To HPM and Seb .... this ones for you.


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Are you by any chance related to Karl Pilkington?


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s.a.f said:
Are you by any chance related to Karl Pilkington?

Karl Pilkington is way more down to earth about his baldness! He's one of the people who genuinely seems to be fine with it. He still thinks it happened because of a single 20 hour shift he did when he was younger.


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Yeah I know he's not bothered about it but I meant in terms of intelect. They both say things which are laughable to people of average intelligence.

uncomfortable man

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SAF, I hope you know I'm not an absolutionist. I never said everyone hates bald people, or everyone is starring at me (that would just be twilight zone). I can admit that there a plenty of folks who are either indifferent or actually cool about it and for those types I am truly grateful. But there are ENOUGH shallow judgmental people out there who do respond negatively to my baldness for it to bother ME. I can't speak for every bald man of course and if I make it sound that way sometimes then I just want to clarify that most all of my content is derived from my own experiences and the emotions they generate. OK?


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uncomfortable man said:
SAF, I hope you know I'm not an absolutionist. I never said everyone hates bald people, or everyone is starring at me (that would just be twilight zone). I can admit that there a plenty of folks who are either indifferent or actually cool about it and for those types I am truly grateful. But there are ENOUGH shallow judgmental people out there who do respond negatively to my baldness for it to bother ME. I can't speak for every bald man of course and if I make it sound that way sometimes then I just want to clarify that most all of my content is derived from my own experiences and the emotions they generate. OK?

I dont catagorize you in the same section as HPM, Seb and Slipy.
The fact that you manage to hold down a job, relationship and social life proves that you cant possibly be on their level.

Plus you never make the same kind of OTT statements that they do.
But whatever shallow people you encounter are still going to be in the minority even in California.


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social recluse is the only option for us.

UCMan didnt cause he is already in a social situation which he cant "get out" of baldness without leaving town, and since he has height and looks and in a LTR he isnt THAT bothered.

but for me i have no choice, its over for me with no hair

its tough though, i essentially have to make new friends while ignoring people that have seen me bald(ing).

have to ditch any social group, any previous job, all that to escape baldness in order to lead a normal dating life without being ignored etc.


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HairPieceMan said:
social recluse is the only option for us.

UCMan didnt cause he is already in a social situation which he cant "get out" of baldness without leaving town, and since he has height and looks and in a LTR he isnt THAT bothered.

but for me i have no choice, its over for me with no hair

its tough though, i essentially have to make new friends while ignoring people that have seen me bald(ing).

have to ditch any social group, any previous job, all that to escape baldness in order to lead a normal dating life without being ignored etc.

What exactly do you imagine happening? As a bald man are do you risk being rounded up and sent to a concentration camp? Or simply stoned to death in the street on sight?

UCmans situation is no different to yours the only difference is he decided to put up with any negativity because to him having a life outweighs being a hermit.

So your not a perfect specimen of man, so what? Neither are 99% of the other guys in the world.
So you not going to get the hottest babes? neither do most guys.
You're all or nothing approach to life is only going to work out badly for you.
Take a look at the terminally ill and disabled and re-evaluate your situation.
Because at the moment your not bald with the wig on and yet you still are'nt doing anything.


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what do you mean "doing anything"

i am already rich. (job sorted)

the only thing i need to do is get a gf, whatever social activities she likes todo i will go along with her.


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You do realise that its going to cost well over half a £million for you to live for the next 50 yrs. Do you actually have that much?

£70 a week dole and £50 a week pocket money from your mum is not what most people would class as being rich.

And do you really think that any girl is going to be attracted to your current lifestyle of staying at home all day watching p**rn and trolling on hairloss sites?


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Ignore saf,he is just jealous that your wig is better than his poxy hair transplant.


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monty1978 said:
hair transplant's and wigs aside. SAF is asking a reasonable question. How does he think he is going to exist for the next 50 to 70 years whilst not earning. If he wanted to live in a 1 bedroom flat and pay the bills and live off of economy food and not really have much of a life he would need to have £650,000 to last him. Add wigs to that and god knows what "eyebrow plucking" and you are looking at about £750,000 and that's if you don't have kids.

So either your mums school teachers salary is the highest on the planet or you are f***ed. I think he's f***ed anyway cos he's clearly mental!

Most people dont think that far ahead.


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monty1978 said:
Dont they? I thought it was simple maths. No job, no money, long life requiring food and wigs. Half of Mummys £300,000 house equals 7 years of food board and wigs. It's not that hard! :dunno:

No,most people dont think ahead...they live day to day,in their mundane lives buying s**t(on a credit card) they dont really want,nor need,not thinkng about the consequences,living for the weekend,chasing thier dreams down the bottom of a pint glass.
Regarding HPM,in 50years time his parents will be long gone(hell so will he,probably),thus attaining his inheritance.


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monty1978 said:
Dont they? I thought it was simple maths. No job, no money, long life requiring food and wigs. Half of Mummys £300,000 house equals 7 years of food board and wigs. It's not that hard! :dunno:

Oh it gets better.....

Apparently his mum earns £30k a year as a teacher but subsidises him to the tune of £20k and his brother a whopping £60k a year in order to keep his wife from leaving him due to his baldness. Thats -50k per annum from her 'fortune' and lets be honest her own living expeses must be a further £15k or so per year.

But you have to factor in that pretty soon his mum must be retireing so no doubt she's looking at using collateral from the £300k house to keep her in her old age and probably thinking of downsizing to a nice little bungalow. And what happens if she has to go into care in the future and then theres always the inheritance tax on whatever she would be leaving him and his brother.

His belief that women will see him as rich is ridiculous, this might have been the case when he was a schoolkid but any grown woman 18+ will be intelligent enough to realise what we all know about the situation.


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seb said:
Ignore saf,he is just jealous that your wig is better than his poxy hair transplant.

Yeah it is, however his life on the otherhand .... :whistle:


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monty1978 said:
I doubt we'll get updates on his impending downfall cos he wont have a computer at some stage. Shame, I might even miss the little chap!

NOT :woot:

In all seriousness he'll probably end up in care in some residential setting for the mentally impaired getting his 3 square meals and incapacity benefit and still consider himself rich! This scenario sincerely wouldn't suprise me!

No we'll get some obvious bull5hit about him having a secret trust fund worth millions.
But its obvious to us all that anyone who considers a £300k semi (that belongs to his mum) and a few grand spent on wigs and veneers as some kind of wealthy, playboy lifestyle is clearly deluded.


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monty1978 said:
I doubt we'll get updates on his impending downfall cos he wont have a computer at some stage. Shame, I might even miss the little chap!

NOT :woot:

In all seriousness he'll probably end up in care in some residential setting for the mentally impaired getting his 3 square meals and incapacity benefit and still consider himself rich! This scenario sincerely wouldn't suprise me!

Why dont you visit him,you live in the uk also.....


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monty1978 said:
cos I'm soft as sh*t. I'll end up feeling sorry for him instead of strongly disliking the little f***tt.

Besides, this is not a NEED to know basis. More a want to take the piss basis!

The poor little mite cant help it...I actually empathise,its not easy in this visual-orientated world to function when you have many aesthetic faults,so as he has.
Just call it the humanitarian in me. :)


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monty1978 said:
I agree but I'm not taking back any of the nasty things I said about him. He should learn some values!

You dont have to justify yourself too me pal,stand by youre beliefs,I respect that in a person.


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yes its all true

all i can say is my brother moved out of the house in his early 20s, apparently "standing on his own 2 feet", he earns about £25K a year in I.T. in his 20s, but the guy was acting like he was on £75K a year by looking at the place he owned and his lifestyle becuase his first place was worth like £150K and that was BEFORE his wife came into the house (dont need her contribution), i mean how can someone stay in a place like that without help from mum of about £50K a year.

once his wife met him, got married in the space of 2 years, she saw our family home and said "this is the most expensive home i have been in", she is a working class girl and comes from low rent background, anyway he went to las vegas (yes LAS VEGAS) with her for honeymoon, he went their for 10 days, 1st class flights and went the the master suite of the most expensive hotel and eat out everynight and went to see shows (star trek show etc.)

obviosuly this isnt normal ^^, he is acting like an L.A. movie star or something.

in his early 30s he decided to move his wife and 2 kids (1st one not his) into a new £240K home, even though the first one was perfect worth £150K, hes now acting as if he is a doctor in his 40s that commutes to london and is on £100K a year but he is really on about £30K a year, his wife never works at all, she comes from a working class background whos parents rent a tiny cottage in a rubbish area, her mum pulls pints in the pub and her dad shoots dear, johns wifes sister has a bf and they do normal jobs both of them and they rent a basic flat somewhere

but my brother and his wife has this new £240K home, with "spare" bedroom, spare reception, spare bathroom big personal garden, good view and posh area.

but f*** knows where this money is ACTUALLY coming from.

tbh i thougth his £150K home , his first place was perfect, now he has to stay in this "we have too much money so lets show off" place, now he is all about the extra rooms,reception, bathroom.

id say its almsot like my mum bought my brother a £250K home,20K car for his wife (she drives this expensive car that even her parents couldn't afford in their 40s), £20K wedding and honeymoon to las vegas (none of her friends have been to las vegas before), and my brother income covers food and furnising in the home, THAT IS ALL, his wife is along for the ride and owns at least 50% of this becuase their married (no idea again why he went for this)

i remember one time my brother said "my wife hasnt had a job in 2 years so i better find her something to do" and i was thinking like "how the hell u staying in a own property home worth £240K and your the only income, and you keep going on expensive trips to las vegas, family outings to center parks, 2 kids to feed and their christmases are HUGE and sh*t.

yeah my mum makes £33k a year exactly, my dad had a private engineering company i have no idea how much it made but it must have been a sh*t load.

i think my brother shoudl have had is gf as a tag along gf that hangs around thewealth instead of owning the property and sharing bank accounts, then she can stay with him and she gets a free trip to las vegas and her food covered for her and kids, instead of this marriage malarchy.


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It sounds like the only job youre brothers wife is interested in,is blow-jobs....true love eh. ha ha ha.