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chore boy said:
If designated persons on campus were allowed to carry, the chances of the shooter being engaged and ending the situation would obviously increase.

can you guarentee that the designated people are not going to go nuts one day and open up on a bunch of people?take into consideration the fact that universities are where people experiment with drugs and alcohol and can often be subjected to large amounts of stress

If any thing, we need more aggressive repercussions for criminal behavior.

the death penalty isn't enough? not sure what more you can do past that....kill their families too?

the deterrent argument is a dead end (criminals don't think will be caught)


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finfighter said:
Therein lies the problem, criminals will always have access to guns no matter what, reguardless of any laws, there will always be a blackmarket for all contraband.

You're overlooking the inconvenient fact that in America most of their (the criminals) guns are not coming from the blackmarket. They're traced back to legal purchases.

not to mention the crime that is being fueled by american guns in canada and mexico


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Saf is right. To make an analogy, let's use nuclear weapons. Would the world be safer if every country had them, or if no one had them in the first place??? The more ubiquitous the nukes become the more likely they are to fall into the hands of a nutcase like Kim Jong Ill or Ahmidenijad. Thats why the US has been trying to keep everyone and their mother from getting nukes. They know that the scarcer the nukes are, the safer everyone is. Same with guns, the scarcer they are, the safer everyone is. The US of A is a great country and all but we could sure learn some things from the UK and Europe in general. Such as better gun control and HEALTHCARE!!! The 2nd amendment right to bear arms was referring to the militia but it is antiquated and honestly should be crossed off the damn bill of rights.


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If every inbred chav over here had a gun there'd be a shooting a week on every council estate

chore boy

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But I doubt little would be different in the long run if the Jews had some guns.

Who knows... the Jews were probably clueless of their fate for a good portion of the Holocaust. However, you would think that any sort of resistance from them would force Germany to allocate addtional resources, theoretically removing them from actual military fronts... you know how serious Hitler was about ethnic cleansing and I could see him defying his advisors' strategic advice just to see that the Holocaust proceeded efficiently.

the death penalty isn't enough? not sure what more you can do past that....kill their families too?

Please... with the exception of maybe Texas, death by execution makes up a small amount of sentences handed down and isn't even an option in a lot of states.

You're overlooking the inconvenient fact that in America most of their (the criminals) guns are not coming from the blackmarket. They're traced back to legal purchases.

I bet most of the vehicles used in DUI manslaughter can be traced back to legal purchases.

chore boy

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Plus, international comparisons essentially don't have a common denominator. Different countries, different cultures and variables... For example, you notice how criminals in the news (e.g. recent Italian murders) are typically unrestrained... a practice unheard of in the States where even senior citizens get shackled.

I like how you think that since a criminal has a knife or an iron bar, they are somehow less dangerous. One crack in the dome with that pipe could have you veggin' out for the rest of your life.


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I bet it is not a coincidence that there a very few Asians around here.


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finfighter said:
Nene said:
finfighter said:
Gun Maniacs? So you are saying that anyone who embraces the right to defend themselves with modern weapons (Firearms) is a maniac? There is no logic in that.

I live in a city with an extremely high crime rate (Memphis, Tn) Carjackings, Murders, rapes, occur almost everyday in my city. And criminals will always have access to guns whether they are legal or not, ( just as Drugs are illegal- criminals still deal in drugs). So I'm glad that I live in a country that gives me the same right as my countries military and police, the right to bear arms. The right for United States Citizens to bear arms, helps create a balance between the power of the government and the People.

In countries where it is illegal to bear arms the citizens have no power they are simply sheep, there must be checks and balances for a democratic society to function.

In my country Firearms are a balancing factor, if there's one thing that history has taught its that absolute power corrupts absolutly. The first thing that Hitler did before he enacted the holocost was, disarm the German citizens so that the Jews would have no way to protect themselves, this would never have happened in the States because our citizens are armed.

In Switzerland every male is required to own a rifle and keep it in his house, incidently Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, see the video below.

And finally, guns are just plain cool, the're a guy thing and the're fun to shoot and collect, and in case your wondering, I posted a pic of my gun below.


HOLY sh*t. Firearms are a balancing factor? So you mean to say that you and some of your hillbilly friends can fight off the military with your guns should you have to? Or the Holocaust could have been avoided if the Jews only could've kept their weapons? :shakehead: Yeah, they would've fought off the 3rd reich and Gestapo with no problems with a few Ak-47s!
Guns are just plain cool? This thing invented for the sole purpose of killing people is cool? I've never owned a gun, in fact I don't know anyone who isn't a cop who owns one. You know what? Never once have I or anyone I know been in a situation where a gun was necessary. I live in New York, the Bronx...ring a bell? Is that dangerous enough for you? Yet I've never felt the need for a gun. You keep bringing up rapes, most rape victims are women who know and trust the rapists. It's not usually a situation where some stranger wearing a mask jumps out of a dark alley, where if the woman had only had a gun she could've saved herself. I said before I didn't know anyone who had a gun. I just remembered, my friend's father had one, and my friend almost shot his little sister with it when he was 6...You keep saying criminals will find guns so they should be available to everyone. Did you ever stop and think that if less people had guns, it would be less likely that criminals could get their hands on them? Just because people aren't allowed to have guns that makes them sheep? That's just plain rude and ignorant. You're the type of ignorant red neck that voted for Bush and gives all Americans a bad name. :shakehead:

You strike me as a 1- little man who is very afraid of many things, including guns. If I had to guess I wouldn't think that you have any females in your life other than your mother, so you might not understand my concern for the females in my life, when they have to walk alone at night, through a parking lot or to their car. The reality is there are many random rapes that occur everyday in this country and I take solice in the fact that the women in my life have the wright to protect themselves with a firearm against a man who could easily take their life without one.

If you do not understand the 2- concept of armed citizens being less subjective than unarmed citiziens than I will not attempt to explain this concept because you are 3- oubviously unable to understand a very basic concept that history has demonstrated time and time again.

And as far as your claim about the jews, let me ask you something, do you think that the jews resistance against Hitler would have been more successful if they were armed? Please don't make yourself look stupid by denying this.

4- You resort to calling everyone a ''Redneck'' out of pure ingnorance and lack of vocabulary. So it makes me a hillbilly because I embrace the protection of myself and my loved ones through the use of Modern weapons?

5 - You stand totally helpless to protect yourself or your loved ones against an armed assailent who would surely destroy you because you are to afraid to possess a means of protection. If you ever are the victim of a viloent crime see how far you get with your attacker as you explain to him why guns should be illegal. I bet he won't care, but you might have a change of heart.

Good luck being a p#ssy, you have fun with that!

1 - How am I afraid? You're the one who is too much of a pussy to live your life without a gun! I'm not afraid of owning a gun, I just don't need guns to feel safe. You and this obsession with rape. Seventy-seven (77)% of completed rapes are committed by non-strangers (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997). A woman is four times more likely to be raped by an acquaintance than by a stranger (Illinois Coaliltion Against Sexual Assault, 2002). Besides, I doubt any one is eager to rape the women in your life.

2 - By "subjective" I'll presume you mean vulnerable to crime and not that they are open to interpretation, as in objective vs subjective. You miss the point time and time again. If guns were not readily available to criminals, we'd all be much safer in the first place and wouldn't need guns!

3 - Are you trying to imply that I'm stupid? I'm not even going to list the many many spelling and grammatical errors in your silly posts, I'll just point out your flawed logic. How has this been demonstrated so many times in history?

4 - Actually, the reason you keep calling people sheep is due to a lack of vocabulary and ignorance. I'm not calling everyone a redneck, just you. Also, I'm not calling you a redneck due to a lack of vocabulary, I could think of many fancier words to call you if you like. I call you a redneck because your a moronic gun totting right winger who probably has never been out of the 10 mile radius from the sh*t hole, in-bred town you were born in.

5. Maybe you're right, but I'm not going to live my life in fear of criminals. A good security system for my house is all I need. I'll take my chances. The truth is you think guns are bad *** because you saw too many Rambo movies growing up. Makes you feel like a big man to pull that trigger??? Makes you feel tough to shoot animals for no good reason?


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finfighter said:
HOLY sh*t. Firearms are a balancing factor? So you mean to say that you and some of your hillbilly friends can fight off the military with your guns should you have to? Or the Holocaust could have been avoided if the Jews only could've kept their weapons? :shakehead: Yeah, they would've fought off the 3rd reich and Gestapo with no problems with a few Ak-47s!

Yes the fact that American citizens are armed has dettered outside armies and forces. If you were well versed in US History than you would know this. If you completed elementary US History than you will surely be familiar with Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, he is known as one of Japans best Admirals he planned the attack on Pearl Harbor. Armed citizens were a major deterent and a primary reason which he cited against a proposed Japanese invasion of the US.

Admiral Yamamoto: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.''

I don't think it was a major deterrent. The Japanese were never really in a position to invade mainland USA, if you completed elementary US history then you would surely know that!


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Nene said:
How am I afraid? You're the one who is too much of a pussy to live your life without a gun! I'm not afraid of owning a gun, I just don't need guns to feel safe. You and this obsession with rape. Seventy-seven (77)% of completed rapes are committed by non-strangers (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997). A woman is four times more likely to be raped by an acquaintance than by a stranger (Illinois Coaliltion Against Sexual Assault, 2002). Besides, I doubt any one is eager to rape the women in your life.

2 - By "subjective" I'll presume you mean vulnerable to crime and not that they are open to interpretation, as in objective vs subjective. You miss the point time and time again. If guns were not readily available to criminals, we'd all be much safer in the first place and wouldn't need guns!

3 - Are you trying to imply that I'm stupid? I'm not even going to list the many many spelling and grammatical errors in your silly posts, I'll just point out your flawed logic. How has this been demonstrated so many times in history?

4 - Actually, the reason you keep calling people sheep is due to a lack of vocabulary and ignorance. I'm not calling everyone a redneck, just you. Also, I'm not calling you a redneck due to a lack of vocabulary, I could think of many fancier words to call you if you like. I call you a redneck because your a moronic gun totting right winger who probably has never been out of the 10 mile radius from the sh*t hole, in-bred town you were born in.

5. Maybe you're right, but I'm not going to live my life in fear of criminals. A good security system for my house is all I need. I'll take my chances. The truth is you think guns are bad *** because you saw too many Rambo movies growing up. Makes you feel like a big man to pull that trigger??? Makes you feel tough to shoot animals for no good reason?

Exactly its also a fact that any householder owning a gun is far more likely to end up using it either on themselves during a moment of depression or in the heat of an arguement against against a member of their own family, that or a family member being killed accidently.

/inhttp://www.med.umich.edu/yourchild/topics/guns.htmjured in some accidental situation.

finfighter said:
Let me give you a personal example of what I meen-

One of my good friends was in his apartment, his roomates were out of town. And he was alone in his bedroom upstairs. He heard a loud thud downstairs as his apartment door was kicked down by an intruder. My friend grabbed his shotgun and chambered a Shotgun Shell. The sound of the shotgun being chambered frightened the intruder and he fled from the apartment immediately. A crime was pevented from the presence of the shotgun and no one was harmed, because my friend embraced the his right of self preservation, that every human is entitled to.

I think you'll find that most intruders will flee a house if they realise that the occupants are aware of their presence. It happens over here all the time a simple cough or just switching on a light is usually enough.

Also in your stranger rape scenario a gun in a handbag is pretty useless unless you get adequate warning from your attacker which I'm sure is not the case in about 99% of attacks.

And again with the out of date quotes from long dead presidents? Funny how we unarmed British citizens are supposedly sitting ducks waiting to be invaded or enslaved by some corrupt dictator but its never actually happend has it?


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chore boy said:
I bet most of the vehicles used in DUI manslaughter can be traced back to legal purchases.

so that is a good enough reason not to stem the flow of legal guns into criminal hands?

I like how you think that since a criminal has a knife or an iron bar, they are somehow less dangerous. One crack in the dome with that pipe could have you veggin' out for the rest of your life.

strawman alert

Anyways, you can run from an iron bar and a knife. Can you run from a gun?


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finfighter said:
Futhermore, a gun is a multifaceted tool

Indeed. A real workman's handytool if ever there was one. Just the other day I was installing a car stereo I found myself thinking 'if only I had a 50 cal'

One of my good friends was in his apartment, his roomates were out of town. And he was alone in his bedroom upstairs. He heard a loud thud downstairs as his apartment door was kicked down by an intruder. My friend grabbed his shotgun and chambered a Shotgun Shell. The sound of the shotgun being chambered frightened the intruder and he fled from the apartment immediately. A crime was pevented from the presence of the shotgun and no one was harmed, because my friend embraced the his right of self preservation, that every human is entitled to!

having a decent lock on the door can have the same effect.

Old Baldy

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Nene said:
finfighter said:
Gun Maniacs? So you are saying that anyone who embraces the right to defend themselves with modern weapons (Firearms) is a maniac? There is no logic in that.

I live in a city with an extremely high crime rate (Memphis, Tn) Carjackings, Murders, rapes, occur almost everyday in my city. And criminals will always have access to guns whether they are legal or not, ( just as Drugs are illegal- criminals still deal in drugs). So I'm glad that I live in a country that gives me the same right as my countries military and police, the right to bear arms. The right for United States Citizens to bear arms, helps create a balance between the power of the government and the People.

In countries where it is illegal to bear arms the citizens have no power they are simply sheep, there must be checks and balances for a democratic society to function.

In my country Firearms are a balancing factor, if there's one thing that history has taught its that absolute power corrupts absolutly. The first thing that Hitler did before he enacted the holocost was, disarm the German citizens so that the Jews would have no way to protect themselves, this would never have happened in the States because our citizens are armed.

In Switzerland every male is required to own a rifle and keep it in his house, incidently Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, see the video below.

And finally, guns are just plain cool, the're a guy thing and the're fun to shoot and collect, and in case your wondering, I posted a pic of my gun below.


HOLY sh*t. Firearms are a balancing factor? So you mean to say that you and some of your hillbilly friends can fight off the military with your guns should you have to? Or the Holocaust could have been avoided if the Jews only could've kept their weapons? :shakehead: Yeah, they would've fought off the 3rd reich and Gestapo with no problems with a few Ak-47s!
Guns are just plain cool? This thing invented for the sole purpose of killing people is cool? I've never owned a gun, in fact I don't know anyone who isn't a cop who owns one. You know what? Never once have I or anyone I know been in a situation where a gun was necessary. I live in New York, the Bronx...ring a bell? Is that dangerous enough for you? Yet I've never felt the need for a gun. You keep bringing up rapes, most rape victims are women who know and trust the rapists. It's not usually a situation where some stranger wearing a mask jumps out of a dark alley, where if the woman had only had a gun she could've saved herself. I said before I didn't know anyone who had a gun. I just remembered, my friend's father had one, and my friend almost shot his little sister with it when he was 6...You keep saying criminals will find guns so they should be available to everyone. Did you ever stop and think that if less people had guns, it would be less likely that criminals could get their hands on them? Just because people aren't allowed to have guns that makes them sheep? That's just plain rude and ignorant. You're the type of ignorant red neck that voted for Bush and gives all Americans a bad name. :shakehead:

Well, good for you. If you don't want to own a firearm fine, but don't tell me I can't own one. You simply don't have that right or power.

Your liberal anti-gun philosophy is going the way of the dodo bird and rightfully so. Heller (and probably McDonald) have/will forever put your ideology on firearms into the trash heap of liberal wackiness.

I choose to own firearms for self-defense and to guard against tyranny. And YOU don't have the power to forbid me to own them. The SCOTUS agrees with me, they disagree with you.

Man, you should see the Colt Python I just bought. A six shot, .357 magnum CLASSIC. Too bad your liberal, anti-gun politicians forbid you to own one in NYC. (My God, how horrible it must be to live like sheep and how sad that someone like you is HAPPY to live like one. Ridiculous!)

Lock and load baby!! :firing:


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monty1978 said:
Why do you keep calling us sheep?

It is highy f****ing annoying!

Ultimately if I come across some nutter in the street or a burgler in my house I fancy my chances on comeing out on top because I aint a coward and I aint stupid.

What a travesty it would be to be gunned down by a some dumbass like finfighter without the chance for a synaptic bleep of realisation of what is going on or being able to do something about it. And all because he woke up that day and realised his gun was 5 times the size of his c***.

You are what the world hates about Americans you dumbass :jackit:

Well put together Monty! :punk:


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aussieavodart said:
finfighter said:
Futhermore, a gun is a multifaceted tool

Indeed. A real workman's handytool if ever there was one. Just the other day I was installing a car stereo I found myself thinking 'if only I had a 50 cal'

hahahahahahahah OMG Almost cried laughing!


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Old Baldy said:
Nene said:
finfighter said:
Gun Maniacs? So you are saying that anyone who embraces the right to defend themselves with modern weapons (Firearms) is a maniac? There is no logic in that.

I live in a city with an extremely high crime rate (Memphis, Tn) Carjackings, Murders, rapes, occur almost everyday in my city. And criminals will always have access to guns whether they are legal or not, ( just as Drugs are illegal- criminals still deal in drugs). So I'm glad that I live in a country that gives me the same right as my countries military and police, the right to bear arms. The right for United States Citizens to bear arms, helps create a balance between the power of the government and the People.

In countries where it is illegal to bear arms the citizens have no power they are simply sheep, there must be checks and balances for a democratic society to function.

In my country Firearms are a balancing factor, if there's one thing that history has taught its that absolute power corrupts absolutly. The first thing that Hitler did before he enacted the holocost was, disarm the German citizens so that the Jews would have no way to protect themselves, this would never have happened in the States because our citizens are armed.

In Switzerland every male is required to own a rifle and keep it in his house, incidently Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, see the video below.

And finally, guns are just plain cool, the're a guy thing and the're fun to shoot and collect, and in case your wondering, I posted a pic of my gun below.


HOLY sh*t. Firearms are a balancing factor? So you mean to say that you and some of your hillbilly friends can fight off the military with your guns should you have to? Or the Holocaust could have been avoided if the Jews only could've kept their weapons? :shakehead: Yeah, they would've fought off the 3rd reich and Gestapo with no problems with a few Ak-47s!
Guns are just plain cool? This thing invented for the sole purpose of killing people is cool? I've never owned a gun, in fact I don't know anyone who isn't a cop who owns one. You know what? Never once have I or anyone I know been in a situation where a gun was necessary. I live in New York, the Bronx...ring a bell? Is that dangerous enough for you? Yet I've never felt the need for a gun. You keep bringing up rapes, most rape victims are women who know and trust the rapists. It's not usually a situation where some stranger wearing a mask jumps out of a dark alley, where if the woman had only had a gun she could've saved herself. I said before I didn't know anyone who had a gun. I just remembered, my friend's father had one, and my friend almost shot his little sister with it when he was 6...You keep saying criminals will find guns so they should be available to everyone. Did you ever stop and think that if less people had guns, it would be less likely that criminals could get their hands on them? Just because people aren't allowed to have guns that makes them sheep? That's just plain rude and ignorant. You're the type of ignorant red neck that voted for Bush and gives all Americans a bad name. :shakehead:

Well, good for you. If you don't want to own a firearm fine, but don't tell me I can't own one. You simply don't have that right or power.

Your liberal anti-gun philosophy is going the way of the dodo bird and rightfully so. Heller (and probably McDonald) have/will forever put your ideology on firearms into the trash heap of liberal wackiness.

I choose to own firearms for self-defense and to guard against tyranny. And YOU don't have the power to forbid me to own them. The SCOTUS agrees with me, they disagree with you.

Man, you should see the Colt Python I just bought. A six shot, .357 magnum CLASSIC. Too bad your liberal, anti-gun politicians forbid you to own one in NYC. (My God, how horrible it must be to live like sheep and how sad that someone like you is HAPPY to live like one. Ridiculous!)

Lock and load baby!! :firing:

Good comeback! XD
How does your gun guard against tyranny? I realize I don't have the power to forbid you to own one...I never claimed I did. You didn't list one good reason why your view on gun control is better than mine. At least finasteride fighters tries to argue his point with logic, however flawed it may be, you just ramble. I think this gun obsession makes guys with little c**** feel like more of a man.


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OOooooooh you touch my tra la la
Oooohhhhh my ding ding dong


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Nothing worse than a American who picks n choses which rights they embrace while draped in a flag.

I have a right to free speech and opinion withouth needing to be kicked out, yes???


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finfighter said:
I find all of your responses quite amusing. It's really funny actually because I can imagine all of you sitting there in front of your computer screens infuriated because I happen to own and enjoy firearms.

The best part is you guys can all call me any childish names that you want, and you can wish that Guns were illegal in the US, but at the end of the day my Countries government is on my side they support my right to own firearms and you morons will never be able to change that, so if it makes you feel better throw your childish fits and call me all the names you want, in the end all of you faggots lose, congratulations!

We're not infuriated at all, it does'nt bother me that you like or own guns I dont give a sh*t. But the fact the we have given you an overwhelming arguement as to the that guns are not a good thing and the world would be safer if they were not readily available and yet you continue to argue the case that gun ownership is a good thing is the only frustrating part. I'm just trying to put across the logic of the situation.

You may feel that its essential to own a gun and if you live in some inner ghetto part of Harlem you have a good arguement (mainly because of the bad situation that your countries out of date gun laws have created) but thats not what we're discussing here. We're stating the fact that the current situation is a ongoing cycle of fear of guns = more guns = more danger to the public.
Whilst you seem to think that more guns = more safety when its not the case.

And the fire extinguisher anology is pointless, you cant use a fire extinguisher, airbag, circuit breaker ect to go and kill somebody, or a kid cant get hold of a fire extinguisher and accidently blow his head off the object mentioned are designed and made with the one purpose of saving lives whilst the purpose of the gun is to take them.