Let's discuss the best order to apply topicals.


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This thread is for people who apply multiple topicals. I'm interested in when the best time and order is to apply them, as far as when you wake up, when you work out, and how many showers you have, and the order to apply everything.

Also, I wonder if you absorb stuff best when your scalp is hydrated. I would think that if it is dry, it would suck up wet stuff better than when it is saturated with water. Any facts or thoughts?

OK, I'll start.

1) I've been shopping for and designing shampoo's with copper peptides in them, but now I think if the shower is such a good time to get my whole head, why not wash my hair with normal shampoo, and then put 4mL of folligen on my head and rub it over the whole head and leave that on for the rest of the shower. Would that not be better?

2) I wonder whether to apply SODs first or minoxidil first, but have been doing the SODs first lately.

3) If I have trouble scheduling showers around topicals, I do have the option of washing my body and not my hair, and washing my hair later.

4) My main problem now is waiting 3 hours after a shower or work out before applying Eucapil. If I switch to spironolactone, I will have to schedule much after minoxidil, and twice a day. This is making RU more appealing. This tells me I should have a shower at least 4 hours before I go to sleep, if I want to apply spironolactone then.

Aside from wondering how much it matters when I apply stuff, my schedule is easy. I shower in the morning, apply prox-N and folligen, then 10 minutes later apply minoxdil. 4 hours later I apply Eucapil. 4 hours later I do my work out, do a body shower, and then later I apply minoxidil, or can quickly wash my hair before the minoxidil as long as it has been 4 hours after the Eucapil. Three 1 minute applications per day, and a little scheduling. The rest of my regimen is rotating shampoos and taking dutasteride. Later the GLA and RU will just replace the eucapil.

My only concern is not to use fatty acids before using SODs, since solubility issues might keep the SODs and water from getting into the scalp if there is a thin oily layer on the scalp already.


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I have longer curly hair, so topicals are a real pain for me. I always end up spreading them around as best i can, but im not sure how well i'm doing it. Anyway here goes...


I wake up, apply minoxidil and massage it around. Five minutes or so later I whack some spironolactone cream on my temples.

I go do something for an hour then have a shower. (I intended to use this time for useful things like music practice, but lately i've just been checking internet forums, hehehe... :roll: )

After my shower I apply proxiphen to my receding temples and sides, massage it in, and dot out about 16-20 drops of prox-n over the top of my head and then massage that in (mainly banking on it dispersing under the skin)

At night time i apply minoxidil first, then folligen about 5 minutes after, then spironolactone about 5 minutes after that.


This changes a lot, however, and sometimes i make only 1 application of minoxidil or spironolactone, and sometimes don't even do folligen! I find i always make the proxiphen ones, because it's after the shower and im already in the bathroom. I need to be more disciplined though!


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Morning- shower, apply spironolactone 2% all over scalp, wait 10 mins then apply minoxidil

Night- shower, apply prox-n all over scalp, wait an hour or 2 then apply minoxidil, then just b4 bed one spray of flutamide on hair line


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Nightly shower, Nizoral every 3rd night..
Post-Nightly shower, minoxidil 5%
Wait 10-15 mins - spironolactone 5%

Morning.. spironolactone 5%

Thats all for now :)


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I wonder if you absorb stuff best when your scalp is hydrated. I would think that if it is dry, it would suck up wet stuff better than when it is saturated with water. Any facts or thoughts?.

Its better to apply it on a hydrated scalp for maximum absorption, thats why they recomend applying minoxidil on a dry scalp, to reduce systemic absoption