Will all those using Xandrox15-Plus identify yourselves!


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Ok, Kiel, I'm there. Well, unfortunately I cannot use Xandrox15 because I woke up with a bloated head and a few breakouts. Guess I will have to just stick to Proxiphen as my treatment to hold on to what I can and pop my Propecia. Kiel, you are just one of the lucky ones who can tolerate minoxidil. Well at least I can tolerate Propecia without any life altering sides so far. Now I just will sit back and watch the front disappear until I get a transplant. Im tired of all of this. I cannot win this battle in the front. Kiel, just make sure you have grape ones, because I don't want any cherry ones. I have alot more experience with the grape.


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Bloated face? What do you mean by that? Can you just try to use a little bit? Like this stuff def beefs up the front of your hair if you can handle it.

You do understand that by popsicle I mean..... your... eh... hmmmmm....... nevermind :gay:

Lol jk hope you're all banging good quality, wholesome, classy girls. :hairy:


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I only used 1/2 ml of Xandrox and it still did it. It kind of makes my head enlarge somewhat. It makes my brain retain more water and forehead enlarges. I know by placing my hand on my forehead and the distance from my hairline to my eyebrows slightly enlarges. Or it could be too much salt retention as well but the minoxidil does not make it any better. Kiel, I don't know where your mind was( maybe in the gutter), I was talking about popsicles that are made out of ice cream.......... :shock:


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I got serious dizziness on the foam as well. Many say that the foam doesn't absorb well enough and is therefore the cause of their lack of results. I tend to think the opposite is true: the stuff absorbs TOO well and may just constantly be sending hairs into telogen phase due to its penetrating abilities.

I have tried ALL types of minoxidil for over ten years now. Most did nothing for me at all--Rogaine, Kirkland, Dr. Lee's, Lee's w/ Retin-a, but the foam gave me a very big shed and made me feel as though I just inhaled a can of paint thinner after my first application. Makes you wonder, yeah?


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JWM, you have problems with minoxidil as well? I wish I did not get sides from minoxidil because I think it might have helped me many years ago. What are you using currently and is it doing any good?


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No, I'm okay with minoxidil in general as far as side effects go. Can't really say its done much good for my hair but I HAVE used both the foam AND the liquid and looking back I believe I responded best to the foam--I think ;)


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amsch said:
DoctorHouse, are you absolutely sure about the facial swelling?
Well, something happens to my face and head. It looks larger. Not only that but when I put on my watch it was tighter. My chest is more swollen. I am very sensitive to sodium and I think minoxidil just makes me slightly more. I would have to go on a no salt diet to use minoxidil. I don't even salt food. I also have some kind of dysfunction that developed over the years in my heart valve that is not anything life threatening but it could have been due to using minoxidil for over 4 years. My doctor said it was common with people with high blood pressure( I take meds for that and its controlled good). Who knows maybe minoxidil did something as well in my case. Using minoxidil with those conditions is really not recommended. I probably might be able to tolerate 2 percent minoxidil but Proxiphen is supposed to be more effective than that anyway.


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Kiel, i can see from my outbox that you didn't answer my PM.

Is there any reason for that?


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alright, update time.

been on 15+ for 3 weeks now. i'm definitely noticing the extra hairs around my eyebrows already (which is weird, but i guess ultimately good). i DO see some vellus hairs in my hairline (can't really speak either way about anywhere else b/c LUCKILY my hair elsewhere is thick enough where it would be hard/impossible to notice right now).

overall, i'm happy w/ it so far. over the past week or two i've been gradually getting off the oral finasteride. i may just stop taking it completely at this point but i haven't decided 100%.

i MAY HAVE noticed a small shed increase (if it is an increase, it's very minor). not really shedding much right now one way or another but it does seem very slightly more than it was a couple of weeks ago.

again, no styling problems as i'm only applying it at night. i've been applying about 1.25-1.50mL each night. my first dropper is usually around 0.80mL and then my second i usually try to get right about 0.50mL. it dries/turns sticky very quickly so you have to rub it in fast. i rub it on the entire top of my head (anywhere that male pattern baldness is or could be an issue), as instructed (it's not like rogaine where you're only supposed to apply to crown...it's supposed to go everywhere, b/c of the finasteride)

those of you in the northeast, enjoy the snow this wknd


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Hey everyone!

I guess I am one of the HairLossTalk.com Success stories. I started shedding massively when I was 18 years old and by 21, my hair looked like crap. I started rogaine foam, proscar and nizoral and had crazy success (see my story on p.5).

Then, in September 2007, I went on a 10-day vacation and didn't use my foam. What happenend, and still continues today, is a massive shed where I've lost all my regrow (see my story p.10) even though I am still taking proscar and applying the foam 2x per day.

This thread has given me tons of hope! I am definitely going to grab some xandrox 15% but since I am still on proscar (my company's medical plan pays for it :D) should I start with the 15% or should I just go with the more potent 15%+??

I think with my regimen I'll continue to take proscar and continue to use foam in the mornings and start the 15% at night (not the +) and see where it takes me...?




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the 15% solution sounds very tempting but from what i understand is not much better from the 5%
i wish i wrong but the replys on this trhead speak from them self
except kiel i never seen studies or pictures of someone that had success from switching from 5% to 15% and god knows i've searching the whole web for them

kiel got it early and a had a good success from the 5% and all his needed is a little push that he got from the 15%
i'm happy for him and appreciate it that after he had success he still here to help us


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I honestly cannot understand how more people have not had success from the 15%. Are there like a bunch of hair transplant doctors out there getting rid of all the posts of guys claiming success on 15%? : ( Like 5% minoxidil when it was in the liquid form def improved my hair a bit but nothing like the 15%. My hair is so good now that I wouldn't trade it for my hair in highschool. Also I have friends that I have gotten on the 15% and they're all having success. So I know its not just me. I am really interested to see how many of you guys that are just starting start seeing some serious results like I did.

In other news I am starting to grow a terrible looking moustache like our fathers all did back in 1978-1982. I want to keep it for the next 14 days just to have some pics of myself with a moustache. Maybe I'll posts pics of it on my website in hopes to bring it back in style. I might start a new thread on here about growing this moustache and update with pics. I should probally put some Xandrox on it.



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Kiel, you are just one of the lucky responders. I have never read any raving posts about Xandrox15 which has been around for a long time. I seriously doubt adding topical finasteride to it has made such a huge impact in your case since you take it orally already. I asked Dr Klein that question. He said the only people that might benefit from the topical combo is someone who does not take it orally. And your hair is awesome to begin with too so it just means you do not have a very aggressive male pattern baldness too. That helps in your case as well. Plus, you seem like a very happy person all the time who does not stress about anything. That helps too. If I see a few more cases like yours I will start to think I am missing out on something.


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I never used 15% because of the price. But my take on minoxidil is to use 2.5% with more ethanol so it dries fast and is not messy. Of course I never had good results from that. My only good results were from 3mL 3x per day of 5%, which was just messy. I got long peach fuzz in 2 months, then quit. I just can't stick to a regimen for 10 years if it is that messy. Better to just use better shampoos and have a normal life. Now a hairpiece I don't mind. 10 minutes on, and then forget about it, with a small risk after that, but it is super dense hair.


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CCS said:
My only good results were from 3mL 3x per day of 5%, which was just messy.

3 mL 3x per day, as in 9 mL for the entire day? Wow, you were practically showering with it! O_O Hahaha no wonder you didn't like using it...


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Here is somethin I just thought of. Since Like June 1st I totally cut soda and alot of sugar out of my diet. I never eat candy and only drink milk, juice and water. I wonder if this has helped my hair situation as well? I still drink alot of beer.

Anyway I will be posting up some moustache photos tommorow.

Also. Since my hair has become insane again, guys have been trying to start alot of fights with me and I get called a f** alot lol. I'm 26 and I'm goin back to the good ol days again. Also alot of people think I'm 19-22 when I'm out at parties or clubs... which has been nice as well... sorta.


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Gah. I hate you kiel T_T hahha kidding; in transition between a MSc and getting a job... not enough money for Xandrox. I'll definitely have to look into this - Rogaine made my head itch. I hope Xandrox won't.