Worse Going From A 8 To 5 Or 5 To 2?


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I am not so much arguing if its good or bad.

I am jus saying lets not pretend women 'naturally' are supposed to be virgins and marry one man by early 20s and stick with him and thats it.

this is a societal standard/

women NOW are working and independent more so then 30 years ago.

they are f*****g based more on looks and attraction--something you admit yourself.

IF we were to go back to societal standards or marrying young, being chaste etc then you are going to have women 'settle' for less attraction.

If you want a woman to pick men for 'survival' or societal standards vs desire then this is not good either.
I think women are exaggerating when it comes to looks and attraction. I feel like they do it for showing off and because the media and Hollywood are brainwashing them. Sure, attraction is important, but why every single woman is attracted to the same type of guys. Doesn't matter if the woman is 5/10 or 9/10 they all want the same guy, no one wants a looks match. They feel they're entitled to 8/10+ guys because they have a vagina. Do you think if that had been the norm 10.000 years ago, humans would have survived that long ? Or at least would genes like baldness or shortness still have existed by now ? And don't tell me rape, there're millions of short and bald people today, there's noway all of them are here because of rape.


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I think women are exaggerating when it comes to looks and attraction. I feel like they do it for showing off and because the media and Hollywood are brainwashing them. Sure, attraction is important, but why every single woman is attracted to the same type of guys. Doesn't matter if the woman is 5/10 or 9/10 they all want the same guy, no one wants a looks match. They feel they're entitled to 8/10+ guys because they have a vagina. Do you think if that had been the norm 10.000 years ago, humans would have survived that long ? Or at least would genes like baldness or shortness still have existed by now ? And don't tell me rape, there're millions of short and bald people today, there's noway all of them are here because of rape.

I live in biggest city in the world.
I do NOT see women who are 5 with men who are 9s.
I see a lot more opposite where its unattractive men with money/status with hot women--nothing new here at least.
I do sometimes see older women with younger men--also not that new here.

But average walking around street? Generally speaking? I see LOOKS MATCHED


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I think its gross both genders I don't know why you are singling out women.

Men have become immune to STDs suddenly so there number is irrelevant?

I must have missed that on the news.

You didn't read my posts, which makes it hard to have a conversation with you.

I'm saying it's easy for a woman to sleep with 50 guys. It's not an achievement. That's why - rightly or wrongly - there's shaming language directed to such women.

If a guy can get 50 women to consent to sleep with him, that's an achievement of sorts because he's doing the pursuing. That's why - rightly or wrongly - he's called a stud/slayer. He's had to meet a higher standard than the aforementioned women.

If a guy sleeps with 50 prostitutes, he doesn't get to be called a stud/slayer. In fact, society looks on him negatively as some kind of deviant - that's if you ever find ANY guy who's actually admitted to such activity (very few would).

I hope that clears everything up for you.


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Where do societal standards come from and why are they the same in every functioning and lasting society?

It's because these truths are not arbitrary, they are immutable and valid. Always.

Yes, my girlfriend chose me primarily because of my looks and height, but she's also a good catholic girl who hasn't slept around before I came along. She had some weakness, and as she says "we're all human and sometimes, I just needed to have sex." But she never lived the full-blown nihilistic sl*t lifestyle that so many Western women partake in.

I know, I know, you're going to say "she could be lying!" but my experience has taught me that you can tell if a woman is damaged. I've been with virgins, and anyone who has been with virgin can tell how refreshing they are, how innocent, the lightness you feel when spending time with time. The opposite to that is the girl who has had 70+ c****, and yes, I've met one, and with girls like her, you feel the exact opposite of what you feel with a virgin, it was so uncomfortable that I had to run away from her, and she was diseased too. You could see the emptiness in her eyes (might also have been because she was Finnish and so cold), a few hours with her and I felt sick, to the point that I got up and told her: "You make me feel uncomfortable, we'll have to leave it at that."

So I can tell. I can see it in the eyes of my girlfriend. The "thousand c*** stare" is definitely real.

Sleeping around is bad for women, all around, and also bad for men to an extent, but way less, as it's actually seen as an achievement. The more women, the higher your value to women, studies confirm this.
If i had been you, i'd have married your girlfriend. It's rare to find that good quality of women nowadays. And i agree with you, no one wants his kids to have a mother that knows nothing but sucking dicks.


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I live in biggest city in the world.
I do NOT see women who are 5 with men who are 9s.
I see a lot more opposite where its unattractive men with money/status with hot women--nothing new here at least.
I do sometimes see older women with younger men--also not that new here.

But average walking around street? Generally speaking? I see LOOKS MATCHED
If a 5s man wants to date a 5s, noway that she will agree. Men are striving for sex, unlike women, most of us will f*** anything if we're horny enough. That's why sometimes a 6/10 woman can take a 8/10 man if she gets the chance. And about the gold diggers, i don't solely blame women here because this man is already dumb enough to date a gold digger, so he deserves his money to be taken away from him.


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Where do societal standards come from and why are they the same in every functioning and lasting society?

It's because these truths are not arbitrary, they are immutable and valid. Always. We don't make them up on a random whim.

Yes, my girlfriend chose me primarily because of my looks and height, but she's also a good catholic girl who hasn't slept around before I came along. She had some weakness, and as she says "we're all human and sometimes, I just needed to have sex." But she never lived the full-blown nihilistic sl*t lifestyle that so many Western women partake in.

I know, I know, you're going to say "she could be lying!" but my experience has taught me that you can tell if a woman is damaged. I've been with virgins, and anyone who has been with virgin can tell how refreshing they are, how innocent, the lightness you feel when spending time with them. The opposite to that is the girl who has had 70+ c****, and yes, I've met one, and with girls like her, you feel the exact opposite of what you feel with a virgin, it was so uncomfortable that I had to run away from her, and she was diseased too. You could see the emptiness in her eyes (might also have been because she was Finnish and so cold), a few hours with her and I felt sick, to the point that I got up and told her: "You make me feel uncomfortable, we'll have to leave it at that."

So I can tell. I can see it in the eyes of my girlfriend. The "thousand c*** stare" is definitely real.

Sleeping around is bad for women, all around, and also bad for men to an extent, but way less, as it's actually seen as an achievement. The more women, the higher your value to women, studies confirm this.

First off I do NOT think your GF is lying she is probably exactly who she says she is

I have said to you before--you picked well for yourself. You guys are very matched in your ideals

What i reject about you is your opinion that EVERYONE in their personal life should be doing exactly what you think is right for yourself.

i think you are really over estimating how important virginity is to men

I was a virgin I was with a man 10 years older than me, divorced I was with him for 3 years it was never "OH MY GOD I WATNT YOUR VIRGINITY!!!" It was not something that was important.
I do not know ANY woman whose BF was so enamored with their virginity.
You yourself WROTE you had been with virgins--HOW MUCH could you have valued these virgins? you are not with them currently.

Its if anything an ego boost for some of you--that is it.

If you fall in love with a woman who fucked 10 men or 0 men--its not going to make a difference to you.

50 by 20 is extreme but I think its extreme for men too...its too much its like 'addiction' territory to me.
But that is not a gender thing.


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If everything goes well, I'm going to marry her at a point, but because of time constraints (me wanting a child before I'm 30), we'll have our first child before getting married.
Good for you man.


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I am not so much arguing if its good or bad.

I am jus saying lets not pretend women 'naturally' are supposed to be virgins and marry one man by early 20s and stick with him and thats it.

this is a societal standard/

women NOW are working and independent more so then 30 years ago.

they are f*****g based more on looks and attraction--something you admit yourself.

IF we were to go back to societal standards or marrying young, being chaste etc then you are going to have women 'settle' for less attraction.

If you want a woman to pick men for 'survival' or societal standards vs desire then this is not good either.

It's only YOU that is polarising the debate and creating this imaginary society that wants women to be virgins until marriage. That's never been the case in secular society for over 4 or 5 generations now. It's not the 1800s. What people are talking about here are women who sleep with dozens of guys and think that's normal. Somewhere in the middle between the "c*** carousel" and outright virginity there's a healthy balance. I don't think relentless promiscuity is normal at all - not when you look at the history of humanity. Birth control hasn't been around all that long. What I would deem "normal" is serial monogomy with the odd fling (hopefully between relationships). Even saying that, the more people you sleep with, the greater the risks you are exposing yourself to. There's no prescriptive advice to give people other than that.


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We'll f*** anything but we will not give our commitment so easily, and make no mistake, that is what 99% of women are after.

Yes, a woman, if she's smart, can score a guy who is easily two points above her, but most women are not smart.

A smart woman who is a 6/10 and in her prime, catches one of these 8/10 guys at university or in high school, and commits to him 100%.

And I've seen many of these pairings, and they're the happiest couples around. Unsurprisingly.
Women are a different kind of smart, not that kind of smart that solves math equations or play chess well, but they're more clever and emotionally intelligent than most men. They can trick you well using your emotions or your 24/7 horny c***. You need to be experienced with women and relationships in general to not be tricked easily.


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I have 7 dislikes, 4 of them are from Fred the Belgian.


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That's not a female trait but a human trait, girls won't try the above with a guy who has self-respect and commands respect.

And that goes both ways. If a man is abused by a woman, or if a woman is abused by a man, it is partly their fault for being so naive.

You don't think women get tricked and abused in relationships? That's a sign right there that you have been brainwashed by the "red pill" community.
I didn't mean to say that women will use that way to abuse men, maybe get with the man they desire, but not to abuse him.


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It's only YOU that is polarising the debate and creating this imaginary society that wants women to be virgins until marriage. That's never been the case in secular society for over 4 or 5 generations now. It's not the 1800s. What people are talking about here are women who sleep with dozens of guys and think that's normal. Somewhere in the middle between the "c*** carousel" and outright virginity there's a healthy balance. I don't think relentless promiscuity is normal at all - not when you look at the history of humanity. Birth control hasn't been around all that long. What I would deem "normal" is serial monogomy with the odd fling (hopefully between relationships). Even saying that, the more people you sleep with, the greater the risks you are exposing yourself to. There's no prescriptive advice to give people other than that.

I am not polarizing the debate.

I do not think its normal for young men or women to sleep with dozens of people.

I am a serial monogamous and I think serial monogamy is very natural and normal-- but that is not something that works for everyone.

I am bringing up the virgin thing because of another thread on going which is similar to this conversation that was started where the OP wanted to bring back shamming women to go back to 1950s type of relationships..Going back and forth is like they 'mesh' in my brain because so similar topics.


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You didn't read what I said above: these truths are valid and timeless.

That's why this study supports it, it's common sense, common wisdom, and you're not going to debunk this.

Humans have always known this, the fact that these recommendations are in all religious texts is no coincidence.

Sorry to bust your cope.

Its not a cope

Where the data comes from is very important in polls like these for them to have credibility.

Generation, religion, geogrphaphy plays a huge roll.

A 60 year old couple from Sudan is going to have a different effect on the poll than a 25 year old couple from NYC.

your cope :)


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It would make an obvious difference to me. I have experience of both types of women. Massive difference on many levels. And yes, the women on the lower end of the scale are generally a lot nicer.

And that is fine--thats how you should pick someone.

There are going to be men who have opposite view point or will be indifferent.


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We should shame people who want to destroy civilizations.

sl*ts are doing just that, and people know this, even though they might not be seeing the bigger picture.

And that's why no matter how many sl*t walks feminists organize, sl*ts will always be shamed in healthy societies.

I think there are much more important things and bigger things threatening civilization as we know it then sl*ts.


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I spent my teenage years up to around 21 as a legit 2. Anybody who is whining about going from 8 to 5 in his mid 20s or even later, and claiming to have it worse than someone who went from 5 to 2, has no idea what he (or she) is talking about. Life as a 2 is pure hell and usually ruins your life when you are still young and in your supposed "prime". It is not only that I got mocked from other youths, even some pathetic adults made fun of me by commenting on my various flaws.

I worked hard by losing weight and gymcelling so that I was slowly reaching (below) average territory at around 22, just when my hairloss started. It was shocking, because people always complimented on my thickness and told me how I would never go bald. Hair was the only thing about myself I had been proud apart from huge penis size. Of course, penis size is also useless as a 2, even more because I was a grower so I didn´t appear really extraordinary in the locker room. That combination ( Face = 2, dick = 9) always seemt to me like a sick joke of mother nature.
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You're right, but it's still important.

The pendulum is currently swinging the other way so I'm not so worried anymore.

But every person has a role, don't pretend like sl*ts are not harming our society.

Do not lie.

I don't lie and you know that.

I don't think sl*ts are harming society.

I think social media even forums like this are harming our society.

I think sexual behavior in both young men and women is desensitized and that is harmful. Younger people seem to be lacking empathy which is very harmful. They seem to be isolating and detached which is harmful.

This numbers things--both the rating of people looks and also who has slept with more people--for both men and women is not a healthy mind set.