Examples Of People Going Full Bald On Finasteride?


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thats the only side effect I've gotten and anyways I'm gonna get surgery to remove it

besides that I also got extremely high boost in sex drive, but I kinda like that lmao :)
Dutasteride shows a higher rate of regrowth than finasteride because of being stronger, so would bicalutamide be even better (as far as regrowth is concerned not maintenance) than dutasteride?


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thats the only side effect I've gotten and anyways I'm gonna get surgery to remove it

besides that I also got extremely high boost in sex drive, but I kinda like that lmao :)
Also, how come some people are able to maintain fine on finasteride while others cant even do that? Does it have something to do with some people being more sensitivity to androgens as a whole which means blocking dht is effectively useless for them as their sensitive is naturally high anyway?


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Dutasteride shows a higher rate of regrowth than finasteride because of being stronger, so would bicalutamide be even better (as far as regrowth is concerned not maintenance) than dutasteride?
yes, bicalutamide is like 10x stronger than dutasteride Imo,

Also, how come some people are able to maintain fine on finasteride while others cant even do that? Does it have something to do with some people being more sensitivity to androgens as a whole which means blocking dht is effectively useless for them as their sensitive is naturally high anyway?
everyone is genetically predisposed to have miniaturization of hair follicles DEPENDENT on 2 factors:

androgen signaling levels aka PSA

as people get older levels of PSA naturally rise and as a result androgen dependent parts of the body become more effected

someone who uses finasteride to reduce their PSA by 25%, that 25% reduction is enough to prevent their hair follicles from seeing androgen molecules whilst someone else who uses CPA and reduces their PSA by 60% may still have enough AR signaling (genetically speaking) to the point that even their hair follicles are miniaturized by low levels of PSA

PSA and genetics are the 2 factors we are looking at here


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@DHTcel So its antagonist against the androgenic effects of both testosterone and dutasteride, while not actually lowering these hormones systematically.
Sounds too good to be true


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@DHTcel So its antagonist against the androgenic effects of both testosterone and dutasteride, while not actually lowering these hormones systematically.
Sounds too good to be true
yeah buts its expensive and gyno

otherwise Its really changed my life for the better!


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yes, bicalutamide is like 10x stronger than dutasteride Imo,

everyone is genetically predisposed to have miniaturization of hair follicles DEPENDENT on 2 factors:

androgen signaling levels aka PSA

as people get older levels of PSA naturally rise and as a result androgen dependent parts of the body become more effected

someone who uses finasteride to reduce their PSA by 25%, that 25% reduction is enough to prevent their hair follicles from seeing androgen molecules whilst someone else who uses CPA and reduces their PSA by 60% may still have enough AR signaling (genetically speaking) to the point that even their hair follicles are miniaturized by low levels of PSA

PSA and genetics are the 2 factors we are looking at here

So sensitivity to androgens increases with age, so while finasteride may help you by blocking a percentage of dht at 30, at 45 you might become more sensitive and blocking that same percentage doesn't help at all.


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yeah buts its expensive and gyno

otherwise Its really changed my life for the better!
Are you planning on staying on it forever (or at least untill something better comes out that won't mess with androgens), are you sure about the long term safety of it? https://www.drugs.com/sfx/bicalutamide-side-effects.html one of the side effects on here includes voice changes and many other things. I need to educate myself more on this topic and whether the side effects listed are actually statistically possible


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Dutasteride shows a higher rate of regrowth than finasteride because of being stronger, so would bicalutamide be even better (as far as regrowth is concerned not maintenance) than dutasteride?

Were are you from? in some countries they inject dutasteride on the scalp.


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I was an Norwood 2 when I started finasteride with serious thinning behind left temple.

7 and a half years later Im an Norwood 2.25 and my hair is pretty dense.

I literally shudder at the thought of bald me. Without finasteride Id be an NW3.5, just like my old man was at 30.


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3 things can cause hair loss:


"The actions of androgens such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are mediated via the androgen receptor (AR), a ligand-dependent nuclear transcription factor and member of the steroid hormone nuclear receptor family."

"The main function of the androgen receptor is as a DNA-binding transcription factor that regulates gene expression" i.e. baldness, acne, hirsutism, any androgen dependent gene...

Cytokines also bind to JAK3 metabolites and enter the nucleus to transcribe genes dependent on the AR

finasteride/dutasteride: only blocks DHT
spironolactone/cpa: blocks T (and DHT a little via T suppression)
flutamide/bicalutamide: competitively inhibits KLK3 activation and AR signaling as a whole so T, DHT, and Cytokines are rendered useless

I started balding at 14 and I did research and I was able to get on bicalutamide and stop my hair loss

I did NOT respond to finasteride/dutasteride/spironolactone/cpa/estrogen, but I responded to bicalutamide

hope this helped
What side effects did you have with bicalutamide....... Forgive my ignorance but not that knowledgeable on stronger drugs.


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What side effects did you have with bicalutamide....... Forgive my ignorance but not that knowledgeable on stronger drugs.
Bro he’s like 17 with massive BDD. I’d take what he says with a grain of salt.

Also, can we get the thread back on track?


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What was your hair at baseline and now? Receding or thinning?
Not sure what you’re asking. Had receding hairline and crown loss beginning and got on the ‘big 3’ about 12 years ago. Crown filled back in and hairline recession slowed to a crawl if anything. Over the years got lazy and quit minoxidil but stayed on generic finasteride and nizoral 1%. Hair is roughly what it was when I started (probably minor further hairline recession but crown has stayed full). Went from being a mid 20s with much greater than average balding for the age to mid 30s and comments quite often how I’m lucky to have a full head of hair.


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thats the only side effect I've gotten and anyways I'm gonna get surgery to remove it

besides that I also got extremely high boost in sex drive, but I kinda like that lmao :)

what ai would negate the gyno effects whilst still maintaining the efficacy of the bical?

i know you've taken ralox which was ineffective in preventing gyno

i'm 22, nw1 with slight thinning at the temples btw


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thats the only side effect I've gotten and anyways I'm gonna get surgery to remove it

besides that I also got extremely high boost in sex drive, but I kinda like that lmao :)

Have you noticed any reduction in muscle mass?

If gynecomastia is really the only side you are getting then that ain't big deal.


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what ai would negate the gyno effects whilst still maintaining the efficacy of the bical?

i know you've taken ralox which was ineffective in preventing gyno

i'm 22, nw1 with slight thinning at the temples btw
uhhhh u can't, also dont use an AI as that has shown to have negative effects on the effectiveness on bicalutamide. just use a SERM or get surgery but even a serm won't save u that much (below I attached another person who had the same issue as me)

Have you noticed any reduction in muscle mass?

If gynecomastia is really the only side you are getting then that ain't big deal.
no not at all, if anything an increase, mainly In my shoulders of all places. The drug has no anti-anabolic effects

I attached a 2 photos no-pump of my delt, so you can see I'm not lying, others here sh*t on the drug because they can't get access too it or they are just mad I saved my hair whilst they were "a man" and shaved it lmao. even though I likely have a higher T level (1488ng/dl) and have more muscle mass than them, and more hair too ;)


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uhhhh u can't, also dont use an AI as that has shown to have negative effects on the effectiveness on bicalutamide. just use a SERM or get surgery but even a serm won't save u that much (below I attached another person who had the same issue as me)

no not at all, if anything an increase, mainly In my shoulders of all places. The drug has no anti-anabolic effects

I attached a 2 photos no-pump of my delt, so you can see I'm not lying, others here sh*t on the drug because they can't get access too it or they are just mad I saved my hair whilst they were "a man" and shaved it lmao. even though I likely have a higher T level (1488ng/dl) and have more muscle mass than them, and more hair too ;)

the gyno looks absolutely fine. wouldn't worry about it if i were you

atm it seems like the cure to hairloss is breast gland removal and bical

not particularly interested in playing a chemist with all the topicals so this is probably the route ill go down in the inevitable event dutasteride fails

add in a densely packed hair transplant for the nw2 and above folks and i think this might just be it


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the gyno looks absolutely fine. wouldn't worry about it if i were you

atm it seems like the cure to hairloss is breast gland removal and bical

not particularly interested in playing a chemist with all the topicals so this is probably the route ill go down in the inevitable event dutasteride fails

add in a densely packed hair transplant for the nw2 and above folks and i think this might just be it
THANKS! also I masturbate usually around 4-7 times a day with no issues, the people who make up these sexual sides effects are literally lying through their teeth. PM me for details on the drug and ill help u out since I've researched everything about it extensively.