Recent content by News2

  1. News2

    Any updates on Hair Multiplication?

    It's probably not so black and white. I don't think that it'll be 10 years before something comes out, but I do think that whenever it comes out it won't be perfect. I think the first generation will come out in the next 5 years, but if you think that it will be able to restore a perfect head of...
  2. News2

    Siblings and hairloss

    Robin Gibb is wearing a wig these days, and Barry's hair is quite thin now.
  3. News2


    I don't think the 20% figure in the article refers to the amount of hair that you can regrow with ICX-TRC. I think it refers to the chances of an investment being a success.
  4. News2

    How do you tell a friend that he's losing his hair?

    Just ask yourself this: Do YOU want every Tom, Dick & Harry to comment on your hair loss? If not, why do you even entertain the idea of mentioning it to your friend?
  5. News2

    Convincing Balding Friends to start treatments?

    Why don't you just mind your own business? I'm going bald despite having treatment, and I get really hacked off when somebody mentions it. It's my problem, and I don't appreciate other people's opinions - no matter how well-meant they are. Why do some people alwyas have the urge to stick their...
  6. News2

    Transplanting Hairs from Someone Else's Head?

    That's right: Hair is immunoprivileged, but the problem is that the surrounding tissue is NOT. Therefore you cannot transplant hair follicles from one person to another, as it is virtually impossible to separate the immunoprivileged follicle from the surrounding tissue (blood vessels etc.)...
  7. News2

    Alopecia areata?

    I am losing patches of hair (about 2-3 inches in diameter) on my legs. Is this alopecia areata? I'm gonna book an appointment with my doctor. Hopefully it won't spread to my head.
  8. News2

    someone answer this for me if you can

    Accutane, which is used to treat acne, is based on vitamine A, and it can have shitloads of side effects - hairloss being one of them.
  9. News2


    That doesn't stop private investors from investing in a potentially lucrative project. All I'm saying is that I'm surprised that until recently there was so little interest in trying to find a cure. Yes, it sounds very exciting. However: In November 2004 they told us that HM was "3 to 4...
  10. News2


    Exactly. And talking abot being "naive": Do you really think it is easier to find someone who is willing to invest in a project that is "in the national interest" than in a project that - if it is successful - will generate lots of money?
  11. News2


    The point I was trying to make is that there have been significant achievements in many areas of science, but a cure for baldness has not yet been found, even though men have suffered from hairloss for centuries. (And frankly: What would you prefer: A man on the moon or a cure for baldness?)...
  12. News2


    Hmm, yes, but it never ceases to amaze me that they haven't found the cure yet. I mean: They put a man on the moon almost 40 years ago, they have cloned a sheep, they have developed countless drugs to treat countless illnesses etc. etc., but they cannot regrow a bit of hair. What I find most...
  13. News2

    Clonin' update. Interctyex interview with Dr. Paul Kemp

    I must say I'm not too keen on the idea of having to continue using minoxidil either. I think I'll stoping using it after the HM procedure. (You can always get a top-up if you're going thin again, right? And anyway: It'll be another 50 years until I'm 80, and by then there's probably an easier way...
  14. News2

    Intercytex website FINALLY states TRC in Phase II trials

    It's just been announced that it WILL require phase III trials in the USA and in the UK. This is from an e-mail from Intercytex:
  15. News2

    Aderans and Intercytex to give update at conference

    This is from another hair site: