be excreted by the body, so you're losing testosterone and estrogen so you're right back to square one.


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Imo, if you don't have enough estrogen (as I am in such a place currently), there is zero point in using progesterone, for whatever testosterone you lose, estrogen must pick up the slack. Let us know what your results are, but honestly I think progesterone is a red herring for the most part.
I have been in opposition to the idea that progesterone is required for MtF's for breast completion but I am now a terrible spokeswoman for that point of view, lol. Wpath says that progesterone is not a requisite but hey, @bridgeburn used it and insurances pays for it so I have no complaints there either. I hope you are not discouraged. Keep finding your path.


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Considering the large number of people using 50mg of Bica with Finasteride and the conclusions we come to, we are closer than ever to solving the problem of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Bloody trichologists continue to advise Finasteride and look for solutions to problems in the wrong places. Several members of this forum have made more contributions to trichology than trichologists. I spoke with eminent trichologists like Dr. Rassman. Hell, I have to say that he is an idiot and understands nothing about baldness. It's so funny, because technically they are specialists, and we are not.


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If you want to reduce your gyno then you can use calcium d-glucarate, but realize that what it does is binds hormones to itself and then allows it to be excreted by the body, so you're losing testosterone and estrogen so you're right back to square one.
I have D cups and they aren't going anywhere. That was the "price" of my ticket to the ball<winks>


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Considering the large number of people using 50mg of Bica with Finasteride and the conclusions we come to, we are closer than ever to solving the problem of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Bloody trichologists continue to advise Finasteride and look for solutions to problems in the wrong places. Several members of this forum have made more contributions to trichology than trichologists. I spoke with eminent trichologists like Dr. Rassman. Hell, I have to say that he is an idiot and understands nothing about baldness. It's so funny, because technically they are specialists, and we are not.
I am one person and one data point but one reason I added progesterone was to be able to blog about it. I hope my experiences help others evaluate for themselves risk vs reward. But I am 56 and I was done as a male. You guys are still breeding. It's a different thing but at least we know HRT can restore a full head of hair and I see lots of hair coming in in the temples so maybe six more months I will be able to use my own hair. For me, really, all of this has become part of my life and I am thrilled.


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I have D cups and they aren't going anywhere. That was the "price" of my ticket to the ball<winks>

Like I said, I believe that most certainly is because of your inherent sensitivity-to or the magnitude of testosterone that you were counteracting in reversing your hairloss.

I'm just saying, don't discourage guys in the mid-range who actually had a head of hair in their 20s that was desirable to them, because they likely won't require to pay such a price, cruel as it may seem.


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I am one person and one data point but one reason I added progesterone was to be able to blog about it. I hope my experiences help others evaluate for themselves risk vs reward. But I am 56 and I was done as a male. You guys are still breeding. It's a different thing but at least we know HRT can restore a full head of hair and I see lots of hair coming in in the temples so maybe six more months I will be able to use my own hair. For me, really, all of this has become part of my life and I am thrilled.
Rassman was quoted as saying that drinking Kirkland is unlikely to work and I was like, I have new hair growing all over my body that is a side effect. Yes it survives the liver pass.


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Considering the large number of people using 50mg of Bica with Finasteride and the conclusions we come to, we are closer than ever to solving the problem of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Bloody trichologists continue to advise Finasteride and look for solutions to problems in the wrong places. Several members of this forum have made more contributions to trichology than trichologists. I spoke with eminent trichologists like Dr. Rassman. Hell, I have to say that he is an idiot and understands nothing about baldness. It's so funny, because technically they are specialists, and we are not.

I definitely want to try it not, if not just for halting my hair loss but also so I don't have to go through the Patrick Bateman level of skin care I have had to adapt to in order to prevent my skin from looking red and oily and constant white heads. Assholes have criticized me for it in the past but literally nothing short of that has ever stopped my skin from having extremely serious problems.

I think those things are innately related however, scalp and skin health all around.

And yeah, all I will say is that medical professionals have to protect their license to practice, and fast moving experimental treatments don't jive with government policy on such things. Honestly the only reason why transgenderism has not been subject to the same scrutiny is because of what I personally believe to be an insidious motive by activists, not that I'm trying to cast the same aspersions about trans people themselves.

Licensing and approving off-brand usage for medications and hormones for us "normies" who aren't sponsored by marxists with ulterior motives is difficult and painful, thus we're out in the wild west blazing a trail and sharing our information. We are at the leading edge and I'm just glad resources and communities such as this exist.

There's no way I'm waiting around for mainstream medicine to come to the same conclusions as the rest of us.