Recent content by exstatic

  1. exstatic

    spironolactone again

    Ive been using spironolactone, nizoral and minoxidil for about 3 years now and my hairloss has stopped and a little regrowth also.. occasionally my hair gets a bit thinner, but then thickens up again.. its probably because im lazy and forget some times. I only apply minoxidil at night, and about 10 mins later 5%...
  2. exstatic

    hair lost after stopping min and finasteride...

    I stopped using it for a number of months also and noticed considerable loss. I have since been back on minoxidil and spironolactone for a few months and seeing improvement yet again. Going back on should see results if you were getting results initially.
  3. exstatic

    minoxidil, washing hair

    It doesnt matter when you apply it, make the regimen work for you, not you working for the regimen! Everyone is different, I personally dont use minoxidil in the morning, purely because its too much hassle before work, I wash my hair at night, and use minoxidil then spironolactone after that.. and thats all...
  4. exstatic

    Really Really need help

    Counting hairs? you guys have way to much time.. f.uck that.
  5. exstatic

    Stopping minoxidil... how soon did your shed start?

    It really would depend on what grwoth cycle you are at.. I would highly doubt there is a solid answer.
  6. exstatic


    Actually, the more I think about this, the more it concerns me.. I would go get some bloods and tests done first rather than diagnose it as male pattern baldness yourself and end up buying a cocktail of drugs off the internet. Go see a derm, and get a medical answer, it is possible that your son is losing his...
  7. exstatic

    Tricomin/spironolactone/Nizoral as a regimen?

    I use minoxidil, at night after a shower, then about 10-15mins later the 5% spironolactone cream.. this works reasonably well, and I am seeing results, and no need to have dodgey hair through the day. So in answer to your questions, 1 application of minoxidil per day seems fine for me, with the occasional 2nd...
  8. exstatic


    shh5455, you shouldnt recomend a hormone manipulating drug to a person who hasnt even reached full maturity, it is certainly way to early for him to be using propecia. I suggest, get some nizoral, maybe some American Crew Revitalize, and t-Gel/Sal shampoo, just make sure he keeps good scalp...
  9. exstatic


    Alot of shedding, you have to deal with it.. as the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money.. in this case, lose hairs to make hairs..
  10. exstatic

    Any tips on how to apply 5% spironolactone Cream during the day...

    I part my hair every 3-4cms and apply the spironolactone cream directly to my scalp, then wait about 10-15mins for absorbtion then brush my hair, cant even notice it :)
  11. exstatic

    Let's discuss the best order to apply topicals.

    Nightly shower, Nizoral every 3rd night.. Post-Nightly shower, minoxidil 5% Wait 10-15 mins - spironolactone 5% Morning.. spironolactone 5% Thats all for now :)
  12. exstatic

    Just Seems Too Good to be True....

    So you are comparing AIDS to cosmetic surgery? :roll: Right..
  13. exstatic

    Exstatic Story (with pics)

    yea good call, I am totally against something that f.ucks with your hormones so much, and there is high chances of side effects, I just dont think gorwing your hair back is worth sacrificing other parts of your body.