Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Puffy nipples, lower libido, low sperm amount muscle loss of course
even though you underwent the surgery there is breast tissue build up that is horrible..Can it grow back like it was before


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Estradiol sublingual. Estriol is weaker and also the version of estrogen responsible for increased blood clot risk. Same reason you don't want to swallow estradiol or liver metabolism can convert a large portion to e3.
Valerate injections are better
Also ralox can have similar effects on hair alone I think


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Over 1 month hrt. 2x2mg E2 gel (morning, evening) + 12.5mg CPA ed (switched from Bica to CPA).

Testosterone 1.5nmol/l
E2 322pg/ml

Blood test done 5 hours after morning 2mg E2 application

Still shedding, still loosing ground, zero results
Wait. You still have nothing to lose.


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you mean hair continues to grow but body hair after stopping bica or head hair? How long have you been without e2?
I continue to take E but have stopped taking Bicalutamide. This led to the return of oily skin. I resumed Bicalutamide, the oiliness should be gone in 3 weeks. I also lowered the dose of E because I underestimated the cumulative effect and seem to have overdosed. I had calf cramps because of this, now everything is fine and I will soon take tests for levels to make sure the dosage is right
Despite the return of oily skin, the progress of regrowth has not stopped. Another confirmation that the correct levels of T and E are the main thing, and taking AA does not play a role for hair


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Puffy nipples, lower libido, low sperm amount muscle loss of course
That regimen would castrate me. I ended up with one drop of semen in the end on dutasteride only. Even have reduced semen from finasteride only lol. But way better than on dutasteride at least. Way better.


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I use and prefer injections but that's not what they were asking about though
I use and prefer injections but that's not what they were asking about though
Seems like a portion of people are unaware of injections
Also with the thing of different estrogens acting different, it seems like estriol isn’t available, at least not in the us or it’s not at all common


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Honestly, I dont think so.. :/ too many horrible stories mtf people still going bald
Why should?

Take E2 1-2 mg transdermal, finasteride, dutasteride, cpa 12.5, maybe p4 and minoxidil...
Tret, kalium, jod, vitamins