Topical Cetrizine for Hair Loss instead of Finasteride (Propecia)


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Hey guys. Ive been trying this mix for about 2 months now. At the 3-4 week stage I noticed a dramatic decrease in hair fallout. I just checked tonight with some better lighting and could see tiny hairs sprouting up in an area that hasnt seen hair in years. These hairs are dark and standing straight up. Im pretty happy with this so far and like I said, there were no hairs in this area for a very long time. I switched to the Cet and water mix at the 4 week mark.
So far so good. I hope it keeps getting better...

Good to hear, keep it up!

This may sound weird, but we may need to be careful with this stuff. I was checking my new hairs in the mirror the other day and couldn't help but notice I've grown hair quite far up my face and some almost at eye level, much higher up than my beard would usually grow. It may just be a massive coincidence but I doubt's in the areas where Cet solution tends to dribble down a little bit from my hairline, if not properly dabbed off at the time. This stuff could be quite potent, maybe even more potent on areas of the skin not effected by male pattern baldness!

Having said that, it's definitely having an effect on my head for sure. The sides of the hairline are looking better day by day. I'm happy with it.


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Any ideas

Dear All,

I am a new poster on here although I have been an avid lurker over the last two years.

I am interested in the current developments with Cet. However, due to my lack of knowledge etc, I dont fully understand why everyone is suggesting the topical option is better than the oral route. I have checked Cet pharmacology details on the web and the drug has a half life of at least 8 hours? It is well absorbed and most of it is excreted from the body unchanged. However it does display a high proportion of protein binding, in which case the active form may be in the body but will display inactive properties due to binding with a protein. I dont know if this is also the case if applied topically.

Now, has anyone got any data which compares the two methods? Or are we not even at that stage yet? I have seen so many posts on here and other websites which do not give a justifiable answer for ' the only way is topical '. I have read somewhere topical is favourable to prevent side-effects.

Many thanks


Any ideas on this?


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Its long term systematic effects are unknown so a topical approach would be more suitable.


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A quick question for those who are using minoxidil with cet. Do you guys apply minoxidil first followed by cet or cet followed by minoxidil? And what is the time gap you guys recommend between the two.


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I apply Cetirizine first. I leave it up there for a couple of hours or so before applying Minoxidil. I think that's the best way to do it, to avoid issues with the alcohol in the minoxidil interfering with the Cet. Give the Cet a good chance to do it's thing before adding anything else.

Diamond Dave

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there are tons of people out there who have been on oral cet for years (those suffering recurring allergies). I think we all would know by now if oral cetirizine worked for hair loss. I might be wrong though.
Sounds logical to me...


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I have been using Cet and water on my hairline for about 3 months now, my initial reaction was a nasty "shed". Whether or not it was a shed or an aggressive acceleration of loss is speculative; I have not seen any signs of regrowth so I will call it accelerated loss. I am 26 and had good hair, maybe about a 1.2 on the norwood with signs of hairline miniutarization. I am a solid NW2 now with faint wispy hairs in the 1.2 area that has been lost. Think twice before starting this regimen and evaluate whether u can afford to lose the area that you are trying to improve. If you are slick bald, go for it. If you wanna strengthen a hairline that is on the Norwood borderline be very very careful. I look noticeably worse/older than I did 3-4 months ago thanks to cet. My hypothesis is that suppressing PGD2 levels is good for hair generally, but that the body makes up for this suppression by increasing the PGD2 in that area. Hence you might see some velus growth initially but you are in for a ****storm once your body immunizes itself. Bottom line advice from me: don't try this if you are young, have good hair, and are looking for a touch-up. Now, if you like to hold on to your naive presupposition that Cet works for everyone the same way, go ahead and try it and let us know how it goes.


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I have been using Cet and water on my hairline for about 3 months now, my initial reaction was a nasty "shed". Whether or not it was a shed or an aggressive acceleration of loss is speculative; I have not seen any signs of regrowth so I will call it accelerated loss. I am 26 and had good hair, maybe about a 1.2 on the norwood with signs of hairline miniutarization. I am a solid NW2 now with faint wispy hairs in the 1.2 area that has been lost. Think twice before starting this regimen and evaluate whether u can afford to lose the area that you are trying to improve. If you are slick bald, go for it. If you wanna strengthen a hairline that is on the Norwood borderline be very very careful. I look noticeably worse/older than I did 3-4 months ago thanks to cet. My hypothesis is that suppressing PGD2 levels is good for hair generally, but that the body makes up for this suppression by increasing the PGD2 in that area. Hence you might see some velus growth initially but you are in for a ****storm once your body immunizes itself. Bottom line advice from me: don't try this if you are young, have good hair, and are looking for a touch-up. Now, if you like to hold on to your naive presupposition that Cet works for everyone the same way, go ahead and try it and let us know how it goes.

The bottom line is that CET will not make hair fall out that wasn't destined to fall out...period...and why are you mucking around when you're a norwood 1.2??? If you're Norwood 1.2, you should be focusing on DHT suppression, not regrowth...imho

I have a very aggressive thinning on my frontal area and there are hairs that refuse to fall out...they are in the vast minority...

There may be something to your theory, but it is all just speculation...either way, I believe one should be promoting glutathione production while doing pgd2 suppression..and also DHT suppression as well


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I do believe that each of us may react in different ways to Cet. For myself, I was in the "nothing-much-to-lose" category and it's working a treat. I think if I were a Norwood 1.2 or whatever, I'd be happy enough with what I have and would be skeptical about going all-in with ANY kind of experimental treatment...but that's easy for me to say. I'm at a stage where a Norwood 1.2 would register as a major result and not a worrying loss.

I'd say to anyone who still has a decent-enough head of hair, you should maybe isolate this experiment to just a little bit on the hairline. From the regrowth I've seen at the front, I really do believe Cet has a noticeable effect here. Try it on areas you feel are already lost. It's working for me, and as I say...if it's already gone, you literally have nothing to lose.

I think one of the reasons that there is no universal cure for baldness is that many of us suffer baldness for different reasons. For example, this whole thing about the "baldness gene" being carried by the on my mother's side of the family suffered from hairloss. Her father died in his 80s with a full head of white hair. My father didn't start thinning til he was in his mid sixties. Yet here I am, bald already. That says to me that my baldness is unique to me, there is something going wrong with my body that may well be my own doing. That gives me hope that I may be able to reverse it, or at the very least stop it, if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. It makes sense to me that what works for Person A may not be the answer for Person B. For some people, Finasteride works...for others, it does nothing. Same with Minoxidil and other stuff that's out there. It's difficult to speak in absolutes and say "TRY THIS : IT WORKS" or "AVOID THIS : IT DOES NOTHING" because it's pretty much a crap shoot whether the thing that works for you is going to work for the next guy.

It would be horrible to think a guy tried this because he was swayed by my positive feedback, only to find that it caused him a massive shed from which he's never been able to recover. At the same time, it would be great if someone said "Hey, it worked for that guy, let me give it a go..." and had awesome results from following the same procedure.

Like I say, it's really up to the individual. Weigh things up. Try it out on an area you've already lost and see if you respond well to the treatment. Makes sense to me.


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I've been on cet since the beginning of november, im here just hoping for the best : ) , hey Sparxx you mentioned promoting glutathione production, how do i do that?


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I've been on cet since the beginning of november, im here just hoping for the best : ) , hey Sparxx you mentioned promoting glutathione production, how do i do that?

Good question...I am taking glycine, NAC and glutamine -- all stuff you can get at the health store....but you need to take Vitamin C big time to help with that...and the big one is undenatured whey protein in the form of whole it and see what you can learn ...


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so I'm about 3 or so weeks into ceitirizine/water and I've been noticing something strange. I would classify myself as a norwood 1 and i noticed a considerable amount of new hair at the frontal region reaching to the temples with no new hair at my temples. Has anyone else experienced this??????


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so I'm about 3 or so weeks into ceitirizine/water and I've been noticing something strange. I would classify myself as a norwood 1 and i noticed a considerable amount of new hair at the frontal region reaching to the temples with no new hair at my temples. Has anyone else experienced this??????

Hey do you actually have an allergy by any chance? To all the others who also feel they are seeing some new growth - do you go have any sort of allergies?


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i have allergies and a family history of allergies and i believe i'm seeing some regrowth with cet


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I tried cet in distilled water for 3 months. Nothing in my case, no shed, no regrowth.

Is this experiment still ongoing on the German forum


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Hey do you actually have an allergy by any chance? To all the others who also feel they are seeing some new growth - do you go have any sort of allergies?

I have a dust allergy, an allergy to some dogs and cats, and hayfever in the summer. I am responding well to Cet. Quite interesting, this.


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I have a dust allergy, an allergy to some dogs and cats, and hayfever in the summer. I am responding well to Cet. Quite interesting, this.

Get an air purifier dude. I'm using rabbitair for my bedroom but there are cheaper ones out there, just make sure it works effectively (research). I also hear ACV internally helps with allergies and local bee pollen as well (if you're not allergic to bees).