Young Bald Men Today Do Seem To Understand That The Superficialness Of Women Is Part Of The Problem.


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Unless we get our hair back. If we get our hair back then we won't have to eat crow because lots of women will want us again and we can go back to talking sh*t like we did in our 20s.

Even if we get our hair back Nameless we are never going to be 20 again...its not the natural order of things.

I agree with hairblues.
Even if we had all of our hair back, younger people (in their twenties) would be still interested in young people in their twenties, not in fifty years old people looking younger (except for the occasional hook up or damaged goods).

Young people want to hang out with young people because they want to discover life together.

Nameless, I have a question for you. You seem to have really enjoyed your youth. Why do you want to be young again?


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20 years ago when I would post at various hair websites I had numerous themes I talked about. One of them was my insistence that the superficiality and selfishness of women is part of the problem when it comes to men losing their hair. I would complain that women would lie and say that bald men would the same big studs without their hair that they were when they had their hair if they stopped letting their hair loss bother them. I would complain that women would say it's all in our mind and that if hair loss didn't bother us we would be just fine. I used to complain that women would say that men do not need hair and they would say how women like us whether we have hair or not. I would complain that the women were lying and that women are actually very superficial and shallow.

You would not believe the abuse I took for saying that stuff. Yup, the women complained about me saying that stuff.


The men would go into auto-pilot woman-protection mode. I would just be stating the truth as I saw it, women would complain a little about the stuff I was saying, and when the men saw that the women were offended by what I was saying they (the men) would tear into me with some unbelievably ugly stuff. I still just kept saying that same stuff and 99% of the guys back then kept getting after me for saying that stuff. It was nothing but male-chivalry, woman-protecting bs coming from them. I used to tell them how weak they were for defending people (women) who deserved to be scolded for being too superficial and selfish. I used to tell them how weak they were for defending people (women) who's immoral attitudes were part of the reason that hair loss was damaging men's lives so much. I used to tell them that they were giving women a rock to hide under when instead they should have been helping me reprimand women. But they were in circle-the-wagons (around women) male-chivalry mode.

It seems to me that today the younger men with hair loss are saying a lot of the same things that I was saying back then. I give the young bald men credit for that. I don't think they should be rude about it but I do think that it is appropriate to tell women that if women didn't favor the attractive men with full heads of hair then a lot less men would be depressed about hair loss. I think it's appropriate to tell women that they aren't the morality sheriff's that they think they are...that their selfishness and superficiality is far from moral perfection. I think it's appropriate to tell women that they're causing a lot of suffering...even some suicides, because of their selfishness and superficiality. I think it's appropriate to tell them this stuff because it's true. And I'm glad that a lot of younger men perceive that truth. The men at hair loss websites 20 years ago were such chivalrous auto-pilot women-protectors that they were incapable of even examining these issues.

I do believe that men should be allowed to raise these issues with women in a civil and polite manner. I really think that women spend too much time taking men's moral inventory. I think women would be better served to start taking their own moral inventory...if they want to grow into better people.

Look, it's very normal for women, beta males and nu-males to virtue signal, boasting the 'right' opinion instead of their true opinion.
The true opinion is that baldness is always ugly, the 'right' opinion is that appearance does not matter, yada yada yada et cetera
I would appreciate honesty. If there's no honesty, there's no awareness. If there's no awareness, there's no research.
No research, no Cure.

Women are superificial, so are men. It's human. I hate fat women. I can't blame women who keep away from bald men, I guess their feeling when a bald man approaches them or interacts is the same I feel when a whale talks to me. My only thought when that happens is 'GET OUT GET OUT'.


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Look, it's very normal for women, beta males and nu-males to virtue signal, boasting the 'right' opinion instead of their true opinion.
The true opinion is that baldness is always ugly, the 'right' opinion is that appearance does not matter, yada yada yada et cetera
I would appreciate honesty. If there's no honesty, there's no awareness. If there's no awareness, there's no research.
No research, no Cure.

Can't argue with this.

I guess the only problem is how the "true opinion" is handled, our gut reaction to any acknowledgement of baldness is, hurt. I feel pain even hearing the topic come up with people around me, and hope to f*** the conversation doesn't turn to me. Not even "as a balding guy, what do you think?" but simply, like the other day talking about Wayne Rooney's famous transplant, and actually people not blaming him for doing it, I really didn't want anyone to ask me what I thought (someone kind of did but I just sort of shrugged neutrally).

In theory I would welcome open criticism of baldness aesthetically, of course if it spread awareness. In practice most of us would sh*t ourselves.

A guy wrote a topic recently about how pissed off he was with his hairdresser, that she texted him simply requesting he jumps on propecia, seemed to bring this out as openly as "Take some lemon and honey for your cold", and he was outraged. From a lot of people reading it, including me I think, his reaction was a bit extreme, and the hairdresser was justified in her logical suggestion. But in practice I can understand how the guy felt, to get that written to you, something so personal and private just, put out there so bluntly, I probably could have reacted the same.

So that's the problem, we want awareness but at the same time we find it hard to deal with.

I don't know about you, but for me I don't want casual dinner table chats turning into how my hair is progressing or regressing lately, actually I probably wouldn't leave the house for a week after something like that.


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Can't argue with this.

I guess the only problem is how the "true opinion" is handled, our gut reaction to any acknowledgement of baldness is, hurt. I feel pain even hearing the topic come up with people around me, and hope to f*** the conversation doesn't turn to me. Not even "as a balding guy, what do you think?" but simply, like the other day talking about Wayne Rooney's famous transplant, and actually people not blaming him for doing it, I really didn't want anyone to ask me what I thought (someone kind of did but I just sort of shrugged neutrally).

In theory I would welcome open criticism of baldness aesthetically, of course if it spread awareness. In practice most of us would sh*t ourselves.

A guy wrote a topic recently about how pissed off he was with his hairdresser, that she texted him simply requesting he jumps on propecia, seemed to bring this out as openly as "Take some lemon and honey for your cold", and he was outraged. From a lot of people reading it, including me I think, his reaction was a bit extreme, and the hairdresser was justified in her logical suggestion. But in practice I can understand how the guy felt, to get that written to you, something so personal and private just, put out there so bluntly, I probably could have reacted the same.

So that's the problem, we want awareness but at the same time we find it hard to deal with.

I don't know about you, but for me I don't want casual dinner table chats turning into how my hair is progressing or regressing lately, actually I probably wouldn't leave the house for a week after something like that.

True. The awareness we need is slowly developing though, and it's hard to us. VIPs getting transplants was just the start of breaking the chains of the baldness taboo. Now that most actors and celebrities are not going to lose their hair thanks to meds and transplants, bald men everywhere will be alienated more and more from society; we already noticed how there are no bald role models anymore except the buff beast. Yet silence remains and it's no good for us even if it protects our feelings.

I feel we're reaching a point, as a society, when hair loss will generally considered a radical problem. Expect more comments. Expect more people bringing up hair loss and suggesting transplants. Expect employers to explicitly reject bald men because of baldness. That's when true research for the Cure will start: when sh*t will REALLY get bad for bald and balding men. It's not even the beginning. It will take even 10 more years of transplanted celebrities and acquaintances to get to that point. Transplants will soon get unnoticeable and cheaper. That's when baldness will be logically considered a fault, and publicly shamed, and the Cure may start to be developed.


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I agree with hairblues.
Even if we had all of our hair back, younger people (in their twenties) would be still interested in young people in their twenties, not in fifty years old people looking younger (except for the occasional hook up or damaged goods).

Young people want to hang out with young people because they want to discover life together.

Nameless, I have a question for you. You seem to have really enjoyed your youth. Why do you want to be young again?
I personally think a man in his 30s is at his looks peak.

As long as he stays in shape, keeps his hair, and stays on trend then he will look better then he did at 21.


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Do you guys not realize that you have very different personalities than you did at 19?

Even with the same body, there's no going back.


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when i was in my early 20s I worked for a man who was 28...he said to me I would never go out with a woman over 25.
I said "Why?"
They are all damaged by that time.
after I turned 30 i saw an old female friend from HS who had married right out of HS to an older guy..she had been in a brutal divorce and was now married to a new guy.

GUESS who she married? my old boss who was worried about 'damaged' women over 25 he married a 30 year old divorced neurotic train wreck.

Moral of the story men say a lot of sh*t in their twenties they wind up eat crow by the time they are 32.


what are women over 25 supposed to be damaged by, according to him?

i wonder how that marriage ended up working out.


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what are women over 25 supposed to be damaged by, according to him?

i wonder how that marriage ended up working out.

according to that guy yes by 25 they were damaged by other men, experiences, baggage, looks etc.


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she looks better than a lot of women half her age...but she is too old to have this relationship..I actually look at it as beneath her..I did not even like to date 21 year olds when I was i dont see the appeal of him at all...i would totally do her though.
I know what your saying about age here, when i turned 40 i felt as good as i did at 20, but after hanging out with some 20 year olds i decided - no im 40


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"Superficiality of women"

Would you date a bald/balding woman? No? Then get out and don't forget to take your hypocrisy with you.

If only they had been even more superficial. If only they completely and utterly refused to deal with any man who exhibited signs of hair loss then by now we would have entirely stamped out the bald gene, and by now baldness wouldn't be a thing on Earth anymore, we wouldn't still be dealing with this f*****g problem, or posting on these cursed forums.

It is only unfortunate that baldness doesn't manifest as early as 8-10 years of age, because this still enables bald men to have their sh*t genes go undetected and reproduce, and then go bald a few short years after. That is how this disease has escaped evolution so far.

This is arguably the worst time to be balding young because of the high societal pressures, but this is what ultimately drives up the market value for a cure, putting up the incentive for companies to develop it as soon as possible. It is imperative that people feel as bad as possible about their hair loss, because that means they will be more willing to pay for a cure, which means the potential profit for companies goes way up, and along with that, the likelihood of getting a f*****g solution within our lifetime.

What you are witnessing here is the technological evolution of the human race, where we pick up where mother nature left off. Soon, once genetic engineering is firmly within our hands, we will gradually begin to stamp out all undesirable traits including proneness to disease, and the logical extension of that is also 'designer' humans, where you will be able to pick how your baby will look. If you disagree with this, it's only because you've been born 'attractive enough', but just ask someone like Dante if he thinks that the technology to prevent people from being born ugly should be available. I'm sure he'll give you a firm 'yes'.


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It seems to me that today the younger men with hair loss are saying a lot of the same things that I was saying back then. I give the young bald men credit for that. I don't think they should be rude about it but I do think that it is appropriate to tell women that if women didn't favor the attractive men with full heads of hair then a lot less men would be depressed about hair loss.

Of course. Because 20 years ago, the internet was in its infancy. Nobody was candid about anything 20 years ago. We all got our opinions from TV and the newspapers. Guys defaulted to chivalry back then because that's what they were told to be like by the media. Peer group pressure was shaped by the media. Then the internet exploded, and slowly but surely over 20 years, people started to get real and said what they felt. The men's right movement happened because of the internet. None of the MSM were calling out feminism - it was regular people on the internet who were doing it. Suddenly it was OK to have an "unusual" point of view. And so now...yes, younger guys only know the internet and saying what's on their mind.


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Why is a 40 something woman dating a 20 something man even worthy of discussion on this forum?
If I want to read tabloid trash then I will read the many gossip, trash websites out there available.

And for all of you finger wagers who think it's wrong for a relationship of this kind to happen: Go water your garden and then tuck your bored shitless selves in for the night.


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"Superficiality of women"

Would you date a bald/balding woman? No? Then get out and don't forget to take your hypocrisy with you.

If only they had been even more superficial. If only they completely and utterly refused to deal with any man who exhibited signs of hair loss then by now we would have entirely stamped out the bald gene, and by now baldness wouldn't be a thing on Earth anymore, we wouldn't still be dealing with this f*****g problem, or posting on these cursed forums.

It is only unfortunate that baldness doesn't manifest as early as 8-10 years of age, because this still enables bald men to have their sh*t genes go undetected and reproduce, and then go bald a few short years after. That is how this disease has escaped evolution so far.

This is arguably the worst time to be balding young because of the high societal pressures, but this is what ultimately drives up the market value for a cure, putting up the incentive for companies to develop it as soon as possible. It is imperative that people feel as bad as possible about their hair loss, because that means they will be more willing to pay for a cure, which means the potential profit for companies goes way up, and along with that, the likelihood of getting a f*****g solution within our lifetime.

What you are witnessing here is the technological evolution of the human race, where we pick up where mother nature left off. Soon, once genetic engineering is firmly within our hands, we will gradually begin to stamp out all undesirable traits including proneness to disease, and the logical extension of that is also 'designer' humans, where you will be able to pick how your baby will look. If you disagree with this, it's only because you've been born 'attractive enough', but just ask someone like Dante if he thinks that the technology to prevent people from being born ugly should be available. I'm sure he'll give you a firm 'yes'.
Well spoken.