Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Yeah you are losing muscles and you probably cant see it.

View attachment 184335
My legs became also very skinny... Is this also normal? pretty worrying tbh, I never worked out in my life am 24 years old, And have been a skinny guy always but started eating allot of food over the last 2 years and gained some weight and became a bit chubby, Lost all of that during HRT and also the bit of naturalmuscle that i gained without working out
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My legs became also very skinny... Is this also normal? pretty worrying tbh, I never worked out in my life am 24 years old, And have been a skinny guy always but started eating allot of food over the last 2 years and gained some weight and became a bit chubby, Lost all of that during HRT and also the bit of naturalmuscle that i gained without working out
Are you an idiot? Of course you lose muscles when you inject yourself with wrong hormones and anti androgens


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My muscles didn't shrink at all even though I didn't exercise. Apparently it depends on genetics: I have never had thin legs and arms above the elbow / knees, so nothing will make them very thin.


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Does high estradiol affect how good it works? I'm seeing big re masculinization after starting injections 6mg week Een. At first it worked just fine, but now the remasculinization is getting notorious. Last time I checked e2 it was at 330pg/ml, but it was only 2 week with them, but now after 1.5 months it must be higher.


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Male: - I have oily scalp of the head and face, what should I do?
Normies: - Just buy a moisturizer and shampoo with a mask for hair, bro. Go to the cosmetologist

When I hear this, it becomes bad for me. The only cure for skin fat is bicalumide, but people are told that moisturizing and hair mask will help them. It always seemed to me that moisturizing creams were dummy.


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Male: - I have oily scalp of the head and face, what should I do?
Normies: - Just buy a moisturizer and shampoo with a mask for hair, bro. Go to the cosmetologist

When I hear this, it becomes bad for me. The only cure for skin fat is bicalumide, but people are told that moisturizing and hair mask will help them. It always seemed to me that moisturizing creams were dummy.
I use bica and I still lose hair. After using too much estradiol, my skin is becoming thicker like pre hrt and my hair is becoming a little bit itchy. I think high e2 is doing the opposite job.

BTW tretinoin helped a lot with the oily skin as well. I recomended to more ppl and they solved the oily skin issues.
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Hi, maybe some of you guys remember me… So I decided to give a try to HRT to save/reverse my hairloss. Unfortunately NOTHING works on me.

I have been on 50mg bicalutamide ed + 4 mg estradiol + 10mg oral minoxidil ed + 0.5mg dutasteride ed + 1mg finasteride ed + 150mg RU58841 + 20mg Pyrilutamide (2 x 10mg) + Topical minoxidil 2 x day + Rosemary Oil ed

My blood test after 1 month on HRT:
T: 1.5nmol/l
E2: 239 pg/ml
DHT: 39pg/ml

After 3 months:
T: 0.9nmol/l
E2: 289pg/ml
DHT: 26pg/ml

After 6 months:
T: 0.6nmol/l
E2: 233pg/ml
DHT: undetectable

I also did a blood test for thyroid tsh, ft3, ft4, ferritin, iron, b12, prolactin and everything was fine.

It slowed down a bit my hair loss but after 8 months my hairs are thinner. My crown is much thinner, still receeding, temple peaks literally disapeared, my hairs are still miniaturizing.

Все, что я хочу вам сказать, ребята, ЗГТ - даже при надлежащем женском уровне, даже при неопределяемых значениях ДГТ не гарантирует выпадения волос. Как вы можете видеть, например, на Reddit /femalehairloss, многие женщины с нормальным уровнем женских гормонов тоже лысеют. У них диффузное истончение/облысение по женскому типу/залысины и т. д.

Если вы хотите попробовать ГЗТ/пирилутамид/РУ и т. д., конечно, вы можете это сделать, но помните, что нет ГАРАНТИИ остановить/повернуть вспять выпадение волос.
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I remember this thread and it saddens me that after all these years, over half a decade, it's still the same old threads on the leaderboard of success stories which implies the regimens are not working for everyone