Tissuse And J. Hewitt: Smart Hair Transplant Trial In 2019!


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I just dont understand why only such a little company is interested in the technology of Tissuse.
I mean it could cure baldness, its a billion Dollar Business, why it took so long to find a partner and why a serios company like Bayer wasnt interested.

I dont get it

Seems like lots of fishy stuff going on here.

Sorry to complain about my life again but I've had a very rough last few days and now I'm thinking about a hair system because I realize that there is just no way I can ever be happy with my appearance with a bald, white, sickly looking head. It's not even about what others think...my few friends like me regardless; they don't give a sh*t about my lack of hair. But it matters to me. I'm fit and athletic...doesn't matter one bit; I'm an ugly mf and look disgusting. Such a hard dilemma though...do I really want to have to glue a f*****g rug to my scalp and then have people know it ain't real...would prob be the only dude in college wearing one...but I'm one of only a few bald dudes right now...sigh...
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Seems like lots of fishy stuff going on here.

Sorry to complain about my life again but I've had a very rough last few days and now I'm thinking about a hair system because I realize that there is just no way I can ever be happy with my appearance with a bald, white, sickly looking head. It's not even about what others think...my few friends like me regardless; they don't give a sh*t about my lack of hair. But it matters to me. I'm fit and athletic...doesn't matter one bit; I'm an ugly mf and look disgusting. Such a hard dilemma though...do I really want to have to glue a f*****g rug to my scalp and then have people know it ain't real...would prob be the only dude in college wearing one...but I'm one of only a few bald dudes right now...sigh...
Yea go for hair system asap bro, dont waste your life. Cure is gonna come in 10 years atleast


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Seems like lots of fishy stuff going on here.

Sorry to complain about my life again but I've had a very rough last few days and now I'm thinking about a hair system because I realize that there is just no way I can ever be happy with my appearance with a bald, white, sickly looking head. It's not even about what others think...my few friends like me regardless; they don't give a sh*t about my lack of hair. But it matters to me. I'm fit and athletic...doesn't matter one bit; I'm an ugly mf and look disgusting. Such a hard dilemma though...do I really want to have to glue a f*****g rug to my scalp and then have people know it ain't real...would prob be the only dude in college wearing one...but I'm one of only a few bald dudes right now...sigh...

dude I get life is tough but stop complaining. No ones wants to hear it on the research and dev. thread.

Do your research and either get SMP or a hair system. The matter of fact is that there is a >98% chance you are going to live the rest of your young life as a bald man, whether you choose to dwell on it and let it ruin you is entirely your choice.


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dude I get life is tough but stop complaining. No ones wants to hear it on the research and dev. thread.

Do your research and either get SMP or a hair system. The matter of fact is that there is a >98% chance you are going to live the rest of your young life as a bald man, whether you choose to dwell on it and let it ruin you is entirely your choice.

Please do not lecture me. I've done my research; this is something I've been going through for 5+ years now, not just a short phase. I do my best in life but despite trying to maintain the best possible attitude in real life, it's always devastating at the end of the day. I've tried to change that and it just isn't going to happen. Just the way it's going to be. It's not for others; it's for me. And I don't see SMP or even a regular transplant as satisfactory options for my own approval. My mental health is fucked until it can be fixed in full with some kind of cloning transplant. So many of us feel that way. Otherwise we wouldn't be on here talking about ridiculous snake oils to rub on our heads in desperation.
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Please do not lecture me. I've done my research; this is something I've been going through for 5+ years now, not just a short phase. I do my best in life but despite trying to maintain the best possible attitude in real life, it's always devastating at the end of the day. I've tried to change that and it just isn't going to happen. Just the way it's going to be. It's not for others; it's for me. And I don't see SMP or even a regular transplant as satisfactory options for my own approval. My mental health is fucked until it can be fixed in full with some kind of cloning transplant. So many of us feel that way. Otherwise we wouldn't be on here talking about ridiculous snake oils to rub on our heads in desperation.

So if you don’t want to be “lectured” and realize where you’re at hair wise, then why are you on here complaining? No one here can help you dude. You will be 30 years old at the very earliest before any sort of advanced treatment can give you a head of hair. More realistically, 35.

When you become bald in your early-mid twenties you literally have one choice and that is to grow up.

Yeah you won’t be as attractive, or have girls on your dick every other week (if that ever happened before anyway).

So god forbid maybe you need to find some other purpose in your life outside of your looks? Figure out who you are and what you stand for?

In doing so you might make some new friends, those who align more with your personality and your purpose, and just maybe one day a woman will come along too.

None of that is ever going to happen unless you stop being such a pussy and complaining about how bad your life is in an online forum.

Call me an a**h** all you want, that’s tough love at its finest.


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So if you don’t want to be “lectured” and realize where you’re at hair wise, then why are you on here complaining? No one here can help you dude. You will be 30 years old at the very earliest before any sort of advanced treatment can give you a head of hair. More realistically, 35.

When you become bald in your early-mid twenties you literally have one choice and that is to grow up.

Yeah you won’t be as attractive, or have girls on your dick every other week (if that ever happened before anyway).

So god forbid maybe you need to find some other purpose in your life outside of your looks? Figure out who you are and what you stand for?

In doing so you might make some new friends, those who align more with your personality and your purpose, and just maybe one day a woman will come along too.

None of that is ever going to happen unless you stop being such a pussy and complaining about how bad your life is in an online forum.

Call me an a**h** all you want, that’s tough love at its finest.

You're giving some great advice. Easier said than done is all. Truly wish I could have taken this type of advice when I was in my early twenties.

Its very dangerous believing a cure is right around the corner. Life just passes you by. It seems like follica, replicel, histogen are all failed attempts and will never become available. Anyone who has the ability to just 'accept' their situation would be wise to do so.


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So if you don’t want to be “lectured” and realize where you’re at hair wise, then why are you on here complaining? No one here can help you dude. You will be 30 years old at the very earliest before any sort of advanced treatment can give you a head of hair. More realistically, 35.

When you become bald in your early-mid twenties you literally have one choice and that is to grow up.

Yeah you won’t be as attractive, or have girls on your dick every other week (if that ever happened before anyway).

So god forbid maybe you need to find some other purpose in your life outside of your looks? Figure out who you are and what you stand for?

In doing so you might make some new friends, those who align more with your personality and your purpose, and just maybe one day a woman will come along too.

None of that is ever going to happen unless you stop being such a pussy and complaining about how bad your life is in an online forum.

Call me an a**h** all you want, that’s tough love at its finest.

1. I never asked anyone here for help.
2. There's no such thing as just "growing up" and not ever being bothered by hair loss again. It doesn't work that way, pal. I've been "grown up" for years; the sadness over hair will still always remain.
3. Why don't you think I have a purpose in life outside of looks? Because I haven't talked about anything else in my life on here? You don't think people can have busy, meaningful lives and STILL be depressed about something specific?

My bad, let me begin my life story and interests...

Just kidding. Nobody wants to f*****g hear that and your post is ridiculous, immature, and just plain stupid. I have my life together far more than you seem to (wrongly) assume and don't need your advice. You simply don't get it and you have no business telling others that they shouldn't "complain" on a forum like this one. If people want to mention how depressing and disappointing it is to have technological setbacks and delays with these new methods, that's pretty damn mild.


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You're giving some great advice. Easier said than done is all. Truly wish I could have taken this type of advice when I was in my early twenties.

Its very dangerous believing a cure is right around the corner. Life just passes you by. It seems like follica, replicel, histogen are all failed attempts and will never become available. Anyone who has the ability to just 'accept' their situation would be wise to do so.

This is straight garbage and you know it. Just because someone talks negatively about hair loss on a forum doesn't mean they hate their entire life or can't do things, or can't hold a job, or hold relationships, or have responsibilities. And having all those things - having your life together - is no guarantee of freedom of any sadness from hair loss. Implying that the two are the same and urging people to just "accept" it shows how poorly you're unable to accept other people's perspectives and places in life. Just stop it.

The attacking people for throwing in the occasional sad comment in response to new news and telling them just to "grow up" is more destructive to these threads.
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Seems like lots of fishy stuff going on here.

Sorry to complain about my life again but I've had a very rough last few days and now I'm thinking about a hair system because I realize that there is just no way I can ever be happy with my appearance with a bald, white, sickly looking head. It's not even about what others think...my few friends like me regardless; they don't give a sh*t about my lack of hair. But it matters to me. I'm fit and athletic...doesn't matter one bit; I'm an ugly mf and look disgusting. Such a hard dilemma though...do I really want to have to glue a f*****g rug to my scalp and then have people know it ain't real...would prob be the only dude in college wearing one...but I'm one of only a few bald dudes right now...sigh...

Sorry to hear your going through this while at this point in your life. If it was me and with my experience I would say dont go with a hair piece if your living an active life style etc Ive never had one or anything but it just seems like it would be even more anxiety for you making things worse. Constantly worrying if anyone knows you have a wig or what if it comes off etc . Just try and focus on keeping in shape and succeeding as much as you possibly can. We all want hair here, we can agree that it does look good but youd be surprised how you perceive yourself and how other perceive you is completely different . sure you may stand out if no one else is bald or balding much yet with who your around but think about it in reverse there actually will be some people out there who like the shaven look and you would be the only one with that. Think positive man and try to move on, you should be way happier that way.


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J Hewitt results leaked !!!


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1. I never asked anyone here for help.
2. There's no such thing as just "growing up" and not ever being bothered by hair loss again. It doesn't work that way, pal. I've been "grown up" for years; the sadness over hair will still always remain.
3. Why don't you think I have a purpose in life outside of looks? Because I haven't talked about anything else in my life on here? You don't think people can have busy, meaningful lives and STILL be depressed about something specific?

My bad, let me begin my life story and interests...

Just kidding. Nobody wants to f*****g hear that and your post is ridiculous, immature, and just plain stupid. I have my life together far more than you seem to (wrongly) assume and don't need your advice. You simply don't get it and you have no business telling others that they shouldn't "complain" on a forum like this one. If people want to mention how depressing and disappointing it is to have technological setbacks and delays with these new methods, that's pretty damn mild.

lol ok buddy. Literally all of us are dealing with hairloss that takes a toll on our confidence and self esteem. Some of us are just choosing to handle it in more constructive ways. I won’t bother commenting on your sh*t anymore because clearly you just want to whine for the sake of everyone else reading it.

Absolutely pathetic.


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lol ok buddy. Literally all of us are dealing with hairloss that takes a toll on our confidence and self esteem. Some of us are just choosing to handle it in more constructive ways. I won’t bother commenting on your sh*t anymore because clearly you just want to whine for the sake of everyone else reading it.

Absolutely pathetic.

Again, you seem to confuse with what we say on here with whether we're living "constructive" lives or not. Stupid and wrong, of course, and if you'd look at my post history you'd see I've been part of the complex discussion about new hair technologies and treatments. I don't simply want to whine so others read it...sometimes we just have bad days. The least you could do is recognize who here are obvious trolls with serious mental health issues and those of us who are involved in real discussion. Imagine being offended that someone else was genuinely sad in making a post. It's clear you don't use your head.


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This is the TissUse patent out of the year 2015

I read this entire thing but don't see where it talks anything about injection or implantation back into the scalp. Is that the whole point... that all that this is here is a method of cultivating/cloning hair follicle cells in vitro, without any clue to whether it will actually produce full new hair follicles in bald scalp area?


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J. Hewitt Hair Multiplication Trial Update January 2020 (1/21/20)
Many readers have been asking for an update on J. Hewitt’s trial of the Smart Hair Transplant (SHT) procedure which was planned to begin in December 2019. The proposed start date of December 2019 was given by J. Hewitt’s CEO Jon Knight who shared this information with Follicle Thought, Fuji Kagurazaka (admin of Hair Loss Cure Japan blog) and other hair journalists. Unfortunately, the trial was not able to begin in December and is now facing some delays.

I have recently been in contact with CEO Jon Knight to get clarity on the cause of the delay and current status of the trial. In short, J. Hewitt’s trial was not able to begin as planned because negotiations with a Cell Processing Center (company who would conduct the trial) fell through after long negotiations. This now accounts for about 6 months of lost time. Jon Knight provided this brief quote regarding the trial for readers: “We have encountered some unexpected delays in the process of establishing an agreement with a Cell Processing Center. Our goals remains the same and J. Hewitt continues to pursue its trial for SHT in Japan.”

While it is disappointing to know the trial was not able to begin as planned, it is good to know that J. Hewitt is still actively working to initiate the trial. The time range for the start of the trial is unclear for now and it’s most likely best for the company to not give another estimated date just yet. So, perhaps the initial announcement by Knight was a bit overconfident, but it is clear that J. Hewitt has officially partnered with TissUse for the sole purpose of trialing the SHT technology in advantageous Japan. As an aside, J. Hewitt is not a publicly traded company and would gain no financial benefit from their previous announcement regarding clinical trials. I will provide another update about the SHT trial as soon as new information becomes available.


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J. Hewitt Hair Multiplication Trial Update January 2020 (1/21/20)
Many readers have been asking for an update on J. Hewitt’s trial of the Smart Hair Transplant (SHT) procedure which was planned to begin in December 2019. The proposed start date of December 2019 was given by J. Hewitt’s CEO Jon Knight who shared this information with Follicle Thought, Fuji Kagurazaka (admin of Hair Loss Cure Japan blog) and other hair journalists. Unfortunately, the trial was not able to begin in December and is now facing some delays.

I have recently been in contact with CEO Jon Knight to get clarity on the cause of the delay and current status of the trial. In short, J. Hewitt’s trial was not able to begin as planned because negotiations with a Cell Processing Center (company who would conduct the trial) fell through after long negotiations. This now accounts for about 6 months of lost time. Jon Knight provided this brief quote regarding the trial for readers: “We have encountered some unexpected delays in the process of establishing an agreement with a Cell Processing Center. Our goals remains the same and J. Hewitt continues to pursue its trial for SHT in Japan.”

While it is disappointing to know the trial was not able to begin as planned, it is good to know that J. Hewitt is still actively working to initiate the trial. The time range for the start of the trial is unclear for now and it’s most likely best for the company to not give another estimated date just yet. So, perhaps the initial announcement by Knight was a bit overconfident, but it is clear that J. Hewitt has officially partnered with TissUse for the sole purpose of trialing the SHT technology in advantageous Japan. As an aside, J. Hewitt is not a publicly traded company and would gain no financial benefit from their previous announcement regarding clinical trials. I will provide another update about the SHT trial as soon as new information becomes available.

I see the announcement of partnership with TissUse is 4/19. I find it hard to fathom such a delay since there are numerous entities that can conduct clinical trials from private research or medical offices to universities and pharmaceutical companies. And, particularly in Japan, they have much more lenient regulations in regard to such things. Guess we shall just have to wait for it to unfold.