Why did JaneyElizabeth get banned? What happened?


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You can't cheat death, but you can cheat hair loss and other androgen mediated conditions if you desire to do so.
I mean, you can't even "cheat it" because you aren't going to actually even cure it with HRT. Do most people get significant regrowth on HRT? Yes, absolutely. But for one, you have to stay on treatment, and you sacrifice many things in doing so. Not exactly cheating. I understand where Pigeon is coming from because I too am tired of some people on this forum acting like there are no side effects to HRT, that estrogen has only positive side effects, and are recommending such an extreme treatment right off the bat as the first step to new users who haven't even started any kind of hair loss treatment whatsoever. Janey did this all the time.


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I mean, you can't even "cheat it" because you aren't going to actually even cure it with HRT. Do most people get significant regrowth on HRT? Yes, absolutely. But for one, you have to stay on treatment, and you sacrifice many things in doing so. Not exactly cheating. I understand where Pigeon is coming from because I too am tired of some people on this forum acting like there are no side effects to HRT, that estrogen has only positive side effects, and are recommending such an extreme treatment right off the bat as the first step to new users who haven't even started any kind of hair loss treatment whatsoever. Janey did this all the time.
It does cure it if you never have to deal with or worry about it again. It depends which side effects are the most important, but hair loss is also a side effect of having an androgen dominant endocrine/paracrine system.

And, it is significantly safer than other treatments like high dose oral minoxidil which has significant risk of cardiovascular severe adverse events.


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It does cure it if you never have to deal with or worry about it again. It depends which side effects are the most important, but hair loss is also a side effect of having an androgen dominant endocrine/paracrine system.

And, it is significantly safer than other treatments like high dose oral minoxidil which has significant risk of cardiovascular severe adverse events.
But you do have to deal with it by continuing the treatment and accepting things like chemical castration lol. You are clueless. Estrogen promotes a lot of horrible things when exposure is high enough for long enough. Even a woman's estrogen levels fluctuate throughout the month because they can't stay at a high steady state for very long without severe consequences. Go ahead and post the data, or hell, even some anecdotal reports comparing HRT to OM in terms of their safety profiles. Hopefully no one here is taking your advice to convert to your cult lol.


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Oh so in a metaphysical way you mean, sure if you believe in that. But I doubt technology will solve all our problems but lol that's a debate for a new thread.

Like I said I understand why you think my opinion is hateful to people like you, I'm not trying to hurt you deliberately but my opinion is my opinion and yes I do think most if not all of you are mentally ill, have a disorder, etc call it what you want.
Yeah, metaphysics is not a topic for a forum like this. But yeah, I do believe it, I've seen it working first hand.

You see, that's the difference between me and you. I know when to keep my opinions to myself out of compassion for others, you do not. I'm very much against government mandated censorship, but sometimes biting your tongue is the morally right thing to do.


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I mean, you can't even "cheat it" because you aren't going to actually even cure it with HRT. Do most people get significant regrowth on HRT? Yes, absolutely. But for one, you have to stay on treatment, and you sacrifice many things in doing so. Not exactly cheating. I understand where Pigeon is coming from because I too am tired of some people on this forum acting like there are no side effects to HRT, that estrogen has only positive side effects, and are recommending such an extreme treatment right off the bat as the first step to new users who haven't even started any kind of hair loss treatment whatsoever. Janey did this all the time.
If a person has aggressive hair loss and is ready for anything to avoid baldness - yes, HRT is what he needs in the first place. I started it on Norwood 1 and I'm glad I did it so early.
There are side effects, but they are overridden by the positive effects. Noah had big breasts, and even he claimed that it was better than baldness.
I will not recommend HRT to everyone, but if a young guy tells me that he does not see his life without hair, I will advise and do a good deed.


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If a person has aggressive hair loss and is ready for anything to avoid baldness - yes, HRT is what he needs in the first place. I started it on Norwood 1 and I'm glad I did it so early.
There are side effects, but they are overridden by the positive effects. Noah had big breasts, and even he claimed that it was better than baldness.
I will not recommend HRT to everyone, but if a young guy tells me that he does not see his life without hair, I will advise and do a good deed.
Whether you feel it was worth it or not, that doesn't change the fact that you still had to make sacrifices. If that's what you want to do, whatever, that's your choice. But don't try to trick others into thinking they can change their hormonal profile completely over without consequences. I don't care if it's HRT, anabolic steroids, TRT, or whatever. There is always side effects, and those of you who say there isn't are just in denial for self-validation.


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We would have never progressed in science or society if we "bite our tongue to be morally right". It wasn't morally right to say the earth wasn't the center of the universe in the middle ages but now the far left/woke doctrines have taken over culture in the west and saying things that go against the LGBTXYZ ideology is the blasphemy of this current age and deemed "hateful and morally incorrect".
Isn't it funny how they are all for "free thought" until someone has different views than them? Lol.


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We would have never progressed in science or society if we "bite our tongue to be morally right". It wasn't morally right to say the earth wasn't the center of the universe in the middle ages but now the far left/woke doctrines have taken over culture in the west and saying things that go against the LGBTXYZ ideology is the blasphemy of this current age and deemed "hateful and morally incorrect".
That's the problem with you, you don't see minorities as people but as a political force. I am against wokeness and a lot of the LGBT ideology too as I find it hurtful to LGBT people, especially trans people. I'm not telling you to change your political views, but to look at the individual first, not the group they belong too. Partisan politics is what bought us into this culture war mess. In a real progressive and tolerant society who somebody is gender or sexuality wise would simply not matter.


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Whether you feel it was worth it or not, that doesn't change the fact that you still had to make sacrifices. If that's what you want to do, whatever, that's your choice. But don't try to trick others into thinking they can change their hormonal profile completely over without consequences. I don't care if it's HRT, anabolic steroids, TRT, or whatever. There is always side effects, and those of you who say there isn't are just in denial for self-validation.
I do not deny the side effects. And I have not seen anyone else deny them. I even say regularly that I will have to undergo breast surgery to combat the side effect. However, I stress that if hair = life for you, these side effects are worth the benefits you get.
I do not in any way recommend HRT to everyone, like any other treatment that has certain side effects. However, I can tell you about this so that a person weighs the pros and cons and makes his choice.


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Do you also tell that person all of the side effects he will encounter when going on a life long HRT regimen to save his hair?
Yes. Moreover, this is the first question that will be asked by a person who hears about the use of HRT for such purposes.

I try HRT cycles to avoid the effects of long-term estradiol use.


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Trannies begone from this site - there are many disturbed people who are emasculated from hairloss, making them believe they are only hollow shells of true men, who have hair. That is of course nonsense, because you are male and hairloss will not make you less worthy of being a man. People's problem here is the problem of losing hair and not gender dysphoria, I felt like a lesser male because of hairloss but it did not make me want to become some disgusting eunuch. You are here, preying on depressed and often out of mind people who just want their hair back or want salvation from mental torment and you promise them better life after ruining your brain on hormones and chopping of your dick. f*** off


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Yes. Moreover, this is the first question that will be asked by a person who hears about the use of HRT for such purposes.

I try HRT cycles to avoid the effects of long-term estradiol use.
Me too, I always empathize the side effects when talking about my regimen. I know it's not for everyone, but if it can help somebody and they are willing to accept these side effects, It's my moral duty to inform them about the positive effects of Estrogen.


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Trannies begone from this site - there are many disturbed people who are emasculated from hairloss, making them believe they are only hollow shells of true men, who have hair. That is of course nonsense, because you are male and hairloss will not make you less worthy of being a man. People's problem here is the problem of losing hair and not gender dysphoria, I felt like a lesser male because of hairloss but it did not make me want to become some disgusting eunuch. You are here, preying on depressed and often out of mind people who just want their hair back or want salvation from mental torment and you promise them better life after ruining your brain on hormones and chopping of your dick. f*** off
LOL! You made my day with that rant, thank you for the laugh. It just made even more sure of my choices ;)

Oh no, I'm well aware you have various factions in minority groups and they aren't one monolithic block with one opinion, view. And I do judge people individually and like I said so far most trans people are mentally ill to a degree in my opinion, yes even you (you are trans rigth?) and I know that will hurt you but that's not my intention. Some opinions are hurtful and can't be sugar coated.

And gender/sex does matter, a world that doesn't see a difference anymore isn't a world I would call "progressive" but regressive that ignores simple facts of nature.

"It's not my intention to hurt somebody who I believe is mentally ill by calling them mentally ill" - This is the best twisted logic I've seen in a long time. If you believe any level of dysphoria=trans then yes, you could say I'm trans. I on the other hand prefer the term that I am simply a dysphoric person, as I see it more like a medical condition of mismatch between brain and body then ideology or identity.

And gender/sex did not matter in a lot of past civilizations, it only started with the rise of feudalism. And no, regressiveness is clinging onto naturalism, progress is overcoming it. Not exploiting nature, but becoming it's carer by controlling our own destiny. I'm sorry to say this, but you and others like you are going to be left behind in the future. Humanity will use science and technology to modify our bodies, reach the stars etc. and you'll be ranting online about implants, androids, aliens or the next big culture war thing that comes after trans people. The only thing that can stop this future is WW3 or a total collapse of society, then you'll get what you want, but at what price. Have fun in the post apocalypse, I'm looking forward to a more enlightnened future society.


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That's good but I hope you guys don't try to minimize the side effects and risks... Something I really doubt.
I never minimize it, I'm like a broken record with talking about the effects to new people who ask about it. I also don't tell people who don't ask. I've told a 16 year old boy a month ago on here to not even ask about my regimen.


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Just embrace your male nature and give up trying to treat hair loss, otherwise your position is hypocritical.
What are you saying exactly? How is treating hair loss sensibly hypocritical? the female hormone path is not very wise for a guy (stupid af tbh).


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I'm calling a cat a cat. An no I'm not trying to hurt you intentionally but like I said some opinions are "hurtful". This reaction of yours is just a symptom of the "pussy", emasculated world we live in these days. Everyone has this snowflake mentality where they believe you can never say anything that might offend someone. You say you're against "wokeness" but have the same victim mentality of woke people.

No it's not, I'm simply trying to get through to you. And showing you how childish you are by using your own methods. And as for the world, it's going to get even more "pussy", even more emasculated and there is nothing you can do. Machoism and "real masculinity" are things of the past. When the older generations die off it will be a sad part of the past, taught is schools to children who won't believe such primitive mindsets used to exist. You better get ready, as like I said, it's either WW3/collapse or this future I am painting.

What? Gender/sex did matter in almost all civilizations in the history of mankind, sure there are some exceptions but that wasn't the norm.

Progress is living in harmony with nature, something our modern society forgot. That also means accepting the differences between a man and woman. And maybe your futuristic tech utopia will become reality but that's still a long way from us and the rate we're absolutely wrecking our planet I doubt it will ever be more than fiction.
It did not really matter in a lot of ancient societies, American Indian society, Far East Asian societies some of which were even matriarchal (and some still are.) . Yes, biological sexual differences did somewhat matter, but modern gender roles are a feudal invention of the western world. And for the biology, well we'll be changing that in the future. As for my utopia, well it's either that or collapse/WW3. And since I believe in the law of attraction I say it will become true, Mr. Doomer ;)

There is literally nothing to laugh about, changing hormones often leads to madness and dumb shitty posts about how mutilating yourself will cure your hairloss are even worse

A lot of dysphoric people don't even want to chop of their privates, I'll never get SRS for example. You know what I'm laughing at? Your rant that reads like a parody taken from the worst alt-right/incel/redpill spaces of the internet.

Anyway, I'm out of here, thanks for all the laughing I could do at your expense. But also thanks for making me open my eyes to the fact that you simply hate people like me and others like me and want us silenced, marginalized, gone, and some of you maybe even think we should be killed.

So in the end I'm leaving with a great sadness in my heart and with hope that one day you will learn from your mistakes. And that if you do not, you will end up at your rightful place in the future - the garbage dump of history. Your karma will return to you in some way. May God have mercy on your souls poor, lost in hatred people.