Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)


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experiencing a massive shed 1 week into the cetirizine/water combo. Hopefully this is common.

It's normal, my shedding stopped cold around 3 weeks and since I have not seen more than 2-3 hairs in the sink, most days it's none. Prior
to Cet I was seeing a lot more hairs per day in the sink since stopping finasteride last February.


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casperz, did you experience a bad shed within the first couple of weeks? It seems like I'm shedding pretty badly at the moment despite some vellous fuzz I noticed around my temples.


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Can someone tell me where to get this? I tried looked through the thread and can't find it.

Diamond Dave

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Can someone tell me where to get this? I tried looked through the thread and can't find it.

Cet can be found at any pharmacy, supermarket, etc.
I get mine from Walmart. Its sold under the brand name Zyrtec, an allergy medicine.
I buy the generic equivalent brand by Equate.


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casperz, did you experience a bad shed within the first couple of weeks? It seems like I'm shedding pretty badly at the moment despite some vellous fuzz I noticed around my temples.

Yes, worst shed I've ever had but then it stopped pretty quickly around 4 weeks.


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My Regimen
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I'm in the same boat as Casperz, shedding for about 3 weeks and then less and less, with some darkening/thickening. But slow.


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I would like to give an update. So I was using a cetirizine/alcohol/water combo for about a week and a half. I have been now using the cetirizine/water combo twice daily for about a week and a half. I have been getting really good results so far. I've noticed a lot of new dark hairs around my temples and around the front of my scalp. I've been shedding a lot still but the newer hairs are definitely darker and have a thicker texture to them. So far, this combo is looking really good which has me kind of surprised to say the least.


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Glad to hear people are getting results. I was met with skepticism at first when I said I noticed changes in as little as 10 days. Good to see it's having the same effect on some others. Proves it's not just my imagination. Hahah.


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It will be interesting to see if this treatment remains effective or if the results die off. How long have you been on cet chromeo???


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It will be interesting to see if this treatment remains effective or if the results die off. How long have you been on cet chromeo???

Yes, it'll be interesting to see if the results last or if they become less effective over a period of time. Only time will tell, as they say.

I've been on it about 7 weeks now and I like what I see, especially on the bald areas at the front, at the left and right. I hope it keeps going along these lines.
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Yea, I'm a little worried about cet maintaining it's efficacy. But I read on another forum where it lasted a guy like 16 years before it stopped working orally.


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Assuming this gets some kind of results does that mean treatments for male pattern baldness based off that pgd 2 discovery will work at least as well or better then this? I just want to see some evidence that the PGD 2 thing actually makes some difference for hair loss.


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abcdefg, they have done studies on mice where they applied pgd2 to their backs and saw a halt of hair growth. In addition, the amount of pgd2 in balding scalps is 3 times higher than in scalps with hair. It was always hypothesized that dht was the main culprit behind hairloss but now we have a direct mechanism. More importantly, if DHT is the main factor in hairloss, then why do women who have minuscule amount of testosterone experience hairloss? I would guess that dht has a weak effect on the production of pgd2 since drugs like dutasteride which inhibit dht by around 90% aren't able to cure hairloss.


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Assuming this gets some kind of results does that mean treatments for male pattern baldness based off that pgd 2 discovery will work at least as well or better then this? I just want to see some evidence that the PGD 2 thing actually makes some difference for hair loss.

From the growth I've already seen in a really short time applying Cet, there's no doubt to me that a treatment along these lines could produce really good results. Dissolving these tablets and applying the solution to our heads is a typically experimental, low-tech approach...but if results are being noticed even from this basic method, then I'd have to imagine that once a specifically engineered PGD2 blocker for hairloss is produced we could really be on to a winner.


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From the growth I've already seen in a really short time applying Cet, there's no doubt to me that a treatment along these lines could produce really good results. Dissolving these tablets and applying the solution to our heads is a typically experimental, low-tech approach...but if results are being noticed even from this basic method, then I'd have to imagine that once a specifically engineered PGD2 blocker for hairloss is produced we could really be on to a winner.
Hi all. 'm new to the forum, I'm reading from 'start a forum on cet. I would like some advice from everyone. I state that I am using from mid-October minoxdil and cet. (circle drops directly on the hair). all 'beginning I had a great hair loss and saw that after a month there' was a hair on the temples and the new hair on the front. then I shaved my head about 20 days ago, but I'm not seeing even a new hair and even the hair on his temples. both minoxdil that cet. I put the drops almost immediately, about 5 minutes 's from each' other. I keep losing hair maybe a little less. I think the cet. you neutralize it with the alcohol minoxdil. hours to a few days I'm trying cet. pads with distilled water and put the minoxdil 3 hours from cet. do you think it is neutralized cet. with minoxdil? please help me to understand. sorry for the mistakes I'm using google translator. hi!!


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yes mens, someone posted a study that cetirizine faced rapid degradation when exposed to small amounts of alcohol in the manufacturing process. In my opinion, mixing it directly with alcohol which minoxidil has would render it useless. By the way, the people experiencing success with this treatment have been using the cetirizine/water not the cetirizine/alcohol combo. In fact, a few users who switched to the cetirizine/alcohol combo seemed to have lost the results they had with the cetirizine/water combo.


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I'm not sure how long it takes for cet to get absorbed and take action, but I'd guess you want a pretty big gap before applying minoxidil.


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I hope so, but I would like to see some kind of evidence in people instead of mice. Developing it commercially would probably work a whole lot better then the low tech inexact way people on here do it. Just because we found PGD 2 does not mean its the exact mechanism controlling male pattern baldness it could be sadly combination of many things or other mechanisms like PGD 2 that are still not found yet. Then we will be saying we thought it was PGD 2 but it turns out its some other pathway we never knew about.


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Mens, even from the beginning I decided to wait a few hours between applying Cet and then later applying Minoxidil. It turns out this may have been a good decision, as from what we have been hearing the alcohol in the Minoxidil could possibly have a negative effect on the Cet. It's possible the alcohol from the minoxidil could render the Cet solution much less potent, if not useless, if applied too soon. Give the Cet a good couple of hours on the scalp alone to do it's thing and hopefully you will start to see better results.


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I have strong allergies to molds and fungi and i read an article how allergies can cause hair loss and that the allergens that caused hair loss the most were molds and fungi. I have a prescription to zyrtec and cut up my pills in 1/4s so each is 2.5 mg each. My question is, is why not just microdose zyrtec instead of apply topically? It sounds like you guys are applying a huge amount of the drug to your scalp and seeing that most people get some side effects from it means it is becoming systemic. Wouldn't a microdose of cetirizine help just the same? I never really kept up on taking the pills because I never heard any truth to it and just came to my own assumption it may work after reading the article, but after seeing this I am really interested in seeing its results. Gonna start micro dosing it now and see if it helps. Let me know your opinions.