Recent content by Agahi

  1. Agahi

    Vertex male pattern baldness Trial Commercial On Radio In San Diego?

    So I was at the gym doing my legs, and I hear an add come over the radio. I makes me pause immediately(interrupting my set). It starts talking about how bad male pattern baldness sucks, like I don't know lol. Any way long story short some company called vertex is conducting a clinical trial accepting members I...
  2. Agahi

    Forsythiaside-A anything on this?(warning mouse study)

    Saw this posted on reddit oddly, just figured I'd throw it out there since I am on my every 6 month rounds on the hairloss sites. See you guys in 6.
  3. Agahi

    about asian women...

    Go to any navy town. Every old *** fat ugly senior person has a cute asian female on their arm it seems. Just usually south east asian
  4. Agahi

    Is it possible to NOT have to shave your head for a FUE transplant?

    I think doctors who are willing to do it being more expensive is the reason you dont see it more.
  5. Agahi

    Post pics of some good Norwood covering haistyles.

    First is me with hair pulled back exposing hairline. Second is my hair styled in a similar way as zzzzz except I brush all foreword then some of the front bangs to one side, some to left. Then take whats left and push up in the air to hide part. Hairspray after. This is easier after minoxidil...
  6. Agahi

    for those who care for what the bible has to say.

    Well if the bible says so I better do it. I'll get on it right after I sacrifice my son and send my daughters to get raped by a whole town.
  7. Agahi

    Balding with no facial/body hair

    I have no chest or back hair at all. I only grow a slight beard/mustache. I got pubes and leghair only. My best bro is like bigfoot he is so hairy and we have the same exact loss pattern.
  8. Agahi

    norwood 2/3 school kid ????

    Ive been nw2 since I was 10 or earlier.
  9. Agahi

    Microneedling experiment – 1 year on

    Grew a ton of miniturized looking hair past my receded hairline(down to strong nw2 pattern which Ive had since I was a kid. Wont get any longer though so got me hopeful, but still no full recovery.
  10. Agahi

    New breakthrough! But umm who are "they"

    Am I a bad person because I'd likely do this?
  11. Agahi

    New patent:Hair-growth-promoting solution , preparation and using methods thereof

    All I can find is an immortal hair forum post from 2009 - - - Updated - - - And one from 2012 with a results photo apparently. - - - Updated - - - User with the same name is active in the HLH forums, posting the same pictures as the ones from 2012 and answering questions..
  12. Agahi

    I want to get on Rogain/Minoxidil without it exacerbating my dandruff issues, advice?

    Agreed nizoral will be dual purpose here. Its good for your regimen and is actually anti dandruff. Works for me and my very black hair.
  13. Agahi

    What you will do the day you get a full head of hair?

    Us low NWs just live with the fact that we will one day become nw5+ whether it be slowly or quickly. I know that we don't have it as bad yet, but to say it is not bad at all is wrong. I realize I am lucky to not be there yet, but even what little hair loss I have does in fact stop me from doing things...
  14. Agahi

    p**rn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Is a Growing Problem

    Please show me your proof then? - - - Updated - - -**rn.pdf